This sample demonstrates how the buffer allocated by the libv4l2 component is used to decode H.265/H.264 video streams, and how CUDA is used aid in rendering images without extra memory copy operations.
Supported video formats:
$ cd /usr/src/jetson_multimedia_api/samples/02_video_dec_cuda $ make
$ ./video_dec_cuda <in-file> <in-format> [options]
$ ./video_dec_cuda ../../data/Video/sample_outdoor_car_1080p_10fps.h264 H264
The following diagram shows the flow of data through the sample.
The main flow of this sample is as follows:
Tegra provides pitch linear and block linear memory format support on input and output. Input and output memory formats do not need to match.
ret = NvBufSurf::NvTransform(&transform_params, dec_buffer->planes[0].fd, ctx->dst_dma_fd);
This call converts the video format and the layout, and application can set the output format of the conversion.
NvBufSurfaceFromFd() returns the NvBufSurface pointer from the file descriptor. NvBufSurfaceMapEglImage() will create the EGLImage for the NvBufSurface. The EGLImage buffer is then used by CUDA to render a black box on the display. This is implemented in a separate common routine using EGLImage.
This sample uses the following key structures and classes:
Element | Description |
NvVideoDecoder | Contains all video decoding-related elements and functions. |
NvEglRenderer | Contains all EGL display rendering-related functions. |
egl_image | The EGLImage used for CUDA processing. |
dec_capture_loop | The thread handler for decoding capture loop. |
NvVideoDecoder packages all video decoding-related elements and functions. Key members used in the sample are:
Member | Description |
output_plane | V4l2 output plane. |
capture_plane | V4l2 capture plane. |
createVideoDecoder | Static function to create video decode object. |
subscribeEvent | Subscribe event. |
setExtControls | Set external control to V4l2 device. |
setOutputPlaneFormat | Set output plane format. |
setCapturePlaneFormat | Set capture plane format. |
getControl | TBD |
dqEvent | Dqueue the event which report by V4l2 device. |
isInError | Check if under error state. |
NvVideoDecoder contains two key elements: output_plane
and capture_plane
. These 2 objects belong to the same class type NvV4l2ElementPlane. Key members used in the sample are:
Element | Description |
setupPlane | Setup the plane of V4l2 element. |
deinitPlane | Destroy the plane of V4l2 element. |
setStreamStatus | Start/Stop the stream. |
setDQThreadCallback | Set the callback function of dqueue buffer thread. |
startDQThread | Start the thread of dqueue buffer. |
stopDQThread | Stop the thread of dqueue buffer. |
qBuffer | Queue V4l2 buffer. |
dqBuffer | Dqueue V4l2 buffer. |
getNumBuffers | Get the number of V4l2 buffer. |
getNumQueuedBuffers | Get the number of V4l2 buffer which under queue. |
getNthBuffer | TBD |
Two global functions are used to create and destroy EGLImage from the dmabuf file descriptor:
Function | Description |
NvBufSurfaceFromFd | Get NvBufSurface from the dmabuf file descriptor. |
NvBufSurfaceMapEglImage | Creates the EGLImage from the NvBufSurface. |
NvBufSurfaceUnMapEglImage | Destroys the EGLImage. |