PEFT Training and Inference

Below is an example of how to use the training scripts for adapter tuning. The TRAIN_FILEs (and VALIDATION_FILEs) follow the same format as SFT:

python /opt/NeMo/examples/nlp/language_modeling/tuning/ \
    model.language_model_path=<BASE_T5_MODEL> \[<TRAIN_FILE1>,<TRAIN_FILE2>,...] \[<VALIDATION_FILE1>, <VALIDATION_FILE2>,...]

At the end of tuning, a ‘.nemo’ model is generated which contains the parameters for the PEFT model. Similarly, the PEFT framework has an inference script as well:

python /opt/NeMo/examples/nlp/language_modeling/tuning/ \
    data.test_ds=[<TEST_FILE>] \
    language_model_path=[BASE_T5_MODEL] \
    adapter_model_file=[PEFT_MODEL] \