If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

Install NetQ Using the CLI

You can now install the NetQ software using the NetQ CLI.

This is the final set of steps for installing NetQ. If you have not already performed the installation preparation steps, go to Install the NetQ System before continuing here.

Install the NetQ System

To install NetQ, log in to your NetQ platform server, NetQ Appliance, NetQ Cloud Appliance or the master node of your cluster.

Then, to install the software, choose the tab for the type of deployment:

Run the following command on your NetQ platform server or NetQ Appliance:

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0.tgz

You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface <ifname> above.

If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ On-premises VM after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:

Reset the VM, indicating whether you want to purge any NetQ DB data or keep it.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset [purge-db|keep-db]

Re-run the install CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install standalone full interface eno1 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0.tgz

If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.

Run the following command on your master node to initialize the cluster. Copy the output of the command to use on your worker nodes:

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install cluster master-init
Please run the following command on all worker nodes:

Run the netq install cluster worker-init <ssh-key> on each of your worker nodes.

Run the following commands on your master node, using the IP addresses of your worker nodes:

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install cluster full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0.tgz workers <worker-1-ip> <worker-2-ip>

You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface <ifname> above.

If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ On-premises VM after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:

Reset the VM, indicating whether you want to purge any NetQ DB data or keep it.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset [purge-db|keep-db]

Re-run the install CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install standalone full interface eno1 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0.tgz

If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.

Install the OPTA Server

To install the OPTA server, choose the tab for the type of deployment:

Run the following command on your NetQ Cloud Appliance with the config-key obtained from the email you received from NVIDIA titled NetQ Access Link. You can also obtain the configuration key through the NetQ UI in the premise management configuration. For more information, see First Time Log In - NetQ Cloud.

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install opta standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0-opta.tgz config-key <your-config-key> [proxy-host <proxy-hostname> proxy-port <proxy-port>]

You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface <ifname> above.

If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ OPTA after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:

Reset the VM:

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset

Re-run the install CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install opta standalone full interface eno1 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0-opta.tgz config-key  [proxy-host  proxy-port ]

If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.

Consider the following for container environments, and make adjustments as needed.

Flannel Virtual Networks

If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.

The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is

To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install opta standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0-opta.tgz config-key  pod-ip-range

Docker Default Bridge Interface

The default Docker bridge interface is disabled in NetQ. If you need to reenable the interface, contact support.

Run the following command on your master node to initialize the cluster. Copy the output of the command to use on your worker nodes:

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install cluster master-init
Please run the following command on all worker nodes:

Run the netq install cluster worker-init <ssh-key> on each of your worker nodes.

Run the following command on your NetQ Cloud Appliance with the config-key obtained from the email you received from NVIDIA titled NetQ Access Link. You can also obtain the configuration key through the NetQ UI in the premise management configuration. For more information, see First Time Log In - NetQ Cloud.

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install opta cluster full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0-opta.tgz config-key <your-config-key> workers <worker-1-ip> <worker-2-ip> [proxy-host <proxy-hostname> proxy-port <proxy-port>]

You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface <ifname> above.

If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ OPTA after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:

Reset the VM:

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset

Re-run the install CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install opta standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0-opta.tgz config-key  [proxy-host  proxy-port ]

If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.

Consider the following for container environments, and make adjustments as needed.

Flannel Virtual Networks

If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.

The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is

To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install opta standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.2.0-opta.tgz config-key  pod-ip-range

Docker Default Bridge Interface

The default Docker bridge interface is disabled in NetQ. If you need to reenable the interface, contact support.

Run the netq show opta-health command to verify all applications are operating properly.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq show opta-health
OPTA is healthy

Verify Installation Status

To view the status of the installation, use the netq show status [verbose] command. The following example shows a successful on-premise installation:

State: Active
Version: 4.2.0
Installer Version: 4.2.0
Installation Type: Standalone
Activation Key: PKrgipMGEhVuZXRxLWVuZHBvaW50LWdhdGV3YXkYsagDIixUQmFLTUhzZU80RUdTL3pOT01uQ2lnRnrrUhTbXNPUGRXdnUwTVo5SEpBPTIHZGVmYXVsdDoHbmV0cWRldgz=
Is Cloud: False

Cluster Status:
IP Address     Hostname       Role    Status
-------------  -------------  ------  --------  Role    Ready

NetQ... Active

Run the netq show opta-health command to verify all applications are operating properly. Allow 10-15 minutes for all applications to come up and report their status.

cumulus@hostname:~$ netq show opta-health
Application                                            Status    Namespace      Restarts    Timestamp
-----------------------------------------------------  --------  -------------  ----------  ------------------------
cassandra-rc-0-w7h4z                                   READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
cp-schema-registry-deploy-6bf5cbc8cc-vwcsx             READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
kafka-broker-rc-0-p9r2l                                READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
kafka-connect-deploy-7799bcb7b4-xdm5l                  READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
netq-api-gateway-deploy-55996ff7c8-w4hrs               READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
netq-app-address-deploy-66776ccc67-phpqk               READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
netq-app-admin-oob-mgmt-server                         READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
netq-app-bgp-deploy-7dd4c9d45b-j9bfr                   READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
netq-app-clagsession-deploy-69564895b4-qhcpr           READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020
netq-app-configdiff-deploy-ff54c4cc4-7rz66             READY     default        0           Fri Apr 10 16:08:38 2020

If any of the applications or services display Status as DOWN after 30 minutes, open a support ticket and attach the output of the opta-support command.