Environment Variables

Standard options

Type: bool
Default: false

Print library version at startup

Type: bool
Default: false

Print environment variable options at startup

Type: size
Default: 1073741824

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the symmetric heap memory per PE. The resulting size is implementation-defined and must be at least as large as the integer ceiling of the product of the numeric prefix and the scaling factor. The allowed character suffixes for the scaling factor are as follows:

  • k or K multiplies by 2^10 (kibibytes)
  • m or M multiplies by 2^20 (mebibytes)
  • g or G multiplies by 2^30 (gibibytes)
  • t or T multiplies by 2^40 (tebibytes)

For example, string ‘20m’ is equivalent to the integer value 20971520, or 20 mebibytes. Similarly the string ‘3.1M’ is equivalent to the integer value 3250586. Only one multiplier is recognized and any characters following the multiplier are ignored, so ‘20kk’ will not produce the same result as ‘20m’. Usage of string ‘.5m’ will yield the same result as the string ‘0.5m’. An invalid value for NVSHMEM_SYMMETRIC_SIZE is an error, which the NVSHMEM library shall report by either returning a nonzero value from nvshmem_init_thread or causing program termination.

Type: string
Default: “”

Set to enable debugging messages. Optional values: VERSION, WARN, INFO, ABORT, TRACE

Bootstrap options

Type: string
Default: “PMI”

Name of the default bootstrap that should be used to initialize NVSHMEM. Allowed values: PMI, MPI, SHMEM, plugin

Type: string
Default: “PMI”

Name of the PMI bootstrap that should be used to initialize NVSHMEM. Allowed values: PMI, PMI-2, PMIX

Type: string
Default: “”

Name of the bootstrap plugin file to load

Additional options

Type: string
Default: “”

Debugging output filename, may contain %h for hostname and %p for pid

Type: long
Default: 20

Maximum number of simultaneous teams allowed

Type: int
Default: 128

Maximum number of P2P GPUs

Type: size
Default: 137438953472

Maximum memory per GPU

Type: bool
Default: false

Disable use of CUDA VMM for P2P memory mapping. By default, CUDA VMM is enabled on x86 and disabled on P9. CUDA VMM feature in NVSHMEM requires CUDA RT version and CUDA Driver version to be greater than or equal to 11.3.

Type: bool
Default: false

Disable P2P connectivity of GPUs even when available

Type: size
Default: 536870912

Granularity for cuMemAlloc/cuMemCreate

Type: size
Default: 0

Specify limit on stack size of each GPU thread on P9

Type: int
Default: 32

Maxmum number of requests that the proxy thread processes in a single iteration of the progress loop.

Collectives options

Type: bool
Default: false

Disable use of NCCL for collective operations

Type: int
Default: 2

Radix of the dissemination algorithm used for barriers

Type: int
Default: 2

Radix of the dissemination algorithm used for thread group barriers

Type: size
Default: 2048

Message size threshold up to which fcollect LL algo will be used

Type: size
Default: 2048

Message size threshold up to which broadcast LL algo will be used

Transport options

Type: string
Default: “ibrc”

Selected transport for remote operations: ibrc, ucx, libfabric, ibdevx, none

Type: bool
Default: false

Disable use of InfiniBand native atomics

Type: bool
Default: false

Disable use of GDRCopy in IB RC Transport

Type: bool
Default: false

When not set or set to 0, a PE is assigned the NIC on the node that is closest to it by distance. When set to 1, NVSHMEM either assigns NICs to PEs on a round-robin basis or uses NVSHMEM_HCA_PE_MAPPING or NVSHMEM_HCA_LIST when they are specified.

Type: int
Default: 0

Source GID Index for ROCE

Type: int
Default: 0

Traffic calss for ROCE

Type: int
Default: 0

Service level to use over IB/ROCE

Type: string
Default: “”

Comma-separated list of HCAs to use in the NVSHMEM application. Entries are of the form hca_name:port, e.g. mlx5_1:1,mlx5_2:2 and entries prefixed by ^ are excluded. NVSHMEM_ENABLE_NIC_PE_MAPPING must be set to 1 for this variable to be effective.

Type: string
Default: “”

Specifies mapping of HCAs to PEs as a comma-separated list. Each entry in the comma separated list is of the form hca_name:port:count. For example, mlx5_0:1:2,mlx5_0:2:2 indicates that PE0, PE1 are mapped to port 1 of mlx5_0, and PE2, PE3 are mapped to port 2 of mlx5_0. NVSHMEM_ENABLE_NIC_PE_MAPPING must be set to 1 for this variable to be effective.

Type: bool
Default: false

When running on an NVLink-only configuaration (No-IB, No-UCX), completely disable the proxy thread. This will disable device side global exit and device side wait timeout polling (enabled by NVSHMEM_TIMEOUT_DEVICE_POLLING build-time variable) because these are processed by the proxy thread.

Type: int
Default: 2

Number of DCT QPs used in GPU-initiated communication transport.

Type: int
Default: 0

Total number of DCI QPs used in GPU-initiated communication transport. Set to 0 or a negative number to use automatic configuration.

Type: int
Default: 1

Number of DCI QPs in the shared pool. The rest of DCI QPs (NVSHMEM_IBGDA_NUM_DCI - NVSHMEM_IBGDA_NUM_SHARED_DCI) are exclusively assigned. Valid value: [1, NVSHMEM_IBGDA_NUM_DCI].

Type: string
Default: “cta”

Specifies how exclusive DCI QPs are assigned. Choices are: cta, sm, warp, dct.

cta: round-robin by CTA ID (default).
sm: round-robin by SM ID.
warp: round-robin by Warp ID.
dct: round-robin by DCT ID.
Type: int
Default: 0

Number of RC QPs per peer PE used in GPU-initiated communication transport. Set to 0 to disable RC QPs (default 0). If it is set to a positive number, DCI will be used for enforcing consistency only.

Type: string
Default: “cta”

Specifies how RC QPs are assigned. Choices are: cta, sm, warp.

cta: round-robin by CTA ID (default).
sm: round-robin by SM ID.

warp: round-robin by Warp ID.

Type: string
Default: “gpumem”

Force NIC buffer memory type. Valid choices are: gpumem (default), hostmem. For other values, use auto discovery.

Type: int
Default: 32

Number of requests to be batched before submitting to the NIC. It will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2. Set to 1 for aggressive submission.

Type: int
Default: 1024

Number of internal buffer slots for fetch operations for each DCI QP. It will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

Type: int
Default: 1024

Number of internal buffer slots for fetch operations for each RC QP. It will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

Type: bool
Default: false

Set to enable GPU-initiated communication transport.

NVTX options

Type: string
Default: “off”

Set to enable NVTX instrumentation. Accepts a comma separated list of instrumentation groups. By default the NVTX instrumentation is disabled.

init                : library setup
alloc               : memory management
launch              : kernel launch routines
coll                : collective communications
wait                : blocking point-to-point synchronization
wait_on_stream      : point-to-point synchronization (on stream)
test                : non-blocking point-to-point synchronization
memorder            : memory ordering (quiet, fence)
quiet_on_stream     : nvshmemx_quiet_on_stream
atomic_fetch        : fetching atomic memory operations
atomic_set          : non-fetchong atomic memory operations
rma_blocking        : blocking remote memory access operations
rma_nonblocking     : non-blocking remote memory access operations
proxy               : activity of the proxy thread
common              : init,alloc,launch,coll,memorder,wait,atomic_fetch,rma_blocking,proxy
all                 : all groups
off                 : disable all NVTX instrumentation