1.10. SIMD Intrinsics

This section describes SIMD intrinsic functions that are only supported in device code. To use these functions you do not need to include any additional header files in your program.


__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabs2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword absolute value.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabs4 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-byte absolute value.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffs2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-halfword sum of absolute difference of signed integer.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffs4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte absolute difference of signed integer.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword absolute difference of unsigned integer computation: |a - b|.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte absolute difference of unsigned integer.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsss2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword absolute value with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsss4 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-byte absolute value with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vadd2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed addition, with wrap-around: a + b.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vadd4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed addition.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddss2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword addition with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddss4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte addition with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddus2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword addition with unsigned saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddus4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte addition with unsigned saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgs2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed rounded average computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgs4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte signed rounder average.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned rounded average computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned rounded average.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpeq2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpeq4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpges2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a >= b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpges4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgeu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a >= b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgeu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a > b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgtu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a > b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgtu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmples2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a <= b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmples4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpleu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a <= b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpleu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmplts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a < b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmplts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpltu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a < b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpltu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpne2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison: a != b ? 0xffff : 0.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpne4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vhaddu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned average computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vhaddu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte unsigned average.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxs2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed maximum computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxs4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte signed maximum.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned maximum computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte unsigned maximum.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmins2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed minimum computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmins4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte signed minimum.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vminu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned minimum computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vminu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte unsigned minimum.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vneg2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword negation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vneg4 ( unsigned int  a )
Performs per-byte negation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vnegss2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword negation with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vnegss4 ( unsigned int  a )
Performs per-byte negation with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsads2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword sum of absolute difference of signed.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsads4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte sum of abs difference of signed.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsadu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-halfword sum of abs diff of unsigned.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsadu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte sum af abs difference of unsigned.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vseteq2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vseteq4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetges2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetges4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgeu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned minimum unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgeu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgtu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgtu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetles2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned minimum computation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetles4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetleu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetleu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetlts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetlts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetltu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetltu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetne2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetne4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsub2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed substraction, with wrap-around.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsub4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte substraction.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubss2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed substraction, with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubss4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte substraction with signed saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubus2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword substraction with unsigned saturation.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubus4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte substraction with unsigned saturation.


__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabs2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword absolute value.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes, then computes absolute value for each of parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabs4 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-byte absolute value.

Returns computed value.


Splits argument by bytes. Computes absolute value of each byte. Result is stored as unsigned int.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffs2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-halfword sum of absolute difference of signed integer.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes absolute difference. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffs4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte absolute difference of signed integer.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes absolute difference. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword absolute difference of unsigned integer computation: |a - b|.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes absolute difference. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsdiffu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte absolute difference of unsigned integer.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes absolute difference. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsss2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword absolute value with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes, then computes absolute value with signed saturation for each of parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vabsss4 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-byte absolute value with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte, then computes absolute value with signed saturation for each of parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vadd2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed addition, with wrap-around: a + b.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes, then performs unsigned addition on corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vadd4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed addition.

Returns computed value.


Splits 'a' into 4 bytes, then performs unsigned addition on each of these bytes with the corresponding byte from 'b', ignoring overflow. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddss2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword addition with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes, then performs addition with signed saturation on corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddss4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte addition with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte, then performs addition with signed saturation on corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddus2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword addition with unsigned saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes, then performs addition with unsigned saturation on corresponding parts.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vaddus4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte addition with unsigned saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte, then performs addition with unsigned saturation on corresponding parts.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgs2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed rounded average computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. then computes signed rounded avarege of corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgs4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte signed rounder average.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. then computes signed rounded avarege of corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned rounded average computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. then computes unsigned rounded avarege of corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vavgu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned rounded average.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. then computes unsigned rounded avarege of corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpeq2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison.

Returns 0xffff computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if they are equal, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpeq2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffff0000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpeq4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.

