Facial Landmarks Estimation =========================== .. _facial_landmarks_estimation: Facial Landmarks ---------------- The facial landmarks estimator network aims to predict the (x,y) location of landmarks (keypoints) for a given input face image. FPENet (Fiducial Points Estimator Network) is generally used in conjuction with a face detector and the output is commonly used for face alignment, head pose estimation, emotion detection, eye blink detection, gaze estimation, among others. Dataset Preparation ------------------- The FPENet app requires the data to be in a specific json format to be converted to TFRecords. To do so, the tool requires a configuration file as input. Configuration file details and sample usage examples are included in the following sections. The ground truth dataset is created by labeling ground-truth facial keypoints by human labelers. If you are looking to re-train with your own dataset, follow the guideline below. * Label the keypoints in the correct order as accuractely as possible. The human labeler would be able to zoom in to a face region to correctly localize the keypoint. * For keypoints that are not easily distinguishable such as chin or nose, the best estimate should be made by the human labeler. Some keypoints are easily distinguishable such as mouth corners or eye corners. * Label a keypoint as "occluded" if the keypoint is not visible due to an external object or due to extreme head pose angles. A keypoint is considered occluded when the keypoint is in the image but not visible. * To reduce discrepency in labeling between multiple human labelers, the same keypoint ordering and instructions should be used across labelers. An independent human labeler may be used to test the quality of the annotated landmarks and potential corrections. The `Sloth `_ and `Label Studio `_ tools may be used for labeling. The datset format is descrived in :ref:`Labeling Data Format` section. Configuration File for Dataset Converter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A sample dataset configuration file is shown below. .. code:: sets: [dataset1, dataset2] gt_path: 'GT' save_path: 'models/tfrecords' gt_root_path: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/' save_root_path: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/' image_root_path: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/' tfrecord_folder: 'FpeTfRecords' tfrecord_name: 'data.tfrecords' num_keypoints: 80 bbox_enlarge_ratio: 1.0 +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | Parameter | Datatype | Description | Default | Supported Values | +============================+==========+========================================================================================================+=========+==================+ | :code:`sets` | list | Set IDs to extract as a list. Example- [set1, set2, set3]. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`gt_path` | string | Ground truth json path. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`save_path` | string | Save path for TF Records. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`gt_root_path` | string | Root path for ground truth jsons (if any). This path is pre-pended to the gt_path while reading jsons. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`save_root_path` | string | Root path for saving tfrecords data (if any). This path is pre-pended to the save_path for each set. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`image_root_path` | string | Root path for the images (if any). This path will be pre-pended to the image paths in jsons. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`tfrecord_folder` | string | TF record folder name to generate. This folder will be created if not exists. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`tfrecord_name` | string | TF record file name to generate. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`num_keypoints` | int | Number of facial keypoints. | -- | 68, 80, 104 | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`bbox_enlarge_ratio` | float | Scale to enlarge face bounding box with. | -- | -- | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ Sample Usage of the Dataset Converter Tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: tlt fpenet dataset_convert -e dataset_config.yaml Creating an Experiment Spec file -------------------------------- To do training, evaluation and inference for FPENet, several components need to be configured, each with their own parameters. The commands for a FPENet experiments share the same configuration file. The specification file configures these components: * Trainer * Model * Loss * Dataloader * Optimizer Trainer Config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Trainer config consists of some common args for running the FPENet app and it also encompasses the other configs: model, loss, dataloader, and optimizer. .. code:: __class_name__: FpeNetTrainer checkpoint_dir: /workspace/tlt-expertiments/fpenet/ checkpoint_n_epoch: 1 enable_visualization: true log_every_n_secs: 10 num_epoch: 20 num_keypoints: 80 random_seed: 35 visualize_num_images: 3 model: ... loss: ... optimizer: ... dataloader: ... +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | Argument | Datatype | Description | Default | Supported Values | +==============================+==========+===============================================+=========+==================+ | :code:`checkpoint_dir` | string | The directory to save/load model checkpoints. | None | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`checkpoint_n_epoch` | int | Number of epoch at which checkpoint is saved. | 1 | 1 to num_epoch | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`enable_visualization` | boolean | Enable visualization in tensorboard. | True | True/False | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`log_every_n_secs` | int | Logging frequency in seconds. | 60 | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`num_epoch` | int | Total number of epochs to train. | 40 | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`num_keypoints` | int | Number of facial keypoints. | 80 | 68, 80, 104 | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`random_seed` | int | Random seed for initialization. | 42 | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | :code:`visualize_num_images` | int | Number of images to visualize per epoch. | 3 | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | model | - | Model config. | -- | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | loss | - | Loss config. | -- | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | optimizer | - | Optimizer config. | -- | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ | dataloader | - | Dataloader config. | -- | -- | +------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+------------------+ Model Config ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuration section to provide model related parameters. Sample model config is shown below. .. code:: model: __class_name__: FpeNetBaseModel model_parameters: beta: 0.01 pretrained_model_path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/pretrained_models/public/model.tlt regularizer_type: l2 regularizer_weight: 1.0e-05 type: FpeNet_public +-------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Datatype | Description | Default | Supported Values | +-------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------+ | :code:`pretrained_model_path` | string | Path to pre-trained model to load weights from. | None | -- | +-------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------+ | :code:`regularizer_type` | string | Type of weights regularizer. | -- | “l1”, “l2” | +-------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------+ | :code:`regulaizer_weight` | float | Weight for regularizer. | -- | -- | +-------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------+ | :code:`type` | string | Model type. | -- | “FpeNet_public”, “FpeNet_release” | +-------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------+ Loss Config ^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuration section to provide loss related parameters. Sample loss config is shown below. .. code:: loss: __class_name__: FpeLoss kpts_coeff: 0.01 loss_type: square_euclidean mask_occ: true weights_dict: null elt_loss_info: elt_alpha: 0.5 enable_elt_loss: true modulus_spatial_augmentation: hflip_probability: 0.0 rotate_rad_max: 0.35 translate_max_x: 10 translate_max_y: 10 zoom_max: 1.2 zoom_min: 0.8 +-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | Paramter | Datatype | Description | Default | Supported Values | +=======================+=================+==================================================================================================================================================+=========+=======================================+ | :code:`kpts_coeff` | float | Coefficent the loss is multiplied with. | 0.01 | -- | +-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | :code:`loss_type` | string | Type of loss to use. | “l1” | “l1”, “square_euclidean”, “wing_loss” | +-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | :code:`mask_occ` | boolean | If True, will mask all occluded points. | False | -- | +-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | :code:`weights_dict` | dictionary | Contains the weights for the ‘eyes’, the ‘mouth’, and the rest of the ‘face’. These dict keys must be present, and the elements must sum up to 1 | None | -- | +-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | :code:`elt_loss_info` | elt loss config | Dictionary about ELT loss. | | -- | +-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ ELT Loss configuration used by FpeNet. Defined in- `Improving Landmark Localization with Semi-Supervised Learning" CVPR'2018 `_ +------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Parameter | Datatype | Description | Default | Supported Values | +==============================+============+==========================================================+========================+=================================+ | :code:`elt_alpha` | float | Weight for ELT loss. | None | -- | +------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ | :code:`enable_elt_loss` | boolean | Flag to enable ELT loss. | None | True/False | +------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ | modulus_spatial_augmentation | dictionary | Spatial augmentation configuration parameters. | hflip_probability: 0.0 | hflip_proability: 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | hflip_probability: Probability for horizontal flipping. | rotate_rad_max: 0.0 | rotate_rad_max: - | | | | rotate_rad_max: Maximum rotation in radians. | translate_max_x: 0.0 | translate_max_x: 0 - image dims | | | | translate_max_x: Maximum pixel translate in x direction. | translate_max_y: 0.0 | translate_max_y: 0 - image dims | | | | translate_max_y: Maximum pixel translate in y direction. | zoom_max: 1.0 | zoom_max: - | | | | zoom_max: Zoom ratio maximum. | zoom_min: 1.0 | zoom_min: - | | | | zoom_min: Zoom ratio minimum. | | | +------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ Dataloader Config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuration section to provide data related parameters. Sample dataloader config is shown below. .. code:: dataloader: __class_name__: FpeNetDataloader augmentation_info: augmentation_resize_probability: 0.5 augmentation_resize_scale: 1.6 enable_occlusion_augmentation: true enable_online_augmentation: true enable_resize_augmentation: true gamma_augmentation: gamma_max: 1.6 gamma_min: 0.6 gamma_probability: 0.1 gamma_type: uniform modulus_spatial_augmentation: hflip_probability: 0.25 rotate_rad_max: 0.35 translate_max_x: 10 translate_max_y: 10 zoom_max: 1.2 zoom_min: 0.8 patch_probability: 0.5 size_to_image_ratio: 0.5 mask_augmentation_patch: true batch_size: 64 dataset_info: image_extension: png no_occlusion_masking_sets: s578-usercalibration-incar-0 s578-usercalibration-incar-1 root_path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/ tfrecord_folder_name: FpeTfRecords tfrecords_directory_path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/models/tfrecords tfrecords_set_id_train: s578-usercalibration-incar-0 tfrecords_set_id_val: s578-usercalibration-incar-0 tfrecord_file_name: data.tfrecords image_info: image: channel: 1 height: 80 width: 80 kpiset_info: tfrecords_set_id_kpi: s578-usercalibration-incar-1 num_keypoints: 80 +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | Parameter | Datatype | Description | Default | +===========================+===========================+==============================================================================================================================================================================+=========+ | :code:`batch_size` | int | Batch size for training/evaluation. | -- | +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | :code:`dataset_info` | dataset proto config | Information on input dataset. | -- | | | | | | | | | * image_extension (string): Image extension. Currently, FPENet only supports "png" extension. | | | | | * no_occlusion_masking_sets (string): Space separated names of datasets for which occlusion masking is not to be used. | | | | | * root_path (string): Root path to append to image paths. | | | | | * tfrecord_folder_name (string): Folder name for tfrecords inside each dataset. | | | | | * tfrecords_directory_path (string): Path for tfrecords for each dataset. | | | | | * tfrecords_set_id_train (string): Space separated names of dataset to use in training. | | | | | * tfrecords_set_id_val (string): Space separated names of dataset to use in validation. | | | | | * tfrecord_file_name (string): Filename for tfrecord file. | | +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | :code:`image_info` | image_info proto config | Information on input image. | -- | | | | | | | | | * channel (int): Number of channels. Options- 1 (grayscale image), 3 (RGB image). | | | | | * height (int): Image height in pixels. | | | | | * width (int): Image width in pixels. | | +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | :code:`kpiset_info` | kpiset_info proto config | Information for KPI evaluation. | -- | | | | | | | | | * tfrecords_set_id_kpi (string): Space separated names of datasets. | | +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | :code:`num_keypoints` | int | Number of facial keypoint. Options- 68, 80. 