Jetson Sensor Processing Engine (SPE) Developer Guide

r36.4 Release



Welcome to the Jetson Sensor Processing Engine (SPE) Developer Guide.

NVIDIA® Jetson provides a built-in Cortex-R5 micro-controller within an always-on power domain known as Sensor Processing Engine (SPE) or AON Cluster. Example use cases SPE may enable includes sensor data processing, wake up management, UAV, robotics.

SPE micro-controller has the following configurations:

  • ARM V7-R ISA
  • 32-kilobyte Instruction cache
  • 32-kilobyte Data cache
  • 256-kilobyte SRAM attached to TCM interface
  • Vectored Interrupt
  • 64-bit AXI master interface for DRAM request
  • 32-bit AXI master interface for MMIO request
  • 200MHz maximum and operating core clock speed

The number of SPE peripherals and their instances will vary based on the Jetson platform.

The AON cluster includes the following peripherals:

  • General purpose timers, Watchdog timer, Timestamp engine
  • DMIC (for voice wake functionality)
SPE Software Development Kit may not implement or provide support for all the above peripherals.

For detailed information on the SPE, see NVIDIA Technical Reference Manual (TRM) for the Jetson platform.

Supported Features by Platform

AGX Orin Orin Nano
GPIO [x] [x]
I2C [x] [x]
IVC [x] [x]
SC7-aodmic wake [x]
Timer [x] [x]
GTE [x] [x]
SPI [x] [x]
All the features of Orin Nano devkit can be applied to Orin NX module + Orin Nano carrier board

Only the above platforms are supported.

The SPE BSP (Board Support Package) or SDK (Software development kit)

The SPE firmware is FreeRTOS V10.4.3 based. The SPE release package has following directory structure.

  • fsp/source: This includes common drivers, operating system and CPU abstraction layers. The FSP (firmware support package) details can be found at FSP. The relevant subdirectories are as follows:
    • drivers: The common peripheral drivers.
    • include: Header files, includes drivers, CPL (CPU Abstraction Layer) and OSA (Operating System Abstraction) headers.
    • soc: The SOC (system on chip) specific source codes.
  • rt-aux-cpu-demo-fsp: It includes demo peripheral apps, common drivers which are not part of the fsp, platform specific source code.
    • app: Demo apps for the supported peripherals.
    • doc: Documents.
    • drivers: Common drivers which could not be part of the fsp/source.
    • include: Header files
    • platform: platform specific source code.
    • soc: The chip specific sources and header files.
    • FreeRTOSConfig.h: FreeRTOS config file.
    • main.c: The application entry point.
    • Makefile/ The build system.
  • FreeRTOSV10.4.3/FreeRTOS/Source: FreeRTOS source code.

The SPE firmware layered view

The overall architecture is as described in below

  • *rt-aux-cpu-demo-fsp/app does not include all the peripheral demo apps.
    • There are multiple instances available for some peripherals as well on chip hardware modules, for that detail, please follow chip specific technical reference manual which should also list instance number falling under SPE/AON domain. AON stands for always on and it can be interchangeably used with SPE in this and other documents.
  • Where,
    • IVC: Inter VM Communication, used to communicate with other on chip processors through memory channels.
    • TKE: Time Keeping Engine; follow SOC Technical reference manual for more details.
    • AST: Address Space Translation Unit; follow SOC Technical reference manual for more details.
    • HSP: Hardware Synchronization Primitives; follow SOC Technical reference manual for more details.