Release Notes

This section includes significant changes, new features, performance improvements, and various issues. Unless noted, listed issues should not impact functionality. When functionality is impacted, we offer a work-around to avoid the issue (if available).


New Features

Resolved Issues


The first early access release of NVPL RAND library.

New Features

  • C API modeled after cuRAND API.

  • Includes single- and multi-threaded random number generators.

    • With option to generate the same sequence of values using one or multiple threads with NVPL_RAND_ORDERING_STRICT ordering.

  • Support for all generators available in cuRAND except MTGP32.

    • New generator added: permuted congruential generator (PCG).

  • Support for all distributions available in cuRAND, and more.

  • Option to generate the same sequence of random bits as cuRAND with NVPL_RAND_ORDERING_CURAND_LEGACY ordering.