.. _SD.Bootloader.GpioInterruptMapConfig: .. include:: /content/swdocs.rsts .. spelling:: pad init DTS sdmmc SDMMC hv eqos io ao ufs qspi DTSI SoC PMC IMPL bct GPIO pinmux dtsi pinctrl lpdr tristate ps PADCTL i2c I2C DRAM FPS PWM MMIO PMIC Vout SOC Hz pwm mmio pad prod QSPI DDR ddr SDR sdr BootROM val qspiflash sata BPMP FW UPHY uphy gpio GPIO Interrupt Mapping Configuration !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To reduce the interrupt hunt time for GPIO pins from an ISR, in T23x, each GPO controller has eight interrupt lines to LIC. This provides the opportunity to map the GPIO pin to any of these interrupts. The configuration is specified in the GPIO interrupt configuration file. Each entry in the configuration file is in the following form: .. code-block:: none gpio-intmap { port@ { pin--int-line = ; }; port@ { pin--int-line = ; } }; where: - ```` is the port name like A, B, C..Z, AA, BB - ```` is the pin id in the port. Valid values are 0-7. - ```` is interrupt route for that pin. Valid values are 0-7. The gpio-interrupt mapping configuration file is in the ``hardware/nvidia/platform/t23x//bct/`` directory. The new DTS format example of prod config file: .. code-block:: none /dts-v1/; / { gpio-intmap { port@B { pin-1-int-line = <0>; // GPIO B1 to INT0 }; port@AA { pin-0-int-line = <0>; // GPIO AA0 to INT0 pin-1-int-line = <0>; // GPIO AA1 to INT0 pin-2-int-line = <0>; // GPIO AA2 to INT0 }; }; }; Here is the previous CFG file format: .. code-block:: none gpio-intmap.port.B.pin.1 = 0; // GPIO B1 to INT0 gpio-intmap.port.AA.pin.0 = 0; // GPIO AA0 to INT0 gpio-intmap.port.AA.pin.1 = 0; // GPIO AA1 to INT0 gpio-intmap.port.AA.pin.2 = 0; // GPIO AA2 to INT0