The API reference guide for cuSPARSE, the CUDA sparse matrix library.

1. Introduction

The cuSPARSE library contains a set of basic linear algebra subroutines used for handling sparse matrices. The library targets matrices with a number of (structural) zero elements which represent > 95% of the total entries.

It is implemented on top of the NVIDIA® CUDA™ runtime (which is part of the CUDA Toolkit) and is designed to be called from C and C++.

The library routines can be classified into four categories:

  • Level 1: operations between a vector in sparse format and a vector in dense format
  • Level 2: operations between a matrix in sparse format and a vector in dense format
  • Level 3: operations between a matrix in sparse format and a set of vectors in dense format (which can also usually be viewed as a dense tall matrix)
  • Conversion: operations that allow conversion between different matrix formats, and compression of csr matrices.

The cuSPARSE library allows developers to access the computational resources of the NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU), although it does not auto-parallelize across multiple GPUs. The cuSPARSE API assumes that input and output data reside in GPU (device) memory, unless it is explicitly indicated otherwise by the string DevHostPtr in a function parameter's name.

It is the responsibility of the developer to allocate memory and to copy data between GPU memory and CPU memory using standard CUDA runtime API routines, such as cudaMalloc(), cudaFree(), cudaMemcpy(), and cudaMemcpyAsync().

1.1. Naming Conventions

The cuSPARSE library functions are available for data types float, double, cuComplex, and cuDoubleComplex. The sparse Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 functions follow this naming convention:

cusparse<t>[<matrix data format>]<operation>[<output matrix data format>]

where <t> can be S, D, C, Z, or X, corresponding to the data types float, double, cuComplex, cuDoubleComplex, and the generic type, respectively.

The <matrix data format> can be dense, coo, csr, or csc, corresponding to the dense, coordinate, compressed sparse row, and compressed sparse column formats, respectively.

Finally, the <operation> can be axpyi, gthr, gthrz, roti, or sctr, corresponding to the Level 1 functions; it also can be mv or sv, corresponding to the Level 2 functions, as well as mm or sm, corresponding to the Level 3 functions.

All of the functions have the return type cusparseStatus_t and are explained in more detail in the chapters that follow.

1.2. Asynchronous Execution

The cuSPARSE library functions are executed asynchronously with respect to the host and may return control to the application on the host before the result is ready. Developers can use the cudaDeviceSynchronize() function to ensure that the execution of a particular cuSPARSE library routine has completed.

A developer can also use the cudaMemcpy() routine to copy data from the device to the host and vice versa, using the cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and cudaMemcpyHostToDevice parameters, respectively. In this case there is no need to add a call to cudaDeviceSynchronize() because the call to cudaMemcpy() with the above parameters is blocking and completes only when the results are ready on the host.

Static Library support

Starting with release 6.5, the cuSPARSE Library is also delivered in a static form as libcusparse_static.a on Linux and Mac OSes. The static cuSPARSE library and all others static maths libraries depend on a common thread abstraction layer library called libculibos.a on Linux and Mac and culibos.lib on Windows.

For example, on linux, to compile a small application using cuSPARSE against the dynamic library, the following command can be used:

    nvcc myCusparseApp.c  -lcusparse  -o myCusparseApp

Whereas to compile against the static cuSPARSE library, the following command has to be used:

    nvcc myCusparseApp.c  -lcusparse_static   -lculibos -o myCusparseApp

It is also possible to use the native Host C++ compiler. Depending on the Host Operating system, some additional libraries like pthread or dl might be needed on the linking line. The following command on Linux is suggested :

    g++ myCusparseApp.c  -lcusparse_static   -lculibos -lcudart_static -lpthread -ldl -I <cuda-toolkit-path>/include -L <cuda-toolkit-path>/lib64 -o myCusparseApp

Note that in the latter case, the library cuda is not needed. The CUDA Runtime will try to open explicitly the cuda library if needed. In the case of a system which does not have the CUDA driver installed, this allows the application to gracefully manage this issue and potentially run if a CPU-only path is available.

2. Using the cuSPARSE API

This chapter describes how to use the cuSPARSE library API. It is not a reference for the cuSPARSE API data types and functions; that is provided in subsequent chapters.

2.1. Thread Safety

The library is thread safe and its functions can be called from multiple host threads. However, simultaneous read/writes of the same objects (or of the same handle) are not safe. Hence the handle must be private per thread, i.e., only one handle per thread is safe.

2.2. Scalar Parameters

In the cuSPARSE API, the scalar parameters α and β can be passed by reference on the host or the device.

The few functions that return a scalar result, such as nnz(), return the resulting value by reference on the host or the device. Even though these functions return immediately, similarly to those that return matrix and vector results, the scalar result is not ready until execution of the routine on the GPU completes. This requires proper synchronization be used when reading the result from the host.

This feature allows the cuSPARSE library functions to execute completely asynchronously using streams, even when α and β are generated by a previous kernel. This situation arises, for example, when the library is used to implement iterative methods for the solution of linear systems and eigenvalue problems [3].

2.3. Parallelism with Streams

If the application performs several small independent computations, or if it makes data transfers in parallel with the computation, CUDA streams can be used to overlap these tasks.

The application can conceptually associate a stream with each task. To achieve the overlap of computation between the tasks, the developer should create CUDA streams using the function cudaStreamCreate() and set the stream to be used by each individual cuSPARSE library routine by calling cusparseSetStream() just before calling the actual cuSPARSE routine. Then, computations performed in separate streams would be overlapped automatically on the GPU, when possible. This approach is especially useful when the computation performed by a single task is relatively small and is not enough to fill the GPU with work, or when there is a data transfer that can be performed in parallel with the computation.

When streams are used, we recommend using the new cuSPARSE API with scalar parameters and results passed by reference in the device memory to achieve maximum computational overlap.

Although a developer can create many streams, in practice it is not possible to have more than 16 concurrent kernels executing at the same time.

2.4. Compatibility and Versioning

The cuSPARSE APIs are intended to be backward compatible at the source level with future releases (unless stated otherwise in the release notes of a specific future release). In other words, if a program uses cuSPARSE, it should continue to compile and work correctly with newer versions of cuSPARSE without source code changes. cuSPARSE is not guaranteed to be backward compatible at the binary level. Using different versions of the cusparse.h header file and the shared library is not supported. Using different versions of cuSPARSE and the CUDA runtime is not supported. The APIs should be backward compatible at the source level for public functions in most cases

cuSPARSE Indexing and Data Formats

The cuSPARSE library supports dense and sparse vector, and dense and sparse matrix formats.

3.1. Index Base Format

The library supports zero- and one-based indexing. The index base is selected through the cusparseIndexBase_t type, which is passed as a standalone parameter or as a field in the matrix descriptor cusparseMatDescr_t type.

3.1.1. Vector Formats

This section describes dense and sparse vector formats. Dense Format

Dense vectors are represented with a single data array that is stored linearly in memory, such as the following 7 × 1 dense vector.

1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 4.0

(This vector is referenced again in the next section.) Sparse Format

Sparse vectors are represented with two arrays.

  • The data array has the nonzero values from the equivalent array in dense format.

  • The integer index array has the positions of the corresponding nonzero values in the equivalent array in dense format.

For example, the dense vector in section 3.2.1 can be stored as a sparse vector with one-based indexing.

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1 .0 4 .0 5 .0 7 .0

It can also be stored as a sparse vector with zero-based indexing.

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 .0 3 .0 4 .0 6 .0

In each example, the top row is the data array and the bottom row is the index array, and it is assumed that the indices are provided in increasing order and that each index appears only once.

3.2. Matrix Formats

Dense and several sparse formats for matrices are discussed in this section.

3.2.1. Dense Format

The dense matrix X is assumed to be stored in column-major format in memory and is represented by the following parameters.

m (integer) The number of rows in the matrix.
n (integer) The number of columns in the matrix.
ldX (integer) The leading dimension of X, which must be greater than or equal to m. If ldX is greater than m, then X represents a sub-matrix of a larger matrix stored in memory
X (pointer) Points to the data array containing the matrix elements. It is assumed that enough storage is allocated for X to hold all of the matrix elements and that cuSPARSE library functions may access values outside of the sub-matrix, but will never overwrite them.

For example, m×n dense matrix X with leading dimension ldX can be stored with one-based indexing as shown.

X 1 , 1 X 1 , 2 X 1 , n X 2 , 1 X 2 , 2 X 2 , n X m , 1 X m , 2 X m , n X l d X , 1 X l d X , 2 X l d X , n

Its elements are arranged linearly in memory in the order below.

X 1 , 1 X 2 , 1 X m , 1 X l d X , 1 X 1 , n X 2 , n X m , n X l d X , n

Note: This format and notation are similar to those used in the NVIDIA CUDA cuBLAS library.

3.2.2. Coordinate Format (COO)

The m×n sparse matrix A is represented in COO format by the following parameters.

nnz (integer) The number of nonzero elements in the matrix.
cooValA (pointer) Points to the data array of length nnz that holds all nonzero values of A in row-major format.
cooRowIndA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length nnz that contains the row indices of the corresponding elements in array cooValA.
cooColIndA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length nnz that contains the column indices of the corresponding elements in array cooValA.

A sparse matrix in COO format is assumed to be stored in row-major format: the index arrays are first sorted by row indices and then within the same row by compressed column indices. It is assumed that each pair of row and column indices appears only once.

For example, consider the following 4 × 5 matrix A.

1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 6.0

It is stored in COO format with zero-based indexing this way.

cooValA = 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 cooRowIndA = 0 .0 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 2 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 3 .0 cooColIndA = 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 2 .0 0 .0 3 .0 4 .0 2 .0 4 .0

In the COO format with one-based indexing, it is stored as shown.

cooValA = 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 cooRowIndA = 1 .0 1 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 3 .0 3 .0 4 .0 4 .0 cooColIndA = 1 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 1 .0 4 .0 5 .0 3 .0 5 .0

3.2.3. Compressed Sparse Row Format (CSR)

The only way the CSR differs from the COO format is that the array containing the row indices is compressed in CSR format. The m×n sparse matrix A is represented in CSR format by the following parameters.

nnz (integer) The number of nonzero elements in the matrix.
csrValA (pointer) Points to the data array of length nnz that holds all nonzero values of A in row-major format.
csrRowPtrA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length m+1 that holds indices into the arrays csrColIndA and csrValA. The first m entries of this array contain the indices of the first nonzero element in the ith row for i=i,...,m, while the last entry contains nnz+csrRowPtrA(0). In general, csrRowPtrA(0) is 0 or 1 for zero- and one-based indexing, respectively.
csrColIndA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length nnz that contains the column indices of the corresponding elements in array csrValA.

Sparse matrices in CSR format are assumed to be stored in row-major CSR format, in other words, the index arrays are first sorted by row indices and then within the same row by column indices. It is assumed that each pair of row and column indices appears only once.

Consider again the 4 × 5 matrixA.

1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 6.0

It is stored in CSR format with zero-based indexing as shown.

csrValA = 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 csrRowPtrA = 0 .0 2 .0 4 .0 7 .0 9 .0 csrColIndA = 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 2 .0 0 .0 3 .0 4 .0 2 .0 4 .0

This is how it is stored in CSR format with one-based indexing.

csrValA = 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 csrRowPtrA = 1 .0 3 .0 5 .0 8 .0 10 .0 csrColIndA = 1 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 1 .0 4 .0 5 .0 3 .0 5 .0

3.2.4. Compressed Sparse Column Format (CSC)

The CSC format is different from the COO format in two ways: the matrix is stored in column-major format, and the array containing the column indices is compressed in CSC format. The m×n matrix A is represented in CSC format by the following parameters.

nnz (integer) The number of nonzero elements in the matrix.
cscValA (pointer) Points to the data array of length nnz that holds all nonzero values of A in column-major format.
cscRowIndA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length nnz that contains the row indices of the corresponding elements in array cscValA.
cscColPtrA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length n+1 that holds indices into the arrays cscRowIndA and cscValA. The first n entries of this array contain the indices of the first nonzero element in the ith row for i=i,...,n, while the last entry contains nnz+cscColPtrA(0). In general, cscColPtrA(0) is 0 or 1 for zero- and one-based indexing, respectively.
Note: The matrix A in CSR format has exactly the same memory layout as its transpose in CSC format (and vice versa).

For example, consider once again the 4 × 5 matrix A.

1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 6.0

It is stored in CSC format with zero-based indexing this way.

cscValA = 1.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 9.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 cscRowIndA = 0 .0 2 .0 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 3 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 cscColPtrA = 0 .0 2 .0 4 .0 6 .0 7 .0 9 .0

In CSC format with one-based indexing, this is how it is stored.

cscValA = 1.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 9.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 cscRowIndA = 1 .0 3 .0 1 .0 2 .0 2 .0 4 .0 3 .0 3 .0 4 .0 cscColPtrA = 1 .0 3 .0 5 .0 7 .0 8 .0 10 .0

Each pair of row and column indices appears only once.

3.2.5. Block Compressed Sparse Row Format (BSR)

The only difference between the CSR and BSR formats is the format of the storage element. The former stores primitive data types (single, double, cuComplex, and cuDoubleComplex) whereas the latter stores a two-dimensional square block of primitive data types. The dimension of the square block is b l o c k D i m . The m×n sparse matrix A is equivalent to a block sparse matrix A b with m b = m + b l o c k D i m 1 b l o c k D i m block rows and n b = n + b l o c k D i m 1 b l o c k D i m block columns. If m or n is not multiple of b l o c k D i m , then zeros are filled into A b .

A is represented in BSR format by the following parameters.

blockDim (integer) Block dimension of matrix A.
mb (integer) The number of block rows of A.
nb (integer) The number of block columns of A.
nnzb (integer) The number of nonzero blocks in the matrix.
bsrValA (pointer) Points to the data array of length n n z b b l o c k D i m 2 that holds all elements of nonzero blocks of A. The block elements are stored in either column-major order or row-major order.
bsrRowPtrA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length mb+1 that holds indices into the arrays bsrColIndA and bsrValA. The first mb entries of this array contain the indices of the first nonzero block in the ith block row for i=1,...,mb, while the last entry contains nnzb+bsrRowPtrA(0). In general, bsrRowPtrA(0) is 0 or 1 for zero- and one-based indexing, respectively.
bsrColIndA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length nnzb that contains the column indices of the corresponding blocks in array bsrValA.

As with CSR format, (row, column) indices of BSR are stored in row-major order. The index arrays are first sorted by row indices and then within the same row by column indices.

For example, consider again the 4×5 matrix A.

1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 6.0

If b l o c k D i m is equal to 2, then m b is 2, n b is 3, and matrix A is split into 2×3 block matrix A b . The dimension of A b is 4×6, slightly bigger than matrix A , so zeros are filled in the last column of A b . The element-wise view of A b is this.

1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 6.0 0.0

Based on zero-based indexing, the block-wise view of A b can be represented as follows.

A b = A 00 A 01 A 02 A 10 A 11 A 12

The basic element of BSR is a nonzero A i j block, one that contains at least one nonzero element of A. Five of six blocks are nonzero in A b .

A 00 = 1 4 0 2 , A 01 = 0 0 3 0 , A 10 = 5 0 0 0 , A 11 = 0 7 9 0 , A 12 = 8 0 6 0

BSR format only stores the information of nonzero blocks, including block indices ( i , j ) and values A i j . Also row indices are compressed in CSR format.

bsrValA = A 00 A 01 A 10 A 11 A 12 bsrRowPtrA = 0 .0 2 .0 5 bsrColIndA = 0 .0 1 .0 0 .0 1 .0 2

There are two ways to arrange the data element of block A i j : row-major order and column-major order. Under column-major order, the physical storage of bsrValA is this.

b s r V a l A = [ 1 .0 0 .0 4 .0 2 .0 0 .0 3 .0 0 .0 0 .0 5 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 9 .0 7 .0 0 .0 8 .0 6 .0 0 .0 0 .0 ]

Under row-major order, the physical storage of bsrValA is this.

b s r V a l A = [ 1 .0 4 .0 0 .0 2 .0 0 .0 0 .0 3 .0 0 .0 5 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 7 .0 9 .0 0 .0 8 .0 0 .0 6 .0 0 .0 ]

Similarly, in BSR format with one-based indexing and column-major order, A can be represented by the following.

A b = A 11 A 12 A 13 A 21 A 22 A 23
b s r V a l A = [ 1 .0 0 .0 4 .0 2 .0 0 .0 3 .0 0 .0 0 .0 5 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 9 .0 7 .0 0 .0 8 .0 6 .0 0 .0 0 .0 ]

bsrRowPtrA = 1 .0 3 .0 6 bsrColIndA = 1 .0 2 .0 1 .0 2 .0 3

Note: The general BSR format has two parameters, rowBlockDim and colBlockDim. rowBlockDim is number of rows within a block and colBlockDim is number of columns within a block. If rowBlockDim=colBlockDim, general BSR format is the same as BSR format. If rowBlockDim=colBlockDim=1, general BSR format is the same as CSR format. The conversion routine gebsr2gebsr is used to do conversion among CSR, BSR and general BSR.
Note: In the cuSPARSE Library, the storage format of blocks in BSR format can be column-major or row-major, independently of the base index. However, if the developer uses BSR format from the Math Kernel Library (MKL) and wants to directly interface with the cuSPARSE Library, then cusparseDirection_tCUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN should be used if the base index is one; otherwise, cusparseDirection_tCUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW should be used.

3.2.6. Extended BSR Format (BSRX)

BSRX is the same as the BSR format, but the array bsrRowPtrA is separated into two parts. The first nonzero block of each row is still specified by the array bsrRowPtrA, which is the same as in BSR, but the position next to the last nonzero block of each row is specified by the array bsrEndPtrA. Briefly, BSRX format is simply like a 4-vector variant of BSR format.

Matrix A is represented in BSRX format by the following parameters.

blockDim (integer) Block dimension of matrix A.
mb (integer) The number of block rows of A.
nb (integer) The number of block columns of A.
nnzb (integer) number of nonzero blocks in the matrix A.
bsrValA (pointer) Points to the data array of length n n z b b l o c k D i m 2 that holds all the elements of the nonzero blocks of A. The block elements are stored in either column-major order or row-major order.
bsrRowPtrA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length mb that holds indices into the arrays bsrColIndA and bsrValA; bsrRowPtrA(i) is the position of the first nonzero block of the ith block row in bsrColIndA and bsrValA.
bsrEndPtrA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length mb that holds indices into the arrays bsrColIndA and bsrValA; bsrRowPtrA(i) is the position next to the last nonzero block of the ith block row in bsrColIndA and bsrValA.
bsrColIndA (pointer) Points to the integer array of length nnzb that contains the column indices of the corresponding blocks in array bsrValA.

A simple conversion between BSR and BSRX can be done as follows. Suppose the developer has a 2×3 block sparse matrix A b represented as shown.

A b = A 00 A 01 A 02 A 10 A 11 A 12

Assume it has this BSR format.

bsrValA of BSR = A 00 A 01 A 10 A 11 A 12 bsrRowPtrA of BSR = 0 .0 2 .0 5 bsrColIndA of BSR = 0 .0 1 .0 0 .0 1 .0 2

The bsrRowPtrA of the BSRX format is simply the first two elements of the bsrRowPtrA BSR format. The bsrEndPtrA of BSRX format is the last two elements of the bsrRowPtrA of BSR format.

bsrRowPtrA of BSRX = 0 .0 2 bsrEndPtrA of BSRX = 2 .0 5

The advantage of the BSRX format is that the developer can specify a submatrix in the original BSR format by modifying bsrRowPtrA and bsrEndPtrA while keeping bsrColIndA and bsrValA unchanged.

For example, to create another block matrix A ˜ = O O O O A 11 O that is slightly different from A , the developer can keep bsrColIndA and bsrValA, but reconstruct A ˜ by properly setting of bsrRowPtrA and bsrEndPtrA. The following 4-vector characterizes A ˜ .

bsrValA of  A ˜ = A 00 A 01 A 10 A 11 A 12 bsrColIndA of  A ˜ = 0 .0 1 .0 0 .0 1 .0 2 bsrRowPtrA of  A ˜ = 0 .0 3 bsrEndPtrA of  A ˜ = 0 .0 4

cuSPARSE Types Reference

4.1. Data types

The float, double, cuComplex, and cuDoubleComplex data types are supported. The first two are standard C data types, while the last two are exported from cuComplex.h.

4.2. cusparseStatus_t

This data type represents the status returned by the library functions and it can have the following values

Value Description

The operation completed successfully


The cuSPARSE library was not initialized. This is usually caused by the lack of a prior call, an error in the CUDA Runtime API called by the cuSPARSE routine, or an error in the hardware setup

To correct: call cusparseCreate() prior to the function call; and check that the hardware, an appropriate version of the driver, and the cuSPARSE library are correctly installed

The error also applies to generic APIs ( Generic APIs reference) for indicating a matrix/vector descriptor not initialized


Resource allocation failed inside the cuSPARSE library. This is usually caused by a device memory allocation (cudaMalloc()) or by a host memory allocation failure

To correct: prior to the function call, deallocate previously allocated memory as much as possible


An unsupported value or parameter was passed to the function (a negative vector size, for example)

To correct: ensure that all the parameters being passed have valid values


The function requires a feature absent from the device architecture

To correct: compile and run the application on a device with appropriate compute capability


The GPU program failed to execute. This is often caused by a launch failure of the kernel on the GPU, which can be caused by multiple reasons

To correct: check that the hardware, an appropriate version of the driver, and the cuSPARSE library are correctly installed


An internal cuSPARSE operation failed

To correct: check that the hardware, an appropriate version of the driver, and the cuSPARSE library are correctly installed. Also, check that the memory passed as a parameter to the routine is not being deallocated prior to the routine completion


The matrix type is not supported by this function. This is usually caused by passing an invalid matrix descriptor to the function

To correct: check that the fields in cusparseMatDescr_t descrA were set correctly


The operation or data type combination is currently not supported by the function


The resources for the computation, such as GPU global or shared memory, are not sufficient to complete the operation. The error can also indicate that the current computation mode (e.g. bit size of sparse matrix indices) does not allow to handle the given input

4.3. cusparseHandle_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque cuSPARSE context, which the user must initialize by calling prior to calling cusparseCreate() any other library function. The handle created and returned by cusparseCreate() must be passed to every cuSPARSE function.

4.4. cusparsePointerMode_t

This type indicates whether the scalar values are passed by reference on the host or device. It is important to point out that if several scalar values are passed by reference in the function call, all of them will conform to the same single pointer mode. The pointer mode can be set and retrieved using cusparseSetPointerMode() and cusparseGetPointerMode() routines, respectively.

Value Meaning


the scalars are passed by reference on the host.


the scalars are passed by reference on the device.

4.5. cusparseOperation_t

This type indicates which operations need to be performed with the sparse matrix.

Value Meaning


the non-transpose operation is selected.


the transpose operation is selected.


the conjugate transpose operation is selected.

4.6. cusparseAction_t

This type indicates whether the operation is performed only on indices or on data and indices.

Value Meaning


the operation is performed only on indices.


the operation is performed on data and indices.

4.7. cusparseDirection_t

This type indicates whether the elements of a dense matrix should be parsed by rows or by columns (assuming column-major storage in memory of the dense matrix) in function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]nnz. Besides storage format of blocks in BSR format is also controlled by this type.

Value Meaning


the matrix should be parsed by rows.


the matrix should be parsed by columns.

4.8. cusparseMatDescr_t

This structure is used to describe the shape and properties of a matrix.

typedef struct {
    cusparseMatrixType_t MatrixType;
    cusparseFillMode_t FillMode;
    cusparseDiagType_t DiagType;
    cusparseIndexBase_t IndexBase;
} cusparseMatDescr_t;

4.8.1. cusparseDiagType_t

This type indicates if the matrix diagonal entries are unity. The diagonal elements are always assumed to be present, but if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is passed to an API routine, then the routine assumes that all diagonal entries are unity and will not read or modify those entries. Note that in this case the routine assumes the diagonal entries are equal to one, regardless of what those entries are actually set to in memory.

Value Meaning


the matrix diagonal has non-unit elements.


the matrix diagonal has unit elements.

4.8.2. cusparseFillMode_t

This type indicates if the lower or upper part of a matrix is stored in sparse storage.

Value Meaning


the lower triangular part is stored.


the upper triangular part is stored.

4.8.3. cusparseIndexBase_t

This type indicates if the base of the matrix indices is zero or one.

Value Meaning


the base index is zero.


the base index is one.

4.8.4. cusparseMatrixType_t

This type indicates the type of matrix stored in sparse storage. Notice that for symmetric, Hermitian and triangular matrices only their lower or upper part is assumed to be stored.

The whole idea of matrix type and fill mode is to keep minimum storage for symmetric/Hermitian matrix, and also to take advantage of symmetric property on SpMV (Sparse Matrix Vector multiplication). To compute y=A*x when A is symmetric and only lower triangular part is stored, two steps are needed. First step is to compute y=(L+D)*x and second step is to compute y=L^T*x + y. Given the fact that the transpose operation y=L^T*x is 10x slower than non-transpose version y=L*x, the symmetric property does not show up any performance gain. It is better for the user to extend the symmetric matrix to a general matrix and apply y=A*x with matrix type CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL.

In general, SpMV, preconditioners (incomplete Cholesky or incomplete LU) and triangular solver are combined together in iterative solvers, for example PCG and GMRES. If the user always uses general matrix (instead of symmetric matrix), there is no need to support other than general matrix in preconditioners. Therefore the new routines, [bsr|csr]sv2 (triangular solver), [bsr|csr]ilu02 (incomplete LU) and [bsr|csr]ic02 (incomplete Cholesky), only support matrix type CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL.

