If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.


You must run the netq config commands with sudo privileges.

netq config add agent cluster-servers

Configures the server cluster where the NetQ Agents on monitored switches and hosts should send their collected data. You can also provide a specific port or VRF to use for the communication. Note that you must restart the NetQ Agent to enable the configuration.


netq config add agent cluster-servers
    [port <text-opta-port>]
    [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
    [ssl true | ssl false]
    [ssl-cert <text-ssl-cert-file> | ssl-cert download]

Required Arguments

NA<text-opta-ip-list>Comma-separated list (no spaces) of IP addresses or hostnames of switches to include in server cluster


port<text-opta-port>Use the port with this name on each switch to receive data; default is port 31980
vrf<text-vrf-names>Use the VRF with this name on each switch to receive data; default VRF is default
ssltrue, falseEstablish an SSL connection between agent and OPTA (true)
ssl-cert<text-ssl-cert-file>Use the SSL certificate contained in this file. Value must include entire path to the file.
ssl-cert downloadNADownload the SSL certificate

Sample Usage

Configure cluster with default port and VRF

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent cluster-servers leaf01,leaf02,spine01
Updated agent for cluster servers leaf01,leaf02,spine01 port 31980 vrf default. Please restart netq-agent (netq config restart agent)

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
  • netq config del agent cluster-servers
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent command

The NetQ Agent contains a pre-configured set of modular commands that run periodically and send event and resource data to the NetQ appliance or VM. This command lets you fine-tune which events the agent can poll and vary the frequency of polling. Note that you must restart the NetQ Agent to enable the configuration.

Refer to the Manage NetQ Agents for additional details, including service keys and default polling intervals.


netq config add agent command
    service-key <text-service-key-anchor>
    [poll-period <text-cmd-periodicity>]
    [command <text-cmd-text>]
    [enable True | enable False]

Required Arguments

service-key<text-service-key-anchor>Modify the NetQ Agent command with this service key (name)


poll-period<text-cmd-periodicity>Set the polling period (in seconds) for the NetQ Agent command with the designated service key
command<text-cmd-text>Run this executable command for the NetQ Agent command with the designated service key
enableTrue, FalseEnable (True) or disable (False) the NetQ Agent command with the designated service key

Sample Usage

Modify the polling frequency for a command:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent command service-key lldp-json poll-period 60
Successfully added/modified Command service lldpd command /usr/sbin/lldpctl -f json

Disable a command:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent command service-key ospf-neighbor-json enable False
Command Service ospf-neighbor-json is disabled
  • netq config show agent
  • netq config agent factory-reset

netq config add agent cpu-limit

Configures the NetQ Agent use no more than a specified maximum percentage (between 40 and 60 percent) of the CPU resources of the switch. If you run the command without a value, NetQ assumes a limit of 40%. Cumulus Linux versions 3.6 or later or 4.1.0 or later must be running on the switch for this setting to take effect. Note that you must restart the NetQ Agent to enable the configuration.

For more detail about this feature, refer to this Knowledge Base article.


netq config add agent cpu-limit

Required Arguments



NA<text-limit-number>Set the threshold for the maximum percentage of CPU resources that the NetQ Agent can use

Sample Usage

Limit CPU usage by NetQ Agent to 60%:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent cpu-limit 60
Successfully set agent CPU limit to 60
Please restart agent(netq config restart agent)
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent cpu-limit
  • netq config del agent cpu-limit
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent frr-monitor

Configures the NetQ Agent to monitor the Free Range Router (FRR) function when running in a Docker container. Typically, FRR runs as a service. Note that you must restart the NetQ Agent to enable the configuration.


netq config add agent frr-monitor

Required Arguments



NA<text-frr-docker-name>Collect statistics about the FRR docker container with this name pattern, used by grep

Sample Usage

Configure NetQ Agent to collect FRR statistics:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent frr-monitor frr
Successfully added FRR docker monitoring for netq-agent. Please restart service.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent frr-monitor
  • netq config del agent frr-monitor
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent gnmi-port

Configures the default port over which the gNMI Agent listens. For additional information, see gNMI Streaming.


netq config add agent gnmi-port <text-gnmi-port>

Required Arguments

gnmi-port<text-gnmi-port>Configure gNMI to listen over specified port



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent gnmi-port <gnmi_port>
  • netq config add agent gnmi
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor

Configures the NetQ Agent to monitor Kubernetes containers on the switch and to set how often to collect this information (between 10 and 120 seconds). Note that you must restart the NetQ Agent to enable the configuration.


netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor
    [poll-period <text-duration-period>]

Required Arguments



poll-period<text-duration-period>Collect statistics about Kubernetes containers at this frequency, in seconds

Sample Usage

Configure NetQ Agent to monitor Kubernetes containers:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor
Successfully added kubernetes monitor. Please restart netq-agent.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!

