nv show bridge domain <domain-id> vlan <vid> ptp
Shows PTP configuration and counters for a specific VLAN interface on the specified bridge domain.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<domain-id> | The bridge name. |
<vlan-id> | The VLAN name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show bridge domain br_default vlan 10 ptp
nv show interface <interface-id> counters ptp
Shows PTP statistics for the specified interface.
In Cumulus Linux 5.4 and earlier, this command is nv show interface <interface-id> ptp counters
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> | The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 counters ptp
operational applied
------ ----------- -------
enable on on
cumulus@leaf03:mgmt:~$ nv show interface swp1 counters ptp
Packet Type Received Transmitted
------------------- -------- -----------
Announce 0 663
Delay Request 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Follow-up 0 1325
Management 0 0
Peer Delay Request 0 0
Peer Delay Response 0 0
Signaling 0 0
Sync 0 1325
nv show interface <interface-id> ptp
Shows PTP configuration and counters for the specified interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> | The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ptp
operational applied pending
------------------------ ----------- ------- ----------
enable on
acceptable-master off
delay-mechanism end-to-end
forced-master off
instance 1
mixed-multicast-unicast off
ttl 1
unicast-request-duration 300
enable off
announce-interval 1
announce-timeout 3
delay-req-interval 0
sync-interval 0
nv show interface <interface-id> ptp shaper
Shows if PTP shaper is ON or OFF on the specified PTP interface.
This command is available for the NVIDIA Spectrum 1 switch only for PTP-enabled ports with speeds lower than 100G.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> | The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ptp shaper
operational applied pending
------ ----------- ------- -------
enable off
nv show interface <interface-id> ptp timers
Shows PTP timer settings for the specified PTP interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> | The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ptp timers
operational applied pending
------------------ ----------- ------- -------
announce-interval 1
announce-timeout 3
delay-req-interval 0
sync-interval 0
nv show service ptp
Shows global PTP configuration.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp
id Clock-id Enabled Domain Priority1 Priority2
-- ----------------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------
1 48:b0:2d:ff:fe:0a:67:46 on 28 128 128
nv show service ptp <instance-id>
Shows configuration for the specified PTP instance. PTP commands require an instance number for management purposes.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1
operational applied
--------------------------- ----------- ------------------
enable on on
current-profile default-itu-8275-2
domain 0
ip-dscp 46
logging-level info
priority1 128
priority2 128
max-offset-threshold 50
max-timestamp-entries 100
max-violation-log-entries 4
max-violation-log-sets 2
min-offset-threshold -50
path-delay-threshold 200
violation-log-interval 1
[profile] abc
[profile] default-1588
[profile] default-itu-8275-1
[profile] default-itu-8275-2
[unicast-master] 1
[unicast-master] 2
[unicast-master] 3
[unicast-master] 4
nv show service ptp <instance-id> acceptable-master
Shows the acceptable master clocks for the specified PTP instance.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 acceptable-master
nv show service ptp <instance-id> acceptable-master <clock-id>
Shows the configuration settings for the specified acceptable master clock.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
<clock-id> | The clock ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 acceptable-master 24:8a:07:ff:fe:f4:16:06
operational applied
------------ ----------- -------
alt-priority 255 255
nv show service ptp <instance-id> counters
Shows all PTP counters, such as the number of received and transmitted announce, sync, followup, and delay request and response packets.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 counters
Packet Type Received Transmitted
--------------------- ------------ ------------
Port swp4
Announce 0 10370
Sync 0 20731
Follow-up 0 20731
Delay Request 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Peer Delay Request 0 0
Peer Delay Response 0 0
Management 0 0
Signaling 0 0
nv show service ptp <instance-id> current
Shows the local states learned from the exchange of PTP messages for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 current
operational applied
------------------ ----------- -------
mean-path-delay 0
offset-from-master 0
steps-removed 0
nv show service ptp <instance-id> clock-quality
Shows the clock quality status, such as accuracy, class and the offset scaled log variance, for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 clock-quality
operational applied
-------------------------- ----------- -------
clock-accuracy 254
clock-class 248
offset-scaled-log-variance 65535
nv show service ptp <instance-id> force-version
Shows the PTP version. Cumulus Linux uses a linuxptp
package that is PTP v2.1 compliant, and sets the major PTP version to 2 and the minor PTP version to 1 by default in the configuration. If your PTP configuration does not work correctly when the minor version is set, you can change the minor version to 0.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.8.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 force-version
------------- -------
force-version 2.0
nv show service ptp <instance-id> ipv6-scope
Shows the PTP IPv6-scope configuration setting.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.9.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 ipv6-scope
operational applied
---------- ----------- -------
ipv6-scope global
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor
Shows the PTP monitor configuration for the specified PTP instance, such as:
- The minimum and maximum difference allowed between the master and slave time.
- The mean time that PTP packets take to travel between the master and slave.
