Data Input for Semantic Segmentation ------------------------------------ .. _dataset_format_unet: This section describes the format of the dataset for training a semantic segmentation UNet in TLT. UNet expects the images and corresponding masks encoded as images. Each mask image is a single-channel image, where every pixel is assigned an integer value that represents the segmentation class. The data folder structure for images and masks must be in the following format: .. code:: /Dataset_01 /images /train 0000.png 0001.png ... ... N.png /val 0000.png 0001.png ... ... N.png /test 0000.png 0001.png ... ... N.png /masks /train 0000.png 0001.png ... ... N.png /val 0000.png 0001.png ... ... N.png .. Note:: See the :ref:`Dataset Config` section for further details about configuring the dataset, classes, dataset type. .. Note:: Each image and label has the same file ID before the extension. The image-to-label correspondence is maintained using this filename. The :code:`test` folder in the above directory structure is optional; any folder can be used for inference. .. Note:: The size of the images need not necessarily be equal to the model input dimensions. The images are resized internally to model input dimensions. However, ensure that all images in the :code:`images` and :code:`masks` folders for train, validation, and test are of the equal size.