2.1.3. NvRules non-member functions.

Non-member utility functions.




IContext *NV::Rules::get_context(ContextHandle h)

Converts the context handle.

Converts the context handle h to an IContext object

IEvaluator *NV::Rules::get_evaluator(ContextHandle h)

Returns the evaluator object.

Return the IEvaluator object from the context handle h

std::string NV::Rules::get_version(ContextHandle h)

Get version number of this interface.

Returns the version number of this interface as a string of the form <year>.<major>.<minor> It matches the Nsight Compute version this interface originates from.

void NV::Rules::raise_exception(ContextHandle h, const char *msg)

Raises a python exception.

Raise a python exception with msg. This will terminate the script execution, if the context does not chose to mask the exception


typedef unsigned long long NV::Rules::ContextHandle