Jetson Linux API Reference

32.7.5 Release
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C_NvBufferCDEParamsHolds CDE parameters
 C_NvBufferChromaSubSamplingParamsHolds Chroma Subsampling parameters
 C_NvBufferCompositeParamsHolds parameters related to compositing/blending
 C_NvBufferCreateParamsHolds the input parameters for hardware buffer creation
 C_NvBufferParamsHolds parameters for a hardware buffer
 C_NvBufferParamsExHolds extended parameters for a hardware buffer
 C_NvBufferSyncObjParamsHolds parameters for buffer sync point object
 C_NvBufferSyncObjRecBuffer sync point object
 C_NvBufferTransformParamsHolds parameters for buffer transform functions
 C_NvDrmBOHolds a buffer object handle
 C_NvDrmFBHolds information about the frame
 C_v4l2_argus_color_saturationHolds the value for absolute color saturation
 C_v4l2_argus_ctrl_metadataHolds the value for camera output metadata
 C_v4l2_argus_denoise_strengthHolds the strength value for denoise operation
 C_v4l2_argus_edge_enhance_strengthHolds the strength value for edge enhancement operation
 C_v4l2_argus_exposure_compensationHolds the value for exposure compensation
 C_v4l2_argus_exposure_timerangeHolds the value for exposure range
 C_v4l2_argus_gainrangeHolds the value for gain range
 C_v4l2_argus_ispdigital_gainrangeHolds the value for Isp Digital gain range
 C_v4l2_chroma_subsampling_paramsHolds Chroma Subsampling parameters
 C_v4l2_ctrl_video_device_pollPoll device
 C_v4l2_ctrl_video_hdrmasteringdisplaydataHDR Metadata
 C_v4l2_ctrl_video_qp_rangeHolds the encoder frame min/max QP parameters
 C_v4l2_enc_frame_propHolds the encoder frame property
 C_v4l2_map_planeHolds parameters for a hardware buffer
 Cgmsl_link_ctxHolds the configuration of the GMSL links from a sensor to its serializer to its deserializer
 Cgmsl_streamHolds information about a data stream in a GMSL link (gmsl_link_ctx)
 CMVInfo_Holds the motion vector parameters for a single block
 CNvBufferClass representing a buffer
 CNvBufferCompositeBackgroundHolds composition background r,g,b colors
 CNvBufferRectHolds coordinates for a rectangle
 CNvDrmRendererHelper class for rendering using LibDRM
 CNvEglRendererNvEglRenderer is a helper class for rendering using EGL and OpenGL ES 2.0
 CNvElementEvery element has a unique name that can be used for identifying the element in debug logs
 CNvJPEGDecoderHelper class for decoding JPEG images using libjpeg APIs
 CNvJPEGEncoderNvJpegEncoder uses the libjpeg APIs for decoding JPEG images
 CNvV4l2ElementDefines a helper class for V4L2 based components
 CNvV4l2ElementPlaneDefines a helper class for operations performed on a V4L2 Element plane
 CNvVideoConverterDefines a helper class for V4L2 Video Converter
 CNvVideoDecoderDefines a helper class for V4L2 Video Decoder
 CNvVideoEncoderDefines a helper class for V4L2 Video Encoder
 Crng_srv_msgHolds an IPC packet for communication with the RNG
 Cv4l2_ctrl_h264dec_bufmetadata_Holds H.264 specific decoder metadata for the frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_hevcdec_bufmetadata_Holds H.265 specific decoder metadata for the frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_video_metadata_Holds the metadata parameters for video encoder and decoder
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videodec_currentframe_metadata_Holds the the frame specific metadata for the current frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videodec_dpbinfometadata_Holds the decoder DPB info metadata
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videodec_inputbuf_metadata_Holds the video decoder input header error metadata for a frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videodec_outputbuf_metadata_Holds the video decoder output metadata for a frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videodec_refframe_metadata_Holds the the frame specific metadata for a reference frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videodec_statusmetadata_Holds the decoder error status metadata for the frame
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videoenc_input_metadata_Holds the encoder frame input metadata parameters
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videoenc_outputbuf_metadata_Holds the encoder output metadata for a frame, to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_METADATA IOCTL
 Cv4l2_ctrl_videoenc_outputbuf_metadata_MV_Holds the motion vector parameters for one complete frame
 Cv4l2_enc_enable_ext_rate_ctrl_Holds the params to configure encoder for external rate control mode to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_RATE_CONTROL IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_Holds the params to configure encoder for external rps control to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_RPS_CONTROL IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_enable_reconcrc_param_Holds the params to configure encoder for Reconstructed CRC encoding
 Cv4l2_enc_enable_roi_param_Holds the params to configure encoder for ROI parameters encoding
 Cv4l2_enc_frame_ext_rate_ctrl_params_Holds the encoder frame external rate control parameters to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_INPUT_METADATA ioctl
 Cv4l2_enc_frame_ext_rps_ctrl_params_Holds the encoder frame external rps control parameters to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_INPUT_METADATA IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_frame_full_prop_Holds the RPS List parameters of encoded frame
 Cv4l2_enc_frame_ReconCRC_params_Holds the encoder frame Reconstructed CRC parameters
 Cv4l2_enc_frame_ROI_params_Holds the encoder frame ROI parameters to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_ROI_PARAMS IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_gdr_params_Holds the encoder GDR parameters to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_INPUT_METADATA IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_hw_preset_type_param_Holds encoder HW Preset type parameters to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_HW_PRESET_TYPE_PARAM IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_num_ref_frames_Holds encoder number of reference frame parameters, to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_NUM_REFERENCE_FRAMES IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_ROI_param_Holds the encoder quality parameters for a single ROI region
 Cv4l2_enc_slice_intrarefresh_param_Holds encoder slice intrareferesh parameters, to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_SLICE_INTRAREFRESH_PARAM IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_slice_length_param_Holds encoder slice length parameters, to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_SLICE_LENGTH_PARAM IOCTL
 Cv4l2_enc_virtual_buffer_size_Holds encoder virtual buffer size parameters, to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_VIRTUALBUFFER_SIZE IOCTL