.. Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. NvDsUcxExt ------------- NVIDIA DeepStream extension for sending/receiving data over UCX * UUID: 4ee6215d-cb14-41e8-a266-5c45f4f9ffd4 * Version: 0.0.1 * Author: NVIDIA * License: Proprietary Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~ nvidia::deepstream::NvDsUcxClientSink ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Send data as a client over the network via UCX * Component ID: fc770702-38c5-37a8-8ebb-24dd8ca035d3 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **sync** Sync on the clock * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL | **max-lateness** Maximum number of nanoseconds that a buffer can be late before it is dropped (-1 unlimited) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **qos** Generate Quality-of-Service events upstream * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL | **async** Go asynchronously to PAUSED * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL | **addr** The IP address to listen on * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_STRING | **port** The port to listen to (default = 7174) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **buf-type** Type of data to be handled by UCX - Video/Audio/Text Valid values: 0: nvdsucx-buf-video 1: nvdsucx-buf-nv-audio 2: nvdsucx-buf-raw-audio 4: nvdsucx-buf-text * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **in** Handle to a ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supported formats - video(NV12, RGBA, I420);audio(S8, U8, S16LE, S16BE, U16LE, U16BE, S24_32LE, S24_32BE, U24_32LE, U24_32BE, S32LE, S32BE, U32LE, U32BE, S24LE, S24BE, U24LE, U24BE, S20LE, S20BE, U20LE, U20BE, S18LE, S18BE, U18LE, U18BE, F32LE, F32BE, F64LE, F64BE) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsUcxClientSrc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Receive data as a client over the network via UCX * Component ID: 6d81f6cd-c324-353b-984d-f504c6b58b3c * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **addr** The IP address to connect to * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_STRING | **port** The port to connect to (default = 7174) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **buf-type** Type of data to be handled by UCX - Video/Audio/Text Valid values: 0: nvdsucx-buf-video 1: nvdsucx-buf-nv-audio 2: nvdsucx-buf-raw-audio 4: nvdsucx-buf-text * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **gpu-id** Set GPU Device ID for operation * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **nvbuf-memory-type** Type of NvBufSurface Memory to be allocated for output buffers Valid values: 0: nvbuf-mem-default 1: nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned 2: nvbuf-mem-cuda-device 3: nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **num-nvbuf** The number of NV buffers to allocate. 0 is unlimited * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **nvbuf-batch-size** The maximal batch size of a NV buffer * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **raw-buf-size** raw buffer size * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **out** Handle to a ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supported formats - video(NV12, RGBA, I420);audio(S8, U8, S16LE, S16BE, U16LE, U16BE, S24_32LE, S24_32BE, U24_32LE, U24_32BE, S32LE, S32BE, U32LE, U32BE, S24LE, S24BE, U24LE, U24BE, S20LE, S20BE, U20LE, U20BE, S18LE, S18BE, U18LE, U18BE, F32LE, F32BE, F64LE, F64BE) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsUcxServerSink ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Send data as a server over the network via UCX * Component ID: 73415b33-57c0-30e0-a7b3-f66428c640ab * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **sync** Sync on the clock * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL | **max-lateness** Maximum number of nanoseconds that a buffer can be late before it is dropped (-1 unlimited) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **qos** Generate Quality-of-Service events upstream * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL | **async** Go asynchronously to PAUSED * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL | **throttle-time** The time to keep between rendered buffers (0 = disabled) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **addr** The IP address to listen on * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_STRING | **port** The port to listen to (default = 7174) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **buf-type** Type of data to be handled by UCX - Video/Audio/Text Valid values: 0: nvdsucx-buf-video 1: nvdsucx-buf-nv-audio 2: nvdsucx-buf-raw-audio 4: nvdsucx-buf-text * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **num-conns** The number of connections to handle from clients * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **in** Handle to a ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput`` component. Supported formats - video(NV12, RGBA, I420);audio(S8, U8, S16LE, S16BE, U16LE, U16BE, S24_32LE, S24_32BE, U24_32LE, U24_32BE, S32LE, S32BE, U32LE, U32BE, S24LE, S24BE, U24LE, U24BE, S20LE, S20BE, U20LE, U20BE, S18LE, S18BE, U18LE, U18BE, F32LE, F32BE, F64LE, F64BE) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsUcxServerSrc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Receive data as a server over the network via UCX * Component ID: ba85f498-a53d-35ba-881e-d9ffb20005d9 * Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement Parameters ++++++++++++ **addr** The IP address to connect to * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_STRING | **port** The port to connect to (default = 7174) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_NONE * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **buf-type** Type of data to be handled by UCX - Video/Audio/Text Valid values: 0: nvdsucx-buf-video 1: nvdsucx-buf-nv-audio 2: nvdsucx-buf-raw-audio 4: nvdsucx-buf-text * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **gpu-id** Set GPU Device ID for operation * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **nvbuf-memory-type** Type of NvBufSurface Memory to be allocated for output buffers Valid values: 0: nvbuf-mem-default 1: nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned 2: nvbuf-mem-cuda-device 3: nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **num-nvbuf** The number of NV buffers to allocate. 0 is unlimited * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **nvbuf-batch-size** The maximal batch size of a NV buffer * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT64 | **raw-buf-size** raw buffer size * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UINT64 | **out** Handle to a ``nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput`` component. Supported formats - video(NV12, RGBA, I420);audio(S8, U8, S16LE, S16BE, U16LE, U16BE, S24_32LE, S24_32BE, U24_32LE, U24_32BE, S32LE, S32BE, U32LE, U32BE, S24LE, S24BE, U24LE, U24BE, S20LE, S20BE, U20LE, U20BE, S18LE, S18BE, U18LE, U18BE, F32LE, F32BE, F64LE, F64BE) * Flags: GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL * Type: GXF_PARAMETER_TYPE_HANDLE * Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticOutput