Uninstalling the NVIDIA NIM Operator

Perform the following steps to uninstall the Operator.

  1. List and delete NIM pipeline custom resources:

    $ kubectl get nimpipelines.apps.nvidia.com -A

    Example Output

    NAMESPACE     NAME                 STATUS
    nim-service   my-sample-pipeline   Ready

    If a pipeline is deployed, delete the pipeline:

    $ kubectl delete nimpipeline -n nim-service my-sample-pipeline
  2. List and delete NIM service custom resources:

    $ kubectl get nimservices.apps.nvidia.com -A

    Example Output

    NAMESPACE     NAME                      STATUS   AGE
    nim-service   meta-llama3-8b-instruct   Ready    2024-08-19T19:14:58Z

    If a pipeline is deployed, delete the pipeline:

    $ kubectl delete nimservice -n nim-service meta-llama3-8b-instruct
  3. List and delete NIM cache custom resources:

    $ kubectl get nimcaches.apps.nvidia.com -A

    Example Output

    NAMESPACE     NAME                      STATUS   PVC                           AGE
    nim-service   meta-llama3-8b-instruct   Ready    meta-llama3-8b-instruct-pvc   2024-08-19T17:30:40Z
    nim-service   nv-embedqa-e5-v5          Ready    nv-embedqa-e5-v5-pvc          2024-08-19T17:30:40Z

    If a cache is deployed, delete the cache:

    $ kubectl delete nimcache -n nim-service meta-llama3-8b-instruct nv-embedqa-e5-v5
  4. Delete the Operator:

    $ helm delete -n nim-operator $(helm list -n nim-operator --filter 'nim-operator' --short)

By default, Helm does not delete custom resource definitions (CRDs). You can delete the CRDs with the following commands:

$ kubectl delete crd nimpipelines.apps.nvidia.com nimservices.apps.nvidia.com nimcaches.apps.nvidia.com

Refer to Uninstalling the GPU Operator in the NVIDIA GPU Operator documentation.