Value Meaning


the matrix is general.


the matrix is symmetric.


the matrix is Hermitian.


the matrix is triangular.

4.9. cusparseAlgMode_t

This is type for algorithm parameter to cusparseCsrmvEx() and cusparseCsrmvEx_bufferSize() functions.

Value Meaning


Use load-balancing algorithm that suits better for irregular nonzero-patterns.

4.10. cusparseColorInfo_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in csrcolor().

4.11. cusparseSolvePolicy_t

This type indicates whether level information is generated and used in csrsv2, csric02, csrilu02, bsrsv2, bsric02 and bsrilu02.

Value Meaning


no level information is generated and used.


generate and use level information.

4.12. bsric02Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in bsric02_bufferSize(), bsric02_analysis(), and bsric02().

4.13. bsrilu02Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in bsrilu02_bufferSize(), bsrilu02_analysis(), and bsrilu02().


This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in bsrsm2_bufferSize(), bsrsm2_analysis(), and bsrsm2_solve().

4.15. bsrsv2Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in bsrsv2_bufferSize(), bsrsv2_analysis(), and bsrsv2_solve().

4.16. csrgemm2Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in csrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(), and csrgemm2().

4.17. csric02Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in csric02_bufferSize(), csric02_analysis(), and csric02().

4.18. csrilu02Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in csrilu02_bufferSize(), csrilu02_analysis(), and csrilu02().

4.19. csrsm2Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in csrsm2_bufferSize(), csrsm2_analysis(), and csrsm2_solve().

4.20. csrsv2Info_t

This is a pointer type to an opaque structure holding the information used in csrsv2_bufferSize(), csrsv2_analysis(), and csrsv2_solve().

5. cuSPARSE Management Function Reference

The cuSPARSE functions for managing the library are described in this section.

5.1. cusparseCreate()

cusparseCreate(cusparseHandle_t *handle)

This function initializes the cuSPARSE library and creates a handle on the cuSPARSE context. It must be called before any other cuSPARSE API function is invoked. It allocates hardware resources necessary for accessing the GPU.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN The pointer to the handle to the cuSPARSE context

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.2. cusparseDestroy()

cusparseDestroy(cusparseHandle_t handle)

This function releases CPU-side resources used by the cuSPARSE library. The release of GPU-side resources may be deferred until the application shuts down.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN The handle to the cuSPARSE context

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.3. cusparseGetErrorName()

const char*
cusparseGetErrorString(cusparseStatus_t status)

The function returns the string representation of an error code enum name. If the error code is not recognized, "unrecognized error code" is returned.

Param. In/out Meaning
status IN Error code to convert to string
const char* OUT Pointer to a NULL-terminated string

5.4. cusparseGetErrorString()

const char*
cusparseGetErrorString(cusparseStatus_t status)

Returns the description string for an error code. If the error code is not recognized, "unrecognized error code" is returned.

Param. In/out Meaning
status IN Error code to convert to string
const char* OUT Pointer to a NULL-terminated string

5.5. cusparseGetProperty()

cusparseGetProperty(libraryPropertyType type,
                    int*                value)

The function returns the value of the requested property. Refer to libraryPropertyType for supported types.

Param. In/out Meaning
type IN Requested property
value OUT Value of the requested property

libraryPropertyType (defined in library_types.h):

Value Meaning
MAJOR_VERSION Enumerator to query the major version
MINOR_VERSION Enumerator to query the minor version
PATCH_LEVEL Number to identify the patch level

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.6. cusparseGetVersion()

cusparseGetVersion(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                   int*             version)

This function returns the version number of the cuSPARSE library.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN cuSPARSE handle
version OUT The version number of the library

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.7. cusparseGetPointerMode()

cusparseGetPointerMode(cusparseHandlet handle,
                       cusparsePointerMode_t *mode)

This function obtains the pointer mode used by the cuSPARSE library. Please see the section on the cusparsePointerMode_t type for more details.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN The handle to the cuSPARSE context
mode OUT One of the enumerated pointer mode types

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.8. cusparseSetPointerMode()

cusparseSetPointerMode(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                       cusparsePointerMode_t mode)

This function sets the pointer mode used by the cuSPARSE library. The default is for the values to be passed by reference on the host. Please see the section on the cublasPointerMode_t type for more details.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN The handle to the cuSPARSE context
mode IN One of the enumerated pointer mode types

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.9. cusparseGetStream()

cusparseGetStream(cusparseHandle_t handle, cudaStream_t *streamId)

This function gets the cuSPARSE library stream, which is being used to to execute all calls to the cuSPARSE library functions. If the cuSPARSE library stream is not set, all kernels use the default NULL stream.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN The handle to the cuSPARSE context
streamId OUT The stream used by the library

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

5.10. cusparseSetStream()

cusparseSetStream(cusparseHandle_t handle, cudaStream_t streamId)

This function sets the stream to be used by the cuSPARSE library to execute its routines.

Param. In/out Meaning
handle IN The handle to the cuSPARSE context
streamId IN The stream to be used by the library

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6. cuSPARSE Helper Function Reference

The cuSPARSE helper functions are described in this section.

6.1. cusparseCreateColorInfo()

cusparseCreateColorInfo(cusparseColorInfo_t* info)

This function creates and initializes the cusparseColorInfo_t structure to default values.

info the pointer to the cusparseColorInfo_t structure

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.2. cusparseCreateMatDescr()

cusparseCreateMatDescr(cusparseMatDescr_t *descrA)

This function initializes the matrix descriptor. It sets the fields MatrixType and IndexBase to the default values CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO , respectively, while leaving other fields uninitialized.

descrA the pointer to the matrix descriptor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.3. cusparseDestroyColorInfo()

cusparseDestroyColorInfo(cusparseColorInfo_t info)

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the pointer to the structure of csrcolor()

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.4. cusparseDestroyMatDescr()

cusparseDestroyMatDescr(cusparseMatDescr_t descrA)

This function releases the memory allocated for the matrix descriptor.

descrA the matrix descriptor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.5. cusparseGetMatDiagType()

cusparseGetMatDiagType(const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA)

This function returns the DiagType field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

descrA the matrix descriptor.
One of the enumerated diagType types.

6.6. cusparseGetMatFillMode()

cusparseGetMatFillMode(const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA)

This function returns the FillMode field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

descrA the matrix descriptor.
One of the enumerated fillMode types.

6.7. cusparseGetMatIndexBase()

cusparseGetMatIndexBase(const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA)

This function returns the IndexBase field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

descrA the matrix descriptor.
One of the enumerated indexBase types.

6.8. cusparseGetMatType()

cusparseGetMatType(const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA)

This function returns the MatrixType field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

descrA the matrix descriptor.
One of the enumerated matrix types.

6.9. cusparseSetMatDiagType()

cusparseSetMatDiagType(cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                       cusparseDiagType_t diagType)

This function sets the DiagType field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

diagType One of the enumerated diagType types.
descrA the matrix descriptor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.10. cusparseSetMatFillMode()

cusparseSetMatFillMode(cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                       cusparseFillMode_t fillMode)

This function sets the FillMode field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

fillMode One of the enumerated fillMode types.
descrA the matrix descriptor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.11. cusparseSetMatIndexBase()

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                        cusparseIndexBase_t base)

This function sets the IndexBase field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

base One of the enumerated indexBase types.
descrA the matrix descriptor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.12. cusparseSetMatType()

cusparseSetMatType(cusparseMatDescr_t descrA, cusparseMatrixType_t type)

This function sets the MatrixType field of the matrix descriptor descrA.

type One of the enumerated matrix types.
descrA the matrix descriptor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.13. cusparseCreateCsrsv2Info()

cusparseCreateCsrsv2Info(csrsv2Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of csrsv2 to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of csrsv2.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.14. cusparseDestroyCsrsv2Info()

cusparseDestroyCsrsv2Info(csrsv2Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (csrsv2_solve) and analysis (csrsv2_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.15. cusparseCreateCsrsm2Info()

cusparseCreateCsrsm2Info(csrsm2Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of csrsm2 to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of csrsm2.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.16. cusparseDestroyCsrsm2Info()

cusparseDestroyCsrsm2Info(csrsm2Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (csrsm2_solve) and analysis (csrsm2_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.17. cusparseCreateCsric02Info()

cusparseCreateCsric02Info(csric02Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of incomplete Cholesky to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of incomplete Cholesky.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.18. cusparseDestroyCsric02Info()

cusparseDestroyCsric02Info(csric02Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (csric02_solve) and analysis (csric02_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.19. cusparseCreateCsrilu02Info()

cusparseCreateCsrilu02Info(csrilu02Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of incomplete LU to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of incomplete LU.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.20. cusparseDestroyCsrilu02Info()

cusparseDestroyCsrilu02Info(csrilu02Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (csrilu02_solve) and analysis (csrilu02_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseCreateBsrsv2Info(bsrsv2Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of bsrsv2 to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of bsrsv2.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.22. cusparseDestroyBsrsv2Info()

cusparseDestroyBsrsv2Info(bsrsv2Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (bsrsv2_solve) and analysis (bsrsv2_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.23. cusparseCreateBsrsm2Info()

cusparseCreateBsrsm2Info(bsrsm2Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of bsrsm2 to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of bsrsm2.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.24. cusparseDestroyBsrsm2Info()

cusparseDestroyBsrsm2Info(bsrsm2Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (bsrsm2_solve) and analysis (bsrsm2_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.25. cusparseCreateBsric02Info()

cusparseCreateBsric02Info(bsric02Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of block incomplete Cholesky to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of block incomplete Cholesky.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.26. cusparseDestroyBsric02Info()

cusparseDestroyBsric02Info(bsric02Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (bsric02_solve) and analysis (bsric02_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.27. cusparseCreateBsrilu02Info()

cusparseCreateBsrilu02Info(bsrilu02Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes the solve and analysis structure of block incomplete LU to default values.

info the pointer to the solve and analysis structure of block incomplete LU.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.28. cusparseDestroyBsrilu02Info()

cusparseDestroyBsrilu02Info(bsrilu02Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the solve (bsrilu02_solve) and analysis (bsrilu02_analysis) structure.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.29. cusparseCreateCsrgemm2Info()

cusparseCreateCsrgemm2Info(csrgemm2Info_t *info);

This function creates and initializes analysis structure of general sparse matrix-matrix multiplication.

info the pointer to the analysis structure of general sparse matrix-matrix multiplication.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.30. cusparseDestroyCsrgemm2Info()

cusparseDestroyCsrgemm2Info(csrgemm2Info_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info opaque structure of csrgemm2.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.31. cusparseCreatePruneInfo()

cusparseCreatePruneInfo(pruneInfo_t *info);

This function creates and initializes structure of prune to default values.

info the pointer to the structure of prune.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

6.32. cusparseDestroyPruneInfo()

cusparseDestroyPruneInfo(pruneInfo_t info);

This function destroys and releases any memory required by the structure.


info the structure of prune.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

7. cuSPARSE Level 1 Function Reference

This chapter describes sparse linear algebra functions that perform operations between dense and sparse vectors.

7.1. cusparse<t>axpyi() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseAxpby() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSaxpyi(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               const float*        alpha,
               const float*        xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               float*              y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseDaxpyi(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               const double*       alpha,
               const double*       xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               double*             y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseCaxpyi(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               const cuComplex*    alpha,
               const cuComplex*    xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               cuComplex*          y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseZaxpyi(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
               int                    nnz,
               const cuDoubleComplex* alpha,
               const cuDoubleComplex* xVal,
               const int*             xInd,
               cuDoubleComplex*       y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t    idxBase)

This function multiplies the vector x in sparse format by the constant α and adds the result to the vector y in dense format. This operation can be written as

y = y + α x

In other words,

for i=0 to nnz-1
    y[xInd[i]-idxBase] = y[xInd[i]-idxBase] + alpha*xVal[i]
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
nnz number of elements in vector x.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
xVal <type> vector with nnz nonzero values of vector x.
xInd integer vector with nnz indices of the nonzero values of vector x.
y <type> vector in dense format.
y <type> updated vector in dense format (that is unchanged if nnz == 0).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

7.2. cusparse<t>gthr() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseGather() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSgthr(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              const float*        y,
              float*              xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseDgthr(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              const double*       y,
              double*             xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseCgthr(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              const cuComplex*    y,
              cuComplex*          xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseZgthr(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
              int                     nnz,
              const cuDoubleComplex*  y,
              cuDoubleComplex*        xVal,
              const int*              xInd,
              cusparseIndexBase_t     idxBase)

This function gathers the elements of the vector y listed in the index array xInd into the data array xVal.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
nnz number of elements in vector x.
y <type> vector in dense format (of size≥max(xInd)-idxBase+1).
xInd integer vector with nnz indices of the nonzero values of vector x.
xVal <type> vector with nnz nonzero values that were gathered from vector y (that is unchanged if nnz == 0).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

7.3. cusparse<t>gthrz() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseGather() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSgthrz(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               float*              y,
               float*              xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseDgthrz(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               double*             y,
               double*             xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseCgthrz(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               cuComplex*          y,
               cuComplex*          xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseZgthrz(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
               int                 nnz,
               cuDoubleComplex*    y,
               cuDoubleComplex*    xVal,
               const int*          xInd,
               cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

This function gathers the elements of the vector y listed in the index array xInd into the data array xVal. Also, it zeros out the gathered elements in the vector y.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
nnz number of elements in vector x.
y <type> vector in dense format (of size≥max(xInd)-idxBase+1).
xInd integer vector with nnz indices of the nonzero values of vector x.
xVal <type> vector with nnz nonzero values that were gathered from vector y (that is unchanged if nnz == 0).
y <type> vector in dense format with elements indexed by xInd set to zero (it is unchanged if nnz == 0).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

7.4. cusparse<t>roti() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseRot() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSroti(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              float*              xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              float*              y,
              const float*        c,
              const float*        s,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseDroti(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              double*             xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              double*             y,
              const double*       c,
              const double*       s,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

This function applies the Givens rotation matrix

G = c s s c

to sparse x and dense y vectors. In other words,

for i=0 to nnz-1
    y[xInd[i]-idxBase] = c * y[xInd[i]-idxBase] - s*xVal[i]
    x[i]               = c * xVal[i]            + s * y[xInd[i]-idxBase]
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
nnz number of elements in vector x.
xVal <type> vector with nnz nonzero values of vector x.
xInd integer vector with nnz indices of the nonzero values of vector x.
y <type> vector in dense format.
c cosine element of the rotation matrix.
s sine element of the rotation matrix.
xVal <type> updated vector in sparse format (that is unchanged if nnz == 0).
y <type> updated vector in dense format (that is unchanged if nnz == 0).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

7.5. cusparse<t>sctr() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseScatter() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSsctr(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              const float*        xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              float*              y,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseDsctr(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              const double*       xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              double*             y,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseCsctr(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
              int                 nnz,
              const cuComplex*    xVal,
              const int*          xInd,
              cuComplex*          y,
              cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

cusparseZsctr(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
              int                    nnz,
              const cuDoubleComplex* xVal,
              const int*             xInd,
              cuDoubleComplex*       y,
              cusparseIndexBase_t    idxBase)

This function scatters the elements of the vector x in sparse format into the vector y in dense format. It modifies only the elements of y whose indices are listed in the array xInd.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
nnz number of elements in vector x.
xVal <type> vector with nnz nonzero values of vector x.
xInd integer vector with nnz indices of the nonzero values of vector x.
y <type> dense vector (of size≥max(xInd)-idxBase+1).
y <type> vector with nnz nonzero values that were scattered from vector x (that is unchanged if nnz == 0).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8. cuSPARSE Level 2 Function Reference

This chapter describes the sparse linear algebra functions that perform operations between sparse matrices and dense vectors.

In particular, the solution of sparse triangular linear systems is implemented in two phases. First, during the analysis phase, the sparse triangular matrix is analyzed to determine the dependencies between its elements by calling the appropriate csrsv2_analysis() function. The analysis is specific to the sparsity pattern of the given matrix and to the selected cusparseOperation_t type. The information from the analysis phase is stored in the parameter of type csrsv2Info_t that has been initialized previously with a call to cusparseCreateCsrsv2Info().

Second, during the solve phase, the given sparse triangular linear system is solved using the information stored in the csrsv2Info_t parameter by calling the appropriate csrsv2_solve() function. The solve phase may be performed multiple times with different right-hand sides, while the analysis phase needs to be performed only once. This is especially useful when a sparse triangular linear system must be solved for a set of different right-hand sides one at a time, while its coefficient matrix remains the same.

Finally, once all the solves have completed, the opaque data structure pointed to by the csrsv2Info_t parameter can be released by calling cusparseDestroyCsrsv2Info()

8.1. cusparse<t>bsrmv()

cusparseSbsrmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dir,
               cusparseOperation_t      trans,
               int                      mb,
               int                      nb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const float*             alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
               const float*             bsrVal,
               const int*               bsrRowPtr,
               const int*               bsrColInd,
               int                      blockDim,
               const float*             x,
               const float*             beta,
               float*                   y)

cusparseDbsrmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dir,
               cusparseOperation_t      trans,
               int                      mb,
               int                      nb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const double*            alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
               const double*            bsrVal,
               const int*               bsrRowPtr,
               const int*               bsrColInd,
               int                      blockDim,
               const double*            x,
               const double*            beta,
               double*                  y)

cusparseCbsrmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dir,
               cusparseOperation_t      trans,
               int                      mb,
               int                      nb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const cuComplex*         alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
               const cuComplex*         bsrVal,
               const int*               bsrRowPtr,
               const int*               bsrColInd,
               int                      blockDim,
               const cuComplex*         x,
               const cuComplex*         beta,
               cuComplex*               y)

cusparseZbsrmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dir,
               cusparseOperation_t      trans,
               int                      mb,
               int                      nb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrVal,
               const int*               bsrRowPtr,
               const int*               bsrColInd,
               int                      blockDim,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   x,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
               cuDoubleComplex*         y)

This function performs the matrix-vector operation

y = α op ( A ) x + β y

where A  is an   ( m b b l o c k D i m ) × ( n b b l o c k D i m ) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrVal, bsrRowPtr, and bsrColInd); x and y are vectors; α  and  β are scalars; and

bsrmv() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
Several comments on bsrmv():
  • Only blockDim > 1 is supported
  • Only CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE is supported, that is

    y = α A x + β y
  • The size of vector x should be ( n b b l o c k D i m ) at least, and the size of vector y should be ( m b b l o c k D i m ) at least; otherwise, the kernel may return CUSPARSE_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED because of an out-of-bounds array.

For example, suppose the user has a CSR format and wants to try bsrmv(), the following code demonstrates how to use csr2bsr() conversion and bsrmv() multiplication in single precision.

// Suppose that A is m x n sparse matrix represented by CSR format,
// hx is a host vector of size n, and hy is also a host vector of size m.
// m and n are not multiple of blockDim.
// step 1: transform CSR to BSR with column-major order
int base, nnz;
int nnzb;
cusparseDirection_t dirA = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;
int mb = (m + blockDim-1)/blockDim;
int nb = (n + blockDim-1)/blockDim;
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int) *(mb+1));
cusparseXcsr2bsrNnz(handle, dirA, m, n,
        descrA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA, blockDim,
        descrC, bsrRowPtrC, &nnzb);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnzb);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrValC, sizeof(float)*(blockDim*blockDim)*nnzb);
cusparseScsr2bsr(handle, dirA, m, n,
        descrA, csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA, blockDim,
        descrC, bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, bsrColIndC);
// step 2: allocate vector x and vector y large enough for bsrmv
cudaMalloc((void**)&x, sizeof(float)*(nb*blockDim));
cudaMalloc((void**)&y, sizeof(float)*(mb*blockDim));
cudaMemcpy(x, hx, sizeof(float)*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(y, hy, sizeof(float)*m, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// step 3: perform bsrmv
cusparseSbsrmv(handle, dirA, transA, mb, nb, nnzb, &alpha,
   descrC, bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, bsrColIndC, blockDim, x, &beta, y);
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
trans the operation op ( A ) . Only CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE is supported.
mb number of block rows of matrix A .
nb number of block columns of matrix A .
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A .
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descr the descriptor of matrix A . The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrVal <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(mb) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A .
bsrRowPtr integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColInd integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(mb) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A .
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A , larger than zero.
x <type> vector of n b b l o c k D i m elements.
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication. If beta is zero, y does not have to be a valid input.
y <type> vector of m b b l o c k D i m elements.
y <type> updated vector.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.2. cusparse<t>bsrxmv()

cusparseSbsrxmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                cusparseOperation_t      trans,
                int                      sizeOfMask,
                int                      mb,
                int                      nb,
                int                      nnzb,
                const float*             alpha,
                const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                const float*             bsrVal,
                const int*               bsrMaskPtr,
                const int*               bsrRowPtr,
                const int*               bsrEndPtr,
                const int*               bsrColInd,
                int                      blockDim,
                const float*             x,
                const float*             beta,
                float*                   y)

cusparseDbsrxmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                cusparseOperation_t      trans,
                int                      sizeOfMask,
                int                      mb,
                int                      nb,
                int                      nnzb,
                const double*            alpha,
                const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                const double*            bsrVal,
                const int*               bsrMaskPtr,
                const int*               bsrRowPtr,
                const int*               bsrEndPtr,
                const int*               bsrColInd,
                int                      blockDim,
                const double*            x,
                const double*            beta,
                double*                  y)

cusparseCbsrxmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                cusparseOperation_t      trans,
                int                      sizeOfMask,
                int                      mb,
                int                      nb,
                int                      nnzb,
                const cuComplex*         alpha,
                const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                const cuComplex*         bsrVal,
                const int*               bsrMaskPtr,
                const int*               bsrRowPtr,
                const int*               bsrEndPtr,
                const int*               bsrColInd,
                int                      blockDim,
                const cuComplex*         x,
                const cuComplex*         beta,
                cuComplex*               y)

cusparseZbsrxmv(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                cusparseOperation_t      trans,
                int                      sizeOfMask,
                int                      mb,
                int                      nb,
                int                      nnzb,
                const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrVal,
                const int*               bsrMaskPtr,
                const int*               bsrRowPtr,
                const int*               bsrEndPtr,
                const int*               bsrColInd,
                int                      blockDim,
                const cuDoubleComplex*   x,
                const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
                cuDoubleComplex*         y)

This function performs a bsrmv and a mask operation

y(mask) = ( α op ( A ) x + β y ) (mask)

where A  is an  ( m b b l o c k D i m ) × ( n b b l o c k D i m ) sparse matrix that is defined in BSRX storage format by the four arrays bsrVal, bsrRowPtr, bsrEndPtr, and bsrColInd); x and y are vectors; α  and  β are scalars; and


The mask operation is defined by array bsrMaskPtr which contains updated block row indices of y . If row i is not specified in bsrMaskPtr, then bsrxmv() does not touch row block i of A and y .

For example, consider the 2 × 3 block matrix A :

A = A 11 A 12 O A 21 A 22 A 23

and its one-based BSR format (three vector form) is

bsrVal = A 11 A 12 A 21 A 22 A 23 bsrRowPtr = 1 .0 3 .0 6 bsrColInd = 1 .0 2 .0 1 .0 2 .0 3

Suppose we want to do the following bsrmv operation on a matrix A ¯ which is slightly different from A .

y 1 y 2 := a l p h a ( A ˜ = O O O O A 22 O ) x 1 x 2 x 3 + y 1 b e t a y 2

We don’t need to create another BSR format for the new matrix A ¯ , all that we should do is to keep bsrVal and bsrColInd unchanged, but modify bsrRowPtr and add an additional array bsrEndPtr which points to the last nonzero elements per row of A ¯ plus 1.

For example, the following bsrRowPtr and bsrEndPtr can represent matrix A ¯ :

bsrRowPtr = 1 .0 4 bsrEndPtr = 1 .0 5

Further we can use a mask operator (specified by array bsrMaskPtr) to update particular block row indices of y only because y 1 is never changed. In this case, bsrMaskPtr = [2] and sizeOfMask=1.

The mask operator is equivalent to the following operation:

? y 2 := a l p h a ? ? ? O A 22 O x 1 x 2 x 3 + b e t a ? y 2

If a block row is not present in the bsrMaskPtr, then no calculation is performed on that row, and the corresponding value in y is unmodified. The question mark "?" is used to inidcate row blocks not in bsrMaskPtr.

In this case, first row block is not present in bsrMaskPtr, so bsrRowPtr[0] and bsrEndPtr[0] are not touched also.

bsrRowPtr = ? .0 4 bsrEndPtr = ? .0 5
bsrxmv() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
A couple of comments on bsrxmv():
  • Only blockDim > 1 is supported
  • Parameters bsrMaskPtr, bsrRowPtr, bsrEndPtr and bsrColInd are consistent with base index, either one-based or zero-based. The above example is one-based.

handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
trans the operation op ( A ) . Only CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE is supported.
sizeOfMask number of updated block rows of y .
mb number of block rows of matrix A .
nb number of block columns of matrix A .
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A .
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descr the descriptor of matrix A . The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrVal <type> array of nnz nonzero blocks of matrix A .
bsrMaskPtr integer array of sizeOfMask elements that contains the indices corresponding to updated block rows.
bsrRowPtr integer array of mb elements that contains the start of every block row.
bsrEndPtr integer array of mb elements that contains the end of the every block row plus one.
bsrColInd integer array of nnzb column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A .
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A , larger than zero.
x <type> vector of n b b l o c k D i m elements.
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication. If beta is zero, y does not have to be a valid input.
y <type> vector of m b b l o c k D i m elements.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseSbsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           float*                   bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDbsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           double*                  bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCbsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuComplex*               bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZbsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns size of the buffer used in bsrsv2, a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*y = α x.

