Release Notes

New Features and Capabilities

For a listing of new features and capabilities, see Release Notes for 2024.1.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Nsight Aftermath covers only GPU crashes. CPU crashes in the NVIDIA graphics driver, the D3D runtime, the Vulkan loader, or the application cannot be captured.

  • Nsight Aftermath is only fully supported on Turing or later GPUs.


  • Nsight Aftermath is only fully supported for D3D12 devices. Only basic support with a reduced feature set (no API resource tracking and no shader address mapping) is available for D3D11 devices.

  • Nsight Aftermath is fully supported on Windows 10 and newer, with limited support on Windows 7.

  • Nsight Aftermath event markers and resource tracking is incompatible with the D3D debug layer and tools using D3D API interception, such as Microsoft PIX or Nsight Graphics.

  • Shader line mappings are only supported for DXIL shaders, i.e., Shader Model 6 or above. Line mappings for shaders in DXBC shader byte code format are unsupported.

  • Shader line mappings are not yet supported for shaders compiled with the DirectX Shader Compiler’s -Zs option for generating “slim PDBs”.


  • Shader line mappings are not yet supported for SPIR-V shaders compiled with the NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 extended instruction set, i.e., shaders compiled with the -gVS option of glslangValidator or the -fspv-debug=vulkan-with-source option of the DirectX Shader Compiler.