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Control Execution

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition 5.2 User Guide
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The CUDA Debugger allows you to control the execution of your CUDA program during the debugging session. The CUDA Debugger supports stepping into a line of code, and running the program to the cursor.

In order to use any of the below features, the debugged CUDA program must be halted as a result of stopping at a breakpoint or from a previous execution control statement.

Stepping Behavior

When stepping, all warps except the debugger focus warp are frozen. However, when stepping over __syncthreads(), all warps in the current block are allowed to make progress. This allows the focus warp to get past the __syncthreads() function.

Stepping out of a global function will resume the application (same result as pressing F5, or selecting the menu command Debug > Continue).

Stepping over the last line of a kernel function will also resume application execution.

Stepping over the last line of an inline function has the same result as stepping out of the inline function.

Best Practices

To experience the best stepping behavior when debugging, we recommend using curly braces when possible in your code. Place the curly braces on their own line of source code. For example, because of the way that the compiler produces scope information, the following coding styles result in different stepping behavior.

These code snippets results in less than optimal stepping behavior:

     for () statement; 
     for ()
statement; for () {
statement; }

This code snippet results in optimal stepping behavior:

     for ()

In general, breaking up computation by declaring temporary variables results in code that is easier to debug. The chances of a variable being "live" over a certain set of lines increases. This means that as you step through code, the values of variables will be easier to identify.

Single Stepping Your Program

  1. Start a debugging session.
  2. Select a thread you would like to single step using the Nsight CUDA Debug Location toolbar.

    See Specify Debugger Context for more information.

  3. From the Debug menu, choose Step Into.

    As an alternative, press F11 on the keyboard.

  4. The program counter for the current thread will advance one source line.
Note: Using Step Into causes the debugger to execute the next instruction of the currently selected thread. Stepping occurs on the current focus thread.

Running to the Cursor

To run the target application up to the cursor location:

  1. In the Document window containing the source, right-click on the desired line of source code.
  2. From the Context menu, choose Run To Cursor...
  3. The program counter will advance to the specified line of source code.

Stopping the CUDA Debugger

From the Debug menu, choose Stop Debugging.

Alternatively, you can also press the Stop icon on the debugger toolbar, or type SHIFT+F5.

The target application will now stop. Visual Studio stops the debugging session and returns to the edit layout.

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition User Guide Rev. 5.2.161206 ©2009-2016. NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.