Configure the polling frequency for Kubernetes container data collection:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor poll-period 120
Successfully added kubernetes monitor. Please restart netq-agent.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent kubernetes-monitor
  • netq config del agent kubernetes-monitor
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent loglevel

Configures the amount of information to log about the NetQ Agent activity, from only critical issues to every available message. Identified issues get logged to /var/log/netq-agent.log file. The default log level is info.

  • Error: Logs only events classified as errors
  • Warning: Logs events classified as warnings and errors
  • Info: Logs events classified as info, warning, and errors
  • Debug: Logs all events

After you finish debugging, reset the log level to info or higher. Note that you must restart the NetQ Agent to enable the configuration.


netq config add agent loglevel

Required Arguments



NAdebug, error, info, warningLog NetQ Agent events with this severity

Sample Usage

Configure NetQ Agent to log only errors:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent loglevel error
Successfully added logging for netq-agent. Please restart service.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent loglevel
  • netq config del agent loglevel
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent opta-discovery-servers

Configures the range of IP addresses to search as part of the lifecycle management discovery process (when NetQ is looking for Cumulus Linux switches not running NetQ).

Ranges can be contiguous, for example, or non-contiguous, for example,128-190,235, but they must be within a single subnet. You can include a maximum of 50 addresses in an address range; if necessary, break the range into smaller ranges.


netq config add agent opta-discovery-servers 
    [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
    [port <text-discovery-server-port>]

Required Arguments

opta-discovery-servers<text-opta-discovery-ips>Look for Cumulus Linux switches not running NetQ within this range of IP addresses


vrf<text-vrf-name>Look for Cumulus Linux switches with the specified IP addresses that use the VRF with this name. When unspecified, the command uses the default VRF.
port<text-discovery-server-port>Look for Cumulus Linux switches with the specified IP addresses that use this port. When unspecified, the command uses port 31980.

Sample Usage

Configure a range of IP addresses to search for switches that are not running NetQ:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent opta-discovery-servers,128-190
Updated agent discovery servers,128-190 port 31980 vrf default. Please restart netq-agent (netq config restart agent)

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent opta-enable

Enable or disable the NetQ Agent. Use this command to collect data with gNMI.


 netq config add agent opta-enable [true|false]

Required Arguments



NAtrue, falseDisable the NetQ Agent (false) or enable it (true)


netq config add agent server

Configures the destination (NetQ appliance or VM) for the data collected by the NetQ Agent and for API requests.


netq config add agent server
    [port <text-opta-port>]
    [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
    [ssl true | ssl false ]
    [ssl-cert <text-ssl-cert-file> | ssl-cert download]

Required Arguments

server<text-opta-ip>Use the appliance or VM with this IP address to receive NetQ Agent data and API requests


port<text-opta-port>Use this port on the appliance or VM to receive NetQ Agent data and API requests
vrf<text-vrf-name>Use this VRF on the appliance or VM to receive NetQ Agent data and API requests
ssltrue, falseEstablish an SSL connection between agent and OPTA (true)
ssl-cert<text-ssl-cert-file>Use the SSL certificate contained in this file. Value must include entire path to the file.
ssl-cert downloadNADownload the SSL certificate

Sample Usage

Configure destination server with default port and VRF

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent server
Updated agent server port 31980 vrf default. Please restart netq-agent (netq config restart agent)

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config del agent server
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent stats

Configures the NetQ Agent to collect and send interface statistics.


netq config add agent stats

Required Arguments

statsNACollect and send interface statistics



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent stats
stats config added. Please restart netq-agent (netq config restart agent)

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent stats
  • netq config del agent stats
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent wjh

Configures the NetQ Agent to collect and send What Just Happened events from NVIDIA Spectrum™ switches. Refer to the WJH events reference for a list of supported WJH events and to WJH configuration for configuration information.