- The maximum number of timestamp entries allowed.
- The maximum number of violation log sets allowed.
- The maximum number of violation log entries allowed for each set.
- The violation log interval.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor
operational applied
------------------------- ----------- -------
max-offset-threshold 50 50
max-timestamp-entries 100 100
max-violation-log-entries 4 4
max-violation-log-sets 2 2
min-offset-threshold -50 -50
path-delay-threshold 200 200
violation-log-interval 1 1
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor timestamp-log
Shows the monitor timestamp log for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor timestamp-log
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations
Shows the PTP violations for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations
operational applied
---------------- --------------------------- -------
last-min-offset 2023-04-24T15:22:01.312295Z
max-offset-count 0
min-offset-count 2
path-delay-count 0
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log
Shows all the PTP violation logs for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations log
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log acceptable-master
Shows the acceptable master violation logs for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations log acceptable-master
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log forced-master
Shows the forced master violation logs for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations log forced-master
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log max-offset
Shows violation logs for the maximum difference allowed between the master and slave time for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations log max-offset
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log min-offset
Shows violation logs for the minimum difference allowed between the master and slave time for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations log min-offset
nv show service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log path-delay
Shows violation logs for the mean time that PTP packets take to travel between the master and slave for the specified PTP instance.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 monitor violations log path-delay
nv show service ptp <instance-id> parent
Shows global PTP parent information.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 parent
nv show service ptp <instance-id> parent grandmaster-clock-quality
Shows the grandmaster clock quality for the PTP parent.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 parent grandmaster-clock-quality
operational applied
-------------------------- ----------- -------
clock-accuracy 254
clock-class 248
offset-scaled-log-variance 65535
nv show service ptp <instance-id> profile
Shows the predefined and custom PTP profiles configured for the specified PTP instance. Predefined profiles are a standardized set of configurations and rules intended to meet the requirements of a specific application. You base a custom profile off a predefined profile. Profiles define required, allowed, and restricted PTP options, network restrictions, and performance requirements.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.2.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 profile
Profile Name Type Domain Transport Delay Mechanism
------------------ ------------ ------ --------- ---------------
default-1588 ieee-1588 0 ipv4 end-to-end
default-itu-8275-1 itu-g-8275-1 24 802.3 end-to-end
default-itu-8275-2 itu-g-8275-2 44 ipv4 end-to-end
nv show service ptp <instance-id> profile <profile-id>
Shows configuration settings for a specific PTP profile.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
<profile-id> | The PTP profile name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.2.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 profile CUSTOM1
operational applied
------------------ ------------ ------------
announce-interval -3 -3
announce-timeout 3 3
delay-mechanism end-to-end end-to-end
delay-req-interval -4 -4
domain 28 28
local-priority 128 128
priority1 128 128
priority2 128 128
profile-type itu-g-8275-1 itu-g-8275-1
sync-interval -4 -4
transport 802.3 802.3
nv show service ptp <instance-id> status
Shows PTP status.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 status
Port Mode State Ustate Server
----- ----- ------- ------------------------------- -------
swp9 Ucast SLAVE Sync and Delay Granted (H_SYDY)
swp10 Ucast PASSIVE Initial State (WAIT)
swp11 Ucast PASSIVE Initial State (WAIT)
swp12 Ucast PASSIVE Initial State (WAIT)
nv show service ptp <instance-id> time-properties
Shows time properties for the specified PTP instance, such as the current UTC offset and the PTP time scale.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 time-properties
operational applied
------------------------ ----------- -------
current-utc-offset 37
current-utc-offset-valid off
freq-traceable off
leap59 off
leap61 off
ptp-time-scale off
time-traceable off
nv show service ptp <instance-id> unicast-master
Shows the PTP unicast master table configuration on the switch.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.2.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 unicast-master
Table-id Address Peer-address Query-interval
-------- ---------- ------------ --------------
1 4
nv show service ptp <instance-id> unicast-master <table-id>
Shows information about a specific PTP unicast master table on the switch.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
<table-id> | The unicast master table ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.2.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 unicast-master 1
operational applied
-------------- ----------- ----------
query-interval 4 4
nv show service ptp <instance-id> unicast-master <table-id> address
Shows the IP addresses of the specified PTP unicast master table.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
<table-id> | The unicast master table ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.2.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 unicast-master 1 address
IP or MAC Address
nv show service ptp <instance-id> unicast-master <table-id> address <ip-mac-address-id>
Shows information about a specific IP or MAC address for the specified PTP unicast master table.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> | The PTP instance number. |
<table-id> | The unicast master table ID. |
<ip-mac-address-id> | The IP or MAC address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.2.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show service ptp 1 unicast-master 1 address
nv show vrf <vrf-id> ptp
Shows PTP configuration for the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> | The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default ptp
operational applied
------ ----------- -------
enable on on