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Cumulus Linux 5.10 Packages

5.10.1 Packages

Cumulus Linux 5.10.1 provides new SDK and firmware versions:

  • SDK: 4.7.1136
  • Spectrum 1 firmware: 13.2014_1136
  • Spectrum-2 firmware: 29.2014_1136
  • Spectrum-3 firmware: 30.2014_1136
  • Spectrum-4 firmware: 34.2014_1136

All other open source software licenses are the same as those listed in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0 Packages, below.

5.10.0 Packages

Cumulus Linux 5.10.0 contains the following core switch package versions:

SDK (sx-sdk-eth)4.7.1108Switch SDK package. Legal Notices and 3rd Party Licenses: SDK 3rd Party Unify Notice; SDK 3rd Party Notice; SDK License
MFT (kernel-mft-dkms) MFT package. Legal Notices and 3rd Party Licenses: MFT 3rd Party Notice; MFT License
Hardware management (hw-management)7.0040.1005Hardware management package.
NVUE (python3-nvue) core package.
kernel (linux-image)6.1.90Linux kernel package.

To obtain a complete list of open source packages included in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0, see the downloads section on the NVIDIA Enterprise support portal.