netq config add agent wjh

Required Arguments

wjhNACollect and send What Just Happened events



Sample Usage

cumulus@chassis:~$ netq config add agent wjh
Successfully added WJH monitor. Please restart netq-agent (netq config restart agent)

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent wjh
  • netq config del agent wjh
  • netq config add agent wjh-drop-filter
  • netq config add agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent wjh-drop-filter

Filters the WJH events at the NetQ Agent before the NetQ system processes them. NetQ performs the filtering on a drop-type basis. You can filter the drop type further by specifying one or more drop reasons or severities. This command only applies to NVIDIA Spectrum switches.


netq config add agent wjh-drop-filter
    drop-type <text-wjh-drop-type> 
    [drop-reasons <text-wjh-drop-reasons>]
    [severity <text-drop-severity-list>]

Required Arguments

wjh-drop-filterNACollect and send WJH events filtered by drop type, reason, or severity
drop-type<text-wjh-drop-type>Only collect and send WJH events with this drop type. Valid drop types include acl, buffer, l1, l2, router, and tunnel.


drop-reasons<text-wjh-drop-reasons>Only collect and send WJH events with these drop reasons. To specify more than one drop reason, format this value as a comma-separated list, without spaces. Valid drop reasons vary according to the drop type. Refer to the WJH events reference.
severity<text-drop-severity-list>Only collect and send WJH events with these severities. To specify more than one severity, format this value as a comma-separated list, without spaces. Valid severities include Notice, Warning, and Error.

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent wjh-drop-filter drop-type l1 drop-reasons PORT_ADMIN_DOWN,BAD_SIGNAL_INTEGRITY

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config del agent wjh-drop-filter
  • netq config add agent wjh
  • netq config add agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add agent wjh-threshold

WJH latency and congestion metrics depend on threshold settings to trigger the events. NetQ measures packet latency as the time spent inside a single system (switch). It measures congestion as a percentage of buffer occupancy on the switch. When configured, the NetQ Agent collects and sends these WJH-triggered events when a metric crosses the high and low thresholds.

This command only applies to NVIDIA Spectrum switches.


netq config add agent wjh-threshold

Required Arguments

wjh-thresholdNACollect and send WJH latency or congestion events triggered by the specified high and low thresholds
latencyNACollect and send WJH latency events
congestionNACollect and send WJH congestion events
NA<text-tc-list> or allOnly send events for these traffic classes, or use all for all traffic classes. When you desire more than one traffic class, you should format this value should as a comma-separated list, without spaces.
NA<text-port-list> or allOnly send events occurring on these ports, or use all for all ports. When you desire more than one port, you should format this value as a comma-separated list, without spaces. For example swp1,swp2,swp3,swp4.
NA<text-th-hi>Trigger an event when the latency is greater than this amount of time, or when buffer occupancy is greater than this percentage.
NA<text-th-lo>Trigger an event when the latency is less than this amount of time, or when buffer occupancy is less than this percentage.



Sample Usage

Create latency thresholds for Class 3 traffic on port swp1 where the upper threshold is 10 and the lower threshold is 1.

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add agent wjh-threshold latency 3 swp1 10 1

Create congestion thresholds for Class 4 traffic on port swp1 where the upper threshold is 200 and the lower threshold is 10.

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add agent wjh-threshold congestion 4 swp1 200 10
  • netq config show agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config del agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config add agent wjh
  • netq config add agent wjh-drop-filter
  • netq config restart agent

netq config add cli proxy

Adds a new proxy server to the CLI configuration.


  netq config add cli proxy 

Required Arguments

NA<text-proxy-type>Proxy type (http, https)
NA<text-proxy-url>Proxy server URL



  • netq config del cli proxy

netq config add cli server

Configures the NetQ CLI on the switch or host where you run this command. Cloud deployments require the access-key and secret-key options or the cli-keys-file option, as well as the premises option.

