
Specifies the type of meta data. NVIDIA defined NvDsMetaType will be present

in the range from NVDS_BATCH_META to NVDS_START_USER_META. User can add it’s own metadata type NVDS_START_USER_META onwards.



NVDS_BATCH_META : metadata type to be set for formed batch

NVDS_FRAME_META : metadata type to be set for frame

NVDS_OBJ_META : metadata type to be set for detected object

NVDS_DISPLAY_META : metadata type to be set for display

NVDS_CLASSIFIER_META : metadata type to be set for object classifier

NVDS_LABEL_INFO_META : metadata type to be set for given label of classifier

NVDS_USER_META : used for internal purpose

NVDS_PAYLOAD_META : metadata type to be set for payload generated by msg converter

NVDS_EVENT_MSG_META : metadata type to be set for payload generated by msg broker

NVDS_OPTICAL_FLOW_META : metadata type to be set for optical flow

NVDS_LATENCY_MEASUREMENT_META : metadata type to be set for latency measurement

NVDSINFER_TENSOR_OUTPUT_META : metadata type of raw inference output attached by gst-nvinfer. Refer NvDsInferTensorMeta for details.

NVDSINFER_SEGMENTATION_META : metadata type of segmentation model output attached by gst-nvinfer. Refer NvDsInferSegmentationMeta for details.

NVDS_RESERVED_META : Reserved field

NVDS_GST_CUSTOM_META : metadata type to be set for metadata attached by nvidia gstreamer plugins before nvstreammux gstreamer plugin. It is set as user metadata inside @ref pyds.NvDsFrameMeta NVIDIA specific gst meta are in the range from NVDS_GST_CUSTOM_META to NVDS_GST_CUSTOM_META + 4096