How to Install and Configure JetPack SDK
Depending on your Jetson device, there are multiple ways to install JetPack.
SD Card Image
For NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano developer kit users, follow the instructions below:
For Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit currently running JetPack 6.x: You can download the SD Card image from the JetPack SDK page and use Balena Etcher to prepare the SD Card with JetPack 6.2. Follow the instructions provided in the Getting Started Guide.
For other Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit (fresh unboxed unit or existing unit currently running JetPack 5.x): Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit comes with an old firmware flashed at the factory which is NOT compatible with JetPack 6.x. Therefore, the unit’s firmware MUST be updated first before inserting the JetPack 6.2 SD card. Follow the instructions in the Initial Setup Guide for Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit.
NVIDIA SDK Manager supports JetPack installation on these Jetson products:
NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit
NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit
NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin 32GB module on a Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit carrier board
NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier series modules on a Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit carrier board
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX modules on a Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit carrier board
A Linux host computer running Ubuntu Linux x64 version 22.04 or 20.04 is required to run NVIDIA SDK Manager.
Package Management Tool
NVIDIA offers JetPack components as Debian packages. The Debian package management server can be accessed at
Upgrading from JetPack 6.0/6.1 to JetPack 6.2 using this method will not enable Super Mode, as the source build does not support Super Mode.
Upgrading from JetPack 6.1 Rev1, which supports Super Mode, to JetPack 6.2 will enable Super Mode on the Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit.
Install JetPack Components on Jetson Linux
This step assumes your Jetson developer kit has been flashed with and is running L4T 36.2 or newer releases. The following commands will install all other JetPack components that correspond to your version of Jetson Linux L4T:
sudo apt update sudo apt install nvidia-jetpack
To view individual Debian packages which are part of nvidia-jetpack metapackage, enter the command:
sudo apt show nvidia-jetpack
Refer to the NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide for details about L4T specific Debian packages.
If disk space is limited, use these commands:
sudo apt update apt depends nvidia-jetpack | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} sudo apt install -y {}
Upgrade JetPack
To upgrade from previous JetPack 6.x releases, first edit etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list
to point to the 36.4 repo (just change the version to r36.4 in both lines).
Next, use the following commands, then physically reboot the system:
sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade sudo apt install --fix-broken -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite"
If you see the below error:
ERROR. Procedure for A_kernel-dtb update FAILED.
Use the following three commands, then re-attempt the upgrade. Do not reboot the device after running the below command, before re-attempting the upgrade.
sudo parted /dev/mmcblk0 -s rm 4 sudo parted /dev/mmcblk0 -s resizepart 3 67.9MB sudo parted /dev/mmcblk0 mkpart A_reserved_on_user 67.9MB 101MB
Select Ignore
when prompted.
Upgradable Compute Stack
Developers on Jetson Linux 36.3 can now install the latest compute stack available with JetPack 6.1 release.
Follow these steps to install the latest compute stack:
Add the R36.4/JP 6.1 repo:
$ echo "deb r36.4 main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list $ echo "deb r36.4 main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list
Update the apt repo:
$ sudo apt-get update
Install Jetpack compute components:
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-jetpack
Remove the R36.4/JP 6.1 repo to avoid installing
nvidia-l4t bsp
packages accidentally later.Note
Do not use
apt-get upgrade
because that will upgrade L4T packages too.
List of Debian Packages
The following is a list of Debian update packages for JetPack components for Jetson devices as of the time of JetPack 6.1. Please refer to the Jetson Linux Developer Guide for the list of Jetson Linux Debian packages.
