Installation and Setup Essentials

Installation and Setup Essentials

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Development Platform, Visual Studio Edition 3.2 User Guide
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To reduce the chance of encountering problems when installing NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition tools, consider several items in advance. For example, determine whether you want to run the tools on one machine and debug your application on another, or if you will debug on a single machine. Performing remote debugging can be advantageous because the Visual Studio environment will continue to run on the host machine even if the target machine has to be rebooted because an application crash.

Remote debugging allows you to debug over a network, which means that a target machine can be made easily available to a development team, or to members who do not have physical access to the target GPU.

Before You Start

Task For more information, see...
Review the hardware and software requirements for the product to make sure that you have the minimum or recommended configurations. System Requirements for NVIDIA® Nsight™ Software
Review the overview of installation procedures to make sure you understand the ways that you can configure your development system. Target and Host Setup


NVIDIA® Nsight™ Development Platform, Visual Studio Edition User Guide Rev. 3.2.131009 ©2009-2013. NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
