Colang Standard Library (CSL)


The Colang Standard Library (CSL) provide an abstraction from the underlying event and action layer and offer a semantic interface to design interaction patterns between the bot and the user. Currently, there are the following library files available under nemoguardrails/colang/v2_x/library/ (Github link):

  • Fundamental core flows

  • Timer dependent flows

  • Flows to handle multimodal interactive systems featuring an avatar interface

  • LLM related core flows

  • Guard-railing related flows

  • Some useful helper and utility flows

To use the flows defined in these libraries you have two options:

  1. Import the standard library files using the import statement: e.g. import llm

  2. Copy the corresponding *.co file directly inside your Colang script directory.

Note that the import <library> statement will import all available flows of the corresponding library.

Fundamental Core Flows (

The core library that contains all relevant flows related to user and bot utterance events and actions.

User Event Flows

# Wait for a user to have said given text
flow user said $text -> $transcript

# Wait for a user to have said something
flow user said something -> $transcript

# Wait for a user to say given text while talking
flow user saying $text -> $transcript

# Wait for any ongoing user utterance
flow user saying something -> $transcript

# Wait for start of user utterance
flow user started saying something

# Wait for a user to have said something unexpected (no active match statement)
flow user said something unexpected -> $transcript

Bot Action Flows

# Trigger a specific bot utterance
flow bot say $text

# Trigger the bot to inform about something (semantic 'bot say' wrapper)
flow bot inform $text

# Trigger the bot to ask something (semantic 'bot say' wrapper)
flow bot ask $text

# Trigger the bot to express something (semantic 'bot say' wrapper)
flow bot express $text

# Trigger the bot to respond with given text (semantic 'bot say' wrapper)
flow bot respond $text

# Trigger the bot to clarify something (semantic 'bot say' wrapper)
flow bot clarify $text

# Trigger the bot to suggest something (semantic 'bot say' wrapper)
flow bot suggest $text

Bot Event Flows

# Wait for the bot starting with the given utterance
flow bot started saying $text

# Wait for the bot starting with any utterance
flow bot started saying something

# Wait for the bot to finish saying given utterance
flow bot said $text

# Wait for the bot to finish with any utterance
flow bot said something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish informing about something
flow bot informed something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish asking about something
flow bot asked something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish expressing something
flow bot expressed something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish responding something
flow bot responded something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish clarifying something
flow bot clarified something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish suggesting something
flow bot suggested something -> $text

State Tracking Flows

These are flows that track bot and user states in global variables.

# Track bot talking state in global variable $bot_talking_state
flow tracking bot talking state

# Track user utterance state in global variables: $user_talking_state, $last_user_transcript
flow tracking user talking state

Development Helper Flows

# A flow to notify about any runtime Colang errors
flow notification of colang errors

# A flow to notify about the start of an undefined flow
flow notification of undefined flow start

# A flow to notify about an unhandled user utterance
flow notification of unexpected user utterance

Timing Flows (

# Little helper flow to wait indefinitely
flow wait indefinitely

# Wait the specified number of seconds before continuing
flow wait $time_s $timer_id="wait_timer_{uid()}"

# Start a repeating timer
flow repeating timer $timer_id $interval_s

# Wait for when user was silent for $time_s seconds
flow user was silent $time_s

# Wait for when user was silent for $time_s seconds while bot was silent
flow user didnt respond $time_s

# Wait for the bot to be silent (no utterance) for given time
flow bot was silent $time_s

# Trigger a specific bot gesture delayed
flow bot gesture with delay $gesture $delay

Interactive Avatar Modality Flows (

User Event Flows

# Wait for a UI selection
flow user selected choice $choice_id -> $choice

# Wait for a UI selection to have happened (considering also choices that happened right before)
flow user has selected choice $choice_id

# Wait for user entering keystrokes in UI text field
flow user typing $text -> $inputs

# Wait for user to make a gesture
flow user gestured $gesture -> $final_gesture

# Wait for user to be detected as present (e.g. camera ROI)
flow user became present -> $user_id

# Wait for when the user talked while bot is speaking
flow user interrupted bot talking $sentence_length=15

Bot Action Flows

# Trigger a specific bot gesture
flow bot gesture $gesture

# Trigger a specific bot posture
flow bot posture $posture

# Show a 2D UI with some options to select from
flow scene show choice $prompt $options

# Show a 2D UI with detailed information
flow scene show textual information $title $text $header_image

# Show a 2D UI with a short information
flow scene show short information $info

# Show a 2D UI with some input fields to be filled in
flow scene show form $prompt $inputs

Bot Event Flows

# Wait for the bot to start with the given gesture
flow bot started gesture $gesture

# Wait for the bot to start with any gesture
flow bot started a gesture -> $gesture

# Wait for the bot to start with the given posture
flow bot started posture $posture

# Wait for the bot to start with any posture
flow bot started a posture -> $posture

# Wait for the bot to start with any action
flow bot started an action -> $action

State Tracking Flows

These are flows that track bot and user states in global variables.

# Track most recent visual choice selection state in global variable $choice_selection_state
flow tracking visual choice selection state

Helper & Utility Flows

These are some useful helper and utility flows:

# Stops all the current bot actions
flow finish all bot actions

# Stops all the current scene actions
flow finish all scene actions

# Handling the bot talking interruption reaction
flow handling bot talking interruption $mode="inform"

Posture Management Flows

# Activates all the posture management
flow managing bot postures

# Start and stop listening posture
flow managing listening posture

# Start and stop talking posture
flow managing talking posture

# Start and stop thinking posture
flow managing thinking posture

# Start and stop idle posture
flow managing idle posture

LLM Flows (

LLM Enabled Bot Actions

# Trigger a bot utterance similar to given text
flow bot say something like $text

LLM Utilities

# Start response polling for all LLM related calls to receive the LLM responses an act on that
flow polling llm request response $interval=1.0

Interaction Continuation

Flows to that will continue the current interaction for unhandled user actions/intents or undefined flows.

# Activate all LLM based interaction continuations
flow llm continuation

# Generate a user intent event (finish flow event) for unhandled user utterance
flow generating user intent for unhandled user utterance

# Wait for the end of any flow with the name starting with 'user ' (considered a user intent)
flow unhandled user intent -> $intent

# Generate and start new flow to continue the interaction for an unhandled user intent
flow continuation on unhandled user intent

# Generate and start a new flow to continue the interaction for the start of an undefined flow
flow continuation on undefined flow

# Generate a flow that continues the current interaction
flow llm generate interaction continuation flow -> $flow_name

# Generate and continue with a suitable interaction
flow llm continue interaction

Interaction History Logging

Flows to log interaction history to created required context for LLM prompts.

# Activate all automated user and bot intent flows logging based on flow naming
flow automating bot user intent logging

# Marking user intent flows using only naming convention
flow marking user intent flows

# Generate user intent logging for marked flows that finish by themselves
flow logging marked user intent flows

# Marking bot intent flows using only naming convention
flow marking bot intent flows

# Generate user intent logging for marked flows that finish by themselves
flow logging marked bot intent flows

State Tracking Flows

These are flows that track bot and user states in global variables.

# Track most recent unhandled user intent state in global variable $user_intent_state
flow tracking unhandled user intent state

Guardrail Flows (

Flows to guardrail user inputs and LLM responses.

# Check user utterances before they get further processed
flow run input rails $input_text

# Check llm responses before they get further processed
flow run output rails $output_text

Utility Flows (

Some useful common helper and utility flows.

# Start a flow with the provided name and wait for it to finish
flow await_flow_by_name $flow_name