A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA); x and y are the right-hand-side and the solution vectors; α is a scalar; and


Although there are six combinations in terms of parameter trans and the upper (lower) triangular part of A, bsrsv2_bufferSize() returns the maximum size buffer among these combinations. The buffer size depends on the dimensions mb, blockDim, and the number of nonzero blocks of the matrix nnzb. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call bsrsv2_bufferSize() again to have the correct buffer size; otherwise a segmentation fault may occur.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
mb number of block rows of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A; must be larger than zero.
info record of internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in the bsrsv2_analysis() and bsrsv2_solve().

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.4. cusparse<t>bsrsv2_analysis()

cusparseSbsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const float*             bsrValA,
                         const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               bsrColIndA,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const double*            bsrValA,
                         const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               bsrColIndA,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                         const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               bsrColIndA,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                         const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               bsrColIndA,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of bsrsv2, a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*y = α x.

A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA); x and y are the right-hand side and the solution vectors; α is a scalar; and


The block of BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored.

It is expected that this function will be executed only once for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires a buffer size returned by bsrsv2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function bsrsv2_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes level information, which stored in the opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism for a triangular solver. However bsrsv2_solve() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user needs to specify the policy of the triangular solver as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function bsrsv2_analysis() always reports the first structural zero, even when parameter policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. No structural zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if block A(j,j) is missing for some j. The user needs to call cusparseXbsrsv2_zeroPivot() to know where the structural zero is.

It is the user's choice whether to call bsrsv2_solve() if bsrsv2_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call bsrsv2_solve(), which will return a numerical zero at the same position as a structural zero. However the result x is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
mb number of block rows of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateBsrsv2Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by bsrsv2_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.5. cusparse<t>bsrsv2_solve()

cusparseSbsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const float*             alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const float*             bsrValA,
                      const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               bsrColIndA,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const float*             x,
                      float*                   y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const double*            alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const double*            bsrValA,
                      const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               bsrColIndA,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const double*            x,
                      double*                  y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const cuComplex*         alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                      const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               bsrColIndA,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const cuComplex*         x,
                      cuComplex*               y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                      const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               bsrColIndA,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   x,
                      cuDoubleComplex*         y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of bsrsv2, a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*y = α x.

A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA); x and y are the right-hand-side and the solution vectors; α is a scalar; and


The block in BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored. Function bsrsv02_solve() can support an arbitrary blockDim.

This function may be executed multiple times for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires a buffer size returned by bsrsv2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although bsrsv2_solve() can be done without level information, the user still needs to be aware of consistency. If bsrsv2_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, bsrsv2_solve() can be run with or without levels. On the other hand, if bsrsv2_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, bsrsv2_solve() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The level information may not improve the performance, but may spend extra time doing analysis. For example, a tridiagonal matrix has no parallelism. In this case, CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL performs better than CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL. If the user has an iterative solver, the best approach is to do bsrsv2_analysis() with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL once. Then do bsrsv2_solve() with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL in the first run, and with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL in the second run, and pick the fastest one to perform the remaining iterations.

Function bsrsv02_solve() has the same behavior as csrsv02_solve(). That is, bsr2csr(bsrsv02(A)) = csrsv02(bsr2csr(A)). The numerical zero of csrsv02_solve() means there exists some zero A(j,j). The numerical zero of bsrsv02_solve() means there exists some block A(j,j) that is not invertible.

Function bsrsv2_solve() reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. No numerical zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if A(j,j) is not invertible for some j. The user needs to call cusparseXbsrsv2_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture

For example, suppose L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal, then the following code solves L*y=x by level information.

// Suppose that L is m x m sparse matrix represented by BSR format,
// The number of block rows/columns is mb, and
// the number of nonzero blocks is nnzb.
// L is lower triangular with unit diagonal.
// Assumption:
// - dimension of matrix L is m(=mb*blockDim),
// - matrix L has nnz(=nnzb*blockDim*blockDim) nonzero elements,
// - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(),
// - (d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, d_bsrVal) is BSR of L on device memory,
// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory.
// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.
// - d_x and d_y are of size m.
cusparseMatDescr_t descr = 0;
bsrsv2Info_t info = 0;
int pBufferSize;
void *pBuffer = 0;
int structural_zero;
int numerical_zero;
const double alpha = 1.;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL;
const cusparseOperation_t trans = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;

// step 1: create a descriptor which contains
// - matrix L is base-1
// - matrix L is lower triangular
// - matrix L has unit diagonal, specified by parameter CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT
//   (L may not have all diagonal elements.)
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT);

// step 2: create a empty info structure

// step 3: query how much memory used in bsrsv2, and allocate the buffer
cusparseDbsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, dir, trans, mb, nnzb, descr,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, &pBufferSize);

// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes.
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);

// step 4: perform analysis
cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(handle, dir, trans, mb, nnzb, descr,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim,
    info, policy, pBuffer);
// L has unit diagonal, so no structural zero is reported.
status = cusparseXbsrsv2_zeroPivot(handle, info, &structural_zero);
   printf("L(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero);

// step 5: solve L*y = x
cusparseDbsrsv2_solve(handle, dir, trans, mb, nnzb, &alpha, descr,
   d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info,
   d_x, d_y, policy, pBuffer);
// L has unit diagonal, so no numerical zero is reported.
status = cusparseXbsrsv2_zeroPivot(handle, info, &numerical_zero);
   printf("L(%d,%d) is zero\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero);

// step 6: free resources
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
mb number of block rows and block columns of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
x <type> right-hand-side vector of size m.
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by bsrsv2_bufferSize().
y <type> solution vector of size m.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXbsrsv2_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                          bsrsv2Info_t     info,
                          int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) is either structural zero or numerical zero (singular block). Otherwise position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXbsrsv2_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains a structural zero or numerical zero if the user already called bsrsv2_analysis() or bsrsv2_solve().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise if A(j,j) is missing or U(j,j) is zero, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.7. cusparseCsrmvEx()

cusparseCsrmvEx_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseAlgMode_t        alg,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      n,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const void*              alpha,
                           cudaDataType             alphatype,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           const void*              csrValA,
                           cudaDataType             csrValAtype,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           const void*              x,
                           cudaDataType             xtype,
                           const void*              beta,
                           cudaDataType             betatype,
                           void*                    y,
                           cudaDataType             ytype,
                           cudaDataType             executiontype,
                           size_t*                  bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCsrmvEx(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                cusparseAlgMode_t        alg,
                cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                int                      m,
                int                      n,
                int                      nnz,
                const void*              alpha,
                cudaDataType             alphatype,
                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                const void*              csrValA,
                cudaDataType             csrValAtype,
                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                const int*               csrColIndA,
                const void*              x,
                cudaDataType             xtype,
                const void*              beta,
                cudaDataType             betatype,
                void*                    y,
                cudaDataType             ytype,
                cudaDataType             executiontype,
                void*                    buffer)

This function performs the matrix-vector operation

y = α op ( A ) x + β y

A is an m×n sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); x and y are vectors;

The function cusparseCsrmvEx_bufferSize returns the size of the workspace needed by cusparseCsrmvEx.

The function has the following limitations:
  • All pointers should be aligned with 128 bytes
  • Only CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE operation is supported
  • Only CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL matrix type is supported
  • Only CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO indexing is supported
  • Half-precision is not supported
  • The minimum GPU architecture supported is SM_53
The function has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
Input specifically required by cusparseCsrmvEx
alg Algorithm implementation for csrmv, see cusparseAlgMode_t for possible values.
alphatype Data type of alpha.
csrValAtype Data type of csrValA.
xtype Data type of x.
betatype Data type of beta.
ytype Data type of y.
executiontype Data type used for computation.
bufferSizeInBytes Pointer to a size_t variable, which will be assigned with the size of workspace needed by cusparseCsrmvEx.
buffer Pointer to workspace buffer

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.8. cusparse<t>csrsv2_bufferSize()

cusparseScsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           float*                   csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           double*                  csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCcsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuComplex*               csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZcsrsv2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuDoubleComplex*         csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrsv2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns the size of the buffer used in csrsv2, a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*y = α x.

A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); x and y are the right-hand-side and the solution vectors; α is a scalar; and


Although there are six combinations in terms of the parameter trans and the upper (lower) triangular part of A, csrsv2_bufferSize() returns the maximum size buffer of these combinations. The buffer size depends on the dimension and the number of nonzero elements of the matrix. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call csrsv2_bufferSize() again to have the correct buffer size; otherwise, a segmentation fault may occur.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
m number of rows of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info record of internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in the csrsv2_analysis and csrsv2_solve.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.9. cusparse<t>csrsv2_analysis()

cusparseScsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const float*             csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         csrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const double*            csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         csrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         csrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrsv2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         csrsv2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of csrsv2, a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*y = α x.

A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); x and y are the right-hand-side and the solution vectors; α is a scalar; and


It is expected that this function will be executed only once for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires a buffer size returned by csrsv2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function csrsv2_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes level information that is stored in opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism for a triangular solver. However csrsv2_solve() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user needs to specify the policy of the triangular solver as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function csrsv2_analysis() always reports the first structural zero, even if the policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. No structural zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if A(j,j) is missing for some j. The user needs to call cusparseXcsrsv2_zeroPivot() to know where the structural zero is.

It is the user's choice whether to call csrsv2_solve() if csrsv2_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call csrsv2_solve() which will return a numerical zero in the same position as the structural zero. However the result x is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
m number of rows of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateCsrsv2Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by csrsv2_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.10. cusparse<t>csrsv2_solve()

cusparseScsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const float*             alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descra,
                      const float*             csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      csrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const float*             x,
                      float*                   y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const double*            alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descra,
                      const double*            csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      csrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const double*            x,
                      double*                  y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const cuComplex*         alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descra,
                      const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      csrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const cuComplex*         x,
                      cuComplex*               y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrsv2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descra,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      csrsv2Info_t             info,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   x,
                      cuDoubleComplex*         y,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of csrsv2, a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*y = α x.

A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); x and y are the right-hand-side and the solution vectors; α is a scalar; and


This function may be executed multiple times for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires the buffer size returned by csrsv2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although csrsv2_solve() can be done without level information, the user still needs to be aware of consistency. If csrsv2_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, csrsv2_solve() can be run with or without levels. On the contrary, if csrsv2_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, csrsv2_solve() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The level information may not improve the performance but spend extra time doing analysis. For example, a tridiagonal matrix has no parallelism. In this case, CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL performs better than CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL. If the user has an iterative solver, the best approach is to do csrsv2_analysis() with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL once. Then do csrsv2_solve() with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL in the first run and with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL in the second run, picking faster one to perform the remaining iterations.

Function csrsv2_solve() reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. If status is 0, no numerical zero was found. Furthermore, no numerical zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if A(j,j) is zero for some j. The user needs to call cusparseXcsrsv2_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

For example, suppose L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal, the following code solves L*y=x by level information.

// Suppose that L is m x m sparse matrix represented by CSR format,
// L is lower triangular with unit diagonal.
// Assumption:
// - dimension of matrix L is m,
// - matrix L has nnz number zero elements,
// - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(),
// - (d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, d_csrVal) is CSR of L on device memory,
// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory,
// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.

cusparseMatDescr_t descr = 0;
csrsv2Info_t info = 0;
int pBufferSize;
void *pBuffer = 0;
int structural_zero;
int numerical_zero;
const double alpha = 1.;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL;
const cusparseOperation_t trans = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;

// step 1: create a descriptor which contains
// - matrix L is base-1
// - matrix L is lower triangular
// - matrix L has unit diagonal, specified by parameter CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT
//   (L may not have all diagonal elements.)
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT);

// step 2: create a empty info structure

// step 3: query how much memory used in csrsv2, and allocate the buffer
cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans, m, nnz, descr,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, &pBufferSize);
// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes.
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);

// step 4: perform analysis
cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans, m, nnz, descr,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,
    info, policy, pBuffer);
// L has unit diagonal, so no structural zero is reported.
status = cusparseXcsrsv2_zeroPivot(handle, info, &structural_zero);
   printf("L(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero);

// step 5: solve L*y = x
cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans, m, nnz, &alpha, descr,
   d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info,
   d_x, d_y, policy, pBuffer);
// L has unit diagonal, so no numerical zero is reported.
status = cusparseXcsrsv2_zeroPivot(handle, info, &numerical_zero);
   printf("L(%d,%d) is zero\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero);

// step 6: free resources

Remark: csrsv2_solve() needs more nonzeros per row to achieve good performance. It would perform better if more than 16 nonzeros per row in average.

The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
x <type> right-hand-side vector of size m.
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by csrsv2_bufferSize.
y <type> solution vector of size m.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXcsrsv2_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                          csrsv2Info_t     info,
                          int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) has either a structural zero or a numerical zero. Otherwise position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXcsrsv2_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains structural zero or numerical zero if the user already called csrsv2_analysis() or csrsv2_solve().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise, if A(j,j) is missing or U(j,j) is zero, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

8.12. cusparse<t>gemvi()

cusparseSgemvi_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                          cusparseOperation_t transA,
                          int                 m,
                          int                 n,
                          int                 nnz,
                          int*                pBufferSize)

cusparseDgemvi_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                          cusparseOperation_t transA,
                          int                 m,
                          int                 n,
                          int                 nnz,
                          int*                pBufferSize)

cusparseCgemvi_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                          cusparseOperation_t transA,
                          int                 m,
                          int                 n,
                          int                 nnz,
                          int*                pBufferSize)

cusparseZgemvi_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                          cusparseOperation_t transA,
                          int                 m,
                          int                 n,
                          int                 nnz,
                          int*                pBufferSize)
cusparseSgemvi(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
               cusparseOperation_t  transA,
               int                  m,
               int                  n,
               const float*         alpha,
               const float*         A,
               int                  lda,
               int                  nnz,
               const float*         x,
               const int*           xInd,
               const float*         beta,
               float*               y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t  idxBase,
               void*                pBuffer)

cusparseDgemvi(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
               cusparseOperation_t  transA,
               int                  m,
               int                  n,
               const double*        alpha,
               const double*        A,
               int                  lda,
               int                  nnz,
               const double*        x,
               const int*           xInd,
               const float*         beta,
               double*              y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t  idxBase,
               void*                pBuffer)

cusparseCgemvi(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
               cusparseOperation_t  transA,
               int                  m,
               int                  n,
               const cuComplex*     alpha,
               const cuComplex*     A,
               int                  lda,
               int                  nnz,
               const cuComplex*     x,
               const int*           xInd,
               const float*         beta,
               cuComplex*           y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t  idxBase,
               void*                pBuffer)

cusparseZgemvi(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
               cusparseOperation_t    transA,
               int                    m,
               int                    n,
               const cuDoubleComplex* alpha,
               const cuDoubleComplex* A,
               int                    lda,
               int                    nnz,
               const cuDoubleComplex* x,
               const int*             xInd,
               const float*           beta,
               cuDoubleComplex*       y,
               cusparseIndexBase_t    idxBase,
               void*                  pBuffer)

This function performs the matrix-vector operation

y = α op ( A ) x + β y

A is an m×n dense matrix and a sparse vector x that is defined in a sparse storage format by the two arrays xVal, xInd of length nnz, and y is a dense vector; α  and  β are scalars; and


To simplify the implementation, we have not (yet) optimized the transpose multiple case. We recommend the following for users interested in this case.

1. Convert the matrix from CSR to CSC format using one of the csr2csc() functions. Notice that by interchanging the rows and columns of the result you are implicitly transposing the matrix.

2. Call the gemvi() function with the cusparseOperation_t parameter set to CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE and with the interchanged rows and columns of the matrix stored in CSC format. This (implicitly) multiplies the vector by the transpose of the matrix in the original CSR format.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture

The function cusparse<t>gemvi_bufferSize() returns size of buffer used in cusparse<t>gemvi()

handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
trans the operation op ( A ) .
m number of rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
A the pointer to dense matrix A.
lda size of the leading dimension of A.
nnz number of nonzero elements of vector x.
x <type> sparse vector of nnz elements of size n if op ( A ) = A , and size m if op ( A ) = A T or op ( A ) = A H
xInd Indices of non-zero values in x
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication. If beta is zero, y does not have to be a valid input.
y <type> dense vector of m elements if op ( A ) = A , and n elements if op ( A ) = A T or op ( A ) = A H
idxBase 0 or 1, for 0 based or 1 based indexing, respectively
pBufferSize number of elements needed the buffer used in cusparse<t>gemvi().
pBuffer working space buffer
y <type> updated dense vector.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9. cuSPARSE Level 3 Function Reference

This chapter describes sparse linear algebra functions that perform operations between sparse and (usually tall) dense matrices.

In particular, the solution of sparse triangular linear systems with multiple right-hand sides is implemented in two phases. First, during the analysis phase, the sparse triangular matrix is analyzed to determine the dependencies between its elements by calling the appropriate csrsm2_analysis() function. The analysis is specific to the sparsity pattern of the given matrix and to the selected cusparseOperation_t type. The information from the analysis phase is stored in the parameter of type csrsm2Info_t that has been initialized previously with a call to cusparseCreateCsrsm2Info().

Second, during the solve phase, the given sparse triangular linear system is solved using the information stored in the csrsm2Info_t parameter by calling the appropriate csrsm2_solve() function. The solve phase may be performed multiple times with different multiple right-hand sides, while the analysis phase needs to be performed only once. This is especially useful when a sparse triangular linear system must be solved for different sets of multiple right-hand sides one at a time, while its coefficient matrix remains the same.

Finally, once all the solves have completed, the opaque data structure pointed to by the csrsm2Info_t parameter can be released by calling cusparseDestroyCsrsm2Info().

9.1. cusparse<t>bsrmm()

cusparseSbsrmm(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transB,
               int                      mb,
               int                      n,
               int                      kb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const float*             alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
               const float*             bsrValA,
               const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
               const int*               bsrColIndA,
               int                      blockDim,
               const float*             B,
               int                      ldb,
               const float*             beta,
               float*                   C,
               int                      ldc)

cusparseDbsrmm(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transB,
               int                      mb,
               int                      n,
               int                      kb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const double*            alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
               const double*            bsrValA,
               const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
               const int*               bsrColIndA,
               int                      blockDim,
               const double*            B,
               int                      ldb,
               const double*            beta,
               double*                  C,
               int                      ldc)

cusparseCbsrmm(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transB,
               int                      mb,
               int                      n,
               int                      kb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const cuComplex*         alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
               const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
               const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
               const int*               bsrColIndA,
               int                      blockDim,
               const cuComplex*         B,
               int                      ldb,
               const cuComplex*         beta,
               cuComplex*               C,
               int                      ldc)

cusparseZbsrmm(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
               cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transA,
               cusparseOperation_t      transB,
               int                      mb,
               int                      n,
               int                      kb,
               int                      nnzb,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
               const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
               const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
               const int*               bsrColIndA,
               int                      blockDim,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   B,
               int                      ldb,
               const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
               cuDoubleComplex*         C,
               int                      ldc)

This function performs one of the following matrix-matrix operations:

C = α op ( A ) op ( B ) + β C

A is an mb×kb sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA; B and C are dense matrices; α  and  β are scalars; and



The function has the following limitations:
  • Only CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL matrix type is supported
  • Only blockDim > 1 is supported

The motivation of transpose(B) is to improve memory access of matrix B. The computational pattern of A*transpose(B) with matrix B in column-major order is equivalent to A*B with matrix B in row-major order.

In practice, no operation in an iterative solver or eigenvalue solver uses A*transpose(B). However, we can perform A*transpose(transpose(B)) which is the same as A*B. For example, suppose A is mb*kb, B is k*n and C is m*n, the following code shows usage of cusparseDbsrmm().

// A is mb*kb, B is k*n and C is m*n
    const int m = mb*blockSize;
    const int k = kb*blockSize;
    const int ldb_B = k; // leading dimension of B
    const int ldc   = m; // leading dimension of C
// perform C:=alpha*A*B + beta*C
    cusparseSetMatType(descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );
               mb, n, kb, nnzb, alpha,
               descrA, bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA, blockSize,
               B, ldb_B,
               beta, C, ldc);

Instead of using A*B, our proposal is to transpose B to Bt by first calling cublas<t>geam(), and then to perform A*transpose(Bt).

// step 1: Bt := transpose(B)
    const int m = mb*blockSize;
    const int k = kb*blockSize;
    double *Bt;
    const int ldb_Bt = n; // leading dimension of Bt
    cudaMalloc((void**)&Bt, sizeof(double)*ldb_Bt*k);
    double one  = 1.0;
    double zero = 0.0;
    cublasSetPointerMode(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_HOST);
    cublasDgeam(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_T,
        n, k, &one, B, int ldb_B, &zero, B, int ldb_B, Bt, ldb_Bt);

// step 2: perform C:=alpha*A*transpose(Bt) + beta*C
               mb, n, kb, nnzb, alpha,
               descrA, bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA, blockSize,
               Bt, ldb_Bt,
               beta, C, ldc);
bsrmm() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op(A).
transB the operation op(B).
mb number of block rows of sparse matrix A.
n number of columns of dense matrix op(B) and A.
kb number of block columns of sparse matrix A.
nnzb number of non-zero blocks of sparse matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
B array of dimensions (ldb, n) if op(B)=B and (ldb, k) otherwise.
ldb leading dimension of B. If op(B)=B, it must be at least max (1, k) If op(B) != B, it must be at least max(1, n).
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication. If beta is zero, C does not have to be a valid input.
C array of dimensions (ldc, n).
ldc leading dimension of C. It must be at least max (1, m) if op(A)=A and at least max (1, k) otherwise.
C <type> updated array of dimensions (ldc, n).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.2. cusparse<t>bsrsm2_bufferSize()

cusparseSbsrsm2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      n,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           float*                   bsrSortedValA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDbsrsm2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      n,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           double*                  bsrSortedValA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCbsrsm2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      n,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuComplex*               bsrSortedValA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZbsrsm2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                           cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      n,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuDoubleComplex*         bsrSortedValA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrSortedColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                           int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns size of buffer used in bsrsm2(), a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*op(X)= α op(B).

A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA); B and X are the right-hand-side and the solution matrices; α is a scalar; and


Although there are six combinations in terms of parameter trans and the upper (and lower) triangular part of A, bsrsm2_bufferSize() returns the maximum size of the buffer among these combinations. The buffer size depends on dimension mb,blockDim and the number of nonzeros of the matrix, nnzb. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call bsrsm2_bufferSize() again to get the correct buffer size, otherwise a segmentation fault may occur.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op(A).
transX the operation op(X).
mb number of block rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix op(B) and op(X).
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A; larger than zero.
info record internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in bsrsm2_analysis() and bsrsm2_solve().

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.3. cusparse<t>bsrsm2_analysis()

cusparseSbsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const float*             bsrSortedVal,
                         const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                         const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const double*            bsrSortedVal,
                         const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                         const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuComplex*         bsrSortedVal,
                         const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                         const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                         int                      mb,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzb,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrSortedVal,
                         const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                         const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                         int                      blockDim,
                         bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of bsrsm2(), a new sparse triangular linear system op(A)*op(X) = α op(B).

A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA); B and X are the right-hand-side and the solution matrices; α is a scalar; and




and op(B) and op(X) are equal.

The block of BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored in column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored.

It is expected that this function will be executed only once for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires the buffer size returned by bsrsm2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function bsrsm2_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes the level information stored in opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism during a triangular solver. However bsrsm2_solve() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user needs to specify the policy of the triangular solver as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function bsrsm2_analysis() always reports the first structural zero, even if the parameter policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. Besides, no structural zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if block A(j,j) is missing for some j. The user must call cusparseXbsrsm2_query_zero_pivot() to know where the structural zero is.

If bsrsm2_analysis() reports a structural zero, the solve will return a numerical zero in the same position as the structural zero but this result X is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op(A).
transX the operation op(B) and op(X).
mb number of block rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix op(B) and op(X).
nnzb number of non-zero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A; larger than zero.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateBsrsm2Info.
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is return by bsrsm2_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.4. cusparse<t>bsrsm2_solve()

cusparseSbsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const float*             alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const float*             bsrSortedVal,
                      const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                      const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                      const float*             B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      float*                   X,
                      int                      ldx,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const double*            alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const double*            bsrSortedVal,
                      const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                      const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                      const double*            B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      double*                  X,
                      int                      ldx,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const cuComplex*         alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const cuComplex*         bsrSortedVal,
                      const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                      const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                      const cuComplex*         B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      cuComplex*               X,
                      int                      ldx,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transX,
                      int                      mb,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzb,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrSortedVal,
                      const int*               bsrSortedRowPtr,
                      const int*               bsrSortedColInd,
                      int                      blockDim,
                      bsrsm2Info_t             info,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      cuDoubleComplex*         X,
                      int                      ldx,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of the solution of a sparse triangular linear system:

op ( A ) op(X) = α op(B)

A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA); B and X are the right-hand-side and the solution matrices; α is a scalar, and




Only op(A)=A is supported.

op(B) and op(X) must be performed in the same way. In other words, if op(B)=B, op(X)=X.

The block of BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored. Function bsrsm02_solve() can support an arbitrary blockDim.

