You are here: Installation and Setup Essentials > Synchronization

When performing remote debugging with NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition, all of the files that your target application needs at runtime must be copied to the remote machine. The status bar shows you when the debugger is synchronizing files, including how many have been copied out of the total number of files to be copied:

Which files get synchronized?

The Nsight Monitor copies the files that match the pattern in the Extensions to synchronize field of the User Settings window. The Nsight Monitor looks for files in the following directories:

To specify files and directories to synchronize when remote debugging:

  1. From the Solution Explorer window in Visual Studio, select Nsight User Properties. (As an alternative, you can also go to the Project menu > Nsight User Properties.)

  2. The NVIDIA Nsight User Settings window appears. Click on the Synchronization node.

  3. Mark the Synchronize files checkbox.
  4. If you want subdirectories to be synchronized, mark the Recurse synchronized folders checkbox .
  5. If you want only specific extensions to be copied, specify them in Include extensions.

    Separate multiple extensions with a semicolon. Do not use commas or spaces. For example:


    You can use the question mark and asterisk as wildcards:

    * - substitute for multiple characters

    ? - substitutute for a single character

    Remember to include the target application (usually *.exe).

  6. In the Exclude extensions field, select the file extensions (if any) that you want to exclude from the synchronization process.
  7. If there are additional directories that your application needs in order to run on the remote machine, specify them in the Directories to synchronize field.

    This is often the case when your application uses runtime libraries from SDKs that are not in the project directory.

    If you defined a working directory in the Launch page of the User Settings window, consider adding that directory to the list of Directories to synchronize. If there are runtime files in that working directory, you need to add it to the list.

Where does NVIDIA Nsight put the synchronized files?

When the Nsight Monitor synchronizes files to a remote machine, it saves them to a specific directory. This directory is the concatenation of two parts:


The default for the first part, the Synchronization Directory, is in the following subdirectory of the %AppData% folder:

C:\Users\[current-user-on-target]\AppData\Roaming\NVIDIA  Corporation\Nsight\Monitor\Mirror\[hostname]\[host-outdir]

The default for the second part, the Output Directory, is the output directory defined in your project’s Project Properties, including the hostname and drive letter. You can specify additional Directories To Synchronize in the Nsight – User Settings window as explained above.

For example, let’s say that the hostname of your local machine is MyDesktop-01, and that the output directory of your project on your local machine is:


Let’s also assume that you have logged on to the remote machine as jsmith.

When the Nsight Monitor synchronizes files for remote debugging, it creates the following directory (the result of the concatenation of the two paths described above):

The Nsight Monitor copies the files from the local machine to the above directory. In the above example, it would copy the files from the C:\MyKillerApp\Bin directory on the local machine to the remote machine. In addition to those files, the debugger will also copy files from any directories you specified in the Directories To Synchronize field in the Nsight – User Settings window.

The Synchronization Directory

You can override the default Synchronization Directory. For example, instead of the default path in the AppData directory, you could specify the Synchronization Directory to be:


If the hostname of your local machine were MyDesktop-01 and the output directory of your project on your local machine were C:\MyKillerApp\Bin, the Nsight Monitor would copy the files to this directory on the remote machine:


To change the Synchronization Directory:

  1. Right click on the Nsight Monitor icon in the taskbar.

  2. Select Options. The NVIDIA Nsight Options window opens.
  3. In the left-hand pane, select General.
  4. In the right-hand pane, next to Synchronization Directory, type the name of the directory you want to use as the root Synchronization Directory.

    For example, you could specify C:\MySynchRoot.

  5. Click OK.

The Nsight Monitor uses the directory you specified as the root directory for file synchronization the next time you perform remote debugging with this project. If this directory does not exist on the remote machine, the Nsight Monitor creates the directory.

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition User Guide Rev. 5.2.161206 ©2009-2016. NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.