104. | -- | +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | :code:`augmentation_info` | augmentation proto config | Information on augmentation config. | -- | | | | | | | | | * enable_resize_augmentation (boolean): Flag to enable resize augmentation. | | | | | * augmentation_resize_probability (float): Probability for applying image resize augmentation. | | | | | * augmentation_resize_scale (float): Maximum scale to resize image for resize augmentation. Image is upscaled by this scale and then downscaled back to original image size. | | | | | * enable_occlusion_augmentation (boolean): Flag to enable occlusion augmentation. | | | | | * enable_online_augmentation (boolean): Flag to enable augmentation. If False, all augmentations are turned off. | | | | | * gamma_augmentation: Gamma augmentation parameters. | | | | | | | | | | * gamma_max (float): Maximum value for gamma uniform distribution. | | | | | * gamma_min (float): Minimum value for gamma uniform distribution. | | | | | * gamma_probability (float): Probability that a gamma correction will occur. | | | | | * gamma_type (string): Describes type of random sampling for gamma ['normal', 'uniform']. | | | | | | | | | | * modulus_spatial_augmentation | | | | | | | | | | * hflip_probability (float): Probability for horizontal flipping. | | | | | * rotate_rad_max (float): Maximum rotation in radians. | | | | | * translate_max_x (int): Maximum pixel translate in x direction. | | | | | * translate_max_y (int): Maximum pixel translate in y direction. | | | | | * zoom_max (float): Zoom ratio maximum. | | | | | * zoom_min (float): Zoom ratio minimum. | | | | | | | | | | * patch_probability (float): Probability to add occlusion augmentation. | | | | | * size_to_image_ratio (float): Maximum scale of occlusion. | | | | | * mask_augmentation_patch (boolean): Flag to enable keypoint masking of occlusion patch. | | +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ Optimizer Config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuration section to provide optimizer related parameters. The optimizer can be conifigured in the under the optimizer section in the config. Sample optimizer config is shown below. .. code:: optimizer: __class_name__: AdamOptimizer beta1: 0.9 beta2: 0.999 epsilon: 1.0e-08 learning_rate_schedule: __class_name__: SoftstartAnnealingLearningRateSchedule annealing: 0.5 base_learning_rate: 0.0005 last_step: 1000000 min_learning_rate: 1.0e-07 soft_start: 0.3 +---------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Datatype | Description | Default | Supported Values | +---------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | optimizer | optimizer proto config | This parameter defines which optimizer to use for training, and the parameters to configure it, namely: | - | epsilon - NA | | | | | | beta1 - 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | * epsilon (float): Is a very small number to prevent any division by zero in the implementation | | beta2 - 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | * beta1 (float) | | | | | | * beta2 (float) | | | +---------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | learning rate | learning rate scheduler proto | This parameter configures the learning rate schedule for the trainer. | soft_start _annealing _schedule | soft_start - 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | Currently FPENet only supports softstart annealing learning rate schedule, | | annealing - 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | and maybe configured using the following parameters: | | minimum_learning_rate - 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | | | maximum_learning_rate - 0.0 - 1.0 | | | | * soft_start (float): Defines the time to ramp up the learning rate from minimum learning rate to maximum learning rate | | | | | | * annealing (float): Defines the time to cool down the learning rate from maximum learning rate to minimum learning rate | | | | | | * minimum_learning_rate(float): Minimum learning rate in the learning rate schedule. | | | | | | * maximum_learning_rate(float): Maximum learning rate in the learning rate schedule. | | | +---------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ The soft-start annealing learning rate schedule- the learning rate when plotted as a function of the training progress (0.0, 1.0) results in the following curve. .. image:: ../content/learning_rate.png In the above figure, the soft start was set as 0.3 and annealing as 0.7 with minimum learning rate as 5e-6 and a maximum learning rate or base_lr as 5e-4. Complete Sample Experiment Spec File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: __class_name__: FpeNetTrainer checkpoint_dir: /workspace/tlt-expertiments/fpenet/ checkpoint_n_epoch: 1 dataloader: __class_name__: FpeNetDataloader augmentation_info: augmentation_resize_probability: 0.5 augmentation_resize_scale: 1.6 enable_occlusion_augmentation: true enable_online_augmentation: true enable_resize_augmentation: true gamma_augmentation: gamma_max: 1.6 gamma_min: 0.6 gamma_probability: 0.1 gamma_type: uniform modulus_spatial_augmentation: hflip_probability: 0.25 rotate_rad_max: 0.35 translate_max_x: 10 translate_max_y: 10 zoom_max: 1.2 zoom_min: 0.8 patch_probability: 0.5 size_to_image_ratio: 0.5 mask_augmentation_patch: true batch_size: 64 dataset_info: image_extension: png no_occlusion_masking_sets: s578-usercalibration-incar-0 s578-usercalibration-incar-1 root_path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/ test_file_name: data.tfrecords tfrecord_folder_name: FpeTfRecords tfrecords_directory_path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/models/tfrecords tfrecords_set_id_train: s578-usercalibration-incar-0 tfrecords_set_id_val: s578-usercalibration-incar-0 tfrecord_file_name: data.tfrecords use_extra_dataset: false image_info: image: channel: 1 height: 80 width: 80 kpiset_info: tfrecords_set_id_kpi: s578-usercalibration-incar-1 num_keypoints: 80 enable_visualization: true hooks: null infrequent_summary_every_n_steps: 0 log_every_n_secs: 10 loss: __class_name__: FpeLoss kpts_coeff: 0.01 loss_type: square_euclidean mask_occ: true weights_dict: null elt_loss_info: elt_alpha: 0.5 enable_elt_loss: true modulus_spatial_augmentation: hflip_probability: 0.0 rotate_rad_max: 0.35 translate_max_x: 10 translate_max_y: 10 zoom_max: 1.2 zoom_min: 0.8 model: __class_name__: FpeNetBaseModel model_parameters: beta: 0.01 dropout_rate: 0.5 freeze_Convlayer: null pretrained_model_path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/pretrained_models/public/model.tlt regularizer_type: l2 regularizer_weight: 1.0e-05 train_fpe_model: true type: FpeNet_public use_less_face_layers: false use_upsampling_layer: false visualization_parameters: null num_epoch: 20 num_keypoints: 80 optimizer: __class_name__: AdamOptimizer beta1: 0.9 beta2: 0.999 epsilon: 1.0e-08 learning_rate_schedule: __class_name__: SoftstartAnnealingLearningRateSchedule annealing: 0.5 base_learning_rate: 0.0005 last_step: 1000000 min_learning_rate: 1.0e-07 soft_start: 0.3 random_seed: 35 visualize_num_images: 3 Training the model ------------------ A utility to train a model with the specified parameters. Input: Images of (80, 80, 1) Output: (N, 2) keypoint locations. (N, 1) keypoint confidence. N is the number of keypoints. It can have a value of 68, 80, or 104. Sample Usage of the Train tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: tlt fpenet train -e -r -k * :code:`-e`: Path to experiment spec file. * :code:`-r`: Results folder directory to save models. * :code:`-k`: Encryption key for model saving/loading. Evaluating the model -------------------- A utility to evaluate a trained model on test data and generate KPI information. The metric is the region keypoints pixel error. The region keypoint pixel error is the mean euclidean error in pixel location prediction as compared to the ground truth. We bucketize and average the error per face region (eyes, mouth, chin, etc.). Sample Usage of the Evaluate tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: tlt fpenet evaluate -m -k * :code:`-m`: Path to trained model folder. * :code:`-e`: Experiment spec filename (if different from "experiment_spec.yam"). * :code:`-k`: Encryption key for model loading. Inference of the model ---------------------- A utility to run inferences in sample images using a trained model. The utility inputs images with ground truth face bounding box information and generates the list of predictions for each image. .. code:: [ { "filename": "image1.png", "annotations": [ { "face_tight_bboxx": 415.10368330073106, "face_tight_bboxy": 243.97163120567382, "tool-version": "1.0", "face_tight_bboxwidth": 320.35730960707053, "face_tight_bboxheight": 329.25550579091134, "class": "FaceBbox" } ], "class": "image" }, { "filename": "image2.png", "annotations": [ { "face_tight_bboxx": 414.44551830055445, "face_tight_bboxy": 243.935820979011, "tool-version": "1.0", "face_tight_bboxwidth": 321.0993074943171, "face_tight_bboxheight": 340.87266938197325, "class": "FaceBbox" } ], "class": "image" } ] Sample Usage of the Inference tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: tlt fpenet inference -e -i -m -k -o -r * :code:`-e`: Path to experiment spec file. * :code:`-i`: Path to json file with inference image paths and face bounding box information. * :code:`-m`: Path to the trained model path to infer images with. * :code:`-k`: Encryption key for model loading. * :code:`-o`: The directory to save the output images and predictions. * :code:`-r`: Parent directory (if any) for the image paths in inference jsons. Exporting the model ------------------- A utility for exporting a trained model to an encrypted onnx format. Sample Usage of the Export tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: tlt fpenet export -m -k -o * :code:`-m`: Path to trained model to be exported. * :code:`-k`: Encryption key for model loading. * :code:`-o`: Path to the output .etlt file (.etlt appended to model path otherwise). * :code:`-t`: Target opset value for onnx conversion (default 10). Deploying to the TLT CV Inference Pipeline ------------------------------------------ The pretrained model for fiducial points estimation provided through NGC is available by default to use inside the TLT CV Inference Pipeline. You can also deploy a model trained through TLT workflow to the TLT CV Inference Pipeline. Refer to :ref:`TLT CV Quick Start Scripts` section for instructions of both options.