This function may be executed multiple times for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires the buffer size returned by bsrsm2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although bsrsm2_solve() can be done without level information, the user still needs to be aware of consistency. If bsrsm2_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, bsrsm2_solve() can be run with or without levels. On the other hand, if bsrsm2_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, bsrsm2_solve() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function bsrsm02_solve() has the same behavior as bsrsv02_solve(), reporting the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. The user must call cusparseXbsrsm2_query_zero_pivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

The motivation of transpose(X) is to improve the memory access of matrix X. The computational pattern of transpose(X) with matrix X in column-major order is equivalent to X with matrix X in row-major order.

In-place is supported and requires that B and X point to the same memory block, and ldb=ldx.

The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
transA the operation op(A).
transX the operation op(B) and op(X).
mb number of block rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix op(B) and op(X).
nnzb number of non-zero blocks of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) non-zero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A; larger than zero.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateBsrsm2Info().
B <type> right-hand-side array.
ldb leading dimension of B. If op(B)=B, ldb >= (mb*blockDim); otherwise, ldb >= n.
ldx leading dimension of X. If op(X)=X, then ldx >= (mb*blockDim). otherwise ldx >= n.
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by bsrsm2_bufferSize().
X <type> solution array with leading dimensions ldx.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXbsrsm2_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                          bsrsm2Info_t     info,
                          int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) is either a structural zero or a numerical zero (singular block). Otherwise position=-1.

The position can be 0-base or 1-base, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXbsrsm2_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains a structural zero or a numerical zero if the user already called bsrsm2_analysis() or bsrsm2_solve().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise, if A(j,j) is missing or U(j,j) is zero, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.6. cusparse<t>csrsm2_bufferSizeExt()

cusparseScsrsm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              int                      algo,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      nrhs,
                              int                      nnz,
                              const float*             alpha,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const float*             csrSortedValA,
                              const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                              const float*             B,
                              int                      ldb,
                              csrsm2Info_t             info,
                              cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                              size_t*                  pBufferSize)

cusparseDcsrsm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              int                      algo,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      nrhs,
                              int                      nnz,
                              const double*            alpha,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const double*            csrSortedValA,
                              const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                              const double*            B,
                              int                      ldb,
                              csrsm2Info_t             info,
                              cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                              size_t*                  pBufferSize)

cusparseCcsrsm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              int                      algo,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      nrhs,
                              int                      nnz,
                              const cuComplex*         alpha,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const cuComplex*         csrSortedValA,
                              const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                              const cuComplex*         B,
                              int                      ldb,
                              csrsm2Info_t             info,
                              cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                              size_t*                  pBufferSize)

cusparseZcsrsm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              int                      algo,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                              cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      nrhs,
                              int                      nnz,
                              const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValA,
                              const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                              const cuDoubleComplex*   B,
                              int                      ldb,
                              csrsm2Info_t             info,
                              cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                              size_t*                  pBufferSize)

This function returns the size of the buffer used in csrsm2, a sparse triangular linear system op(A) * op(X) = α op(B).

A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); B and X are the right-hand-side matrix and the solution matrix; α is a scalar; and

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
algo algo = 0 is non-block version; algo = 1 is block version.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
transB the operation op ( B ) .
m number of rows of matrix A.
nrhs number of columns of right hand side matrix op(B).
nnz number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
B <type> right-hand-side matrix. op(B) is of size m-by-nrhs.
ldb leading dimension of B and X.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
info record of internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSize number of bytes of the buffer used in the csrsm2_analysis and csrsm2_solve.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.7. cusparse<t>csrsm2_analysis()

cusparseScsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      algo,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nrhs,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const float*             alpha,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const float*             csrSortedValA,
                         const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                         const float*             B,
                         int                      ldb,
                         csrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      algo,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nrhs,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const double*            alpha,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const double*            csrSortedValA,
                         const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                         const double*            B,
                         int                      ldb,
                         csrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      algo,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nrhs,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const cuComplex*         alpha,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuComplex*         csrSortedValA,
                         const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                         const cuComplex*         B,
                         int                      ldb,
                         csrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrsm2_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      algo,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                         cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      nrhs,
                         int                      nnz,
                         const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValA,
                         const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                         const cuDoubleComplex*   B,
                         int                      ldb,
                         csrsm2Info_t             info,
                         cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of csrsm2, a sparse triangular linear system op(A) * op(X) = α op(B).

A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); B and X are the right-hand-side matrix and the solution matrix; α is a scalar; and


It is expected that this function will be executed only once for a given matrix and a particular operation type.

This function requires a buffer size returned by csrsm2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function csrsm2_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes level information that is stored in opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism for a triangular solver. However csrsm2_solve() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user needs to specify the policy of the triangular solver as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function csrsm2_analysis() always reports the first structural zero, even if the policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. No structural zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if A(j,j) is missing for some j. The user needs to call cusparseXcsrsm2_zeroPivot() to know where the structural zero is.

It is the user's choice whether to call csrsm2_solve() if csrsm2_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call csrsm2_solve() which will return a numerical zero in the same position as the structural zero. However the result X is meaningless.

handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
algo algo = 0 is non-block version; algo = 1 is block version.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
transB the operation op ( B ) .
m number of rows of matrix A.
nrhs number of columns of matrix op(B).
nnz number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
B <type> right-hand-side matrix. op(B) is of size m-by-nrhs.
ldb leading dimension of B and X.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateCsrsv2Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by csrsm2_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.8. cusparse<t>csrsm2_solve()

cusparseScsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      algo,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nrhs,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const float*             alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const float*             csrSortedValA,
                      const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                      float*                   B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      csrsm2Info_t             info,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      algo,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nrhs,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const double*            alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const double*            csrSortedValA,
                      const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                      double*                  B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      csrsm2Info_t             info,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      algo,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nrhs,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const cuComplex*         alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const cuComplex*         csrSortedValA,
                      const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                      cuComplex*               B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      csrsm2Info_t             info,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrsm2_solve(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      algo,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transA,
                      cusparseOperation_t      transB,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      nrhs,
                      int                      nnz,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValA,
                      const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                      cuDoubleComplex*         B,
                      int                      ldb,
                      csrsm2Info_t             info,
                      cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of csrsm2, a sparse triangular linear system op(A) * op(X) = α op(B).

A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA); B and X are the right-hand-side matrix and the solution matrix; α is a scalar; and


transB acts on both matrix B and matrix X, only CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE and CUSPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE. The operation is in-place, matrix B is overwritten by matrix X.

ldb must be not less than m if transB = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE. Otherwise, ldb must be not less than nrhs.

This function requires the buffer size returned by csrsm2_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although csrsm2_solve() can be done without level information, the user still needs to be aware of consistency. If csrsm2_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, csrsm2_solve() can be run with or without levels. On the contrary, if csrsm2_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, csrsm2_solve() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The level information may not improve the performance but spend extra time doing analysis. For example, a tridiagonal matrix has no parallelism. In this case, CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL performs better than CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL. If the user has an iterative solver, the best approach is to do csrsm2_analysis() with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL once. Then do csrsm2_solve() with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL in the first run and with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL in the second run, picking faster one to perform the remaining iterations.

Function csrsm2_solve() reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. If status is 0, no numerical zero was found. Furthermore, no numerical zero is reported if CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT is specified, even if A(j,j) is zero for some j. The user needs to call cusparseXcsrsm2_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

csrsm2 provides two algorithms specified by the parameter algo. algo=0 is non-block version and algo=1 is block version. non-block version is memory-bound, limited by bandwidth. block version partitions the matrix into small tiles and applies desne operations. Although it has more flops than non-block version, it may be faster if non-block version already reaches maximum bandwidth..

Appendix section shows an example of csrsm2.

The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
algo algo = 0 is non-block version; algo = 1 is block version.
transA the operation op ( A ) .
transB the operation op ( B ) .
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nrhs number of columns of matrix op(B).
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, while the supported diagonal types are CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT and CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
B <type> right-hand-side matrix. op(B) is of size m-by-nrhs.
ldb leading dimension of B and X.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by csrsm2_bufferSize.
X <type> solution matrix, op(X) is of size m-by-nrhs.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.9. cusparseXcsrsm2_zeroPivot()

cusparseXcsrsm2_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                          csrsm2Info_t     info,
                          int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) has either a structural zero or a numerical zero. Otherwise position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXcsrsm2_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains structural zero or numerical zero if the user already called csrsm2_analysis() or csrsm2_solve().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise, if A(j,j) is missing or U(j,j) is zero, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

9.10. cusparse<t>gemmi() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseSpMM() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSgemmi(cusparseHandle_t handle,
               int              m,
               int              n,
               int              k,
               int              nnz,
               const float*     alpha,
               const float*     A,
               int              lda,
               const float*     cscValB,
               const int*       cscColPtrB,
               const int*       cscRowIndB,
               const float*     beta,
               float*           C,
               int              ldc)

cusparseDgemmi(cusparseHandle_t handle,
               int              m,
               int              n,
               int              k,
               int              nnz,
               const double*    alpha,
               const double*    A,
               int              lda,
               const double*    cscValB,
               const int*       cscColPtrB,
               const int*       cscRowIndB,
               const double*    beta,
               double*          C,
               int              ldc)

cusparseCgemmi(cusparseHandle_t handle,
               int              m,
               int              n,
               int              k,
               int              nnz,
               const cuComplex* alpha,
               const cuComplex* A,
               int              lda,
               const cuComplex* cscValB,
               const int*       cscColPtrB,
               const int*       cscRowIndB,
               const cuComplex* beta,
               cuComplex*       C,
               int              ldc)

cusparseZgemmi(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
               int                    m,
               int                    n,
               int                    k,
               int                    nnz,
               const cuDoubleComplex* alpha,
               const cuDoubleComplex* A,
               int                    lda,
               const cuDoubleComplex* cscValB,
               const int*             cscColPtrB,
               const int*             cscRowIndB,
               const cuDoubleComplex* beta,
               cuDoubleComplex*       C,
               int                    ldc)

This function performs the following matrix-matrix operations:

C = α A B + β C

A and C are dense matrices; B is a k×n sparse matrix that is defined in CSC storage format by the three arrays cscValB, cscColPtrB, and cscRowIndB); α  and  β are scalars; and

Remark: B is base-0.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrices B and C.
k number of columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix B.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
A array of dimensions (lda, k).
lda leading dimension of A. It must be at least m
cscValB <type> array of nnz ( = cscColPtrB(k) - cscColPtrB(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix B.
cscColPtrB integer array of k + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
cscRowIndB integer array of nnz ( = cscColPtrB(k) - cscColPtrB(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix B.
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication. If beta is zero, C does not have to be a valid input.
C array of dimensions (ldc, n).
ldc leading dimension of C. It must be at least m
C <type> updated array of dimensions (ldc, n).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

10. cuSPARSE Extra Function Reference

This chapter describes the extra routines used to manipulate sparse matrices.

10.1. cusparse<t>csrgeam2()

cusparseScsrgeam2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                const float*             alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const float*             csrSortedValA,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                                const float*             beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const float*             csrSortedValB,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                const float*             csrSortedValC,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrC,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndC,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDcsrgeam2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                const double*            alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const double*            csrSortedValA,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                                const double*            beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const double*            csrSortedValB,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                const double*            csrSortedValC,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrC,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndC,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCcsrgeam2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                const cuComplex*         alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const cuComplex*         csrSortedValA,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                                const cuComplex*         beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const cuComplex*         csrSortedValB,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                const cuComplex*         csrSortedValC,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrC,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndC,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZcsrgeam2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValA,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValB,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValC,
                                const int*               csrSortedRowPtrC,
                                const int*               csrSortedColIndC,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseXcsrgeam2Nnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                     int                      m,
                     int                      n,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                     int                      nnzA,
                     const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                     const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                     int                      nnzB,
                     const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                     const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                     int*                     csrSortedRowPtrC,
                     int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                     void*                    workspace)
cusparseScsrgeam2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  const float*             alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const float*             csrSortedValA,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                  const float*             beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const float*             csrSortedValB,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  float*                   csrSortedValC,
                  int*                     csrSortedRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrSortedColIndC,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrgeam2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  const double*            alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const double*            csrSortedValA,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                  const double*            beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const double*            csrSortedValB,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  double*                  csrSortedValC,
                  int*                     csrSortedRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrSortedColIndC,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrgeam2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  const cuComplex*         alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const cuComplex*         csrSortedValA,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                  const cuComplex*         beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const cuComplex*         csrSortedValB,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  cuComplex*               csrSortedValC,
                  int*                     csrSortedRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrSortedColIndC,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrgeam2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValA,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndA,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   csrSortedValB,
                  const int*               csrSortedRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrSortedColIndB,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  cuDoubleComplex*         csrSortedValC,
                  int*                     csrSortedRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrSortedColIndC,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs following matrix-matrix operation

C = α A + β B

where A, B, and C are m×n sparse matrices (defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA|csrValB|csrValC, csrRowPtrA|csrRowPtrB|csrRowPtrC, and csrColIndA|csrColIndB|csrcolIndC respectively), and α  and  β are scalars. Since A and B have different sparsity patterns, cuSPARSE adopts a two-step approach to complete sparse matrix C. In the first step, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1elements and uses function cusparseXcsrgeam2Nnz() to determine csrRowPtrC and the total number of nonzero elements. In the second step, the user gathers nnzC (number of nonzero elements of matrix C) from either (nnzC=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzC=csrRowPtrC(m)-csrRowPtrC(0)) and allocates csrValC, csrColIndC of nnzC elements respectively, then finally calls function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csrgeam2() to complete matrix C.

The general procedure is as follows:

int baseC, nnzC;
/* alpha, nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory */
size_t BufferSizeInBytes;
char *buffer = NULL;
int *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = &nnzC;
cusparseSetPointerMode(handle, CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST);
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1));
/* prepare buffer */
cusparseScsrgeam2_bufferSizeExt(handle, m, n,
    descrA, nnzA,
    csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
    descrB, nnzB,
    csrValB, csrRowPtrB, csrColIndB,
    csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC
cudaMalloc((void**)&buffer, sizeof(char)*bufferSizeInBytes);
cusparseXcsrgeam2Nnz(handle, m, n,
        descrA, nnzA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        descrB, nnzB, csrRowPtrB, csrColIndB,
        descrC, csrRowPtrC, nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr){
    nnzC = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
    cudaMemcpy(&nnzC, csrRowPtrC+m, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(&baseC, csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    nnzC -= baseC;
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnzC);
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrValC, sizeof(float)*nnzC);
cusparseScsrgeam2(handle, m, n,
        descrA, nnzA,
        csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        descrB, nnzB,
        csrValB, csrRowPtrB, csrColIndB,
        csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC
Several comments on csrgeam2():
  • The other three combinations, NT, TN, and TT, are not supported by cuSPARSE. In order to do any one of the three, the user should use the routine csr2csc() to convert A | B to A T | B T .
  • Only CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL is supported. If either A or B is symmetric or Hermitian, then the user must extend the matrix to a full one and reconfigure the MatrixType field of the descriptor to CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL.
  • If the sparsity pattern of matrix C is known, the user can skip the call to function cusparseXcsrgeam2Nnz(). For example, suppose that the user has an iterative algorithm which would update A and B iteratively but keep the sparsity patterns. The user can call function cusparseXcsrgeam2Nnz() once to set up the sparsity pattern of C, then call function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]geam() only for each iteration.
  • The pointers alpha and beta must be valid.
  • When alpha or beta is zero, it is not considered a special case by cuSPARSE. The sparsity pattern of C is independent of the value of alpha and beta. If the user wants C = 0 × A + 1 × B T , then csr2csc() is better than csrgeam2().
  • csrgeam2() is the same as csrgeam() except csrgeam2() needs explicit buffer where csrgeam() allocates the buffer internally.
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of sparse matrix A,B,C.
n number of columns of sparse matrix A,B,C.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
nnzA number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix A.
csrValA <type> array of nnzA ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnzA ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication. If beta is zero, y does not have to be a valid input.
descrB the descriptor of matrix B. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
nnzB number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix B.
csrValB <type> array of nnzB ( = csrRowPtrB(m) - csrRowPtrB(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix B.
csrRowPtrB integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndB integer array of nnzB ( = csrRowPtrB(m) - csrRowPtrB(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix B.
descrC the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
csrValC <type> array of nnzC ( = csrRowPtrC(m) - csrRowPtrC(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowPtrC integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndC integer array of nnzC ( = csrRowPtrC(m) - csrRowPtrC(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrixC.
nnzTotalDevHostPtr total number of nonzero elements in device or host memory. It is equal to (csrRowPtrC(m)-csrRowPtrC(0)).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

10.2. cusparse<t>csrgemm2() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseSpGEMM() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseScsrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                int                      k,
                                const float*             alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrColIndB,
                                const float*             beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                                int                      nnzD,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                                const int*               csrColIndD,
                                csrgemm2Info_t           info,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDcsrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                int                      k,
                                const double*            alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrColIndB,
                                const double*            beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                                int                      nnzD,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                                const int*               csrColIndD,
                                csrgemm2Info_t           info,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCcsrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                int                      k,
                                const cuComplex*         alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrColIndB,
                                const cuComplex*         beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                                int                      nnzD,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                                const int*               csrColIndD,
                                csrgemm2Info_t           info,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZcsrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                int                      m,
                                int                      n,
                                int                      k,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                int                      nnzA,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                                int                      nnzB,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                                const int*               csrColIndB,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                                int                      nnzD,
                                const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                                const int*               csrColIndD,
                                csrgemm2Info_t           info,
                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseXcsrgemm2Nnz(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                     int                      m,
                     int                      n,
                     int                      k,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                     int                      nnzA,
                     const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                     const int*               csrColIndA,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                     int                      nnzB,
                     const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                     const int*               csrColIndB,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                     int                      nnzD,
                     const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                     const int*               csrColIndD,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                     int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                     int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                     const csrgemm2Info_t     info,
                     void*                    pBuffer)
cusparseScsrgemm2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      k,
                  const float*             alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const float*             csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const float*             csrValB,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrColIndB,
                  const float*             beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                  int                      nnzD,
                  const float*             csrValD,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                  const int*               csrColIndD,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  float*                   csrValC,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                  const csrgemm2Info_t     info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrgemm2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      k,
                  const double*            alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const double*            csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const double*            csrValB,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrColIndB,
                  const double*            beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                  int                      nnzD,
                  const double*            csrValD,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                  const int*               csrColIndD,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  double*                  csrValC,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                  const csrgemm2Info_t     info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrgemm2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      k,
                  const cuComplex*         alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const cuComplex*         csrValB,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrColIndB,
                  const cuComplex*         beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                  int                      nnzD,
                  const cuComplex*         csrValD,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                  const int*               csrColIndD,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  cuComplex*               csrValC,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                  const csrgemm2Info_t     info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrgemm2(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      k,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   alpha,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  int                      nnzA,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrB,
                  int                      nnzB,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValB,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrB,
                  const int*               csrColIndB,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   beta,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrD,
                  int                      nnzD,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValD,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrD,
                  const int*               csrColIndD,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                  cuDoubleComplex*         csrValC,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                  const csrgemm2Info_t     info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs following matrix-matrix operation:

C = alpha A B + beta D

where A, B, D and C are m×k, k×n, m×n and m×n sparse matrices (defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA|csrValB|csrValD|csrValC, csrRowPtrA|csrRowPtrB|csrRowPtrD|csrRowPtrC, and csrColIndA|csrColIndB|csrColIndD|csrcolIndC respectively.

The csrgemm2 uses alpha and beta to support the following operations:

alpha beta operation
NULL NULL invalid
NULL !NULL C = beta*D, A and B are not used
!NULL NULL C = alpha*A*B, D is not used
!NULL !NULL C = alpha*A*B + beta*D

The numerical value of alpha and beta only affects the numerical values of C, not its sparsity pattern. For example, if alpha and beta are not zero, the sparsity pattern of C is union of A*B and D, independent of numerical value of alpha and beta.

The following table shows different operations according to the value of m, n and k

m,n,k operation
m<0 or n <0 or k<0 invalid
m is 0 or n is 0 do nothing
m >0 and n >0 and k is 0

invalid if beta is zero;

C = beta*D if beta is not zero.

m >0 and n >0 and k >0

C = beta*D if alpha is zero.

C = alpha*A*B if beta is zero.

C = alpha*A*B + beta*D if alpha and beta are not zero.

This function requires the buffer size returned by csrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The cuSPARSE library adopts a two-step approach to complete sparse matrix. In the first step, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements and uses the function cusparseXcsrgemm2Nnz() to determine csrRowPtrC and the total number of nonzero elements. In the second step, the user gathers nnzC (the number of nonzero elements of matrix C) from either (nnzC=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzC=csrRowPtrC(m)-csrRowPtrC(0)) and allocates csrValC and csrColIndC of nnzC elements respectively, then finally calls function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csrgemm2() to evaluate matrix C.

The general procedure of C=-A*B+D is as follows:

// assume matrices A, B and D are ready.
int baseC, nnzC;
csrgemm2Info_t info = NULL;
size_t bufferSize;
void *buffer = NULL;
// nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
int *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = &nnzC;
double alpha = -1.0;
double beta  =  1.0;
cusparseSetPointerMode(handle, CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST);

// step 1: create an opaque structure

// step 2: allocate buffer for csrgemm2Nnz and csrgemm2
cusparseDcsrgemm2_bufferSizeExt(handle, m, n, k, &alpha,
    descrA, nnzA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
    descrB, nnzB, csrRowPtrB, csrColIndB,
    descrD, nnzD, csrRowPtrD, csrColIndD,
cudaMalloc(&buffer, bufferSize);

// step 3: compute csrRowPtrC
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1));
cusparseXcsrgemm2Nnz(handle, m, n, k,
        descrA, nnzA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        descrB, nnzB, csrRowPtrB, csrColIndB,
        descrD, nnzD, csrRowPtrD, csrColIndD,
        descrC, csrRowPtrC, nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
        info, buffer );
if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr){
    nnzC = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
    cudaMemcpy(&nnzC, csrRowPtrC+m, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(&baseC, csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    nnzC -= baseC;

// step 4: finish sparsity pattern and value of C
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnzC);
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrValC, sizeof(double)*nnzC);
// Remark: set csrValC to null if only sparsity pattern is required.
cusparseDcsrgemm2(handle, m, n, k, &alpha,
        descrA, nnzA, csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        descrB, nnzB, csrValB, csrRowPtrB, csrColIndB,
        descrD, nnzD, csrValD, csrRowPtrD, csrColIndD,
        descrC, csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC,
        info, buffer);

// step 5: destroy the opaque structure

Several comments on csrgemm2():
  • Only the NN version is supported. For other modes, the user has to transpose A or B explicitly.
  • Only CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL is supported. If either A or B is symmetric or Hermitian, the user must extend the matrix to a full one and reconfigure the MatrixType field descriptor to CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL.
  • if csrValC is zero, only sparisty pattern of C is calculated.
The functions cusparseXcsrgeam2Nnz() and cusparse<t>csrgeam2() supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of sparse matrix A, D and C.
n number of columns of sparse matrix B, D and C.
k number of columns/rows of sparse matrix A / B.
alpha <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
nnzA number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix A.
csrValA <type> array of nnzA nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnzA column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
descrB the descriptor of matrix B. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
nnzB number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix B.
csrValB <type> array of nnzB nonzero elements of matrix B.
csrRowPtrB integer array of k+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndB integer array of nnzB column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix B.
descrD the descriptor of matrix D. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
nnzD number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix D.
csrValD <type> array of nnzD nonzero elements of matrix D.
csrRowPtrD integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndD integer array of nnzD column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix D.
beta <type> scalar used for multiplication.
descrC the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL only.
info structure with information used in csrgemm2Nnz and csrgemm2.
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by csrgemm2_bufferSizeExt.
csrValC <type> array of nnzC nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowPtrC integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndC integer array of nnzC column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix C.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in csrgemm2Nnnz and csrgemm2.
nnzTotalDevHostPtr total number of nonzero elements in device or host memory. It is equal to (csrRowPtrC(m)-csrRowPtrC(0)).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11. cuSPARSE Preconditioners Reference

This chapter describes the routines that implement different preconditioners.

Incomplete Cholesky Factorization: level 0

Different algorithms for ic0 are discussed in this section.

11.1.1. cusparse<t>csric02_bufferSize()

cusparseScsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            int                      m,
                            int                      nnz,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            float*                   csrValA,
                            const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               csrColIndA,
                            csric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDcsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            int                      m,
                            int                      nnz,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            double*                  csrValA,
                            const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               csrColIndA,
                            csric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCcsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            int                      m,
                            int                      nnz,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            cuComplex*               csrValA,
                            const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               csrColIndA,
                            csric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZcsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            int                      m,
                            int                      nnz,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            cuDoubleComplex*         csrValA,
                            const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               csrColIndA,
                            csric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns size of buffer used in computing the incomplete-Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting:


A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA.

The buffer size depends on dimension m and nnz, the number of nonzeros of the matrix. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call csric02_bufferSize() again to have the correct buffer size; otherwise, a segmentation fault may occur.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info record internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in csric02_analysis() and csric02().

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.1.2. cusparse<t>csric02_analysis()

cusparseScsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      nnz,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const float*             csrValA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          csric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      nnz,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const double*            csrValA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          csric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      nnz,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          csric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      nnz,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          csric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of the incomplete-Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting:


A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA.

