Running TLT on an AWS VM ======================== .. _running_tlt_on_aws: Amazon Web Services provides the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance for running compute jobs in the cloud. This page provides instructions for running TLT on an EC2 VM. Pre-Requisites -------------- .. _pre-requisites_aws: To define the security group and AWS key pair, complete the preliminary setup instructions `here`_. .. _here: Setting up an AWS EC2 instance ------------------------------ 1. Log in to your AWS account, or create one by following instructions on the official `AWS Getting Started Web Page `_ 2. Once you have logged in, select **Compute** under EC2. 3. Select the AWS zone. For the purpose of this tutorial, use "US N.Virginia". 4. Click **Launch Instance**. 5. Start an EC2 Virtual Machine Instance. For running TLT, use the NVIDIA Deep Learning Amazon Machine Instance (AMI). To use this AMI, select the **AWS Marketplace** and search for the **NVIDIA Deep Learning AMI**. .. Note:: The Amazon EC2 P3 and G4 instances are optimized for the NVIDIA Volta/Turing GPUs. 6. Select one of the Amazon EC2 P3 and G4 instance types according to your P3 and G4 instance types. 7. Click **Review and Launch** to review the default configuration settings. 8. After choosing an instance type, click **Next: Configure Instance Details**. .. Note:: There are no instance details that need to be configured, so you can proceed to the next step. 9. Add storage by clicking **Next: Add Storage** .. Note:: For TLT, users are encouraged to request at least 200GB of storage space. 10. Add tags. Naming your instances helps to keep multiple instances organized. 11. Continue to **Configure a Security Group**. Click **Select an Existing Security Group** and select the Security Group you created during :ref:`Preliminary Setup `. You have now configured your AWS instance. 12. Click on **Review and Launch** to launch your instance. You should get a pop-up asking for the key pair you would like to use. Choose the key pair that you set up in the :ref:`preliminary setup instructions `. 13. You may now connect to your instance by following the instructions on this `webpage `_. Installing the Pre-Requisites for TLT in the VM ----------------------------------------------- The NVIDIA Deep Learning AMI by default comes with several dependencies pre-installed to launch NVIDIA-built Deep Learning Containers. To run TLT, you are required to install some simple dependencies. 1. Install prerequisite apt packages: .. code:: bash sudo apt update sudo apt install python-pip python3-pip unzip pip3 install --upgrade pip 2. Install virtualenv wrapper: .. code:: bash pip3 install virtualenvwrapper 3. Configure the virtualenv wrapper: .. code :: bash export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 export WORKON_HOME=/home/ubuntu/.virtualenvs export PATH=/home/ubuntu/.local/bin:$PATH source /home/ubuntu/.local/bin/ .. Note:: You may also add these commands to the :code:`/home/ubuntu/.bashrc` file of the VM so that the configuration persists for multiple sessions. 4. Create a virtualenv for the launcher using the following command .. code:: bash mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 launcher .. Note:: You only need to create a virtualenv once in the instance. When you restart the instance, simply run the commands in step 3 and invoke the same virtual env using the command below: .. code:: bash workon launcher 5. Install jupyterlab in the virtualenv using the command below: .. code:: bash pip3 install jupyterlab 6. Log in to the NGC docker registry named :code:``: .. code:: bash docker login The username here is :code:`$oauthtoken` and the password is the :code:`NGC API KEY`.You may set this API key from the `NGC website`_. .. _NGC website: Download and run the test samples --------------------------------- Now that you have created a virtualenv and installed all the dependencies, you are now ready to download and run the TLT samples on the notebook. The instructions below assume that you are running the `TLT Computer Vision `_ samples. For more Conversational AI samples, refer to the sample notebooks in :ref:`this section `. 1. Download and unzip the notebooks from NGC using the commands below: .. code:: bash wget --content-disposition -O unzip -u -d ./tlt_cv_samples_v1.1.0 && cd ./tlt_cv_samples_v1.1.0 2. Launch the jupyter notebook using the command below: .. code:: bash jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 --allow-root --NotebookApp.token= This will kick off the jupyter notebook server in the VM. To access this server, navigate to :code:`http://:8888/` and, when prompted, enter the :code:`` used to start the notebook server. The :code:`dns_name` here is the Public IPv4 DNS of the VM that you will see under the EC2 dashboard of your respective instance.