Release Notes
- Version 1.0.1 (Public)
Replay script now takes a list of segments, replays them consecutively
Fix possible crash when moving a VCR tape to a different system and the VR app is based on Vulkan
Fix possible crash and warn when mixing incompatible hardware.json and tracking_*.bin files on replay
Fix possible crash and warn when a controller has an invalid role or left or right controller is missing on capture
Fix issue with helper tool output not correctly captured in CMD variables on some systems
- Version 1.0 (Public)
Add capture parameter to configure controller button to start recording
Add replay state flag files, generates ‘ready.flag’ and ‘busy.flag’ files for reliable automation synchronization
- NVIDIA Internal (Version 0.10)
Add notifications in HMD on capture events (start, segment, stop), add parameters to control behavior
Add helper/helper.exe tool to help with automation
Make cmd scripts more automation friendly (use pushd/popd)
Add helper/drivers.cmd tool to help with SteamVR registration issues
Bugfix in convert tool - didn’t clean up tmp files
- NVIDIA Internal (Version 0.9)
Make idle animation optional (and off by default)
Add versioning support for recorded data, so newer VCR versions can read old data
Add “convert” tool to update outdated data files (works for Version 0.7 files and newer)
Add logging into “logs” folder
Add parameter for replay to control vsync generation
Modify capture parameter, action is now freely definable
- Version 0.8 (Public)
Add capture parameter to set left trigger to segment recordings
Fix crash on replay when no controllers were recorded
- NVIDIA Internal (Version 0.7)
Add capture segmentation - press ESC to stop recording, press SPACE to create capture segment
Add sample showing load, modify, store of tracking data. Filter just shows how to smoothe positional data
Fix controller inputs, hardcode controller buttons
Make hardware description human-readable and -editable
Link capture frequency to HMD refresh (2x) and link replay update frequency to capture frequency (2x)
- NVIDIA Internal (Version 0.6)
Code cleanup
- NVIDIA Internal (Version 0.5)
Add parameter for sampling rate
Add tracking item interpolation
Add parameter for update interval
- NVIDIA Internal (Version 0.4)
Generate VSync depending on recorded HMD refresh rate