This function requires a buffer size returned by csric02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function csric02_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes level information stored in the opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism during incomplete Cholesky factorization. However csric02() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user must specify the policy of csric02_analysis() and csric02() as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function csric02_analysis() always reports the first structural zero, even if the policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. The user needs to call cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot() to know where the structural zero is.

It is the user's choice whether to call csric02() if csric02_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call csric02(), which will return a numerical zero at the same position as the structural zero. However the result is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateCsric02Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by csric02_bufferSize().
info number of bytes of the buffer used in csric02_analysis() and csric02().

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseScsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      nnz,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 float*                   csrValA_valM,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 csric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      nnz,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 double*                  csrValA_valM,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 csric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      nnz,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 cuComplex*               csrValA_valM,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 csric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      nnz,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 cuDoubleComplex*         csrValA_valM,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 csric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of the computing the incomplete-Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting:


This function requires a buffer size returned by csric02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be a multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although csric02() can be done without level information, the user still needs to be aware of consistency. If csric02_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, csric02() can be run with or without levels. On the other hand, if csric02_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, csric02() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function csric02() reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. The user must call cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

Function csric02() only takes the lower triangular part of matrix A to perform factorization. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored, and the strictly upper triangular part is ignored and never touched. It does not matter if A is Hermitian or not. In other words, from the point of view of csric02()A is Hermitian and only the lower triangular part is provided.

Note: In practice, a positive definite matrix may not have incomplete cholesky factorization. To the best of our knowledge, only matrix M can guarantee the existence of incomplete cholesky factorization. If csric02() failed cholesky factorization and reported a numerical zero, it is possible that incomplete cholesky factorization does not exist.

For example, suppose A is a real m × m matrix, the following code solves the precondition system M*y = x where M is the product of Cholesky factorization L and its transpose.

M = L L H
// Suppose that A is m x m sparse matrix represented by CSR format,
// Assumption:
// - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(),
// - (d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, d_csrVal) is CSR of A on device memory,
// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory,
// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.
// - d_z is intermediate result on device memory.

cusparseMatDescr_t descr_M = 0;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_L = 0;
csric02Info_t info_M  = 0;
csrsv2Info_t  info_L  = 0;
csrsv2Info_t  info_Lt = 0;
int pBufferSize_M;
int pBufferSize_L;
int pBufferSize_Lt;
int pBufferSize;
void *pBuffer = 0;
int structural_zero;
int numerical_zero;
const double alpha = 1.;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_M  = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_L  = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_Lt = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_L  = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_Lt = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE;

// step 1: create a descriptor which contains
// - matrix M is base-1
// - matrix L is base-1
// - matrix L is lower triangular
// - matrix L has non-unit diagonal
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_M, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_M, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_L, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_L, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT);

// step 2: create a empty info structure
// we need one info for csric02 and two info's for csrsv2

// step 3: query how much memory used in csric02 and csrsv2, and allocate the buffer
cusparseDcsric02_bufferSize(handle, m, nnz,
    descr_M, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, &bufferSize_M);
cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans_L, m, nnz,
    descr_L, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_L, &pBufferSize_L);
cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans_Lt, m, nnz,
    descr_L, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_Lt,&pBufferSize_Lt);

pBufferSize = max(bufferSize_M, max(pBufferSize_L, pBufferSize_Lt));

// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes.
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);

// step 4: perform analysis of incomplete Cholesky on M
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on L
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on L'
// The lower triangular part of M has the same sparsity pattern as L, so
// we can do analysis of csric02 and csrsv2 simultaneously.

cusparseDcsric02_analysis(handle, m, nnz, descr_M,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M,
    policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &structural_zero);
   printf("A(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero);

cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, descr_L,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,
    info_L, policy_L, pBuffer);

cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans_Lt, m, nnz, descr_L,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,
    info_Lt, policy_Lt, pBuffer);

// step 5: M = L * L'
cusparseDcsric02(handle, m, nnz, descr_M,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &numerical_zero);
   printf("L(%d,%d) is zero\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero);

// step 6: solve L*z = x
cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, &alpha, descr_L,
   d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_L,
   d_x, d_z, policy_L, pBuffer);

// step 7: solve L'*y = z
cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans_Lt, m, nnz, &alpha, descr_L,
   d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_Lt,
   d_z, d_y, policy_Lt, pBuffer);

// step 6: free resources
The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA_valM <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by csric02_bufferSize().
csrValA_valM <type> matrix containing the incomplete-Cholesky lower triangular factor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                           csric02Info_t    info,
                           int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) has either a structural zero or a numerical zero; otherwise, position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains structural zero or numerical zero if the user already called csric02_analysis() or csric02().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise, if A(j,j) is missing or L(j,j) is zero, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.1.5. cusparse<t>bsric02_bufferSize()

cusparseSbsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                            int                      mb,
                            int                      nnzb,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            float*                   bsrValA,
                            const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               bsrColIndA,
                            int                      blockDim,
                            bsric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDbsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                            int                      mb,
                            int                      nnzb,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            double*                  bsrValA,
                            const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               bsrColIndA,
                            int                      blockDim,
                            bsric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCbsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                            int                      mb,
                            int                      nnzb,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            cuComplex*               bsrValA,
                            const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               bsrColIndA,
                            int                      blockDim,
                            bsric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZbsric02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                            cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                            int                      mb,
                            int                      nnzb,
                            const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                            cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValA,
                            const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                            const int*               bsrColIndA,
                            int                      blockDim,
                            bsric02Info_t            info,
                            int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns the size of a buffer used in computing the incomplete-Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting


A is an (mb*blockDim)*(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA.

The buffer size depends on the dimensions of mb, blockDim, and the number of nonzero blocks of the matrix nnzb. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call bsric02_bufferSize() again to have the correct buffer size; otherwise, a segmentation fault may occur.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows and block columns of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
info record internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in bsric02_analysis() and bsric02().

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.1.6. cusparse<t>bsric02_analysis()

cusparseSbsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                          cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
                          int                      mb,
                          int                      nnzb,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const float*             bsrValA,
                          const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               bsrColIndA,
                          int                      blockDim,
                          bsric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                          cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
                          int                      mb,
                          int                      nnzb,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const double*            bsrValA,
                          const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               bsrColIndA,
                          int                      blockDim,
                          bsric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                          cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
                          int                      mb,
                          int                      nnzb,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                          const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               bsrColIndA,
                          int                      blockDim,
                          bsric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsric02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                          cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
                          int                      mb,
                          int                      nnzb,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                          const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                          const int*               bsrColIndA,
                          int                      blockDim,
                          bsric02Info_t            info,
                          cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                          void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of the incomplete-Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting


A is an (mb*blockDim)x(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA. The block in BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored.

This function requires a buffer size returned by bsric02_bufferSize90. The address of pBuffer must be a multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Functionbsric02_analysis() reports structural zero and computes level information stored in the opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism during incomplete Cholesky factorization. However bsric02() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user needs to specify the parameter policy of bsric02[_analysis| ] as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function bsric02_analysis always reports the first structural zero, even when parameter policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. The user must call cusparseXbsric02_zeroPivot() to know where the structural zero is.

It is the user's choice whether to call bsric02() if bsric02_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call bsric02(), which returns a numerical zero in the same position as the structural zero. However the result is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows and block columns of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A; must be larger than zero.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateBsric02Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by bsric02_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseSbsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nnzb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 float*                   bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 bsric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nnzb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 double*                  bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 bsric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nnzb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 cuComplex*               bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 bsric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsric02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nnzb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 bsric02Info_t            info,
                 cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of the incomplete-Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting


A is an (mb*blockDim)×(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA. The block in BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored.

This function requires a buffer size returned by bsric02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be a multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although bsric02() can be done without level information, the user must be aware of consistency. If bsric02_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, bsric02() can be run with or without levels. On the other hand, if bsric02_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, bsric02() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function bsric02() has the same behavior as csric02(). That is, bsr2csr(bsric02(A)) = csric02(bsr2csr(A)). The numerical zero of csric02() means there exists some zero L(j,j). The numerical zero of bsric02() means there exists some block Lj,j) that is not invertible.

Function bsric02 reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. The user must call cusparseXbsric02_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

The bsric02() function only takes the lower triangular part of matrix A to perform factorization. The strictly upper triangular part is ignored and never touched. It does not matter if A is Hermitian or not. In other words, from the point of view of bsric02(), A is Hermitian and only the lower triangular part is provided. Moreover, the imaginary part of diagonal elements of diagonal blocks is ignored.

For example, suppose A is a real m-by-m matrix, where m=mb*blockDim. The following code solves precondition system M*y = x, where M is the product of Cholesky factorization L and its transpose.

M = L L H
// Suppose that A is m x m sparse matrix represented by BSR format,
// The number of block rows/columns is mb, and
// the number of nonzero blocks is nnzb.
// Assumption:
// - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(),
// - (d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, d_bsrVal) is BSR of A on device memory,
// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory,
// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.
// - d_z is intermediate result on device memory.
// - d_x, d_y and d_z are of size m.
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_M = 0;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_L = 0;
bsric02Info_t info_M  = 0;
bsrsv2Info_t  info_L  = 0;
bsrsv2Info_t  info_Lt = 0;
int pBufferSize_M;
int pBufferSize_L;
int pBufferSize_Lt;
int pBufferSize;
void *pBuffer = 0;
int structural_zero;
int numerical_zero;
const double alpha = 1.;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_M  = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_L  = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_Lt = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_L  = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_Lt = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;

// step 1: create a descriptor which contains
// - matrix M is base-1
// - matrix L is base-1
// - matrix L is lower triangular
// - matrix L has non-unit diagonal
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_M, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_M, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_L, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_L, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT);

// step 2: create a empty info structure
// we need one info for bsric02 and two info's for bsrsv2

// step 3: query how much memory used in bsric02 and bsrsv2, and allocate the buffer
cusparseDbsric02_bufferSize(handle, dir, mb, nnzb,
    descr_M, d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_M, &bufferSize_M);
cusparseDbsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, dir, trans_L, mb, nnzb,
    descr_L, d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_L, &pBufferSize_L);
cusparseDbsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, dir, trans_Lt, mb, nnzb,
    descr_L, d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_Lt, &pBufferSize_Lt);

pBufferSize = max(bufferSize_M, max(pBufferSize_L, pBufferSize_Lt));

// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes.
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);

// step 4: perform analysis of incomplete Cholesky on M
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on L
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on L'
// The lower triangular part of M has the same sparsity pattern as L, so
// we can do analysis of bsric02 and bsrsv2 simultaneously.

cusparseDbsric02_analysis(handle, dir, mb, nnzb, descr_M,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_M,
    policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXbsric02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &structural_zero);
   printf("A(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero);

cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(handle, dir, trans_L, mb, nnzb, descr_L,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim,
    info_L, policy_L, pBuffer);

cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(handle, dir, trans_Lt, mb, nnzb, descr_L,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim,
    info_Lt, policy_Lt, pBuffer);

// step 5: M = L * L'
cusparseDbsric02_solve(handle, dir, mb, nnzb, descr_M,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXbsric02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &numerical_zero);
   printf("L(%d,%d) is not positive definite\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero);

// step 6: solve L*z = x
cusparseDbsrsv2_solve(handle, dir, trans_L, mb, nnzb, &alpha, descr_L,
   d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_L,
   d_x, d_z, policy_L, pBuffer);

// step 7: solve L'*y = z
cusparseDbsrsv2_solve(handle, dir, trans_Lt, mb, nnzb, &alpha, descr_L,
   d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_Lt,
   d_z, d_y, policy_Lt, pBuffer);

// step 6: free resources
The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows and block columns of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by bsric02_bufferSize().
bsrValA <type> matrix containing the incomplete-Cholesky lower triangular factor.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXbsric02_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                           bsric02Info_t    info,
                           int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) has either a structural zero or a numerical zero (the block is not positive definite). Otherwise position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXbsric02_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains a structural zero or a numerical zero if the user already called bsric02_analysis() or bsric02().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1, otherwise if A(j,j) is missing or L(j,j) is not positive definite, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

Incomplete LU Factorization: level 0

Different algorithms for ilu0 are discussed in this section.


cusparseScsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               csrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               float*           boost_val)

cusparseDcsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               csrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               double*          boost_val)

cusparseCcsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               csrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               cuComplex*       boost_val)

cusparseZcsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               csrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               cuDoubleComplex* boost_val)

The user can use a boost value to replace a numerical value in incomplete LU factorization. The tol is used to determine a numerical zero, and the boost_val is used to replace a numerical zero. The behavior is

if tol >= fabs(A(j,j)), then A(j,j)=boost_val.

To enable a boost value, the user has to set parameter enable_boost to 1 before calling csrilu02(). To disable a boost value, the user can call csrilu02_numericBoost() again with parameter enable_boost=0.

If enable_boost=0, tol and boost_val are ignored.

Both tol and boost_val can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateCsrilu02Info().
enable_boost disable boost by enable_boost=0; otherwise, boost is enabled.
tol tolerance to determine a numerical zero.
boost_val boost value to replace a numerical zero.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.2.2. cusparse<t>csrilu02_bufferSize()

cusparseScsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                             int                      m,
                             int                      nnz,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             float*                   csrValA,
                             const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                             const int*               csrColIndA,
                             csrilu02Info_t           info,
                             int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDcsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                             int                      m,
                             int                      nnz,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             double*                  csrValA,
                             const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                             const int*               csrColIndA,
                             csrilu02Info_t           info,
                             int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCcsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                             int                      m,
                             int                      nnz,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             cuComplex*               csrValA,
                             const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                             const int*               csrColIndA,
                             csrilu02Info_t           info,
                             int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZcsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                             int                      m,
                             int                      nnz,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             cuDoubleComplex*         csrValA,
                             const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                             const int*               csrColIndA,
                             csrilu02Info_t           info,
                             int*                     pBufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns size of the buffer used in computing the incomplete-LU factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting:


A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA.

The buffer size depends on the dimension m and nnz, the number of nonzeros of the matrix. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call csrilu02_bufferSize() again to have the correct buffer size; otherwise, a segmentation fault may occur.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info record internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in csrilu02_analysis() and csrilu02().

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.2.3. cusparse<t>csrilu02_analysis()

cusparseScsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           const float*             csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           const double*            csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      nnz,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                           const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               csrColIndA,
                           csrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of the incomplete-LU factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting:


A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA.

This function requires the buffer size returned by csrilu02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be a multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function csrilu02_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes level information stored in the opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism during incomplete LU factorization; however csrilu02() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user must specify the policy of csrilu02() as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

It is the user's choice whether to call csrilu02() if csrilu02_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call csrilu02(), which will return a numerical zero at the same position as the structural zero. However the result is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateCsrilu02Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by csrilu02_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.2.4. cusparse<t>csrilu02()

cusparseScsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  float*                   csrValA_valM,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  csrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  double*                  csrValA_valM,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  csrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  cuComplex*               csrValA_valM,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  csrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  cuDoubleComplex*         csrValA_valM,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  csrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of the incomplete-LU factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting:


A is an m×m sparse matrix that is defined in CSR storage format by the three arrays csrValA_valM, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA.

This function requires a buffer size returned by csrilu02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be a multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. The fill mode and diagonal type are ignored.

Although csrilu02() can be done without level information, the user still needs to be aware of consistency. If csrilu02_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, csrilu02() can be run with or without levels. On the other hand, if csrilu02_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, csrilu02() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function csrilu02() reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. The user must call cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

For example, suppose A is a real m × m matrix, the following code solves precondition system M*y = x where M is the product of LU factors L and U.

// Suppose that A is m x m sparse matrix represented by CSR format,
// Assumption:
// - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(),
// - (d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, d_csrVal) is CSR of A on device memory,
// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory,
// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.
// - d_z is intermediate result on device memory.

cusparseMatDescr_t descr_M = 0;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_L = 0;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_U = 0;
csrilu02Info_t info_M  = 0;
csrsv2Info_t  info_L  = 0;
csrsv2Info_t  info_U  = 0;
int pBufferSize_M;
int pBufferSize_L;
int pBufferSize_U;
int pBufferSize;
void *pBuffer = 0;
int structural_zero;
int numerical_zero;
const double alpha = 1.;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_M = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_L = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_U = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_L  = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_U  = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;

// step 1: create a descriptor which contains
// - matrix M is base-1
// - matrix L is base-1
// - matrix L is lower triangular
// - matrix L has unit diagonal
// - matrix U is base-1
// - matrix U is upper triangular
// - matrix U has non-unit diagonal
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_M, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_M, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_L, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_L, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT);

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_U, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_U, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_U, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_UPPER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_U, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT);

// step 2: create a empty info structure
// we need one info for csrilu02 and two info's for csrsv2

// step 3: query how much memory used in csrilu02 and csrsv2, and allocate the buffer
cusparseDcsrilu02_bufferSize(handle, m, nnz,
    descr_M, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, &pBufferSize_M);
cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans_L, m, nnz,
    descr_L, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_L, &pBufferSize_L);
cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans_U, m, nnz,
    descr_U, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_U, &pBufferSize_U);

pBufferSize = max(pBufferSize_M, max(pBufferSize_L, pBufferSize_U));

// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes.
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);

// step 4: perform analysis of incomplete Cholesky on M
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on L
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on U
// The lower(upper) triangular part of M has the same sparsity pattern as L(U),
// we can do analysis of csrilu0 and csrsv2 simultaneously.

cusparseDcsrilu02_analysis(handle, m, nnz, descr_M,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M,
    policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &structural_zero);
   printf("A(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero);

cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, descr_L,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,
    info_L, policy_L, pBuffer);

cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans_U, m, nnz, descr_U,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,
    info_U, policy_U, pBuffer);

// step 5: M = L * U
cusparseDcsrilu02(handle, m, nnz, descr_M,
    d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &numerical_zero);
   printf("U(%d,%d) is zero\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero);

// step 6: solve L*z = x
cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, &alpha, descr_L,
   d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_L,
   d_x, d_z, policy_L, pBuffer);

// step 7: solve U*y = z
cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans_U, m, nnz, &alpha, descr_U,
   d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_U,
   d_z, d_y, policy_U, pBuffer);

// step 6: free resources
The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows and columns of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA_valM <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m + 1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by csrilu02_bufferSize().
csrValA_valM <type> matrix containing the incomplete-LU lower and upper triangular factors.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                            csrilu02Info_t   info,
                            int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) has either a structural zero or a numerical zero; otherwise, position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains structural zero or numerical zero if the user already called csrilu02_analysis() or csrilu02().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise if A(j,j) is missing or U(j,j) is zero, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseSbsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               bsrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               float*           boost_val)

cusparseDbsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               bsrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               double*          boost_val)

cusparseCbsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               bsrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               cuComplex*       boost_val)

cusparseZbsrilu02_numericBoost(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               bsrilu02Info_t   info,
                               int              enable_boost,
                               double*          tol,
                               cuDoubleComplex* boost_val)

The user can use a boost value to replace a numerical value in incomplete LU factorization. Parameter tol is used to determine a numerical zero, and boost_val is used to replace a numerical zero. The behavior is as follows:

if tol >= fabs(A(j,j)), then reset each diagonal element of block A(j,j) by boost_val.

To enable a boost value, the user sets parameter enable_boost to 1 before calling bsrilu02(). To disable the boost value, the user can call bsrilu02_numericBoost() with parameter enable_boost=0.

If enable_boost=0, tol and boost_val are ignored.

Both tol and boost_val can be in host memory or device memory. The user can set the proper mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateBsrilu02Info().
enable_boost disable boost by setting enable_boost=0. Otherwise, boost is enabled.
tol tolerance to determine a numerical zero.
boost_val boost value to replace a numerical zero.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseSbsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             cusparseDirection_t dirA,
                             int mb,
                             int nnzb,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             float *bsrValA,
                             const int *bsrRowPtrA,
                             const int *bsrColIndA,
                             int blockDim,
                             bsrilu02Info_t info,
                             int *pBufferSizeInBytes);

cusparseDbsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             cusparseDirection_t dirA,
                             int mb,
                             int nnzb,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             double *bsrValA,
                             const int *bsrRowPtrA,
                             const int *bsrColIndA,
                             int blockDim,
                             bsrilu02Info_t info,
                             int *pBufferSizeInBytes);

cusparseCbsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             cusparseDirection_t dirA,
                             int mb,
                             int nnzb,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             cuComplex *bsrValA,
                             const int *bsrRowPtrA,
                             const int *bsrColIndA,
                             int blockDim,
                             bsrilu02Info_t info,
                             int *pBufferSizeInBytes);

cusparseZbsrilu02_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             cusparseDirection_t dirA,
                             int mb,
                             int nnzb,
                             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                             cuDoubleComplex *bsrValA,
                             const int *bsrRowPtrA,
                             const int *bsrColIndA,
                             int blockDim,
                             bsrilu02Info_t info,
                             int *pBufferSizeInBytes);

This function returns the size of the buffer used in computing the incomplete-LU factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting


A is an (mb*blockDim)*(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA.

The buffer size depends on the dimensions of mb, blockDim, and the number of nonzero blocks of the matrix nnzb. If the user changes the matrix, it is necessary to call bsrilu02_bufferSize() again to have the correct buffer size; otherwise, a segmentation fault may occur.

handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows and columns of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
info record internal states based on different algorithms.
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in bsrilu02_analysis() and bsrilu02().
Status Returned
CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS the operation completed successfully.
CUSPARSE_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED the library was not initialized.
CUSPARSE_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED the resources could not be allocated.
CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE invalid parameters were passed (mb,nnzb<=0), base index is not 0 or 1.
CUSPARSE_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH the device only supports compute capability 2.0 and above.
CUSPARSE_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR an internal operation failed.
CUSPARSE_STATUS_MATRIX_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED the matrix type is not supported.

11.2.8. cusparse<t>bsrilu02_analysis()

cusparseSbsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           float*                   bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           double*                  bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuComplex*               bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsrilu02_analysis(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                           int                      mb,
                           int                      nnzb,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                           cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValA,
                           const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                           const int*               bsrColIndA,
                           int                      blockDim,
                           bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                           cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the analysis phase of the incomplete-LU factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting


A is an (mb*blockDim)×(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA. The block in BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major as determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored.

This function requires a buffer size returned by bsrilu02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function bsrilu02_analysis() reports a structural zero and computes level information stored in the opaque structure info. The level information can extract more parallelism during incomplete LU factorization. However bsrilu02() can be done without level information. To disable level information, the user needs to specify the parameter policy of bsrilu02[_analysis| ] as CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL.

Function bsrilu02_analysis() always reports the first structural zero, even with parameter policy is CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL. The user must call cusparseXbsrilu02_zeroPivot() to know where the structural zero is.

It is the user's choice whether to call bsrilu02() if bsrilu02_analysis() reports a structural zero. In this case, the user can still call bsrilu02(), which will return a numerical zero at the same position as the structural zero. However the result is meaningless.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows and block columns of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A, larger than zero.
info structure initialized using cusparseCreateBsrilu02Info().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is returned by bsrilu02_bufferSize().
info structure filled with information collected during the analysis phase (that should be passed to the solve phase unchanged).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseSbsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                  int                      mb,
                  int                      nnzb,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descry,
                  float*                   bsrValA,
                  const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               bsrColIndA,
                  int                      blockDim,
                  bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDbsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                  int                      mb,
                  int                      nnzb,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descry,
                  double*                  bsrValA,
                  const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               bsrColIndA,
                  int                      blockDim,
                  bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCbsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                  int                      mb,
                  int                      nnzb,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descry,
                  cuComplex*               bsrValA,
                  const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               bsrColIndA,
                  int                      blockDim,
                  bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZbsrilu02(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  cusparseDirection_t      dirA,
                  int                      mb,
                  int                      nnzb,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descry,
                  cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValA,
                  const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               bsrColIndA,
                  int                      blockDim,
                  bsrilu02Info_t           info,
                  cusparseSolvePolicy_t    policy,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

This function performs the solve phase of the incomplete-LU factorization with 0 fill-in and no pivoting


A is an (mb*blockDim)×(mb*blockDim) sparse matrix that is defined in BSR storage format by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA. The block in BSR format is of size blockDim*blockDim, stored as column-major or row-major determined by parameter dirA, which is either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW. The matrix type must be CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, and the fill mode and diagonal type are ignored. Function bsrilu02() supports an arbitrary blockDim.

This function requires a buffer size returned by bsrilu02_bufferSize(). The address of pBuffer must be a multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Although bsrilu02() can be used without level information, the user must be aware of consistency. If bsrilu02_analysis() is called with policy CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL, bsrilu02() can be run with or without levels. On the other hand, if bsrilu02_analysis() is called with CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, bsrilu02() can only accept CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Function bsrilu02() has the same behavior as csrilu02(). That is, bsr2csr(bsrilu02(A)) = csrilu02(bsr2csr(A)). The numerical zero of csrilu02() means there exists some zero U(j,j). The numerical zero of bsrilu02() means there exists some block U(j,j) that is not invertible.

Function bsrilu02 reports the first numerical zero, including a structural zero. The user must call cusparseXbsrilu02_zeroPivot() to know where the numerical zero is.

For example, suppose A is a real m-by-m matrix where m=mb*blockDim. The following code solves precondition system M*y = x, where M is the product of LU factors L and U.

