NvDsMuxDemuxExt ----------------- NVIDIA Multistream mux/demux plugin. * UUID: 89b8398c-5820-4051-835c-a91f2d49766b * Version: 0.0.4 * Author: NVIDIA * License: Proprietary Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~ nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStreamDemux ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1-to-N pipes stream demultiplexing. Only one of legacy or new implementations can be included in a graph. * Component ID: 9458d06a-048d-3a0d-9c52-5666b374090e * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **video-in** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA, I420)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput | **video-out-%u** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestOutput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA, I420)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestOutput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStreamMux ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ N-to-1 pipe stream multiplexing. Only one of legacy or new implementations can be included in a graph. * Component ID: 5112ed9a-11c5-3443-b017-f33ba8dc46f8 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **attach-sys-ts** If set to ``TRUE``, system timestamp will be attached as ``ntp`` timestamp. If set to FALSE, ``ntp`` timestamp from ``rtspsrc``, if available, will be attached. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL * Default: True | **batch-size** Maximum number of buffers in a batch. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **batched-push-timeout** Timeout in microseconds to wait after the first buffer is available to push the batch even if the complete batch is not formed. Set to -1 to wait infinitely. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 * Default: 40000 | **buffer-pool-size** Maximum number of buffers in muxer's internal pool. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 4 | **compute-hw** Compute Scaling HW. Valid values: 0: Default 1: GPU 2: VIC * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 * Default: 0 | **enable-padding** Maintain input aspect ratio when scaling by padding with black bands. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL * Default: False | **gpu-id** Set GPU Device ID. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 0 | **height** Height of each frame in output batched buffer. This property MUST be set. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **interpolation-method** Set interpolation methods. Valid values: 0: Nearest 1: Bilinear 2: Algo-1 3: Algo-2 4: Algo-3 5: Algo-4 6: Default * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 * Default: 1 | **live-source** Boolean property to inform muxer that sources are live. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL * Default: False | **max-latency** Additional latency in live mode to allow upstream to take longer to produce buffers for the current position (in nanoseconds). * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 0 | **num-surfaces-per-frame** Max number of surfaces per frame. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 1 | **nvbuf-memory-type** Type of ``NvBufSurface`` Memory to be allocated for output buffers. Valid values: 0: nvbuf-mem-default 1: nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned 2: nvbuf-mem-cuda-device 3: nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 * Default: 0 | **sync-inputs** Boolean property to force synchronization of input frames. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL * Default: False | **video-in-%u** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestInput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA, I420)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestInput | **video-out** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA, I420)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput | **width** Width of each frame in output batched buffer. This property MUST be set. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStreamDemuxNew ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1-to-N pipes stream demultiplexing. New implementation. Supports audio. Only one of legacy or new implementations can be included in a graph. * Component ID: 660c26a1-743f-4754-a016-bf1dc50638e9 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **in** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA);audio(S16LE, F32LE)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput | **out-%u** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestOutput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA);audio(S16LE, F32LE)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestOutput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStreamMuxNew ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ N-to-1 pipe stream multiplexing. New implementation. Supports audio. Only one of legacy or new implementations can be included in a graph. * Component ID: ccf04e18-454b-4d41-9380-e9186fa5ed7c * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **attach-sys-ts** If set to ``TRUE``, system timestamp will be attached as ``ntp`` timestamp. If set to ``FALSE``, ``ntp`` timestamp from ``rtspsrc``, if available, will be attached. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL * Default: True | **batch-size** Maximum number of buffers in a batch * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 1 | **config-file-path** Path to the configuration file for this instance of ``nvinfer``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FILE | **in-%u** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestInput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA);audio(S16LE, F32LE)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsOnRequestInput | **max-latency** Additional latency in live mode to allow upstream to take longer to produce buffers for the current position (in nanoseconds). * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 0 | **num-surfaces-per-frame** Number of Surfaces in a frame * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 1 | **out** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(NV12, RGBA);audio(S16LE, F32LE)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput | **sync-inputs** Boolean property to force synchronization of input frames. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL * Default: False