Troubleshooting Guide

Following error is seen during the deployment:

Warning  FailedMount  4m10s (x2 over 4m11s)  kubelet  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "workload-cm-volume" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning  FailedMount  4m10s (x2 over 4m11s)  kubelet  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "scripts-cm-volume" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning  FailedMount  4m10s (x2 over 4m11s)  kubelet  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "configs-volume" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition

Missing MDX local path provisioner deployment from CSP guide (AWS CSP Automated Setup Guide, Azure CSP Automated Setup Guide, and GCP CSP Automated Setup Guide) will result in the above error. Make sure mdx-local-path-provisioner is installed and running well. The mdx-local-path-provisioner is installed as a part of the script for GCP CSP Automated Setup Guide and AWS CSP Automated Setup Guide and script for Azure CSP Automated Setup Guide setups.