// Suppose that A is m x m sparse matrix represented by BSR format,
// The number of block rows/columns is mb, and
// the number of nonzero blocks is nnzb.
// Assumption:
// - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(),
// - (d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, d_bsrVal) is BSR of A on device memory,
// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory.
// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.
// - d_z is intermediate result on device memory.
// - d_x, d_y and d_z are of size m.
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_M = 0;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_L = 0;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_U = 0;
bsrilu02Info_t info_M = 0;
bsrsv2Info_t   info_L = 0;
bsrsv2Info_t   info_U = 0;
int pBufferSize_M;
int pBufferSize_L;
int pBufferSize_U;
int pBufferSize;
void *pBuffer = 0;
int structural_zero;
int numerical_zero;
const double alpha = 1.;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_M = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_L = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_U = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_L  = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseOperation_t trans_U  = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
const cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;

// step 1: create a descriptor which contains
// - matrix M is base-1
// - matrix L is base-1
// - matrix L is lower triangular
// - matrix L has unit diagonal
// - matrix U is base-1
// - matrix U is upper triangular
// - matrix U has non-unit diagonal
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_M, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_M, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_L, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_L, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT);

cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_U, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
cusparseSetMatType(descr_U, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_U, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_UPPER);
cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_U, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT);

// step 2: create a empty info structure
// we need one info for bsrilu02 and two info's for bsrsv2

// step 3: query how much memory used in bsrilu02 and bsrsv2, and allocate the buffer
cusparseDbsrilu02_bufferSize(handle, dir, mb, nnzb,
    descr_M, d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_M, &pBufferSize_M);
cusparseDbsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, dir, trans_L, mb, nnzb,
    descr_L, d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_L, &pBufferSize_L);
cusparseDbsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, dir, trans_U, mb, nnzb,
    descr_U, d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_U, &pBufferSize_U);

pBufferSize = max(pBufferSize_M, max(pBufferSize_L, pBufferSize_U));

// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes.
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);

// step 4: perform analysis of incomplete LU factorization on M
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on L
//         perform analysis of triangular solve on U
// The lower(upper) triangular part of M has the same sparsity pattern as L(U),
// we can do analysis of bsrilu0 and bsrsv2 simultaneously.

cusparseDbsrilu02_analysis(handle, dir, mb, nnzb, descr_M,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_M,
    policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXbsrilu02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &structural_zero);
   printf("A(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero);

cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(handle, dir, trans_L, mb, nnzb, descr_L,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim,
    info_L, policy_L, pBuffer);

cusparseDbsrsv2_analysis(handle, dir, trans_U, mb, nnzb, descr_U,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim,
    info_U, policy_U, pBuffer);

// step 5: M = L * U
cusparseDbsrilu02(handle, dir, mb, nnzb, descr_M,
    d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer);
status = cusparseXbsrilu02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &numerical_zero);
   printf("block U(%d,%d) is not invertible\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero);

// step 6: solve L*z = x
cusparseDbsrsv2_solve(handle, dir, trans_L, mb, nnzb, &alpha, descr_L,
   d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_L,
   d_x, d_z, policy_L, pBuffer);

// step 7: solve U*y = z
cusparseDbsrsv2_solve(handle, dir, trans_U, mb, nnzb, &alpha, descr_U,
   d_bsrVal, d_bsrRowPtr, d_bsrColInd, blockDim, info_U,
   d_z, d_y, policy_U, pBuffer);

// step 6: free resources
The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA storage format of blocks: either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows and block columns of matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb + 1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb ( = bsrRowPtrA(mb) - bsrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A; must be larger than zero.
info structure with information collected during the analysis phase (that should have been passed to the solve phase unchanged).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by bsrilu02_bufferSize().
bsrValA <type> matrix containing the incomplete-LU lower and upper triangular factors.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseXbsrilu02_zeroPivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                            bsrilu02Info_t   info,
                            int*             position)

If the returned error code is CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, position=j means A(j,j) has either a structural zero or a numerical zero (the block is not invertible). Otherwise position=-1.

The position can be 0-based or 1-based, the same as the matrix.

Function cusparseXbsrilu02_zeroPivot() is a blocking call. It calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() to make sure all previous kernels are done.

The position can be in the host memory or device memory. The user can set proper the mode with cusparseSetPointerMode().

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
info info contains structural zero or numerical zero if the user already called bsrilu02_analysis() or bsrilu02().
position if no structural or numerical zero, position is -1; otherwise if A(j,j) is missing or U(j,j) is not invertible, position=j.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

Tridiagonal Solve

Different algorithms for tridiagonal solve are discussed in this section.

11.3.1. cusparse<t>gtsv2_buffSizeExt()

cusparseSgtsv2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             int              m,
                             int              n,
                             const float*     dl,
                             const float*     d,
                             const float*     du,
                             const float*     B,
                             int              ldb,
                             size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDgtsv2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             int              m,
                             int              n,
                             const double*    dl,
                             const double*    d,
                             const double*    du,
                             const double*    B,
                             int              ldb,
                             size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCgtsv2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                             int              m,
                             int              n,
                             const cuComplex* dl,
                             const cuComplex* d,
                             const cuComplex* du,
                             const cuComplex* B,
                             int              ldb,
                             size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZgtsv2_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                             int                    m,
                             int                    n,
                             const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                             const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                             const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                             const cuDoubleComplex* B,
                             int                    ldb,
                             size_t*                bufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns the size of the buffer used in gtsv2 which computes the solution of a tridiagonal linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

A X = B

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix B. Notice that solution X overwrites right-hand-side matrix B on exit.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m the size of the linear system (must be ≥ 3).
n number of right-hand sides, columns of matrix B.
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
B <type> dense right-hand-side array of dimensions (ldb, n).
ldb leading dimension of B (that is ≥ max (1, m)) .
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in the gtsv2.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.3.2. cusparse<t>gtsv2()

cusparseSgtsv2(cusparseHandle_t handle,
               int              m,
               int              n,
               const float*     dl,
               const float*     d,
               const float*     du,
               float*           B,
               int              ldb,
               void             pBuffer)

cusparseDgtsv2(cusparseHandle_t handle,
               int              m,
               int              n,
               const double*    dl,
               const double*    d,
               const double*    du,
               double*          B,
               int              ldb,
               void             pBuffer)

cusparseCgtsv2(cusparseHandle_t handle,
               int              m,
               int              n,
               const cuComplex* dl,
               const cuComplex* d,
               const cuComplex* du,
               cuComplex*       B,
               int              ldb,
               void             pBuffer)

cusparseZgtsv2(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
               int                    m,
               int                    n,
               const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
               const cuDoubleComplex* d,
               const cuDoubleComplex* du,
               cuDoubleComplex*       B,
               int                    ldb,
               void                   pBuffer)

This function computes the solution of a tridiagonal linear system with multiple right-hand sides:

A X = B

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix B. Notice that solution X overwrites right-hand-side matrix B on exit.

Assuming A is of size m and base-1, dl, d and du are defined by the following formula:

dl(i) := A(i, i-1) for i=1,2,...,m

The first element of dl is out-of-bound (dl(1) := A(1,0)), so dl(1) = 0.

d(i) = A(i,i) for i=1,2,...,m

du(i) = A(i,i+1) for i=1,2,...,m

The last element of du is out-of-bound (du(m) := A(m,m+1)), so du(m) = 0.

The routine does perform pivoting, which usually results in more accurate and more stable results than cusparse<t>gtsv_nopivot() or cusparse<t>gtsv2_nopivot() at the expense of some execution time.

This function requires a buffer size returned by gtsv2_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m the size of the linear system (must be ≥ 3).
n number of right-hand sides, columns of matrix B.
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
B <type> dense right-hand-side array of dimensions (ldb, n).
ldb leading dimension of B (that is ≥ max (1, m)) .
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by gtsv2_bufferSizeExt.
B <type> dense solution array of dimensions (ldb, n).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.3.3. cusparse<t>gtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt()

cusparseSgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                     int              m,
                                     int              n,
                                     const float*     dl,
                                     const float*     d,
                                     const float*     du,
                                     const float*     B,
                                     int              ldb,
                                     size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                     int              m,
                                     int              n,
                                     const double*    dl,
                                     const double*    d,
                                     const double*    du,
                                     const double*    B,
                                     int              ldb,
                                     size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                     int              m,
                                     int              n,
                                     const cuComplex* dl,
                                     const cuComplex* d,
                                     const cuComplex* du,
                                     const cuComplex* B,
                                     int              ldb,
                                     size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                                     int                    m,
                                     int                    n,
                                     const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                                     const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                                     const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                                     const cuDoubleComplex* B,
                                     int                    ldb,
                                     size_t*                bufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns the size of the buffer used in gtsv2_nopivot which computes the solution of a tridiagonal linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

A X = B

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix B. Notice that solution X overwrites right-hand-side matrix B on exit.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m the size of the linear system (must be ≥ 3).
n number of right-hand sides, columns of matrix B.
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
B <type> dense right-hand-side array of dimensions (ldb, n).
ldb leading dimension of B. (that is ≥ max (1, m)) .
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in the gtsv2_nopivot.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.3.4. cusparse<t>gtsv2_nopivot()

cusparseSgtsv2_nopivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                       int              m,
                       int              n,
                       const float*     dl,
                       const float*     d,
                       const float*     du,
                       float*           B,
                       int              ldb,
                       void*            pBuffer)

cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                       int              m,
                       int              n,
                       const double*    dl,
                       const double*    d,
                       const double*    du,
                       double*          B,
                       int              ldb,
                       void*            pBuffer)

cusparseCgtsv2_nopivot(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                       int              m,
                       int              n,
                       const cuComplex* dl,
                       const cuComplex* d,
                       const cuComplex* du,
                       cuComplex*       B,
                       int              ldb,
                       void*            pBuffer)

cusparseZgtsv2_nopivot(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                       int                    m,
                       int                    n,
                       const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                       const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                       const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                       cuDoubleComplex*       B,
                       int                    ldb,
                       void*                  pBuffer)

This function computes the solution of a tridiagonal linear system with multiple right-hand sides:

A X = B

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix B. Notice that solution X overwrites right-hand-side matrix B on exit.

The routine does not perform any pivoting and uses a combination of the Cyclic Reduction (CR) and the Parallel Cyclic Reduction (PCR) algorithms to find the solution. It achieves better performance when m is a power of 2.

This function requires a buffer size returned by gtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m the size of the linear system (must be ≥ 3).
n number of right-hand sides, columns of matrix B.
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
B <type> dense right-hand-side array of dimensions (ldb, n).
ldb leading dimension of B. (that is ≥ max (1, m)) .
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by gtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt.
B <type> dense solution array of dimensions (ldb, n).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.4. Batched Tridiagonal Solve

Different algorithms for batched tridiagonal solve are discussed in this section.

11.4.1. cusparse<t>gtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt()

cusparseSgtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                         int              m,
                                         const float*     dl,
                                         const float*     d,
                                         const float*     du,
                                         const float*     x,
                                         int              batchCount,
                                         int              batchStride,
                                         size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDgtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                         int              m,
                                         const double*    dl,
                                         const double*    d,
                                         const double*    du,
                                         const double*    x,
                                         int              batchCount,
                                         int              batchStride,
                                         size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCgtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                         int              m,
                                         const cuComplex* dl,
                                         const cuComplex* d,
                                         const cuComplex* du,
                                         const cuComplex* x,
                                         int              batchCount,
                                         int              batchStride,
                                         size_t*          bufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZgtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                                         int                    m,
                                         const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                                         const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                                         const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                                         const cuDoubleComplex* x,
                                         int                    batchCount,
                                         int                    batchStride,
                                         size_t*                bufferSizeInBytes)

This function returns the size of the buffer used in gtsv2StridedBatch which computes the solution of multiple tridiagonal linear systems for i=0,…,batchCount:

A ( i ) y ( i ) = x ( i )

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix X. Notice that solution Y overwrites right-hand-side matrix X on exit. The different matrices are assumed to be of the same size and are stored with a fixed batchStride in memory.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
n the size of the linear system (must be ≥ 3).
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The lower diagonal d l ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location dl+batchStride×i in memory. Also, the first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The main diagonal d ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location d+batchStride×i in memory.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The upper diagonal d u ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location du+batchStride×i in memory. Also, the last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
x <type> dense array that contains the right-hand-side of the tri-diagonal linear system. The right-hand-side x ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location x+batchStride×iin memory.
batchCount number of systems to solve.
batchStride stride (number of elements) that separates the vectors of every system (must be at least m).
pBufferSizeInBytes number of bytes of the buffer used in the gtsv2StridedBatch.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.4.2. cusparse<t>gtsv2StridedBatch()

cusparseSgtsv2StridedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                           int              m,
                           const float*     dl,
                           const float*     d,
                           const float*     du,
                           float*           x,
                           int              batchCount,
                           int              batchStride,
                           void*            pBuffer)

cusparseDgtsv2StridedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                           int              m,
                           const double*    dl,
                           const double*    d,
                           const double*    du,
                           double*          x,
                           int              batchCount,
                           int              batchStride,
                           void*            pBuffer)

cusparseCgtsv2StridedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                           int              m,
                           const cuComplex* dl,
                           const cuComplex* d,
                           const cuComplex* du,
                           cuComplex*       x,
                           int              batchCount,
                           int              batchStride,
                           void*            pBuffer)

cusparseZgtsv2StridedBatch(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                           int                    m,
                           const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                           const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                           const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                           cuDoubleComplex*       x,
                           int                    batchCount,
                           int                    batchStride,
                           void*                  pBuffer)

This function computes the solution of multiple tridiagonal linear systems for i=0,…,batchCount:

A ( i ) y ( i ) = x ( i )

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix X. Notice that solution Y overwrites right-hand-side matrix X on exit. The different matrices are assumed to be of the same size and are stored with a fixed batchStride in memory.

The routine does not perform any pivoting and uses a combination of the Cyclic Reduction (CR) and the Parallel Cyclic Reduction (PCR) algorithms to find the solution. It achieves better performance when m is a power of 2.

This function requires a buffer size returned by gtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
n the size of the linear system (must be ≥ 3).
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The lower diagonal d l ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location dl+batchStride×i in memory. Also, the first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The main diagonal d ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location d+batchStride×i in memory.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The upper diagonal d u ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location du+batchStride×i in memory. Also, the last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
x <type> dense array that contains the right-hand-side of the tri-diagonal linear system. The right-hand-side x ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location x+batchStride×iin memory.
batchCount number of systems to solve.
batchStride stride (number of elements) that separates the vectors of every system (must be at least n).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by gtsv2StridedBatch_bufferSizeExt.
x <type> dense array that contains the solution of the tri-diagonal linear system. The solution x ( i ) that corresponds to the ith linear system starts at location x+batchStride×iin memory.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.4.3. cusparse<t>gtsvInterleavedBatch()

cusparseSgtsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                            int              algo,
                                            int              m,
                                            const float*     dl,
                                            const float*     d,
                                            const float*     du,
                                            const float*     x,
                                            int              batchCount,
                                            size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDgtsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                            int              algo,
                                            int              m,
                                            const double*    dl,
                                            const double*    d,
                                            const double*    du,
                                            const double*    x,
                                            int              batchCount,
                                            size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCgtsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                            int              algo,
                                            int              m,
                                            const cuComplex* dl,
                                            const cuComplex* d,
                                            const cuComplex* du,
                                            const cuComplex* x,
                                            int              batchCount,
                                            size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZgtsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                                            int                    algo,
                                            int                    m,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* x,
                                            int                    batchCount,
                                            size_t*                pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseSgtsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              float*           dl,
                              float*           d,
                              float*           du,
                              float*           x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

cusparseDgtsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              double*          dl,
                              double*          d,
                              double*          du,
                              double*          x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

cusparseCgtsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              cuComplex*       dl,
                              cuComplex*       d,
                              cuComplex*       du,
                              cuComplex*       x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

cusparseZgtsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                              cuDoubleComplex* d,
                              cuDoubleComplex* du,
                              cuDoubleComplex* x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

This function computes the solution of multiple tridiagonal linear systems for i=0,…,batchCount:

A ( i ) x ( i ) = b ( i )

The coefficient matrix A of each of these tri-diagonal linear system is defined with three vectors corresponding to its lower (dl), main (d), and upper (du) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix B. Notice that solution X overwrites right-hand-side matrix B on exit.

Assuming A is of size m and base-1, dl, d and du are defined by the following formula:

dl(i) := A(i, i-1) for i=1,2,...,m

The first element of dl is out-of-bound (dl(1) := A(1,0)), so dl(1) = 0.

d(i) = A(i,i) for i=1,2,...,m

du(i) = A(i,i+1) for i=1,2,...,m

The last element of du is out-of-bound (du(m) := A(m,m+1)), so du(m) = 0.

The data layout is different from gtsvStridedBatch which aggregates all matrices one after another. Instead, gtsvInterleavedBatch gathers different matrices of the same element in a continous manner. If dl is regarded as a 2-D array of size m-by-batchCount, dl(:,j) to store j-th matrix. gtsvStridedBatch uses column-major while gtsvInterleavedBatch uses row-major.

The routine provides three different algorithms, selected by parameter algo. The first algorithm is cuThomas provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The second algorithm is LU with partial pivoting and last algorithm is QR. From stability perspective, cuThomas is not numerically stable because it does not have pivoting. LU with partial pivoting and QR are stable. From performance perspective, LU with partial pivoting and QR is about 10% to 20% slower than cuThomas.

This function requires a buffer size returned by gtsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

If the user prepares aggregate format, one can use cublasXgeam to get interleaved format. However such transformation takes time comparable to solver itself. To reach best performance, the user must prepare interleaved format explicitly.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
algo algo = 0: cuThomas (unstable algorithm); algo = 1: LU with pivoting (stable algorithm); algo = 2: QR (stable algorithm)
m the size of the linear system.
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The first element of each lower diagonal must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal of the tri-diagonal linear system. The last element of each upper diagonal must be zero.
x <type> dense right-hand-side array of dimensions (batchCount, n).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by gtsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt.
x <type> dense solution array of dimensions (batchCount, n).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

11.5. Batched Pentadiagonal Solve

Different algorithms for batched pentadiagonal solve are discussed in this section.

11.5.1. cusparse<t>gpsvInterleavedBatch()

cusparseSgpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                            int              algo,
                                            int              m,
                                            const float*     ds,
                                            const float*     dl,
                                            const float*     d,
                                            const float*     du,
                                            const float*     dw,
                                            const float*     x,
                                            int              batchCount,
                                            size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDgpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                            int              algo,
                                            int              m,
                                            const double*    ds,
                                            const double*    dl,
                                            const double*    d,
                                            const double*    du,
                                            const double*    dw,
                                            const double*    x,
                                            int              batchCount,
                                            size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCgpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                            int              algo,
                                            int              m,
                                            const cuComplex* ds,
                                            const cuComplex* dl,
                                            const cuComplex* d,
                                            const cuComplex* du,
                                            const cuComplex* dw,
                                            const cuComplex* x,
                                            int              batchCount,
                                            size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZgpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                                            int                    algo,
                                            int                    m,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* ds,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* d,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* du,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* dw,
                                            const cuDoubleComplex* x,
                                            int                    batchCount,
                                            size_t*                pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseSgpsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              float*           ds,
                              float*           dl,
                              float*           d,
                              float*           du,
                              float*           dw,
                              float*           x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

cusparseDgpsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              double*          ds,
                              double*          dl,
                              double*          d,
                              double*          du,
                              double*          dw,
                              double*          x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

cusparseCgpsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              cuComplex*       ds,
                              cuComplex*       dl,
                              cuComplex*       d,
                              cuComplex*       du,
                              cuComplex*       dw,
                              cuComplex*       x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

cusparseZgpsvInterleavedBatch(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                              int              algo,
                              int              m,
                              cuDoubleComplex* ds,
                              cuDoubleComplex* dl,
                              cuDoubleComplex* d,
                              cuDoubleComplex* du,
                              cuDoubleComplex* dw,
                              cuDoubleComplex* x,
                              int              batchCount,
                              void*            pBuffer)

This function computes the solution of multiple penta-diagonal linear systems for i=0,…,batchCount:

A ( i ) x ( i ) = b ( i )

The coefficient matrix A of each of these penta-diagonal linear system is defined with five vectors corresponding to its lower (ds, dl), main (d), and upper (du, dw) matrix diagonals; the right-hand sides are stored in the dense matrix B. Notice that solution X overwrites right-hand-side matrix B on exit.

Assuming A is of size m and base-1, ds, dl, d, du and dw are defined by the following formula:

ds(i) := A(i, i-2) for i=1,2,...,m

The first two elements of ds is out-of-bound (ds(1) := A(1,-1), ds(2) := A(2,0)), so ds(1) = 0 and ds(2) = 0.

dl(i) := A(i, i-1) for i=1,2,...,m

The first element of dl is out-of-bound (dl(1) := A(1,0)), so dl(1) = 0.

d(i) = A(i,i) for i=1,2,...,m

du(i) = A(i,i+1) for i=1,2,...,m

The last element of du is out-of-bound (du(m) := A(m,m+1)), so du(m) = 0.

dw(i) = A(i,i+2) for i=1,2,...,m

The last two elements of dw is out-of-bound (dw(m-1) := A(m-1,m+1), dw(m) := A(m,m+2)), so dw(m-1) = 0 and dw(m) = 0.

The data layout is the same as gtsvStridedBatch.

The routine is numerically stable because it uses QR to solve the linear system.

This function requires a buffer size returned by gpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If it is not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Appendix section shows an example of gpsvInterleavedBatch. If the user prepares aggregate format, one can use cublasXgeam to get interleaved format. However such transformation takes time comparable to solver itself. To reach best performance, the user must prepare interleaved format explicitly.

The function supports the following properties if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
algo only support algo = 0 (QR)
m the size of the linear system.
ds <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal (distance 2 to the diagonal) of the penta-diagonal linear system. The first two elements must be zero.
dl <type> dense array containing the lower diagonal (distance 1 to the diagonal) of the penta-diagonal linear system. The first element must be zero.
d <type> dense array containing the main diagonal of the penta-diagonal linear system.
du <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal (distance 1 to the diagonal) of the penta-diagonal linear system. The last element must be zero.
dw <type> dense array containing the upper diagonal (distance 2 to the diagonal) of the penta-diagonal linear system. The last two elements must be zero.
x <type> dense right-hand-side array of dimensions (batchCount, n).
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by gpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt.
x <type> dense solution array of dimensions (batchCount, n).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

12. cuSPARSE Reorderings Reference

This chapter describes the reordering routines used to manipulate sparse matrices.


cusparseScsrcolor(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  const float*             csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const float*             fractionToColor,
                  int*                     ncolors,
                  int*                     coloring,
                  int*                     reordering,
                  cusparseColorInfo_t      info)

cusparseDcsrcolor(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  const double*            csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const double*            fractionToColor,
                  int*                     ncolors,
                  int*                     coloring,
                  int*                     reordering,
                  cusparseColorInfo_t      info)

cusparseCcsrcolor(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const cuComplex*         fractionToColor,
                  int*                     ncolors,
                  int*                     coloring,
                  int*                     reordering,
                  cusparseColorInfo_t      info)

cusparseZcsrcolor(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                  const cuDoubleComplex*   fractionToColor,
                  int*                     ncolors,
                  int*                     coloring,
                  int*                     reordering,
                  cusparseColorInfo_t      info)

This function performs the coloring of the adjacency graph associated with the matrix A stored in CSR format. The coloring is an assignment of colors (integer numbers) to nodes, such that neighboring nodes have distinct colors. An approximate coloring algorithm is used in this routine, and is stopped when a certain percentage of nodes has been colored. The rest of the nodes are assigned distinct colors (an increasing sequence of integers numbers, starting from the last integer used previously). The last two auxiliary routines can be used to extract the resulting number of colors, their assignment and the associated reordering. The reordering is such that nodes that have been assigned the same color are reordered to be next to each other.

The matrix A passed to this routine, must be stored as a general matrix and have a symmetric sparsity pattern. If the matrix is nonsymmetric the user should pass A+A^T as a parameter to this routine.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A.
nnz number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
fractionToColor fraction of nodes to be colored, which should be in the interval [0.0,1.0], for example 0.8 implies that 80 percent of nodes will be colored.
info structure with information to be passed to the coloring.
ncolors The number of distinct colors used (at most the size of the matrix, but likely much smaller).
coloring The resulting coloring permutation
reordering The resulting reordering permutation (untouched if NULL)

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13. cuSPARSE Format Conversion Reference

This chapter describes the conversion routines between different sparse and dense storage formats.

coosort, csrsort, cscsort, and csru2csr are sorting routines without malloc inside, the following table estimates the buffer size

routine buffer size maximum problem size if buffer is limited by 2GB
coosort > 16*n bytes 125M
csrsort or cscsort > 20*n bytes 100M
csru2csr 'd' > 28*n bytes ; 'z' > 36*n bytes 71M for 'd' and 55M for 'z'

13.1. cusparse<t>bsr2csr()

cusparseSbsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const float*             bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 float*                   csrValC,
                 int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     csrColIndC)

cusparseDbsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const double*            bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 double*                  csrValC,
                 int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     csrColIndC)

cusparseCbsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 cuComplex*               csrValC,
                 int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     csrColIndC)

cusparseZbsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      mb,
                 int                      nb,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                 const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               bsrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 cuDoubleComplex*         csrValC,
                 int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     csrColIndC)

This function converts a sparse matrix in BSR format that is defined by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA) into a sparse matrix in CSR format that is defined by arrays csrValC, csrRowPtrC, and csrColIndC.

