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Understanding the cl-support Output File

The cl-support script generates a compressed archive file of useful information for troubleshooting. The system either creates the archive file automatically or you can create the archive file manually.

Automatic cl-support File

The system creates the cl-support archive file automatically for the following reasons:

  • When there is a core dump file for any application (not specific to Cumulus Linux, but something all Linux distributions support), located in /var/support/core.
  • After the first failure of one of several monitored services after a switch reboot or power cycle.

Manual cl-support File

To create the cl-support archive file manually, run the cl-support command:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-support

If the Cumulus Linux support team requests that you submit the output from cl-support to investigate issues you experience and you need to include security-sensitive information, such as the sudoers file, use the -s option:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-support -s

For information on the directories included in the cl-support archive, see: