NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.1 Release
nvds_audio_meta.h File Reference

Detailed Description

NVIDIA DeepStream Audio Metadata Structures

Description: This file defines DeepStream audio metadata structures.

Definition in file nvds_audio_meta.h.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _NvDsAudioFrameMeta
 Holds metadata for a audio frame in a batch. More...


typedef struct _NvDsAudioFrameMeta NvDsAudioFrameMeta
 Holds metadata for a audio frame in a batch. More...


NvDsBatchMetanvds_create_audio_batch_meta (guint max_batch_size)
 Creates a batch metadata structure for a audio batch of specified size. More...
gboolean nvds_destroy_audio_batch_meta (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta)
 Destroys a batch metadata structure. More...
NvDsAudioFrameMetanvds_acquire_audio_frame_meta_from_pool (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta)
 Acquires a audio frame meta from a batch's audio frame meta pool. More...
void nvds_add_audio_frame_meta_to_audio_batch (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta, NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta)
 Adds a audio frame meta to a batch meta. More...
void nvds_remove_audio_frame_meta_from_audio_batch (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta, NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta)
 Removes a audio frame meta from a batch meta. More...
void nvds_add_classifier_meta_to_audio_frame (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta, NvDsClassifierMeta *classifier_meta)
 Adds a classifier meta the audio frame meta. More...
void nvds_remove_classifier_meta_from_audio_frame (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta, NvDsClassifierMeta *classifier_meta)
 Removes a classifier meta from the audio frame meta to which it is attached. More...
void nvds_add_user_meta_to_audio_batch (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta, NvDsUserMeta *user_meta)
 Add a user meta to a audio batch meta. More...
void nvds_add_user_meta_to_audio_frame (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta, NvDsUserMeta *user_meta)
 Add a user meta to a audio frame meta. More...
void nvds_remove_user_meta_from_audio_batch (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta, NvDsUserMeta *user_meta)
 Removes a user meta from a audio batch meta to which it is attached. More...
void nvds_remove_user_meta_from_audio_frame (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta, NvDsUserMeta *user_meta)
 Removes a user meta from a audio frame meta to which it is attached. More...
gpointer nvds_audio_batch_meta_copy_func (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
 Copies or transforms meta data from one buffer to another. More...
void nvds_audio_batch_meta_release_func (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
 Releases metadata from a batch meta. More...
NvDsAudioFrameMetanvds_get_nth_audio_frame_meta (NvDsFrameMetaList *frame_meta_list, guint index)
 Returns a pointer to a specified frame meta in the frame meta list. More...
void nvds_clear_audio_frame_meta_list (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta, NvDsFrameMetaList *meta_list)
 Removes all of the frame metadata attached to a batch meta. More...
void nvds_clear_audio_classifier_meta_list (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta, NvDsClassifierMetaList *meta_list)
 Removes all of the classifier metadata attached to an audio frame meta. More...
void nvds_clear_audio_batch_user_meta_list (NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta, NvDsUserMetaList *meta_list)
 Removes all of the user metadata attached to the audio batch meta. More...
void nvds_clear_audio_frame_user_meta_list (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *frame_meta, NvDsUserMetaList *meta_list)
 Removes all of the user metadata attached to the audio frame meta. More...
void nvds_copy_audio_batch_user_meta_list (NvDsUserMetaList *src_user_meta_list, NvDsBatchMeta *dst_batch_meta)
 Makes a deep copy of a user meta list to the user meta list in a specified audio batch meta. More...
void nvds_copy_audio_frame_meta (NvDsAudioFrameMeta *src_frame_meta, NvDsAudioFrameMeta *dst_frame_meta)
 Makes a deep copy of a frame meta to another frame meta. More...
void nvds_copy_audio_frame_user_meta_list (NvDsUserMetaList *src_user_meta_list, NvDsAudioFrameMeta *dst_frame_meta)
 Makes a deep copy of a source user meta list to the user meta list in a specified audio frame meta. More...
void nvds_copy_audio_frame_meta_list (NvDsFrameMetaList *src_frame_meta_list, NvDsBatchMeta *dst_batch_meta)
 Makes a deep copy of a source frame meta list to the frame meta list in a specified batch meta. More...
void nvds_copy_audio_classification_list (NvDsClassifierMetaList *src_classifier_meta_list, NvDsAudioFrameMeta *dst_frame_meta)
 Makes a deep copy of a source classifier meta list to the classifier meta list in a specified object meta. More...