Open Images Pre-trained DetectNet_v2 ==================================== .. _oi_pt_dnv2_intro: Object detection is a popular computer vision technique that can detect one or multiple objects in a frame. Object detection will recognize the individual objects in an image and place bounding boxes around the object. This model object contains pretrained weights that may be used to initialize the **DetectNet_v2** object detection networks in Transfer Learning Toolkit (TLT) to facilitate transfer learning. It is trained on a subset of the Google OpenImages dataset. Supported Backbones ------------------- The following backbones are supported with DetectNet_v2 networks: - resnet10/resnet18/resnet34/resnet50 - vgg16/vgg19 - googlenet - mobilenet_v1/mobilenet_v2 - squeezenet - darknet19/darknet53 .. Note:: - These are unpruned models with just the feature extractor weights, and may not be used without re-training in an object detection application - When using the ResNet34 model, please set the :code:`all_projections` field in the :code:`model_config` to :code:`False`. For more information about this parameter, please refer to the :ref:`model config section in the detectnet_v2 documentation `. - The pre-trained weights in this model are only for DetectNet_v2 object detection networks and shouldn't be used for YOLOV3/YOLOV4, RetinaNet, FasterRCNN, SSD and DSSD based object detection models. You may find more information about these models on NGC_. .. _NGC: