
class pyds.NvDsLabelInfo

Holds information of label metadata in the classifier.

  • base_metaNvDsBaseMeta, base_meta

  • num_classesint, Number of classes of the given label.

  • result_label – An array to store the string describing the label of the classified object.

  • pResult_labelstr, An object to store the result label if it exceeds MAX_LABEL_SIZE bytes.

  • result_class_idint, class_id of the best result.

  • label_idint, Holds the label ID in case there are multiple label classifiers.

  • result_probfloat, Probability of best result.

cast(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. cast(self: capsule) -> pyds.NvDsLabelInfo

cast given object/data to NvDsLabelInfo, call pyds.NvDsLabelInfo.cast(data)

  1. cast(self: int) -> pyds.NvDsLabelInfo

cast given object/data to NvDsLabelInfo, call pyds.NvDsLabelInfo.cast(data)