Release Notes

This section includes significant changes, new features, performance improvements and various issues.


Released with NVPL 24.03.

New Features

  • Added performance tests for all major routines including potrf, getrf, geqrf, ormqr, sytrd, gebrd, syevd, gesvd, etc.

  • Bugfix for the integer overflow for large memmory allocation; adopted the solution

  • Tested with NVPL BLAS 0.2.0 NVPL LAPACK 0.2.2.

Known Issues

  • Requires a minimum version of mpich 4.1.

    • <=mpich 4.0 includes incorrect flags on some OS’s, e.g., rockylinux, ubuntu and debian, when mpicc --show.


The first beta release of ScaLAPACK library as part of NVPL 23.10.

New Features

  • Includes the functionality of the reference ScaLAPACK 2.2.0.

  • Supports various MPI’s via BLACS interface including openmpi3, openmpi4, mpich and hpcx.

  • Supports lp64 and ilp64 interface.

  • Tested with seq and omp variants of NVPL BLAS 0.1.0 and NVPL LAPACK 0.2.0.

Known Issues

  • Testing with iterative refinements i.e., p?porfs and p?gerfs, the code may hang intermittently.