Component Group |
Packages |
Packages (cont’d.) |
CUDA Toolkit for L4T |
cuda cuda-12-2 cuda-cccl-12-2 cuda-command-line-tools-12-2 cuda-compat-12-2 cuda-compiler-12-2 cuda-crt-12-2 cuda-cudart-12-2 cuda-cudart-dev-12-2 cuda-cuobjdump-12-2 cuda-cupti-12-2 cuda-cupti-dev-12-2 cuda-cuxxfilt-12-2 cuda-documentation-12-2 cuda-driver-dev-12-2 cuda-gdb-12-2 cuda-gdb-src-12-2 cuda-libraries-12-2 cuda-libraries-dev-12-2 cuda-minimal-build-12-2 cuda-nsight-compute-12-2 cuda-nvcc-12-2 cuda-nvdisasm-12-2 cuda-nvml-dev-12-2 cuda-nvprune-12-2 cuda-nvrtc-12-2 cuda-nvrtc-dev-12-2 cuda-nvtx-12-2 cuda-nvvm-12-2 cuda-profiler-api-12-2 cuda-runtime-12-2 cuda-sanitizer-12-2 cuda-toolkit cuda-toolkit-12 cuda-toolkit-12-2 |
cuda-toolkit-12-2-config-common cuda-toolkit-12-config-common cuda-toolkit-config-common cuda-tools-12-2 cuda-visual-tools-12-2 gds-tools-12-2 libcublas-12-2 libcublas-dev-12-2 libcudla-12-2 libcudla-dev-12-2 libcufft-12-2 libcufft-dev-12-2 libcufile-12-2 libcufile-dev-12-2 libcurand-12-2 libcurand-dev-12-2 libcusolver-12-2 libcusolver-dev-12-2 libcusparse-12-2 libcusparse-dev-12-2 libnpp-12-2 libnpp-dev-12-2 libnvjitlink-12-2 libnvjitlink-dev-12-2 libnvjpeg-12-2 libnvjpeg-dev-12-2 nsight-compute-2023.2.2 nvidia-l4t-cudadebuggingsupport nvidia-fs nvidia-fs-dkms nvidia-gds nvidia-gds-12-2 |
cuDNN |
libcudnn8 libcudnn8-dev |
libcudnn8-samples |
TensorRT |
graphsurgeon-tf libnvinfer-bin libnvinfer-dev libnvinfer-dispatch-dev libnvinfer-dispatch8 libnvinfer-headers-dev libnvinfer-headers-plugin-dev libnvinfer-lean-dev libnvinfer-lean8 libnvinfer-plugin-dev libnvinfer-plugin8 libnvinfer-samples libnvinfer8 libnvinfer-vc-plugin-dev libnvinfer-vc-plugin8 |
libnvinfer8 libnvonnxparsers-dev libnvonnxparsers8 libnvparsers-dev libnvparsers8 onnx-graphsurgeon python3-libnvinfer python3-libnvinfer-dev python3-libnvinfer-dispatch python3-libnvinfer-lean tensorrt tensorrt-dev tensorrt-libs uff-converter-tf |
OpenCV |
libopencv libopencv-dev libopencv-python |
libopencv-samples opencv-licenses opencv-samples-data |
libnvvpi3 python3.10-vpi3 vpi3-dev |
vpi3-python-src vpi3-samples |
NVIDIA container runtime with Docker integration |
libnvidia-container-tools libnvidia-container1 |
nvidia-container-toolkit nvidia-container-toolkit-base |
DLA Compiler |
nvidia-l4t-dla-compiler |
Gstreamer |
nvidia-l4t-gstreamer |
Multimedia API |
nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api |
cupva-2.3-l4t |
pva-allow-1 |
The following is a list of meta-packages that are available to easily install on Jetson. At a higher level, the nvidia-jetpack
meta-package includes nvidia-jetpack-runtime
meta-package and nvidia-jetpack-dev
meta-package. nvidia-jetpack-runtime
includes runtime only parts of JetPack components and does not include samples, documentation, etc. Meanwhile, the nvidia-jetpack-dev meta-package includes everything required for development.
You can install either the higher level meta-packages using apt install
, OR install individual component meta-packages depending on your requirements. These meta-packages can be installed either on top of Jetson Linux, or in a container running on Jetson Linux.

JetPack Debian Packages on Host
NVIDIA provides a group of Debian packages that add or update JetPack components on the host computer.
To prepare the host computer to install JetPack components, do the following steps:
Enter the following command to install the public key of the x86_64 repository of the public APT server:
$ sudo apt-key adv --fetch-key the following x86_64 repository to the host system’s source list. - For an Ubuntu 20.04 host:
deb 36.4 main
For an Ubuntu 22.04 host:
deb r36.4 mainEnter the following command:
$ sudo apt updateUse
to download and install the required packages.$ sudo apt-get install cuda-toolkit-12-2 cuda-cross-aarch64-12-2 nvsci libnvvpi3 vpi3-dev vpi3-cross-aarch64-l4t python3.9-vpi3 vpi3-samples vpi3-python-src nsight-systems-2023.4.3 nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2023.3.0.0
The following table lists JetPack components that you can install with apt
, and the packages that contain them.
