
class IFrontend

Frontend interface.

The frontend is responsible for relaying messages and results to the caller via user interfaces, logs or output files.

Public Types

using Dict = std::map<std::string, double>
enum class MarkerKind

Marker Kind.

The kind of marker that is created in the Source Page with source_marker. SASS The marker will be associated with a SASS instruction. SOURCE The marker will be associated with a Source line.


enumerator SASS
enumerator SOURCE
enum class MsgType

Message type.

The type a message to the frontend represents when calling message. MSG_NONE No specific type for this message. MSG_OK The message is informative. MSG_OPTIMIZATION The message represents a suggestion for performance optimization. MSG_WARNING The message represents a warning or fixable issue. MSG_ERROR The message represents an error, potentially in executing the rule.


enumerator MSG_NONE
enumerator MSG_OK
enumerator MSG_WARNING
enumerator MSG_ERROR
using RuleId = std::string
enum class Severity

Focus metric severity.

The severity a focus metric represents when calling focus_metric. The severity can be used by the rule system client when processing the focus metric. SEVERITY_DEFAULT The default severity. SEVERITY_LOW Severity if low. SEVERITY_HIGH Severity if high.


enumerator SEVERITY_LOW
enumerator SEVERITY_HIGH
enum class SpeedupType

Speedup estimation type.

The type of speedup estimation used when calling speedup. LOCAL The proportional increase in efficiency of the hardware usage when viewing the performance problem in isolation. GLOBAL The proportional reduction in runtime of the entire workload.


enumerator LOCAL
enumerator GLOBAL

Public Functions

virtual bool focus_metric(int message_id, const char *metric_name, double metric_value, Severity severity, const char *info) = 0

Rule focus metric message.

Issues a focus metric message to the frontend, e.g. to indicate a key metric that triggered the rule output. Can be associated with a prior message using its message_id . The severity can be used to indicate this metric’s impact/severity on the result. The info field can be set to a descriptive string for further information, e.g. the calculation leading to this metric being focused. Returns whether the focus_metric could be set successfully for the message_id .

virtual void load_chart_from_file(const char *filename) = 0

Load a ProfilerSection google protcol buffer chart from filename.

virtual int message(const char *str, const char *name = nullptr) = 0

Rule result message.

Issues a message str to the frontend with the default MsgType and optional name name . Returns a message ID that is unique in this rule invocation.

virtual int message(MsgType type, const char *str, const char *name = nullptr) = 0

Rule result message.

Issues a message str with a specific message type and optional name name to the frontend. Returns a message ID that is unique in this rule invocation.

virtual Dict receive_dict_from_parent(const RuleId &parent_id) = 0

Receive a dictionary from parent rule parent_id.

Receive a dictionary of type dict[str,float] sent using send_dict_to_children . In case parent_id does not represent a pre-specified parent rule of this rule, or in case the parent rule has not been executed, an empty dict will be returned.

virtual void send_dict_to_children(const Dict &dict) = 0

Send a dictionary dict to all child rules.

Sends a Python dictionary of type dict[str,float] to all rules that specify this rule as a parent rule. Child rules can retrieve the message using receive_dict_from_parent . In case this function is called repeatedly, the dict is updated accordingly, thereby adding new key-value pairs, and overwriting values of pre-existing keys.

virtual void source_marker(const char *str, uint64_t address_or_line, MarkerKind kind, const char *file_name, MsgType type = MsgType::MSG_NONE) = 0

Rule source marker.

Creates a source marker with a message str at the source location address_or_line in the appropriate kind of source. This function supports multi-file programs, which means a file_name has to be specified. The type denotes the urgency associated with this marker and is optional.

virtual void source_marker(const char *str, uint64_t address_or_line, MarkerKind kind, MsgType type = MsgType::MSG_NONE) = 0

Rule source marker.

Creates a source marker with a message str at the source location address_or_line in the appropriate kind of source. The type denotes the urgency associated with this marker and is optional.

virtual bool speedup(int message_id, SpeedupType type, double estimated_speedup) = 0

Rule estimated speedup message.

Issues an estimated speedup to the frontend associated to the message with ID message_id . When type is SpeedupType::GLOBAL, it indicates what proportional decrease in workload runtime could potentially be achieved, when following the guidelines of the rule. When type is SpeedupType::LOCAL, it indicates what increase in the efficiency of the hardware usage within the context of the performance problem could be achieved. Returns whether the speedup could be set successfully for the message_id .

inline virtual ~IFrontend()