
netq help

Displays the syntax for all commands or ones containing a particular keyword, a list of all commands and options, or a summary of command formatting.


netq help [<text-keywords>]
netq help list
netq help verbose

Required Arguments

listNADisplay all NetQ commands in the terminal window
verboseNADisplay NetQ command formatting rules


NA<text-keywords>Display syntax for commands with these keywords

Sample Usage

Display syntax for all commands with the addresses keyword:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq addresses help OR netq help addresses
   netq <hostname> show ip addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
   netq show ip addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [subnet|supernet|gateway] [around <text-time>] [json]
   netq <hostname> show ipv6 addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
   netq show ipv6 addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [subnet|supernet|gateway] [around <text-time>] [json]
   netq check addresses [label <text-label-name> | hostnames <text-list-hostnames>] [check_filter_id <text-check-filter-id>] [include <addr-number-range-list> | exclude <addr-number-range-list>] [around <text-time>] [json | summary]
   addresses                    : IPv4/v6 addresses
   subnet                       : Display all addresses in the subnet of a given address
   supernet                     : Display all addresses in a supernet
    workers-ipv6            : Workers nodes IPv6 addresses

Display the NetQ command formatting rules:

cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq help verbose

netq commands have the following format:
    netq [<hostname>] action object [options]

[] denotes an optional parameter or keyword
<> denotes a parameter to be specified such as an IP prefix, addr etc.

Hitting the TAB key will automatically show the available options.
Partial keywords are also accepted; e.g.: 'netq show ip ro'.