Component Group |
Packages |
Packages (cont’d) |
CUDA Toolkit for L4T |
cuda cuda-12-2 cuda-cccl-12-2 cuda-command-line-tools-12-2 cuda-compat-12-2 cuda-compiler-12-2 cuda-crt-12-2 cuda-cudart-12-2 cuda-cudart-dev-12-2 cuda-cuxxfilt-12-2 cuda-demo-suite-12-2 cuda-documentation-12-2 cuda-driver-dev-12-2 cuda-drivers cuda-drivers-535 cuda-gdb-12-2 cuda-gdb-src-12-2 cuda-libraries-12-2 cuda-libraries-dev-12-2 cuda-minimal-build-12-2 cuda-nsight-12-2 cuda-nsight-compute-12-2 cuda-nsight-systems-12-2 cuda-nvcc-12-2 cuda-nvdisasm-12-2 cuda-nvml-dev-12-2 cuda-nvprof-12-2 cuda-nvprune-12-2 cuda-nvrtc-12-2 cuda-nvrtc-dev-12-2 cuda-nvtx-12-2 cuda-nvvm-12-2 cuda-nvvp-12-2 cuda-opencl-12-2 cuda-opencl-dev-12-2 cuda-profiler-api-12-2 cuda-runtime-12-2 cuda-sanitizer-12-2 cuda-toolkit cuda-toolkit-12 cuda-toolkit-12-2 cuda-toolkit-12-2-config-common cuda-toolkit-config-common cuda-tools-12-2 cuda-visual-tools-12-2 gds-tools-12-2 libcublas-12-2 libcublas-dev-12-2 libcufft-12-2 libcufft-dev-12-2 libcufile-12-2 libcufile-dev-12-2 |
libcurand-12-2 libcurand-dev-12-2 libcusparse-12-2 libcusparse-dev-12-2 libnpp-12-2 libnpp-dev-12-2 libnvidia-cfg1-430 libnvidia-cfg1-535 libnvidia-common-430 libnvidia-common-535 libnvidia-compute-430 libnvidia-compute-535 libnvidia-decode-430 libnvidia-decode-535 libnvidia-encode-430 libnvidia-encode-535 libnvidia-extra-535 libnvidia-fbc1-430 libnvidia-fbc1-535 libnvidia-gl-430 libnvidia-gl-535 libnvjitlink-12-2 libnvjitlink-dev-12-2 libnvjpeg-12-2 libnvjpeg-dev-12-2 libxnvctrl-dev libxnvctrl0 nsight-compute-2023.2.2 nsight-systems-2023.2.3 nvidia-compute-utils-430 nvidia-compute-utils-535 nvidia-dkms-430 nvidia-dkms-535 nvidia-driver-430 nvidia-driver-535 nvidia-fs nvidia-fs-dkms nvidia-gds nvidia-gds-12-2 nvidia-headless-430 nvidia-headless-535 nvidia-headless-no-dkms-430 nvidia-headless-no-dkms-535 nvidia-kernel-common-430 nvidia-kernel-common-535 nvidia-kernel-source-430 nvidia-kernel-source-535 nvidia-modprobe nvidia-settings nvidia-utils-430 nvidia-utils-535 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-430 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-535 |
CUDA cross-compile package (host) |
cuda-cccl-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-cross-aarch64 cuda-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-crt-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-cudart-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-cupti-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-driver-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-nsight-compute-addon-l4t-12-2 cuda-nvcc-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-nvml-cross-aarch64-12-2 cuda-nvrtc-cross-aarch64-12-2 |
cuda-profiler-api-cross-aarch64-12-2 libcublas-cross-aarch64-12-2 libcudla-cross-aarch64-12-2 libcufft-cross-aarch64-12-2 libcurand-cross-aarch64-12-2 libcusolver-cross-aarch64-12-2 libcusparse-cross-aarch64-12-2 libnpp-cross-aarch64-12-2 libnvjitlink-cross-aarch64-12-2 libnvjpeg-cross-aarch64-12-2 nsight-compute-addon-l4t-2023.2.2 |
Computer Vision – VPI (host) |
libnvvpi3 vpi3-dev vpi3-cross-aarch64-l4t |
python3.10-vpi3 vpi3-samples vpi3-python-src |
Developer Tools |
nsight-systems-2024.2.2 nvsci |
nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2024.1.0 |