NvInfer Plugin

group gstreamer_nvinfer_api

Defines an API for the GStreamer NvInfer plugin.


G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef void(* gst_nvinfer_raw_output_generated_callback )(GstBuffer *buf, NvDsInferNetworkInfo *network_info, NvDsInferLayerInfo *layers_info, guint num_layers, guint batch_size, gpointer user_data)

Function definition for the inference raw output generated callback of Gst-NvInfer plugin.

The callback function can be registered by setting “raw-output-generated-callback” property on an “nvinfer” element instance. Additionally, a pointer to user data can be set through the “raw-output-generated-userdata” property. This pointer will be passed to the raw output generated callback function through the userdata parameter.

Refer to the reference deepstream-app sources for a sample implementation of the callback.

  • [in] buf: Pointer to the GstBuffer on whose contents inference has been executed. The implementation should assume the buffer to be read-only and should not modify the buffer in any way.

  • [in] network_info: Network information for the model specified for the nvinfer element instance.

  • [in] layers_info: Pointer to the array containing information for all bound layers for the inference engine.

  • [in] num_layers: Number of layers bound for the inference engine i.e. number of elements in the layers_info array.

  • [in] batch_size: Number of valid input frames in the batch.

  • [in] user_data: Pointer to the user data set through the “raw-output-generated-userdata” property.

struct NvDsInferTensorMeta
#include <gstnvdsinfer.h>

Holds the raw tensor output information for one frame / one object.

The “nvinfer” plugins adds this meta when the “output-tensor-meta” property of the element instance is set to TRUE.

This meta data is added as NvDsUserMeta to the frame_user_meta_list of the corresponding frame_meta or object_user_meta_list of the corresponding object with the meta_type set to NVDSINFER_TENSOR_OUTPUT_META.

struct NvDsInferSegmentationMeta
#include <gstnvdsinfer.h>

Holds the segmentation model output information for one frame / one object.

The “nvinfer” plugins adds this meta for segmentation models.

This meta data is added as NvDsUserMeta to the frame_user_meta_list of the corresponding frame_meta or object_user_meta_list of the corresponding object with the meta_type set to NVDSINFER_SEGMENTATION_META.