Install the NetQ System

You can install NetQ either on your premises or as a remote, cloud solution. If you are unsure which option is best for your network, refer to Before You Install.


Deployment TypeServer ArrangementHypervisorRequirements & Installation
On-premisesSingle serverKVMStart install
On-premisesSingle serverVMwareStart install
On-premisesHigh-availability server clusterKVMStart install
On-premisesHigh-availability server clusterVMwareStart install

Cloud/OPTA (On-Premises Telemetry Aggregator)

Deployment TypeServer ArrangementHypervisorRequirements & Installation
OPTASingle serverKVMStart install
OPTASingle serverVMwareStart install
OPTAHigh-availability server clusterKVMStart install
OPTAHigh-availability server clusterVMwareStart install

Base Command Manager

You can deploy NetQ using NVIDIA Base Command Manager. To get started, refer to the Base Command Manager administrator and containerization manuals.