When the NetQ CLI is not configured, you can run only netq config and netq help commands, and you must use sudo to run them.


netq config add cli server
    [access-key <text-access-key> secret-key <text-secret-key> premises <text-premises-name> | cli-keys-file <text-key-file> premises <text-premises-name>]
    [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
    [port <text-gateway-port>]

Required Arguments

server<text-gateway-dest>Hostname or IP address of the NetQ appliance or VM in on-premises deployments, or gateway IP address or domain name for cloud/remote deployments.
access-key<text-access-key>Access key obtained from NetQ UI for cloud/remote deployments
secret-key<text-secret-key>Secret key obtained from NetQ UI for cloud/remote deployments
premises<text-premises-name>Name of the premises with the data you want to monitor. When you have multiple premises, you must run this command again to view data from another premises.
cli-keys-file<text-key-file>Use the access and secret keys contained in this file for cloud/remote deployments, rather than providing keys individually. Value must include entire path to the file.


vrf<text-vrf-name>Use this VRF for communication with the telemetry server (NetQ appliance, VM, or cloud gateway). This should be the same VRF where you set the routing tables for connectivity to the telemetry server. Typically this is the management VRF.
port<text-gateway-port>Use this port for communication with the telemetry server (NetQ appliance, VM, or cloud gateway). The default port is 32708 for on-premises deployments and 443 for cloud deployments.

Sample Usage


cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add cli server vrf mgmt port 32000
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config restart cli


cumulus@switch:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key 45d11f46bc09986db64612c590204054b1f12bc05219324a7d66084cf741779c secret-key zHoQ9feNlScNuGBVzUNqr0c0kJL+FAZbhEz8YtW2Rc0= premises NewYork 
cumulus@switch:~# sudo netq config restart cli
  • netq config show cli premises
  • netq config del cli server
  • netq config restart cli

netq config add opta config-key

Adds the OPTA configuration key as part of the on-switch OPTA configuration.


netq config add opta config-key <text-opta-key> 
    [vrf <text-vrf-name>] 
    [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>]

Required Arguments

config-key<text-opta-key>OPTA configuration key


vrf<text-vrf-names>Specifies VRF used to communicate with the NetQ Cloud
proxy-host<text-proxy-host>Specifies proxy host
proxy-port<text-proxy-port>Specifies proxy port

Sample Usage

netq config add opta config-key tHkSI2d3LmRldjMubmV0cWRldi5jdW11bHVasdf29ya3MuY29tGLsDIiwzeUpNc3BwK1IyUjVXY2p2dDdPL3JHS3ZrZ1dDUkpFY2JkMVlQOGJZUW84PTIEZGV2MzoHbmV0cWRldr vrf mgmt
  • netq config add opta proxy-host

netq config add opta proxy-host

Adds a proxy host as part of the on-switch OPTA configuration.


netq config add opta 
    proxy-host <text-proxy-host> 
    proxy-port <text-proxy-port>

Required Arguments

proxy-host<text-proxy-host>Specifies proxy host
proxy-port<text-proxy-port>Specifies proxy port



  • netq config del opta proxy-host

netq config color

Configures command output to presents results in color for many commands. Results with errors are shown in red, and warnings are shown in yellow. Results without errors or warnings are shown in either black or green. VTEPs are shown in blue. A node in the pretty output of a trace command is shown in bold, and a router interface is wrapped in angle brackets (< >). Outputs are shown with color cues as soon as you run the command.


netq config (add|del) color

Required Arguments

addNADisplay color-coded command output
delNARemove color-coded command output



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add color
Color coded output config added


netq config agent factory-reset commands

Resets the factory default settings for NetQ Agent modular commands, removing any manual adjustments made to data to collect and polling frequency.


netq config agent factory-reset commands 

Required Arguments

factory-reset commandsNAReset NetQ Agent polling data and frequency to factory settings



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config agent factory-reset commands
Netq Command factory reset successful
  • netq config add agent
  • netq config show agent

netq config del agent

Disables or removes NetQ Agent configurations on a switch. Several forms of this command are available.


netq config del agent 
    [asic-monitor| cluster-serveres| cpu-limit|frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|server|ssl|stats|wjh] 

Required Arguments



asic-monitorNAStop the NetQ Agent from monitoring ASICs
cluster-serversNARemove all cluster servers configured to receive NetQ Agent data
cpu-limitNARemove CPU usage limit for the NetQ Agent on this device
frr-monitorNAStop the NetQ Agent from monitoring FRR when running in a container
kubernetes-monitorNAStop the NetQ Agent from monitoring Kubernetes containers
loglevelNAStop the NetQ Agent from logging events about the agent
serverNADelete the current destination of NetQ Agent data and API requests
sslNADelete SSL configuration
statsNAStop the NetQ Agent from collecting interface statistics
wjhNAStop the NetQ Agent from collecting WJH information
jsonNADisplay the output in JSON file format

