
The CUDA Profiling Tools Interface (CUPTI) enables the creation of profiling and tracing tools that target CUDA applications. CUPTI provides the following APIs: the Activity API, the Callback API, the Event API, the Metric API and the Profiler API. Using these APIs, you can develop profiling tools that give insight into the CPU and GPU behavior of CUDA applications. CUPTI is delivered as a dynamic library on all platforms supported by CUDA.

What's New

CUPTI contains below change as part of the CUDA Toolkit 11.0 release.
  • CUPTI adds tracing and profiling support for devices with compute capability 8.0 i.e. NVIDIA A100 GPUs and systems that are based on A100.
  • CUPTI adds support for the Arm server platform (arm64 SBSA).
  • Enhancements for CUDA Graph:
    • Support to correlate the CUDA Graph node with the GPU activities: kernel, memcpy, memset.
      • Added a new field graphNodeId for Node Id in the activity records for kernel, memcpy, memset and P2P transfers. Activity records CUpti_ActivityKernel4, CUpti_ActivityMemcpy2, CUpti_ActivityMemset and CUpti_ActivityMemcpyPtoP are deprecated and replaced by new activity records CUpti_ActivityKernel5, CUpti_ActivityMemcpy3, CUpti_ActivityMemset2 and CUpti_ActivityMemcpyPtoP2.
      • graphNodeId is the unique ID for the graph node.
      • graphNodeId can be queried using the new CUPTI API cuptiGetGraphNodeId().
      • Callback CUPTI_CBID_RESOURCE_GRAPHNODE_CREATED is issued between a pair of the API enter and exit callbacks.
    • Introduced new callback CUPTI_CBID_RESOURCE_GRAPHNODE_CLONED to indicate the cloning of the CUDA Graph node.
    • Retain CUDA driver performance optimization in case memset node is sandwiched between kernel nodes. CUPTI no longer disables the conversion of memset nodes into kernel nodes for CUDA graphs.
    • Added support for cooperative kernels in CUDA graphs.
  • Fixed issues in the API cuptiFinalize() including the issue which may cause the application to crash. This API provides ability for safe and full detach of CUPTI during the execution of the application. More details in the section Dynamic Detach.
  • Added support to trace Optix applications. Refer the Optix Profiling section.
  • PC sampling overhead is reduced by avoiding the reconfiguration of the GPU when PC sampling period doesn't change between successive kernels. This is applicable for devices with compute capability 7.0 and higher.
  • CUPTI overhead is associated with the thread rather than process. Object kind of the overhead record CUpti_ActivityOverhead is switched to CUPTI_ACTIVITY_OBJECT_THREAD.
  • Added error code CUPTI_ERROR_MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBERS_NOT_SUPPORTED to indicate the presense of another CUPTI subscriber. API cuptiSubscribe() returns the new error code than CUPTI_ERROR_MAX_LIMIT_REACHED.
  • Added a new enum CUpti_FuncShmemLimitConfig to indicate whether user has opted in for maximun dynamic shared memory size on devices with compute capability 7.x by using function attributes CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES or cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize with CUDA driver and runtime respectively. Field shmemLimitConfig in the kernel activity record CUpti_ActivityKernel5 shows the user choice. This helps in correct occupancy calulation. Value FUNC_SHMEM_LIMIT_OPTIN in the enum cudaOccFuncShmemConfig is the corresponding option in the CUDA occupancy calculator.