Jetson Linux API Reference

32.6.1 Release

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Detailed Description

Object representing a single camera device.

CameraDevices are provided by a CameraProvider and are used to access the camera devices available within the system. Each device is based on a single sensor or a set of synchronized sensors.

See also

Data Structures

class  Argus::Ext::ISensorEepromData
 Interface used to get EEPROM data. More...
class  Argus::Ext::ISensorOtpData
 Interface used to get OTP data. More...
class  Argus::Ext::ISyncSensorCalibrationData
 Interface used to access sync sensor calibration data. More...
class  Argus::Ext::ISensorPrivateMetadataCaps
 Interface used to query the availability and size in bytes of sensor private metadata. More...
class  Argus::ICameraProperties
 Interface to the core CameraDevice properties. More...


 Child object representing a CameraDevice's sensor mode, returned by ICameraProperties::getAllSensorModes.