.. Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. NvDsDewarperExt ----------------- Components for 360d applications. * UUID: 1c7c145e-a631-4748-953a-bf3e7f92305d * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: NVIDIA * License: Proprietary Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~ nvidia::deepstream::NvDsAisleFilter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``Gstreamer nvaisle`` filter element. * Component ID: 83cd694a-24e3-351b-a48b-d1ad71773f99 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **aisle-calibration-file** Aisle Camera Calibration File. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FILE | **comp-id** ID to identify the ``NvDsEventMsgMeta`` generated by this element. `componentId` in ``NvDsEventMsgMeta`` will be set to this number. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **in** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supports any format. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput | **out** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supports any format. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsBBoxFilter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``Gstreamer`` NV BBOX Filter Element to filter class objects for given surface for 360d use case. * Component ID: 46470fa0-c087-3c36-887e-b0ea069b0b94 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **aisle-calibration-file** Aisle Camera Calibration File for vertical cylinder projection surfaces. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FILE | **in** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supports any format. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput | **out** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supports any format. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsDewarper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DeepStreamSDK ``NvDewarper`` Bin. Internal Pipeline: ``queue->nvvidconv->queue->nvdewarper`` * Component ID: de1ba1d0-fa68-3c22-bec7-6cf9c04f0d6b * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **config-file** ``Dewarper`` Config File. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FILE | **gpu-id** Set GPU Device ID. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 0 | **interpolation-method** Set interpolation methods. Valid values: 0: Nearest 1: Bilinear 2: Algo-1 3: Algo-2 4: Algo-3 5: Algo-4 6: Default * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 * Default: 6 | **num-batch-buffers** Number of Surfaces per output Buffer. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 4 | **num-output-buffers** Number of Output Buffers. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 4 | **nvbuf-memory-type** Type of ``NvBufSurface`` Memory to be allocated for output buffers. Valid values: 0: nvbuf-mem-default 1: nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned 2: nvbuf-mem-cuda-device 3: nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 * Default: 0 | **source-id** Set Source / Camera ID. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **video-in** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(I420, NV12, P010_10LE, BGRx, RGBA, GRAY8, GBR, RGB, BGR, UYVP)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput | **video-out** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supported formats - ``video(RGBA)``. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsSpotChangeSignal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Signals a change in the occupancy status of a parking spot. This is a connector component. This component must be linked to '``NvDsSpot``' which emits the signal and another component which will handle the signal callback. * Component ID: 63fdcd89-1c6d-367a-aae7-492ec6035120 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsSignal * Defined in: nvdsdewarper/nvdsdewarper_signals.hpp nvidia::deepstream::NvDsSpot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gstreamer Element to determine occupied or empty status of parking car for 360d use case. * Component ID: e53f132c-6c11-39ed-a82c-ad175dc5c2d9 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **calibration-file** Camera Calibration File for push broom projection surfaces. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FILE | **comp-id** ID to identify the ``NvDsEventMsgMeta`` generated by this element. `componentId` in ``NvDsEventMsgMeta`` will be set to this number. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 0 | **in** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supports any format. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput | **max-spot-views-per-frame** Set maximum number of spots views * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 4 | **out** Handle to an ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supports any format. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput | **spot-change-signal** Handle to a ``NvDsSpotChangeSignal`` component. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsSpotChangeSignal | **wait-threshold** Number of seconds to wait before sending the parking spot status change event. * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 * Default: 10