Planner Cost

The Navigation local planner is based on the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) planner. It works by generating a trajectory that minimizes a cost function. Unfortunately, there is no single cost function that works for all the applications; therefore, it’s important to customize a cost function for your own application. This is where PlannerCost and PlannerCostBuilder come into action:

  • PlannerCost provides an interface to generate a cost function:

class PlannerCost { public: // Returns true if the current state is valid. virtual bool isValid(double time, const VectorXd& state); // Returns the evaluation at a given state and time. virtual double evaluate(double time, const VectorXd& state) = 0; // Adds the gradient of this cost function for the given state to the given vector `gradient`. // `gradient` uses a Ref<VectorXd> to allow block operation to passed to this function. virtual void addGradient(double time, const VectorXd& state, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> gradient) = 0; // Adds the hessian of this cost function for the given state to the given matrix `hessian`. // `hessian` uses a Ref<VectorXd> to allow block operation to passed to this function. virtual void addHessian(double time, const VectorXd& state, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> hessian) = 0; };

  • PlannerCostBuilder provides a component interface to add Planner cost to your application:

class PlannerCostBuilder : public alice::Component { public: // Creates the cost function initially. Makes sure all necessary memory required for subsequent // calls to `update` is allocated. virtual PlannerCost* build() = 0; // Prepares the cost function for the given time interval. // Does not do any dynamic memory allocations. virtual void update(double start_time, double end_time) {} // Destroys the cost function and all memory which was allocated during `build`. virtual void destroy() = 0; // Returns a pointer to the maintained cost function virtual PlannerCost* get() = 0; };

The main component is isaac.planner_cost.PlannerCostBuilder, which is the interface to add a new PlannerCost.

The following are cost functions that are already implemented in Isaac SDK and ready for use:

You can run Flatsim to see how the Navigation local planner performs:


bazel run //packages/flatsim/apps:flatsim -- --demo demo_1

If you want to create your own cost, you should first determine whether the existing costs in packages/planner_cost/gems do what you need. If none of these costs are sufficient, you will need to first create a class implementing the PlannerCost interface.

For example, let’s look at ScalarMultiplication, which takes a PlannerCost as input and multiplies it by a constant:


// This is an implementation of PlannerCost. // It takes another PlannerCost and simply multiplies by a constant value. class ScalarMultiplication : public PlannerCost { public: ScalarMultiplication(PlannerCost* cost, double constant) : cost_(cost), constant_(constant) {} // Returns true if the current state is valid. Here we will just rely on the other PlannerCost bool isValid(double time, const VectorXd& state) override { return cost_->isValid(time, state); } // Returns the evaluation at a given state and time. // We can multiply the result of cost_->evaluate() by our constant. double evaluate(double time, const VectorXd& state) override { return constant_ * cost_->evaluate(time, state); } // Adds the gradient of this cost function for the given state to the given vector `gradient`. // `gradient` uses a Ref<VectorXd> to allow block operation to passed to this function. // We need to scale the gradient by our constant. void addGradient(double time, const VectorXd& state, Eigen::Ref<VectorXd> gradient) override { VectorXd tmp_gradient = VectorXd::Zero(gradient.size()); cost_->addGradient(time, state, tmp_gradient); gradient += tmp_gradient * constant_; } // Adds the hessian of this cost function for the given state to the given matrix `hessian`. // `hessian` uses a Ref<VectorXd> to allow block operation to passed to this function. // We need to scale the hessian by our constant. void addHessian(double time, const VectorXd& state, Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd> hessian) override { MatrixXd tmp_hessian = MatrixXd::Zero(hessian.rows(), hessian.cols()); cost_->addHessian(time, state, tmp_hessian); hessian += tmp_hessian * constant_; } private: // Hold another cost_ PlannerCost* cost_ = nullptr; double constant_ = 1.0; };

Once you have your new PlannerCost, you can use a custom builder, as shown below. Note that it must implement the interface PlannerCostBuilder:


class ScalarMultiplicationBuilder : public PlannerCostBuilder { public: // Creates the cost function initially. Makes sure all necessary memory required for subsequent // calls to `update` is allocated. PlannerCost* build() override { builder_ = node()->app()->findComponentByName<PlannerCostBuilder>(get_component_name()); ASSERT(builder_ != nullptr, "Failed to load the component: %s", get_component_name().c_str()); cost_.reset(new ScalarMultiplication(builder_->build(), get_constant())); return static_cast<PlannerCost*>(cost_.get()); } // Prepares the cost function for the given time interval. // Does not do any dynamic memory allocations. void update(double start_time, double end_time) override { builder_->update(start_time, end_time); } // Destroys the cost function and all memory which was allocated during `build`. void destroy() override { cost_.reset(); builder_->destroy(); } // Returns a pointer to the maintained cost function PlannerCost* get() override { return static_cast<PlannerCost*>(cost_.get()); } // Name of the component implementating a PlannerCostBuilder to be used as distance function ISAAC_PARAM(std::string, component_name); // Constant multiplication factor ISAAC_PARAM(double, constant, 20.0); private: std::unique_ptr<ScalarMultiplication> cost_; PlannerCostBuilder* builder_; };

We now have a new PlannerCost that we can use to scale any existing PlannerCost. We also have a builder for it. In the next section, we will look at how to expand the existing navigation graph to scale an existing cost.

