.. _SD.Bootloader.Mb2BctMiscConfig: .. include:: /content/swdocs.rsts .. spelling:: pad init DTS sdmmc SDMMC hv eqos io ao ufs qspi DTSI SoC PMC IMPL BCT bct GPIO pinmux dtsi pinctrl lpdr tristate ps PADCTL i2c I2C DRAM FPS PWM MMIO PMIC Vout SOC Hz pwm mmio pad prod QSPI DDR ddr SDR sdr BootROM val qspiflash sata BPMP FW UPHY uphy uart MB2 BCT Misc Configuration !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This section provides additional information about the MB2 BCT Misc configuration file. MB2 Feature Fields @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Here is a list of the Boolean flags that enable or disable functionality in MB2: .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - ``disable-cpu-l2ecc`` - If this property is present, CPU L2 ECC is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled. * - ``enable-combined-uart`` - If this property is present, the combined uart is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled. * - ``spe-uart-instance`` - UART controller that is used for the combined UART by the SPE. MB2 Firmware Data @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The MB2 firmware configuration is applied in the following way: .. code-block:: none / { mb2-misc { { = ; }; }; }; Where ``firmware-type`` is one of the following types: - ``cpubl`` - ``ape-fw`` - ``bpmp-fw`` - ``rce-fw`` - ``sce-fw`` - ``camera-task-fw`` - ``apr-fw`` ```` is one of the parameters from the following table: .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameters - Description * - ``enable`` - If this parameter is present, the loading of firmware from MB2 is enabled. Otherwise, the firmware loading is disabled. * - ``ast-va`` - Virtual address for the firmware carveout in the BPMP-R5 address space. * - ``load-offset`` - Offset in firmware carveout where firmware binary is loaded. * - ``entry-offset`` - Offset of the firmware entry point in the firmware carveout. Here is an example of the MB2 Misc DTS configuration file: .. code-block:: none /dts-v1/; / { mb2-misc { disable-cpu-l2ecc; enable-combined-uart; spe-uart-instance = <0x2>; firmware { sce { ast-va = <0x70000000>; }; ape { enable; ast-va = <0x80000000>; }; rce { enable; ast-va = <0x70000000>; }; cpubl { load-offset = <0x600000>; }; apr { ast-va = <0xC0000000>; }; camera-task { ast-va = <0x78000000>; }; }; }; }; Here is the previous CFG file format: .. code-block:: none gpio-intmap.port.B.pin.1 = 0; // GPIO B1 to INT0 gpio-intmap.port.AA.pin.0 = 0; // GPIO AA0 to INT0 gpio-intmap.port.AA.pin.1 = 0; // GPIO AA1 to INT0 gpio-intmap.port.AA.pin.2 = 0; // GPIO AA2 to INT0