Jetson Linux API Reference

32.7.5 Release
key_mgnt.c File Reference

Detailed Description

AES-256 software key definition functions

Description: This file specifies the AES-256 software key definition function.

Definition in file key_mgnt.c.

Go to the source code of this file.


static int nist_sp_800_108_with_cmac (uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len, char const *context, char const *label, uint32_t dk_len, uint8_t *out_dk)
 A software-based NIST-SP-800-108 KDF; derives keys from a key in a key buffer. More...
static int key_mgnt_derive_root_keys (void)
static int set_ekb_key_to_keyslot (uint32_t keyslot, uint8_t key_index)
static int tegra_se_cmac_self_test (void)
static int tegra_se_nist_800_108_kdf_self_test (void)
int key_mgnt_processing (void)


static uint8_t fv_for_ekb []
static uint8_t fv_for_ssk_dk []
static uint8_t kek2_rk_for_ekb [AES_KEY_128_SIZE] = { 0 }
static uint8_t ssk_rk [AES_KEY_128_SIZE] = { 0 }
static uint8_t demo_256_rk [AES_KEY_256_SIZE] = { 0 }
static uint8_t ekb_ek [AES_KEY_128_SIZE] = { 0 }
static uint8_t ekb_ak [AES_KEY_128_SIZE] = { 0 }
static uint8_t ssk_dk [AES_KEY_128_SIZE] = { 0 }