Upgrade NetQ Agents

NVIDIA strongly recommends that you upgrade your NetQ Agents when you install or upgrade to a new release. If you are using NetQ Agent 2.4.0 update 24 or earlier, you must upgrade to ensure proper operation.

The following instructions apply to both Cumulus Linux 3.x and 4.x, and for both on-premises and remote deployments.

Upgrade NetQ Agent

To upgrade the NetQ Agent:

  1. Log in to your switch or host.

  2. Update and install the new NetQ Debian package.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y netq-agent
    sudo yum update
    sudo yum install netq-agent
  3. Restart the NetQ Agent.

    netq config restart agent

Refer to Install NetQ Agents to complete the upgrade.

Verify NetQ Agent Version

You can verify the version of the agent software you have deployed as described in the following sections.

Run the following command to view the NetQ Agent version.

cumulus@switch:~$ dpkg-query -W -f '${Package}\t${Version}\n' netq-agent

You should see version 4.1.0 and update 36 in the results. For example:

  • Cumulus Linux 3.3.2-3.7.x
    • netq-agent_4.1.0-cl3u36~1638992139.2c18daee_armel.deb
    • netq-agent_4.1.0-cl3u36~1638992139.2c18daee_amd64.deb
  • Cumulus Linux 4.0.0 and later
    • netq-agent_4.1.0-cl4u36~1638992139.2c18daee_armel.deb
    • netq-agent_4.1.0-cl4u36~1638992139.2c18daee_amd64.deb

root@ubuntu:~# dpkg-query -W -f '${Package}\t${Version}\n' netq-agent

You should see version 4.1.0 and update 36 in the results. For example:

root@rhel7:~# rpm -q -netq-agent

You should see version 4.1.0 and update 36 in the results. For example:

If you see an older version, upgrade the NetQ Agent, as described above.