Returns 0xff if a = b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if they are equal, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpeq4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffff00.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpges2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a >= b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part >= 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpges2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffff0000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpges4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 0xff if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part >= 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpges4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffff00.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgeu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a >= b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part >= 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpgeu2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffff0000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgeu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 0xff if a = b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part >= 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpgeu4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffff00.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a > b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part > 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpgts2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x00000000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 0xff if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part > 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpgts4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x00000000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgtu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a > b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part > 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpgtu2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x00000000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpgtu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 0xff if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part > 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpgtu4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x00000000.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmples2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a <= b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part <= 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmples2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmples4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 0xff if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part <= 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmples4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpleu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a <= b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part <= 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpleu2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpleu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 0xff if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part <= 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpleu4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0xffffffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmplts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison: a < b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part < 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmplts2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x0000ffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmplts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 0xff if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part < 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmplts4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x000000ff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpltu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison: a < b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part < 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmpltu2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x0000ffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpltu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 0xff if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part < 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmpltu4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x000000ff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpne2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison: a != b ? 0xffff : 0.

Returns 0xffff if a != b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts result is ffff if 'a' part != 'b' part, and 0000 otherwise. For example __vcmplts2(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x0000ffff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vcmpne4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.

Returns 0xff if a != b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts result is ff if 'a' part != 'b' part, and 00 otherwise. For example __vcmplts4(0x1234aba5, 0x1234aba6) returns 0x000000ff.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vhaddu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned average computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. then computes unsigned avarege of corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vhaddu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte unsigned average.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. then computes unsigned avarege of corresponding parts. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxs2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed maximum computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes signed maximum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxs4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte signed maximum.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes signed maximum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned maximum computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes unsigned maximum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmaxu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte unsigned maximum.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes unsigned maximum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmins2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed minimum computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes signed minimum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vmins4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte signed minimum.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes signed minimum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vminu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned minimum computation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes unsigned minimum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vminu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte unsigned minimum.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes unsigned minimum. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vneg2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword negation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For each part function computes negation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vneg4 ( unsigned int  a )
Performs per-byte negation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For each part function computes negation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vnegss2 ( unsigned int  a )
Computes per-halfword negation with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For each part function computes negation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vnegss4 ( unsigned int  a )
Performs per-byte negation with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For each part function computes negation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsads2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword sum of absolute difference of signed.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts functions computes absolute difference and sum it up. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsads4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte sum of abs difference of signed.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts functions computes absolute difference and sum it up. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsadu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-halfword sum of abs diff of unsigned.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function computes absolute differences, and returns sum of those differences.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsadu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Computes per-byte sum af abs difference of unsigned.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function computes absolute differences, and returns sum of those differences.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vseteq2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a = b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part == 'b' part. If both equalities are satisfiad, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vseteq4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a = b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part == 'b' part. If both equalities are satisfiad, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetges2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part >= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetges4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part >= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgeu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned minimum unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part >= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgeu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a >= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part >= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part > 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part > 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgtu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part > 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetgtu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a > b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part > 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetles2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned minimum computation.

Returns 1 if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetles4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetleu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetleu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a <= b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 part, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetlts2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetlts4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetltu2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetltu4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte unsigned comparison.

Returns 1 if a < b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part <= 'b' part. If both inequalities are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetne2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a != b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part != 'b' part. If both conditions are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsetne4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte (un)signed comparison.

Returns 1 if a != b, else returns 0.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts function performs comparison 'a' part != 'b' part. If both conditions are satisfied, function returns 1.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsub2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed substraction, with wrap-around.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts functions performs substraction. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsub4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte substraction.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts functions performs substraction. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubss2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword (un)signed substraction, with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts functions performs substraction with signed saturation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubss4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte substraction with signed saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts functions performs substraction with signed saturation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubus2 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-halfword substraction with unsigned saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 2 parts, each consisting of 2 bytes. For corresponding parts functions performs substraction with unsigned saturation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubus4 ( unsigned int  a, unsigned int  b )
Performs per-byte substraction with unsigned saturation.

Returns computed value.


Splits 4 bytes of each argument into 4 parts, each consisting of 1 byte. For corresponding parts functions performs substraction with unsigned saturation. Result is stored as unsigned int and returned.