To customize the graph, edit the packages/navigation/apps/differential_base_control.subgraph.json file.

First you should locate the Node containing all the builders:


{ "name": "lqr_state_cost", "components": [ { "name": "TotalSum", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::AdditionBuilder" }, { "name": "LimitRange", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::RangeConstraintsCostBuilder" }, { "name": "TargetRange", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::RangeConstraintsCostBuilder" }, { "name": "SmoothMinimumBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::SmoothMinimumBuilder" }, { "name": "CirclesUnionSmoothDistanceBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::CirclesUnionSmoothDistanceBuilder" }, { "name": "ObstacleLocalMap", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::ObstacleDistanceBuilder" }, { "name": "ObstacleRestrictedArea", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::ObstacleDistanceBuilder" }, { "name": "DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder" } ] }, { "name": "lqr_control_cost", "components": [ { "name": "RangeConstraintsCostBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::RangeConstraintsCostBuilder" } ] },

lqr_state_cost contains the list of builders used to compute the cost associated with the states along the trajectory, while lqr_control_cost contains the cost associated with the control.

Further down, you can find the config parameter associated with these costs:


"lqr": { "isaac.lqr.DifferentialBaseLqrPlanner": { ... "state_planner_cost_name": "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/TotalSum)", "control_planner_cost_name": "$(fullname lqr_control_cost/RangeConstraintsCostBuilder)" ... } },

Here we define the root of the cost associated with the controls and the root associated with the states:


"TotalSum": { "component_names": [ "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder)", "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/LimitRange)", "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/TargetRange)" ] },

There are three costs added to compute the final cost:


"DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder": { "component_name": "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/CirclesUnionSmoothDistanceBuilder)" }, "CirclesUnionSmoothDistanceBuilder": { "component_name": "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/SmoothMinimumBuilder)" }, "SmoothMinimumBuilder": { "component_names": [ "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/ObstacleLocalMap)", "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/ObstacleRestrictedArea)" ] }, "ObstacleLocalMap": { "obstacle_name": "local_map" }, "ObstacleRestrictedArea": { "obstacle_name": "map/restricted_area" },

This can look complicated at first–let’s analyze it starting from the end:

  • ObstacleLocalMap and ObstacleRestrictedArea are both loading an obstacle from Atlas and return the signed distance from a 2d to an obstacle.
  • SmoothMinimumBuilder helps approximate the minimum distance–ultimately, we want to know how close the robot is to the closest obstacle. If you need to handle more obstacles, this would be a good place to make additions.
  • CirclesUnionSmoothDistanceBuilder is an helper function that helps compute the distance, not only for a single 2d point, but for all the circles in the SphericalRobotShape. It will return the distance of the robot from a list of obstacles.
  • Finally isaac.planner_cost.DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder expects a distance function and computes the cost: \(0.5 * gain * min(0, distance(state) - target_distance - alpha * speed)^2\). We simply pass the distance function computed by CirclesUnionSmoothDistanceBuilder.

Let’s explore how you can modify the above example to add your custom cost function. Assume you have the following:

  • A new CustomDistanceBuilder that returns a distance to some obstacles, but in centimeters.
  • The ScalarMultiplicationBuilder we have defined above.

Now we need to combine both to compute the distance in meters, and we need to add it to the list of obstacles. First we need to add both components to our node:


{ "name": "lqr_state_cost", "components": [ { "name": "TotalSum", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::AdditionBuilder" }, ... { "name": "DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::DistanceQuadraticCostBuilder" }, { "name": "ScalarMultiplicationBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::ScalarMultiplicationBuilder" }, { "name": "CustomDistanceBuilder", "type": "isaac::planner_cost::CustomDistanceBuilder" } ] },

Afterward, we need create the config for them:


"lqr_state_cost": { ... "ScalarMultiplicationBuilder": { "component_name": "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/CustomDistanceBuilder)", "constant": 100.0 }, "CustomDistanceBuilder": { ... } }

Finally, we need to add our new distance to the list of existing obstacles:


"SmoothMinimumBuilder": { "component_names": [ "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/ObstacleLocalMap)", "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/ObstacleRestrictedArea)", "$(fullname lqr_state_cost/ScalarMultiplicationBuilder)" ] },

We have successfully added a new obstacle using a custom builder.

© Copyright 2018-2020, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Oct 30, 2023.