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netq bootstrap

Load the installation program onto the network switches and hosts in either a single server or server cluster arrangement. This command is the same for any deployment model.


netq bootstrap master
    (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>)
    tarball <text-tarball-name>
    [pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range>]

netq bootstrap worker
    tarball <text-tarball-name>
    master-ip <text-master-ip>
    [password <text-password>]

Required Arguments

masterNALoad the installation program onto the single NetQ server or master server in a cluster
interface<text-opta-ifname>Name of the interface on the NetQ appliance or VM where the server listens for NetQ Agents
ip-addr<text-ip-addr>IP address of the interface on the NetQ appliance or VM where the server listens for NetQ Agents
workerNALoad the installation program onto worker nodes in a NetQ server cluster
tarball<text-tarball-name>Full path of the installation file, for example, /mnt/installables/netq-bootstrap-4.0.0.tgz
master-ip<text-master-ip>IP address for the master server in a NetQ server cluster


pod-ip-range<text-pod-ip-range>Change the IP address range to this range for Flannel container environments when you have a conflict. NetQ overrides the default Flannel address range ( with
password<text-password>Passphrase for access to the worker node
ignore-errorsNAIgnore errors caused by Kubernetes pre-flight checks

Sample Usage

Bootstrap single server or master server in a server cluster:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq bootstrap master interface eth0 tarball /mnt/installables/netq-bootstrap-4.0.0.tgz

Bootstrap worker node in server cluster:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq bootstrap worker tarball /mnt/installables/netq-bootstrap-4.0.0.tgz  master-ip
  • netq bootstrap reset
  • netq bootstrap master upgrade

netq bootstrap master upgrade

Loads master node with a new NetQ installer in an existing server cluster deployment.

This command applies only when upgrading from NetQ 3.1.1 and earlier.


netq bootstrap master upgrade

Required Arguments

NA<text-tarball-name>Full path of the installation file, for example, /mnt/installables/netq-bootstrap-4.0.0.tgz



Sample Usage

Basic bootstrap:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq bootstrap master upgrade mnt/installables/netq-bootstrap-4.0.0.tgz
  • netq bootstrap
  • netq bootstrap reset

netq bootstrap reset

Reset the node to prepare it for loading the installation program. In on-premises deployments with database on site, you can choose whether to save the current data or discard it (default) during the reset process. NetQ saves all data by default in remotely hosted database deployments.


netq bootstrap reset
    [keep-db | purge-db]

Required Arguments



keep-dbNASave existing data before resetting the node. Only applies to deployments with local databases.
purge-dbNADiscard existing data when resetting the node. Only applies to deployments with local databases.
purge-imagesNADiscard Docker images when resetting the node. Only applies to deployments with local databases.

Sample Usage

Prepare node for bootstrapping and discard data:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq bootstrap reset

Prepare node for bootstrapping while keeping existing data:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq bootstrap reset keep-db
  • netq bootstrap
  • netq bootstrap master upgrade