Let m(=mb*blockDim) be the number of rows of A and n(=nb*blockDim) be number of columns of A, then A and C are m*n sparse matrices. The BSR format of A contains nnzb(=bsrRowPtrA[mb] - bsrRowPtrA[0]) nonzero blocks, whereas the sparse matrix A contains nnz(=nnzb*blockDim*blockDim) elements. The user must allocate enough space for arrays csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC, and csrValC. The requirements are as follows:

csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements

csrValC of nnz elements

csrColIndC of nnz elements

The general procedure is as follows:

// Given BSR format (bsrRowPtrA, bsrcolIndA, bsrValA) and
// blocks of BSR format are stored in column-major order.
cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;
int m = mb*blockDim;
int nnzb = bsrRowPtrA[mb] - bsrRowPtrA[0]; // number of blocks
int nnz  = nnzb * blockDim * blockDim; // number of elements
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1));
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnz);
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrValC, sizeof(float)*nnz);
cusparseSbsr2csr(handle, dir, mb, nb,
        bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA,
        csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC);
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution if blockDim == 1
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture if blockDim == 1
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows of sparse matrix A.
nb number of block columns of sparse matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb*blockDim*blockDim nonzero elements of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one of matrix A.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A.
descrC the descriptor of matrix C.
csrValC <type> array of nnz(=csrRowPtrC[m]-csrRowPtrC[0]) nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowPtrC integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one of matrix C.
csrColIndC integer array of nnz column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix C.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.2. cusparse<t>gebsr2gebsc()

cusparseSgebsr2gebsc_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               int               mb,
                               int               nb,
                               int               nnzb,
                               const float*      bsrVal,
                               const int*        bsrRowPtr,
                               const int*        bsrColInd,
                               int               rowBlockDim,
                               int               colBlockDim,
                               int*              pBufferSize)

cusparseDgebsr2gebsc_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               int               mb,
                               int               nb,
                               int               nnzb,
                               const double*     bsrVal,
                               const int*        bsrRowPtr,
                               const int*        bsrColInd,
                               int               rowBlockDim,
                               int               colBlockDim,
                               int*              pBufferSize)

cusparseCgebsr2gebsc_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               int               mb,
                               int               nb,
                               int               nnzb,
                               const cuComplex*  bsrVal,
                               const int*        bsrRowPtr,
                               const int*        bsrColInd,
                               int               rowBlockDim,
                               int               colBlockDim,
                               int*              pBufferSize)

cusparseZgebsr2gebsc_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t      handle,
                               int                    mb,
                               int                    nb,
                               int                    nnzb,
                               const cuDoubleComplex* bsrVal,
                               const int*             bsrRowPtr,
                               const int*             bsrColInd,
                               int                    rowBlockDim,
                               int                    colBlockDim,
                               int*                   pBufferSize)
cusparseSgebsr2gebsc(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                     int                 mb,
                     int                 nb,
                     int                 nnzb,
                     const float*        bsrVal,
                     const int*          bsrRowPtr,
                     const int*          bsrColInd,
                     int                 rowBlockDim,
                     int                 colBlockDim,
                     float*              bscVal,
                     int*                bscRowInd,
                     int*                bscColPtr,
                     cusparseAction_t    copyValues,
                     cusparseIndexBase_t baseIdx,
                     void*               pBuffer)

cusparseDgebsr2gebsc(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                     int                 mb,
                     int                 nb,
                     int                 nnzb,
                     const double*       bsrVal,
                     const int*          bsrRowPtr,
                     const int*          bsrColInd,
                     int                 rowBlockDim,
                     int                 colBlockDim,
                     double*             bscVal,
                     int*                bscRowInd,
                     int*                bscColPtr,
                     cusparseAction_t    copyValues,
                     cusparseIndexBase_t baseIdx,
                     void*               pBuffer)

cusparseCgebsr2gebsc(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                     int                 mb,
                     int                 nb,
                     int                 nnzb,
                     const cuComplex*    bsrVal,
                     const int*          bsrRowPtr,
                     const int*          bsrColInd,
                     int                 rowBlockDim,
                     int                 colBlockDim,
                     cuComplex*          bscVal,
                     int*                bscRowInd,
                     int*                bscColPtr,
                     cusparseAction_t    copyValues,
                     cusparseIndexBase_t baseIdx,
                     void*               pBuffer)

cusparseZgebsr2gebsc(cusparseHandle_t       handle,
                     int                    mb,
                     int                    nb,
                     int                    nnzb,
                     const cuDoubleComplex* bsrVal,
                     const int*             bsrRowPtr,
                     const int*             bsrColInd,
                     int                    rowBlockDim,
                     int                    colBlockDim,
                     cuDoubleComplex*       bscVal,
                     int*                   bscRowInd,
                     int*                   bscColPtr,
                     cusparseAction_t       copyValues,
                     cusparseIndexBase_t    baseIdx,
                     void*                  pBuffer)

This function can be seen as the same as csr2csc() when each block of size rowBlockDim*colBlockDim is regarded as a scalar.

This sparsity pattern of the result matrix can also be seen as the transpose of the original sparse matrix, but the memory layout of a block does not change.

The user must call gebsr2gebsc_bufferSize() to determine the size of the buffer required by gebsr2gebsc(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to gebsr2gebsc().

  • The routine requires no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
mb number of block rows of sparse matrix A.
nb number of block columns of sparse matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
bsrVal <type> array of nnzb*rowBlockDim*colBlockDim nonzero elements of matrix A.
bsrRowPtr integer array of mb+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one.
bsrColInd integer array of nnzb column indices of the non-zero blocks of matrix A.
rowBlockDim number of rows within a block of A.
colBlockDim number of columns within a block of A.
pBufferSize host pointer containing number of bytes of the buffer used in gebsr2gebsc().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is return by gebsr2gebsc_bufferSize().
bscVal <type> array of nnzb*rowBlockDim*colBlockDim non-zero elements of matrix A. It is only filled-in if copyValues is set to CUSPARSE_ACTION_NUMERIC.
bscRowInd integer array of nnzb row indices of the non-zero blocks of matrix A.
bscColPtr integer array of nb+1 elements that contains the start of every block column and the end of the last block column plus one.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.3. cusparse<t>gebsr2gebsr()

cusparseSgebsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                                int                      mb,
                                int                      nb,
                                int                      nnzb,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                const float*             bsrValA,
                                const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               bsrColIndA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimA,
                                int                      colBlockDimA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimC,
                                int                      colBlockDimC,
                                int*                     pBufferSize)

cusparseDgebsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                                int                      mb,
                                int                      nb,
                                int                      nnzb,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                const double*            bsrValA,
                                const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               bsrColIndA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimA,
                                int                      colBlockDimA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimC,
                                int                      colBlockDimC,
                                int*                     pBufferSize)

cusparseCgebsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                                int                      mb,
                                int                      nb,
                                int                      nnzb,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                                const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               bsrColIndA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimA,
                                int                      colBlockDimA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimC,
                                int                      colBlockDimC,
                                int*                     pBufferSize)

cusparseZgebsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                                int                      mb,
                                int                      nb,
                                int                      nnzb,
                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                                const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                                const int*               bsrColIndA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimA,
                                int                      colBlockDimA,
                                int                      rowBlockDimC,
                                int                      colBlockDimC,
                                int*                     pBufferSize)
cusparseXgebsr2gebsrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                        cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                        int                      mb,
                        int                      nb,
                        int                      nnzb,
                        const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                        const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                        const int*               bsrColIndA,
                        int                      rowBlockDimA,
                        int                      colBlockDimA,
                        const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                        int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                        int                      rowBlockDimC,
                        int                      colBlockDimC,
                        int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                        void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSgebsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                     cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                     int                      mb,
                     int                      nb,
                     int                      nnzb,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                     const float*             bsrValA,
                     const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                     const int*               bsrColIndA,
                     int                      rowBlockDimA,
                     int                      colBlockDimA,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                     float*                   bsrValC,
                     int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                     int*                     bsrColIndC,
                     int                      rowBlockDimC,
                     int                      colBlockDimC,
                     void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDgebsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                     cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                     int                      mb,
                     int                      nb,
                     int                      nnzb,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                     const double*            bsrValA,
                     const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                     const int*               bsrColIndA,
                     int                      rowBlockDimA,
                     int                      colBlockDimA,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                     double*                  bsrValC,
                     int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                     int*                     bsrColIndC,
                     int                      rowBlockDimC,
                     int                      colBlockDimC,
                     void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCgebsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                     cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                     int                      mb,
                     int                      nb,
                     int                      nnzb,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                     const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                     const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                     const int*               bsrColIndA,
                     int                      rowBlockDimA,
                     int                      colBlockDimA,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                     cuComplex*               bsrValC,
                     int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                     int*                     bsrColIndC,
                     int                      rowBlockDimC,
                     int                      colBlockDimC,
                     void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZgebsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                     cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                     int                      mb,
                     int                      nb,
                     int                      nnzb,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                     const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                     const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                     const int*               bsrColIndA,
                     int                      rowBlockDimA,
                     int                      colBlockDimA,
                     const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                     cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValC,
                     int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                     int*                     bsrColIndC,
                     int                      rowBlockDimC,
                     int                      colBlockDimC,
                     void*                    pBuffer)

This function converts a sparse matrix in general BSR format that is defined by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA into a sparse matrix in another general BSR format that is defined by arrays bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, and bsrColIndC.

If rowBlockDimA=1 and colBlockDimA=1, cusparse[S|D|C|Z]gebsr2gebsr() is the same as cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csr2gebsr().

If rowBlockDimC=1 and colBlockDimC=1, cusparse[S|D|C|Z]gebsr2gebsr() is the same as cusparse[S|D|C|Z]gebsr2csr().

A is an m*n sparse matrix where m(=mb*rowBlockDim) is the number of rows of A, and n(=nb*colBlockDim) is the number of columns of A. The general BSR format of A contains nnzb(=bsrRowPtrA[mb] - bsrRowPtrA[0]) nonzero blocks. The matrix C is also general BSR format with a different block size, rowBlockDimC*colBlockDimC. If m is not a multiple of rowBlockDimC, or n is not a multiple of colBlockDimC, zeros are filled in. The number of block rows of C is mc(=(m+rowBlockDimC-1)/rowBlockDimC). The number of block rows of C is nc(=(n+colBlockDimC-1)/colBlockDimC). The number of nonzero blocks of C is nnzc.

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates bsrRowPtrC of mc+1 elements and uses function cusparseXgebsr2gebsrNnz() to determine the number of nonzero block columns per block row of matrix C. Second, the user gathers nnzc (number of non-zero block columns of matrix C) from either (nnzc=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzc=bsrRowPtrC[mc]-bsrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates bsrValC of nnzc*rowBlockDimC*colBlockDimC elements and bsrColIndC of nnzc integers. Finally the function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]gebsr2gebsr() is called to complete the conversion.

The user must call gebsr2gebsr_bufferSize() to know the size of the buffer required by gebsr2gebsr(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to gebsr2gebsr().

The general procedure is as follows:

// Given general BSR format (bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA, bsrValA) and
// blocks of BSR format are stored in column-major order.
cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;
int base, nnzc;
int m = mb*rowBlockDimA;
int n = nb*colBlockDimA;
int mc = (m+rowBlockDimC-1)/rowBlockDimC;
int nc = (n+colBlockDimC-1)/colBlockDimC;
int bufferSize;
void *pBuffer;
cusparseSgebsr2gebsr_bufferSize(handle, dir, mb, nb, nnzb,
    descrA, bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA,
    rowBlockDimA, colBlockDimA,
    rowBlockDimC, colBlockDimC,
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, bufferSize);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(mc+1));
// nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
int *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = &nnzc;
cusparseXgebsr2gebsrNnz(handle, dir, mb, nb, nnzb,
    descrA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA,
    rowBlockDimA, colBlockDimA,
    descrC, bsrRowPtrC,
    rowBlockDimC, colBlockDimC,
if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr){
    nnzc = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
    cudaMemcpy(&nnzc, bsrRowPtrC+mc, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(&base, bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    nnzc -= base;
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnzc);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrValC, sizeof(float)*(rowBlockDimC*colBlockDimC)*nnzc);
cusparseSgebsr2gebsr(handle, dir, mb, nb, nnzb,
    descrA, bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA,
    rowBlockDimA, colBlockDimA,
    descrC, bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, bsrColIndC,
    rowBlockDimC, colBlockDimC,
  • The routines require no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routines do not support asynchronous execution
  • The routines do not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows of sparse matrix A.
nb number of block columns of sparse matrix A.
nnzb number of nonzero blocks of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb*rowBlockDimA*colBlockDimA non-zero elements of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one of matrix A.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb column indices of the non-zero blocks of matrix A.
rowBlockDimA number of rows within a block of A.
colBlockDimA number of columns within a block of A.
descrC the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
rowBlockDimC number of rows within a block of C.
colBlockDimC number of columns within a block of C.
pBufferSize host pointer containing number of bytes of the buffer used in gebsr2gebsr().
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user; the size is return by gebsr2gebsr_bufferSize().
bsrValC <type> array of nnzc*rowBlockDimC*colBlockDimC non-zero elements of matrix C.
bsrRowPtrC integer array of mc+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one of matrix C.
bsrColIndC integer array of nnzc block column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix C.
nnzTotalDevHostPtr total number of nonzero blocks of C. *nnzTotalDevHostPtr is the same as bsrRowPtrC[mc]-bsrRowPtrC[0].

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.4. cusparse<t>gebsr2csr()

cusparseSgebsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      mb,
                   int                      nb,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const float*             bsrValA,
                   const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               bsrColIndA,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   float*                   csrValC,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     csrColIndC)

cusparseDgebsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      mb,
                   int                      nb,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const double*            bsrValA,
                   const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               bsrColIndA,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   double*                  csrValC,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     csrColIndC)

cusparseCgebsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      mb,
                   int                      nb,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuComplex*         bsrValA,
                   const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               bsrColIndA,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   cuComplex*               csrValC,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     csrColIndC)

cusparseZgebsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      mb,
                   int                      nb,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuDoubleComplex*   bsrValA,
                   const int*               bsrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               bsrColIndA,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   cuDoubleComplex*         csrValC,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     csrColIndC)

This function converts a sparse matrix in general BSR format that is defined by the three arrays bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, and bsrColIndA into a sparse matrix in CSR format that is defined by arrays csrValC, csrRowPtrC, and csrColIndC.

Let m(=mb*rowBlockDim) be number of rows of A and n(=nb*colBlockDim) be number of columns of A, then A and C are m*n sparse matrices. The general BSR format of A contains nnzb(=bsrRowPtrA[mb] - bsrRowPtrA[0]) non-zero blocks, whereas sparse matrix A contains nnz(=nnzb*rowBlockDim*colBlockDim) elements. The user must allocate enough space for arrays csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC, and csrValC. The requirements are as follows:

csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements

csrValC of nnz elements

csrColIndC of nnz elements

The general procedure is as follows:

// Given general BSR format (bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA, bsrValA) and
// blocks of BSR format are stored in column-major order.
cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;
int m = mb*rowBlockDim;
int n = nb*colBlockDim;
int nnzb = bsrRowPtrA[mb] - bsrRowPtrA[0]; // number of blocks
int nnz  = nnzb * rowBlockDim * colBlockDim; // number of elements
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1));
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnz);
cudaMalloc((void**)&csrValC, sizeof(float)*nnz);
cusparseSgebsr2csr(handle, dir, mb, nb,
        bsrValA, bsrRowPtrA, bsrColIndA,
        rowBlockDim, colBlockDim,
        csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC);
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
mb number of block rows of sparse matrix A.
nb number of block columns of sparse matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
bsrValA <type> array of nnzb*rowBlockDim*colBlockDim non-zero elements of matrix A.
bsrRowPtrA integer array of mb+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one of matrix A.
bsrColIndA integer array of nnzb column indices of the non-zero blocks of matrix A.
rowBlockDim number of rows within a block of A.
colBlockDim number of columns within a block of A.
descrC the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValC <type> array of nnz non-zero elements of matrix C.
csrRowPtrC integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one of matrix C.
csrColIndC integer array of nnz column indices of the non-zero elements of matrix C.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.5. cusparse<t>csr2gebsr()

cusparseScsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      n,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const float*             csrValA,
                              const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrColIndA,
                              int                      rowBlockDim,
                              int                      colBlockDim,
                              int*                     pBufferSize)

cusparseDcsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      n,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const double*            csrValA,
                              const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrColIndA,
                              int                      rowBlockDim,
                              int                      colBlockDim,
                              int*                     pBufferSize)

cusparseCcsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      n,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                              const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrColIndA,
                              int                      rowBlockDim,
                              int                      colBlockDim,
                              int*                     pBufferSize)

cusparseZcsr2gebsr_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                              cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                              int                      m,
                              int                      n,
                              const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                              const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                              const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                              const int*               csrColIndA,
                              int                      rowBlockDim,
                              int                      colBlockDim,
                              int*                     pBufferSize)
cusparseXcsr2gebsrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      n,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                      int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                      int                      rowBlockDim,
                      int                      colBlockDim,
                      int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseScsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const float*             csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   float*                   bsrValC,
                   int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     bsrColIndC,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const double*            csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   double*                  bsrValC,
                   int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     bsrColIndC,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   cuComplex*               bsrValC,
                   int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     bsrColIndC,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsr2gebsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                   cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValC,
                   int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                   int*                     bsrColIndC,
                   int                      rowBlockDim,
                   int                      colBlockDim,
                   void*                    pBuffer)

This function converts a sparse matrix A in CSR format (that is defined by arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA) into a sparse matrix C in general BSR format (that is defined by the three arrays bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, and bsrColIndC).

The matrix A is a m*n sparse matrix and matrix C is a (mb*rowBlockDim)*(nb*colBlockDim) sparse matrix, where mb(=(m+rowBlockDim-1)/rowBlockDim) is the number of block rows of C, and nb(=(n+colBlockDim-1)/colBlockDim) is the number of block columns of C.

The block of C is of size rowBlockDim*colBlockDim. If m is not multiple of rowBlockDim or n is not multiple of colBlockDim, zeros are filled in.

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates bsrRowPtrC of mb+1 elements and uses function cusparseXcsr2gebsrNnz() to determine the number of nonzero block columns per block row. Second, the user gathers nnzb (number of nonzero block columns of matrix C) from either (nnzb=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzb=bsrRowPtrC[mb]-bsrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates bsrValC of nnzb*rowBlockDim*colBlockDim elements and bsrColIndC of nnzb integers. Finally function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csr2gebsr() is called to complete the conversion.

The user must obtain the size of the buffer required by csr2gebsr() by calling csr2gebsr_bufferSize(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to csr2gebsr().

The general procedure is as follows:

// Given CSR format (csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA, csrValA) and
// blocks of BSR format are stored in column-major order.
cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;
int base, nnzb;
int mb = (m + rowBlockDim-1)/rowBlockDim;
int nb = (n + colBlockDim-1)/colBlockDim;
int bufferSize;
void *pBuffer;
cusparseScsr2gebsr_bufferSize(handle, dir, m, n,
    descrA, csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
    rowBlockDim, colBlockDim,
cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, bufferSize);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int) *(mb+1));
// nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
int *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = &nnzb;
cusparseXcsr2gebsrNnz(handle, dir, m, n,
    descrA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
    descrC, bsrRowPtrC, rowBlockDim, colBlockDim,
if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr){
    nnzb = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
    cudaMemcpy(&nnzb, bsrRowPtrC+mb, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(&base, bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    nnzb -= base;
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnzb);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrValC, sizeof(float)*(rowBlockDim*colBlockDim)*nnzb);
cusparseScsr2gebsr(handle, dir, m, n,
        csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, bsrColIndC,
        rowBlockDim, colBlockDim,
The routine cusparseXcsr2gebsrNnz() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
The routine cusparse<t>csr2gebsr() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
m number of rows of sparse matrix A.
n number of columns of sparse matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one of matrix A.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
descrC the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
rowBlockDim number of rows within a block of C.
colBlockDim number of columns within a block of C.
pBuffer buffer allocated by the user, the size is return by csr2gebsr_bufferSize().
bsrValC <type> array of nnzb*rowBlockDim*colBlockDim nonzero elements of matrix C.
bsrRowPtrC integer array of mb+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one of matrix C.
bsrColIndC integer array of nnzb column indices of the nonzero blocks of matrix C.
nnzTotalDevHostPtr total number of nonzero blocks of matrix C. Pointer nnzTotalDevHostPtr can point to a device memory or host memory.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.6. cusparse<t>coo2csr()

cusparseXcoo2csr(cusparseHandle_t   handle,
                 const int*         cooRowInd,
                 int                nnz,
                 int                m,
                 int*               csrRowPtr,
                 cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

This function converts the array containing the uncompressed row indices (corresponding to COO format) into an array of compressed row pointers (corresponding to CSR format).

It can also be used to convert the array containing the uncompressed column indices (corresponding to COO format) into an array of column pointers (corresponding to CSC format).

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
cooRowInd integer array of nnz uncompressed row indices.
nnz number of non-zeros of the sparse matrix (that is also the length of array cooRowInd).
m number of rows of matrix A.
csrRowPtr integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.7. cusparse<t>csc2dense()

cusparseScsc2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const float*             cscValA,
                   const int*               cscRowIndA,
                   const int*               cscColPtrA,
                   float*                   A,
                   int                      lda)

cusparseDcsc2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const double*            cscValA,
                   const int*               cscRowIndA,
                   const int*               cscColPtrA,
                   double*                  A,
                   int                      lda)

cusparseCcsc2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuComplex*         cscValA,
                   const int*               cscRowIndA,
                   const int*               cscColPtrA,
                   cuComplex*               A,
                   int                      lda)

cusparseZcsc2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuDoubleComplex*   cscValA,
                   const int*               cscRowIndA,
                   const int*               cscColPtrA,
                   cuDoubleComplex*         A,
                   int                      lda)

This function converts the sparse matrix in CSC format that is defined by the three arrays cscValA, cscColPtrA, and cscRowIndA into the matrix A in dense format. The dense matrix A is filled in with the values of the sparse matrix and with zeros elsewhere.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
cscValA <type> array of nnz ( = cscColPtrA(m) - cscColPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
cscRowIndA integer array of nnz ( = cscColPtrA(m) - cscColPtrA(0) ) row indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
cscColPtrA integer array of n+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last column plus one.
lda leading dimension of dense array A.
A array of dimensions (lda, n) that is filled in with the values of the sparse matrix.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.8. cusparse<t>csr2bsr()

cusparseXcsr2bsrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                    cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                    int                      m,
                    int                      n,
                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                    int                      blockDim,
                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                    int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                    int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr)

cusparseScsr2bsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      n,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const float*             csrValA,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 float*                   bsrValC,
                 int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     bsrColIndC)

cusparseDcsr2bsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      n,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const double*            csrValA,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 double*                  bsrValC,
                 int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     bsrColIndC)

cusparseCcsr2bsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      n,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 cuComplex*               bsrValC,
                 int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     bsrColIndC)

cusparseZcsr2bsr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 cusparseDirection_t      dir,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      n,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                 const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                 const int*               csrColIndA,
                 int                      blockDim,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                 cuDoubleComplex*         bsrValC,
                 int*                     bsrRowPtrC,
                 int*                     bsrColIndC)

This function converts a sparse matrix in CSR format that is defined by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA into a sparse matrix in BSR format that is defined by arrays bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, and bsrColIndC.

A is an m*n sparse matrix. The BSR format of A has mb block rows, nb block columns, and nnzb nonzero blocks, where mb=((m+blockDim-1)/blockDim) and nb=(n+blockDim-1)/blockDim.

If m or n is not multiple of blockDim, zeros are filled in.

The conversion in cuSPARSE entails a two-step approach. First, the user allocates bsrRowPtrC of mb+1 elements and uses function cusparseXcsr2bsrNnz() to determine the number of nonzero block columns per block row. Second, the user gathers nnzb (number of non-zero block columns of matrix C) from either (nnzb=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzb=bsrRowPtrC[mb]-bsrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates bsrValC of nnzb*blockDim*blockDim elements and bsrColIndC of nnzb elements. Finally function cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csr2bsr90 is called to complete the conversion.

The general procedure is as follows:

// Given CSR format (csrRowPtrA, csrcolIndA, csrValA) and
// blocks of BSR format are stored in column-major order.
cusparseDirection_t dir = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN;
int base, nnzb;
int mb = (m + blockDim-1)/blockDim;
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int) *(mb+1));
// nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
int *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = &nnzb;
cusparseXcsr2bsrNnz(handle, dir, m, n,
        descrA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        descrC, bsrRowPtrC,
if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr){
    nnzb = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
    cudaMemcpy(&nnzb, bsrRowPtrC+mb, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(&base, bsrRowPtrC, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    nnzb -= base;
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrColIndC, sizeof(int)*nnzb);
cudaMalloc((void**)&bsrValC, sizeof(float)*(blockDim*blockDim)*nnzb);
cusparseScsr2bsr(handle, dir, m, n,
        csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA,
        bsrValC, bsrRowPtrC, bsrColIndC);
The routine cusparse<t>csr2bsr() has the following properties:
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally if blockDim > 16
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution if blockDim == 1
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture if blockDim == 1
The routine cusparseXcsr2bsrNnz() has the following properties:
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dir storage format of blocks, either CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
m number of rows of sparse matrix A.
n number of columns of sparse matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A.
csrValA <type> array of nnz(=csrRowPtrA[m]-csrRowPtr[0]) non-zero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz column indices of the non-zero elements of matrix A.
blockDim block dimension of sparse matrix A. The range of blockDim is between 1 and min(m,n).
descrC the descriptor of matrix C.
bsrValC <type> array of nnzb*blockDim*blockDim nonzero elements of matrix C.
bsrRowPtrC integer array of mb+1 elements that contains the start of every block row and the end of the last block row plus one of matrix C.
bsrColIndC integer array of nnzb column indices of the non-zero blocks of matrix C.
nnzTotalDevHostPtr total number of nonzero elements in device or host memory. It is equal to (bsrRowPtrC[mb]-bsrRowPtrC[0]).

