VPI - Vision Programming Interface

2.2 Release

Performance Comparison

In this section we compare VPI's performance with other well-known Computer Vision libraries. Performance numbers were collected following the method described in Benchmarking Method.

Benchmarking was done on NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ devices, with clock frequencies maxed out.

The numbers show that VPI provides a significant speed up in many use cases.


Comparison made with OpenCV 4.5.4 built with NVIDIA® CUDA® support enabled. This version matches the OpenCV version shipped with NVIDIA® JetPack™.

All plots use logarithmic scale due to the large difference between different algorithm performance numbers.

CPU Performance

Both OpenCV and VPI measurements are done using one dispatch thread. Many OpenCV algorithms once dispatched make use of multiple CPU cores during execution, but some others might not. This is a contrast with VPI, where all available CPU cores are always used.

The main implication is that the OpenCV algorithms that only use one core can have several instances running in parallel, up to the number of CPU cores, without affecting their performance. On the other hand, VPI CPU algorithm performance scales linearly with the number of parallel instances. The advantage for VPI in this case is that performance increases linearly with the number of additional cores added, whereas OpenCV's single-thread algorithms performance will be unchanged.

Jetson AGX Xavier CPU comes with eight cores, and Jetson AGX Orin CPU with twelve.

OpenCV vs. VPI - CPU performance
Algorithm Parameters OpenCV 4.5.4 CPU VPI 2.0 CPU Speed-up
Gaussian Pyramid 1920x1080 U8 scale=0.5, nlevels=5 0.299 ms 0.399 ms 0.75x
Gaussian Filter 1920x1080 U8 3x3 0.251 ms 0.204 ms 1.23x
Convolution 1920x1080 U8 3x3 6.871 ms 0.315 ms 21.81x
Box Filter 1920x1080 U8 3x3 clamp 1.520 ms 0.272 ms 5.59x
Rescale 1280x720 to 1920x1080, RGBA8 linear interp. 4.260 ms 6.542 ms 0.65x
Bilateral Filter 1920x1080 U8 3x3 2.012 ms 1.579 ms 1.27x
Separable Convolution 1920x1080 U8 11x11 18.250 ms 0.545 ms 33.49x
FFT 626x626 Real->Complex 81.060 ms 19.560 ms 4.14x
Harris Corner Detector 1920x1080 U8 grad=3x3, win=3x3 39.400 ms 7.410 ms 5.32x
Convert Image Format 1920x1080 NV12_ER to RGBA8 1.866 ms 0.850 ms 2.20x
Remap 1920x1080 RGBA8 dense, linear interp. 6.280 ms 5.320 ms 1.18x
Pyramidal LK Optical Flow 1920x1080 U8 3x3, 3 levels, win=11x11 1.610 ms 3.030 ms 0.53x
Laplacian Pyramid 1920x1080 U8 -> S16, scale=0.5, 5 levels 5.100 ms 2.880 ms 1.77x
Histogram 1920x1080 U8, [0,256) range, 256 bins 1.35 ms 3.3 ms 0.4x
Equalize Histogram 1920x1080 U8 0.452 ms 0.339 ms 1.33x
Erode 1920x1080 U8 3x3 0.530 ms 0.117 ms 4.54x
Min/Max Location 1920x1080 U8 2 locations, min+max 0.241 ms 0.280 ms 0.86x
Image Flip 1920x1080 RGBA8 both 1.630 ms 0.245 ms 6.65x

CUDA Performance

Both OpenCV and VPI benchmarking use one stream for algorithm execution.

OpenCV vs. VPI - CUDA performance
Algorithm Parameters OpenCV 4.5.4 CUDA VPI 2.0 CUDA Speed-up
Gaussian Pyramid 1920x1080 U8 scale=0.5, 5 levels 0.143 ms 0.040 ms 3.54x
Gaussian Filter 1920x1080 U8 3x3 0.141 ms 0.035 ms 4.36x
Convolution 1920x1080 U8 3x3 0.228 ms 0.034 ms 6.68x
Box Filter 1920x1080 U8 3x3 clamp 0.205 ms 0.045 ms 6.06x
Rescale 1280x720 -> 1920x1080 RGBA8, linear interp. 0.114 ms 0.078 ms 1.84x
Bilateral Filter 1920x1080 U8 3x3 0.295 ms 0.064 ms 4.61x
Separable Convolution 1920x1080 U8 11x11 0.220 ms 0.056 ms 3.93x
FFT 626x626 Real->Complex 2.162 ms 0.190 ms 11.37x
Harris Corner Detection 1920x1080 U8 grad=3x3, win=3x3 19.480 ms 0.425 ms 45.87x
Remap 1920x1080 RGBA8, dense, linear interp. 0.246 ms 0.199 ms 1.24x
Pyramidal LK Optical Flow 1920x1080 RGBA8 dense, linear interp. 0.949 ms 0.212 ms 4.48x
Laplacian Pyramid 1920x1080 U8 -> S16, scale=0.5, 5 levels 0.355 ms 0.608 ms 0.58x
Histogram 1920x1080 U8, [0,256) range, 256 bins 0.041 ms 0.033 ms 1.23x
Equalize Histogram 1920x1080 U8 0.350 ms 0.090 ms 3.89x
Erode 1920x1080 U8 3x3 0.246 ms 0.031 ms 7.96x
Min/Max Location 1920x1080 U8 2 locations, min+max 0.700 ms 0.042 ms 16.51x
Image Flip 1920x1080 RGBA8 both 0.155 ms 0.093 ms 1.66x