Event List

The Events view shows all API calls in a captured frame. It also displays both CPU and GPU activity, as a measurement of how much each call "cost."

To access the Events view, go to Frame Debugger > Events.

Clicking a hyperlink in the Events column will bring you to the API Inspector page for that draw call.

Right-clicking on an event or a push/pop range in the Events column will allow you to profile that specific event or range with the Range Profiler.

You can select whether to view the events in a hierarchical or flat view. If multiple performance marker types are used, you can select the correct one, as well as varying levels of verbosity for the call display (variable + value, value, or none). You can also sort the events by clicking on any of the available column headers.

Filtering Events

There are two different ways to filter the events list.

  1. You can select one of the available predefined filters.

  2. You can type in your own filter, which will narrow the list of events to those containing your search string. This filter may be plain text, a regular expression, or a JavaScript expression that does column-specific searches. Select a predefined filter to see examples of JavaScript expressions.

From the results, you can select the button to the right of the filter toolbar, and a new row will appear in the Scrubber that displays your filtered events.



NVIDIA® Nsight Graphics Documentation Rev. 2018.4.180813 ©2018. NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.