VPI - Vision Programming Interface

2.0 Release

Demo Applications

VPI comes with two GUI demo applications that implements a complete pipeline that runs the following algorithms:

It's possible to take live video from a camera, or pre-recorded from a file.

In order to run them, the following dependencies must be installed manually beforehand:

  • OpenCV 4.2
  • FLTK 1.3
  • OpenGL

On Ubuntu 20.04, this can be done by executing in a terminal:

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-core4.2 libopencv-imgcodecs4.2 libopencv-videoio4.2 libopencv-calib3d4.2
  3. sudo apt-get install -y libfltk1.3 libfltk-gl1.3 libfltk-images1.3
  4. sudo apt-get install -y libgl1

On Ubuntu 18.04, the commands are:

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-core3.2 libopencv-imgcodecs3.2 libopencv-videoio3.2 libopencv-calib3d3.2
  3. sudo apt-get install -y libfltk1.3 libfltk-gl1.3 libfltk-images1.3
  4. sudo apt-get install -y libgl1

After these steps are done, assuming using a GNOME environment, the demos can be executed by going to "Activities" in the top left corner of the desktop, then typing "VPI" in the search bar. The links to the demos will show up, just click on the demo to run it.

In other environments, the demos can be found in the Application Menu, under "NVIDIA VPI" sub-menu.