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config del agent cluster-servers
Deleted agent cluster servers, port 31980 vrf default. Please restart netq-agent (netq config restart agent)

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
  • netq config add agent
  • netq config restart agent
  • netq config show agent

netq config del agent wjh-drop-filter

Delete a What Just Happened event filter on a switch.


netq config del agent wjh-drop-filter
    drop-type <text-wjh-drop-type> 
    [drop-reasons <text-wjh-drop-reasons>]
    [severity <text-drop-severity-list>]

Required Arguments

wjh-drop-filterNADelete existing WJH event filter
drop-type<text-wjh-drop-type>Delete WJH event filter with this drop type. Valid drop types include acl, buffer, l1, l2, router, and tunnel.


drop-reasons<text-wjh-drop-reasons>Delete WJH event filter with these drop reasons. To specify than one drop reason, format this value as a comma-separated list, without spaces. Valid drop reasons vary according to the drop type. Refer to the WJH events reference.
severity<text-drop-severity-list>Delete WJH event filter with these severities. To specify more than one severity, format this value as a comma-separated list, without spaces. Valid severities include Notice, Warning, and Error.

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config del agent wjh-drop-filter drop-type l1 drop-reasons PORT_ADMIN_DOWN,BAD_SIGNAL_INTEGRITY

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config add agent wjh-drop-filter
  • netq config add/del agent wjh
  • netq config del agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config restart agent

netq config del agent wjh-threshold

Remove latency or congestion thresholds for WJH events.


netq config del agent wjh-threshold

Required Arguments

wjh-thresholdNARemove latency or congestion events triggered by thresholds
latencyNARemove latency event thresholds
congestionNARemove congestion event thresholds
NA<text-tc-list> or allRemove latency or congestion events for these traffic classes, or use all for all traffic classes. When you want more than one traffic class, format this value as a comma-separated list, without spaces.



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config del agent wjh-threshold latency 3

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config del agent wjh-threshold congestion 4
  • netq config show agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config add agent wjh-threshold
  • netq config del agent wjh
  • netq config del agent wjh-drop-filter
  • netq config restart agent

netq config del cli

Removes the NetQ CLI configuration or proxy server from a switch.


netq config del cli (server | proxy)

Required Arguments

cliserver, proxyDelete the current NetQ CLI configuration or proxy server



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config del cli server
  • netq config add cli server
  • netq config show cli premises
  • netq config restart agent

netq config del opta proxy-host

Deletes a proxy host as part of the on-switch OPTA configuration.


netq config del opta proxy-host

Required Arguments




  • netq config add opta proxy-host

netq config opta

Configures the OPTA (on-premises telemetry aggregator) service in cloud environments. Read more about configuring the OPTA service.


netq config (start|stop|status|restart) opta

Required Arguments

NAstart, stop, status, restartNA



Sample Usage

netq config restart opta
  • netq config lcm-executor

netq config reload parser

Loads the NetQ configuration file.


netq config reload parser

Required Arguments




Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config reload parser
Parser reloaded


netq config restart

Restarts the NetQ Agent or CLI daemons on a switch. Use this command after making changes to the NetQ Agent or CLI configurations.


netq config restart agent

netq config restart cli

Required Arguments

agentNARestart the NetQ Agent daemon (netq-agent)
cliNARestart the NetQ CLI daemon (netq-cli)



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Restarting netq-agent... Success!

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart cli 
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
  • netq config stop agent
  • netq config status agent

netq config select cli premise

In a multi-premises deployment, this command configures the NetQ CLI to view data from the given premises.


netq config select cli
    premise <text-premise>

Required Arguments

premise<text-premise>Show data from this premises in the NetQ CLI command outputs



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config select cli premise Boston


netq config show agent

Displays the configuration of the NetQ Agent on a switch. Several forms of this command are available.


netq config show agent 

Required Arguments



asic-monitorNADisplay NetQ Agent ASIC monitoring configuration
cpu-limitNAView the maximum percentage of CPU resource that the NetQ Agent can use
frr-monitorNADisplay FRR monitoring configuration
kubernetes-monitorNADisplay the Kubernetes monitoring configuration
loglevelNADisplay the NetQ Agent logging level configuration
sslNADisplay SSL configuration
statsNADisplay status of interface statistics
wjhNADisplay NetQ Agent What Just Happened monitoring configuration
wjh-thresholdNADisplay NetQ Agent WJH latency and congestion thresholds configuration
jsonNADisplay the output in JSON format

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent 
netq-agent             value      default
---------------------  ---------  ---------
cpu-limit              100        100
enable-opta-discovery  False      False
agentport              8981       8981
port                   31980      31980
vrf                    default    default
  • netq config show all
  • netq config show cli premises
  • netq config add agent
  • netq config del agent

netq config show agent commands

The NetQ Agent contains a pre-configured set of modular commands that run periodically and send event and resource data to the NetQ appliance or VM. This command displays the configuration of these commands, including the definition of the commands, which are active, and how often they run. You can also filter by the service key to view a given command.


netq config show agent commands
    [service-key <text-service-key-anchor>]

Required Arguments

commandsNAView the configuration of all NetQ Agent modular commands


service-key<text-service-key-anchor>View the configuration of the NetQ Agent command with this service key (name)
jsonNADisplay the output in JSON format

Sample Usage

Show the configuration for all commands:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent commands
 Service Key        Period    Active       Command
------------------  --------  --------  ---------------------------------------------------
ports               3600      yes       Netq Predefined Command
proc-net-dev        30        yes       Netq Predefined Command
agent_stats         300       yes       Netq Predefined Command
agent_util_stats    30        yes       Netq Predefined Command
ssd-util-json       86400     yes       /usr/sbin/smartctl -a /dev/sda
lldp-json           30        yes       /usr/sbin/lldpctl -f json
resource-util-json  30        yes       findmnt / -n -o FS-OPTIONS
os-release          N/A       yes       cat /etc/os-release
eprom               N/A       yes       /usr/cumulus/bin/decode-syseeprom -j
lscpu               N/A       yes       /usr/bin/lscpu
meminfo             N/A       yes       cat /proc/meminfo
lsblk               N/A       yes       lsblk -d -n -o name,size,type,vendor,tran,rev,model
dmicode             N/A       yes       dmidecode -t 17
is-opta             N/A       yes       cat /etc/app-release

Show the configuration for a specified command:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent commands service-key agent_stats
 Service Key       Period  Active       Command
---------------  --------  --------  -----------------------
agent_stats           300  yes       Netq Predefined Command
  • netq config add agent commands
  • netq config agent factory-reset commands

netq config show all

Displays the configuration of the NetQ Agent and NetQ CLI on a switch.


netq config show all

Required Arguments



jsonNADisplay the output in JSON format

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show all 
netq-agent             value      default
---------------------  ---------  ---------
cpu-limit              100        100
enable-opta-discovery  False      False
agentport              8981       8981
port                   31980      31980
vrf                    default    default
netq-cli     value            default
-----------  ---------------  ---------
premises     0
port         32708            32708
count        2000             2000
vrf          default          default
api-logging  False            False
  • netq config show agent
  • netq config show cli premises

netq config show cli premises

Displays the configuration of the NetQ CLI on a switch.


netq config show cli premises

Required Arguments



jsonNADisplay the output in JSON format

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show cli premises
netq-cli     value            default
-----------  ---------------  ---------
premises     0
port         32708            32708
count        2000             2000
vrf          default          default
api-logging  False            False
  • netq config show agent
  • netq config show all

netq config start agent

Starts the NetQ Agent on a switch.


netq config start agent

Required Arguments




Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config start agent 
Starting netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent
  • netq config stop agent
  • netq config restart agent

netq config status agent

Displays the operational status of the NetQ Agent on a switch.


netq config status agent

Required Arguments




Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config status agent 
netq-agent... Running

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config status agent 

  • netq config show agent
  • netq config stop agent
  • netq config restart agent

netq config status cli

Displays the operational status of the NetQ CLI on a switch.


netq config status cli

Required Arguments




Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config status cli
NetQ CLI... Running
  • netq config show cli premises
  • netq config restart cli

netq config stop agent

Stops the NetQ Agent on a switch.


netq config stop agent

Required Arguments




Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config stop agent
Stopping netq-agent... Success!
  • netq config show agent
  • netq config start agent
  • netq config restart agent