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.9. cusparse<t>csr2coo()

cusparseXcsr2coo(cusparseHandle_t    handle,
                 const int*          csrRowPtr,
                 int                 nnz,
                 int                 m,
                 int*                cooRowInd,
                 cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

This function converts the array containing the compressed row pointers (corresponding to CSR format) into an array of uncompressed row indices (corresponding to COO format).

It can also be used to convert the array containing the compressed column indices (corresponding to CSC format) into an array of uncompressed column indices (corresponding to COO format).

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
csrRowPtr integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
nnz number of nonzeros of the sparse matrix (that is also the length of array cooRowInd).
m number of rows of matrix A.
cooRowInd integer array of nnz uncompressed row indices.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.10. cusparseCsr2cscEx2()

cusparseCsr2cscEx2_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
                              int                  m,
                              int                  n,
                              int                  nnz,
                              const void*          csrVal,
                              const int*           csrRowPtr,
                              const int*           csrColInd,
                              void*                cscVal,
                              int*                 cscColPtr,
                              int*                 cscRowInd,
                              cudaDataType         valType,
                              cusparseAction_t     copyValues,
                              cusparseIndexBase_t  idxBase,
                              cusparseCsr2CscAlg_t alg,
                              size_t*              bufferSize)
cusparseCsr2cscEx2(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
                   int                  m,
                   int                  n,
                   int                  nnz,
                   const void*          csrVal,
                   const int*           csrRowPtr,
                   const int*           csrColInd,
                   void*                cscVal,
                   int*                 cscColPtr,
                   int*                 cscRowInd,
                   cudaDataType         valType,
                   cusparseAction_t     copyValues,
                   cusparseIndexBase_t  idxBase,
                   cusparseCsr2CscAlg_t alg,
                   void*                buffer)

This function converts a sparse matrix in CSR format (that is defined by the three arrays csrVal, csrRowPtr, and csrColInd) into a sparse matrix in CSC format (that is defined by arrays cscVal, cscRowInd, and cscColPtr). The resulting matrix can also be seen as the transpose of the original sparse matrix. Notice that this routine can also be used to convert a matrix in CSC format into a matrix in CSR format.

For alg CUSPARSE_CSR2CSC_ALG1: it requires extra storage proportional to the number of nonzero values nnz. It provides in output always the same matrix.

For alg CUSPARSE_CSR2CSC_ALG2: it requires extra storage proportional to the number of rows m. It does not ensure always the same ordering of CSC column indices and values. Also, it provides better performance then CUSPARSE_CSR2CSC_ALG1 for regular matrices.

It is executed asynchronously with respect to the host, and it may return control to the application on the host before the result is ready.

The function cusparseCsr2cscEx2_bufferSize() returns the size of the workspace needed by cusparseCsr2cscEx2(). User needs to allocate a buffer of this size and give that buffer to cusparseCsr2cscEx2() as an argument.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context
m number of rows of the CSR input matrix; number of columns of the CSC ouput matrix
n number of columns of the CSR input matrix; number of rows of the CSC ouput matrix
nnz number of nonzero elements of the CSR and CSC matrices
csrVal value array of size nnz of the CSR matrix; of same type as valType
csrRowPtr integer array of size m + 1 that containes the CSR row offsets
csrColInd integer array of size nnz that containes the CSR column indices
valType value type for both CSR and CSC matrices
alg algorithm implementation. see cusparseCsr2CscAlg_t for possible values.
bufferSize number of bytes of workspace needed by cusparseCsr2cscEx2()
buffer pointer to workspace buffer

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.11. cusparse<t>csr2dense()

cusparseScsr2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const float*             csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   float*                   A,
                   int                      lda)

cusparseDcsr2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const double*            csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   double*                  A,
                   int                      lda)

cusparseCcsr2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   cuComplex*               A,
                   int                      lda)

cusparseZcsr2dense(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                   const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                   const int*               csrColIndA,
                   cuDoubleComplex*         A,
                   int                      lda)

This function converts the sparse matrix in CSR format (that is defined by the three arrays csrValA, csrRowPtrA, and csrColIndA) into the matrix A in dense format. The dense matrix A is filled in with the values of the sparse matrix and with zeros elsewhere.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A .
n number of columns of matrix A .
descrA the descriptor of matrix A . The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A .
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A .
lda leading dimension of array matrixA.
A array of dimensions (lda,n) that is filled in with the values of the sparse matrix.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.12. cusparse<t>csr2csr_compress()

cusparseScsr2csr_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      n,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const float*             csrValA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          int                      nnzA,
                          const int*               nnzPerRow,
                          float*                   csrValC,
                          int*                     csrColIndC,
                          int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                          float                    tol)

cusparseDcsr2csr_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      n,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const double*            csrValA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          int                      nnzA,
                          const int*               nnzPerRow,
                          double*                  csrValC,
                          int*                     csrColIndC,
                          int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                          double                   tol)

cusparseCcsr2csr_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      n,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          int                      nnzA,
                          const int*               nnzPerRow,
                          cuComplex*               csrValC,
                          int*                     csrColIndC,
                          int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                          cuComplex                tol)

cusparseZcsr2csr_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                          int                      m,
                          int                      n,
                          const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                          const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                          const int*               csrColIndA,
                          const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                          int                      nnzA,
                          const int*               nnzPerRow,
                          cuDoubleComplex*         csrValC,
                          int*                     csrColIndC,
                          int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                          cuDoubleComplex          tol)

This function compresses the sparse matrix in CSR format into compressed CSR format. Given a sparse matrix A and a non-negative value threshold(in the case of complex values, only the magnitude of the real part is used in the check), the function returns a sparse matrix C, defined by

C(i,j) = A(i,j) if |A(i,j)| > threshold

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements and uses function cusparse<t>nnz_compress() to determine nnzPerRow(the number of nonzeros columns per row) and nnzC(the total number of nonzeros). Second, the user allocates csrValC of nnzC elements and csrColIndC of nnzC integers. Finally function cusparse<t>csr2csr_compress() is called to complete the conversion.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A .
n number of columns of matrix A .
descrA the descriptor of matrix A . The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) elements of matrix A .
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the elements of matrix A .
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
nnzA number of nonzero elements in matrix A .
nnzPerRow this array contains the number of elements kept in the compressed matrix, by row.
tol on input, this contains the non-negative tolerance value used for compression. Any values in matrix A less than or equal to this value will be dropped during compression.
csrValC on output, this array contains the typed values of elements kept in the compressed matrix. Size = nnzC.
csrColIndC on output, this integer array contains the column indices of elements kept in the compressed matrix. Size = nnzC.
csrRowPtrC on output, this integer array contains the row pointers for elements kept in the compressed matrix. Size = m+1

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

The following is a sample code to show how to use this API.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

#define ERR_NE(X,Y) do { if ((X) != (Y)) { \
                             fprintf(stderr,"Error in %s at %s:%d\n",__func__,__FILE__,__LINE__); \
                             exit(-1);}} while(0)
#define CUDA_CALL(X) ERR_NE((X),cudaSuccess)
int main(){
    int m = 6, n = 5;
    cusparseHandle_t  handle;
    CUSPARSE_CALL( cusparseCreate(&handle) );
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrX;
    // Initialize sparse matrix
    float *X;
    CUDA_CALL(cudaMallocManaged( &X, sizeof(float) * m * n ));
    memset( X, 0, sizeof(float) * m * n );
    X[0 + 0*m] = 1.0;  X[0 + 1*m] = 3.0;
    X[1 + 1*m] = -4.0; X[1 + 2*m] = 5.0;
    X[2 + 0*m] = 2.0;  X[2 + 3*m] = 7.0;  X[2 + 4*m] = 8.0;
    X[3 + 2*m] = 6.0;  X[3 + 4*m] = 9.0;
    X[4 + 3*m] = 3.5;  X[4 + 4*m] = 5.5;
    X[5 + 0*m] = 6.5;  X[5 + 2*m] = -9.9;
    // Initialize total_nnz, and  nnzPerRowX for cusparseSdense2csr()
    int total_nnz = 13;
    int *nnzPerRowX;
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &nnzPerRowX, sizeof(int) * m ));
    nnzPerRowX[0] = 2;  nnzPerRowX[1] = 2;  nnzPerRowX[2] = 3;
    nnzPerRowX[3] = 2;  nnzPerRowX[4] = 2;  nnzPerRowX[5] = 2;

    float *csrValX;
    int *csrRowPtrX;
    int *csrColIndX;
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &csrValX, sizeof(float) * total_nnz) );
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &csrRowPtrX, sizeof(int) * (m+1))) ;
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &csrColIndX, sizeof(int) * total_nnz)) ;

Before calling this API, call two APIs to prepare the input.
/** Call cusparseSdense2csr to generate CSR format as the inputs for
    cusparseScsr2csr_compress  **/
    CUSPARSE_CALL( cusparseSdense2csr( handle, m, n, descrX, X,
                                       m, nnzPerRowX, csrValX,
                                       csrRowPtrX, csrColIndX )) ;
    float tol = 3.5;
    int *nnzPerRowY;
    int *testNNZTotal;
    CUDA_CALL (cudaMallocManaged( &nnzPerRowY, sizeof(int) * m ));
    CUDA_CALL (cudaMallocManaged( &testNNZTotal, sizeof(int)));
    memset( nnzPerRowY, 0, sizeof(int) * m );
    // cusparseSnnz_compress generates nnzPerRowY and testNNZTotal
    CUSPARSE_CALL( cusparseSnnz_compress(handle, m, descrX, csrValX,
                                         csrRowPtrX, nnzPerRowY,
                                         testNNZTotal, tol));

    float *csrValY;
    int *csrRowPtrY;
    int *csrColIndY;
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &csrValY, sizeof(float) * (*testNNZTotal)));
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &csrRowPtrY, sizeof(int) * (m+1)));
    CUDA_CALL( cudaMallocManaged( &csrColIndY, sizeof(int) * (*testNNZTotal)));

    CUSPARSE_CALL( cusparseScsr2csr_compress( handle, m, n, descrX, csrValX,
                                              csrColIndX, csrRowPtrX,
                                              total_nnz,  nnzPerRowY,
                                              csrValY, csrColIndY,
                                              csrRowPtrY, tol));
    /* Expect results
    nnzPerRowY:  0 2 2 2 1 2
    csrValY:     -4 5 7 8 6 9 5.5 6.5 -9.9
    csrColIndY:  1 2 3 4 2 4 4 0 2
    csrRowPtrY:  0 0 2 4 6 7 9
    return 0;

13.13. cusparse<t>dense2csc()

cusparseSdense2csc(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const float*             A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerCol,
                   float*                   cscValA,
                   int*                     cscRowIndA,
                   int*                     cscColPtrA)

cusparseDdense2csc(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const double*            A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerCol,
                   double*                  cscValA,
                   int*                     cscRowIndA,
                   int*                     cscColPtrA)

cusparseCdense2csc(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuComplex*         A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerCol,
                   cuComplex*               cscValA,
                   int*                     cscRowIndA,
                   int*                     cscColPtrA)

cusparseZdense2csc(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuDoubleComplex*   A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerCol,
                   cuDoubleComplex*         cscValA,
                   int*                     cscRowIndA,
                   int*                     cscColPtrA)

This function converts the matrix A in dense format into a sparse matrix in CSC format. All the parameters are assumed to have been pre-allocated by the user, and the arrays are filled in based on nnzPerCol, which can be precomputed with cusparse<t>nnz().

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
A array of dimensions (lda, n).
lda leading dimension of dense array A.
nnzPerCol array of size n containing the number of nonzero elements per column.
cscValA <type> array of nnz ( = cscRowPtrA(m) - cscRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A. It is only filled in if copyValues is set to CUSPARSE_ACTION_NUMERIC.
cscRowIndA integer array of nnz ( = cscRowPtrA(m) - cscRowPtrA(0) ) row indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
cscColPtrA integer array of n+1 elements that contains the start of every column and the end of the last column plus one.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.14. cusparse<t>dense2csr()

cusparseSdense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const float*             A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerRow,
                   float*                   csrValA,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrA,
                   int*                     csrColIndA)

cusparseDdense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const double*            A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerRow,
                   double*                  csrValA,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrA,
                   int*                     csrColIndA)

cusparseCdense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuComplex*         A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerRow,
                   cuComplex*               csrValA,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrA,
                   int*                     csrColIndA)

cusparseZdense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                   int                      m,
                   int                      n,
                   const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                   const cuDoubleComplex*   A,
                   int                      lda,
                   const int*               nnzPerRow,
                   cuDoubleComplex*         csrValA,
                   int*                     csrRowPtrA,
                   int*                     csrColIndA)

This function converts the matrix A in dense format into a sparse matrix in CSR format. All the parameters are assumed to have been pre-allocated by the user and the arrays are filled in based on nnzPerRow, which can be pre-computed with cusparse<t>nnz().

This function requires no extra storage. It is executed asynchronously with respect to the host and may return control to the application on the host before the result is ready.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
A array of dimensions (lda, n).
lda leading dimension of dense array A.
nnzPerRow array of size n containing the number of non-zero elements per row.
csrValA <type> array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowPtrA integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every column and the end of the last column plus one.
csrColIndA integer array of nnz ( = csrRowPtrA(m) - csrRowPtrA(0) ) column indices of the non-zero elements of matrix A.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.15. cusparse<t>nnz()

cusparseSnnz(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
             cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
             int                      m,
             int                      n,
             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
             const float*             A,
             int                      lda,
             int*                     nnzPerRowColumn,
             int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr)

cusparseDnnz(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
             cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
             int                      m,
             int                      n,
             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
             const double*            A,
             int                      lda,
             int*                     nnzPerRowColumn,
             int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr)

cusparseCnnz(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
             cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
             int                      m,
             int                      n,
             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
             const cuComplex*         A,
             int                      lda,
             int*                     nnzPerRowColumn,
             int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr)

cusparseZnnz(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
             cusparseDirection_t     dirA,
             int                      m,
             int                      n,
             const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
             const cuDoubleComplex*   A,
             int                      lda,
             int*                     nnzPerRowColumn,
             int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr)

This function computes the number of nonzero elements per row or column and the total number of nonzero elements in a dense matrix.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
dirA direction that specifies whether to count nonzero elements by CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW or by CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN.
m number of rows of matrix A.
n number of columns of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
A array of dimensions (lda, n).
lda leading dimension of dense array A.
nnzPerRowColumn array of size m or n containing the number of nonzero elements per row or column, respectively.
nnzTotalDevHostPtr total number of nonzero elements in device or host memory.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.16. cusparseCreateIdentityPermutation()

cusparseCreateIdentityPermutation(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                  int              n,
                                  int*             p);

This function creates an identity map. The output parameter p represents such map by p = 0:1:(n-1).

This function is typically used with coosort, csrsort, cscsort.

  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
n host size of the map.
parameter device or host description
p device integer array of dimensions n.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.17. cusparseXcoosort()

cusparseXcoosort_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               int              m,
                               int              n,
                               int              nnz,
                               const int*       cooRows,
                               const int*       cooCols,
                               size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseXcoosortByRow(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                      int              m,
                      int              n,
                      int              nnz,
                      int*             cooRows,
                      int*             cooCols,
                      int*             P,
                      void*            pBuffer)

cusparseXcoosortByColumn(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                         int              m,
                         int              n,
                         int              nnz,
                         int*             cooRows,
                         int*             cooCols,
                         int*             P,
                         void*            pBuffer);

This function sorts COO format. The sorting is in-place. Also the user can sort by row or sort by column.

A is an m×n sparse matrix that is defined in COO storage format by the three arrays cooVals, cooRows, and cooCols.

There is no assumption for the base index of the matrix. coosort uses stable sort on signed integer, so the value of cooRows or cooCols can be negative.

This function coosort() requires buffer size returned by coosort_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The parameter P is both input and output. If the user wants to compute sorted cooVal, P must be set as 0:1:(nnz-1) before coosort(), and after coosort(), new sorted value array satisfies cooVal_sorted = cooVal(P).

Remark: the dimension m and n are not used. If the user does not know the value of m or n, just passes a value positive. This usually happens if the user only reads a COO array first and needs to decide the dimension m or n later.

Appendix section provides a simple example of coosort().

  • The routine requires no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
nnz host number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
cooRows device integer array of nnz unsorted row indices of A.
cooCols device integer array of nnz unsorted column indices of A.
P device integer array of nnz unsorted map indices. To construct cooVal, the user has to set P=0:1:(nnz-1).
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by coosort_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
cooRows device integer array of nnz sorted row indices of A.
cooCols device integer array of nnz sorted column indices of A.
P device integer array of nnz sorted map indices.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.18. cusparseXcsrsort()

cusparseXcsrsort_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               int              m,
                               int              n,
                               int              nnz,
                               const int*       csrRowPtr,
                               const int*       csrColInd,
                               size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseXcsrsort(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      n,
                 int                      nnz,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const int*               csrRowPtr,
                 int*                     csrColInd,
                 int*                     P,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

This function sorts CSR format. The stable sorting is in-place.

The matrix type is regarded as CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL implicitly. In other words, any symmetric property is ignored.

This function csrsort() requires buffer size returned by csrsort_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The parameter P is both input and output. If the user wants to compute sorted csrVal, P must be set as 0:1:(nnz-1) before csrsort(), and after csrsort(), new sorted value array satisfies csrVal_sorted = csrVal(P).

The general procedure is as follows:

// A is a 3x3 sparse matrix, base-0
//     | 1 2 3 |
// A = | 4 5 6 |
//     | 7 8 9 |
const int m = 3;
const int n = 3;
const int nnz = 9;
csrRowPtr[m+1] = { 0, 3, 6, 9}; // on device
csrColInd[nnz] = { 2, 1, 0, 0, 2,1, 1, 2, 0}; // on device
csrVal[nnz] = { 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 8, 9, 7}; // on device
size_t pBufferSizeInBytes = 0;
void *pBuffer = NULL;
int *P = NULL;

// step 1: allocate buffer
cusparseXcsrsort_bufferSizeExt(handle, m, n, nnz, csrRowPtr, csrColInd, &pBufferSizeInBytes);
cudaMalloc( &pBuffer, sizeof(char)* pBufferSizeInBytes);

// step 2: setup permutation vector P to identity
cudaMalloc( (void**)&P, sizeof(int)*nnz);
cusparseCreateIdentityPermutation(handle, nnz, P);

// step 3: sort CSR format
cusparseXcsrsort(handle, m, n, nnz, descrA, csrRowPtr, csrColInd, P, pBuffer);

// step 4: gather sorted csrVal
cusparseDgthr(handle, nnz, csrVal, csrVal_sorted, P, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO);

  • The routine requires no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
nnz host number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowsPtr device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColInd device integer array of nnz unsorted column indices of A.
P device integer array of nnz unsorted map indices. To construct csrVal, the user has to set P=0:1:(nnz-1).
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by csrsort_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
csrColInd device integer array of nnz sorted column indices of A.
P device integer array of nnz sorted map indices.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.19. cusparseXcscsort()

cusparseXcscsort_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                               int              m,
                               int              n,
                               int              nnz,
                               const int*       cscColPtr,
                               const int*       cscRowInd,
                               size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseXcscsort(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                 int                      m,
                 int                      n,
                 int                      nnz,
                 const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                 const int*               cscColPtr,
                 int*                     cscRowInd,
                 int*                     P,
                 void*                    pBuffer)

This function sorts CSC format. The stable sorting is in-place.

The matrix type is regarded as CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL implicitly. In other words, any symmetric property is ignored.

This function cscsort() requires buffer size returned by cscsort_bufferSizeExt(). The address of pBuffer must be multiple of 128 bytes. If not, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

The parameter P is both input and output. If the user wants to compute sorted cscVal, P must be set as 0:1:(nnz-1) before cscsort(), and after cscsort(), new sorted value array satisfies cscVal_sorted = cscVal(P).

The general procedure is as follows:

// A is a 3x3 sparse matrix, base-0
//     | 1 2  |
// A = | 4 0  |
//     | 0 8  |
const int m = 3;
const int n = 2;
const int nnz = 4;
cscColPtr[n+1] = { 0, 2, 4}; // on device
cscRowInd[nnz] = { 1, 0, 2, 0}; // on device
cscVal[nnz]    = { 4.0, 1.0, 8.0, 2.0 }; // on device
size_t pBufferSizeInBytes = 0;
void *pBuffer = NULL;
int *P = NULL;

// step 1: allocate buffer
cusparseXcscsort_bufferSizeExt(handle, m, n, nnz, cscColPtr, cscRowInd, &pBufferSizeInBytes);
cudaMalloc( &pBuffer, sizeof(char)* pBufferSizeInBytes);

// step 2: setup permutation vector P to identity
cudaMalloc( (void**)&P, sizeof(int)*nnz);
cusparseCreateIdentityPermutation(handle, nnz, P);

// step 3: sort CSC format
cusparseXcscsort(handle, m, n, nnz, descrA, cscColPtr, cscRowInd, P, pBuffer);

// step 4: gather sorted cscVal
cusparseDgthr(handle, nnz, cscVal, cscVal_sorted, P, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO);

  • The routine requires no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
nnz host number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
cscColPtr device integer array of n+1 elements that contains the start of every column and the end of the last column plus one.
cscRowInd device integer array of nnz unsorted row indices of A.
P device integer array of nnz unsorted map indices. To construct cscVal, the user has to set P=0:1:(nnz-1).
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by cscsort_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
cscRowInd device integer array of nnz sorted row indices of A.
P device integer array of nnz sorted map indices.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.20. cusparseXcsru2csr()

cusparseCreateCsru2csrInfo(csru2csrInfo_t *info);

cusparseDestroyCsru2csrInfo(csru2csrInfo_t info);

cusparseScsru2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                int              m,
                                int              n,
                                int              nnz,
                                float*           csrVal,
                                const int*       csrRowPtr,
                                int*             csrColInd,
                                csru2csrInfo_t   info,
                                size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDcsru2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                int              m,
                                int              n,
                                int              nnz,
                                double*          csrVal,
                                const int*       csrRowPtr,
                                int*             csrColInd,
                                csru2csrInfo_t   info,
                                size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseCcsru2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                int              m,
                                int              n,
                                int              nnz,
                                cuComplex*       csrVal,
                                const int*       csrRowPtr,
                                int*             csrColInd,
                                csru2csrInfo_t   info,
                                size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseZcsru2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t handle,
                                int              m,
                                int              n,
                                int              nnz,
                                cuDoubleComplex* csrVal,
                                const int*       csrRowPtr,
                                int*             csrColInd,
                                csru2csrInfo_t   info,
                                size_t*          pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseScsru2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  float*                   csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsru2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  double*                  csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsru2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  cuComplex*               csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsru2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  cuDoubleComplex*         csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)
cusparseScsr2csru(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  float*                   csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDcsr2csru(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  double*                  csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseCcsr2csru(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  cuComplex*               csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseZcsr2csru(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                  int                      m,
                  int                      n,
                  int                      nnz,
                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                  cuDoubleComplex*         csrVal,
                  const int*               csrRowPtr,
                  int*                     csrColInd,
                  csru2csrInfo_t           info,
                  void*                    pBuffer)

This function transfers unsorted CSR format to CSR format, and vice versa. The operation is in-place.

This function is a wrapper of csrsort and gthr. The usecase is the following scenario.

If the user has a matrix A of CSR format which is unsorted, and implements his own code (which can be CPU or GPU kernel) based on this special order (for example, diagonal first, then lower triangle, then upper triangle), and wants to convert it to CSR format when calling CUSPARSE library, and then convert it back when doing something else on his/her kernel. For example, suppose the user wants to solve a linear system Ax=b by the following iterative scheme

x (k+1) = x (k) + L (-1) * ( b - A x (k) )

The code heavily uses SpMv and triangular solve. Assume that the user has an in-house design of SpMV (Sparse Matrix-Vector multiplication) based on special order of A. However the user wants to use CUSAPRSE library for triangular solver. Then the following code can work.

do step 1: compute residual vector r = b - A x (k) by in-house SpMV step 2: B := sort(A), and L is lower triangular part of B (only sort A once and keep the permutation vector) step 3: solve z = L (-1) * ( b - A x (k) ) by cusparseXcsrsv step 4: add correction x (k+1) = x (k) + z step 5: A := unsort(B) (use permutation vector to get back the unsorted CSR) until convergence

The requirements of step 2 and step 5 are

1. In-place operation.

2. The permutation vector P is hidden in an opaque structure.

3. No cudaMalloc inside the conversion routine. Instead, the user has to provide the buffer explicitly.

4. The conversion between unsorted CSR and sorted CSR may needs several times, but the function only generates the permutation vector P once.

5. The function is based on csrsort, gather and scatter operations.

The operation is called csru2csr, which means unsorted CSR to sorted CSR. Also we provide the inverse operation, called csr2csru.

In order to keep the permutation vector invisible, we need an opaque structure called csru2csrInfo. Then two functions (cusparseCreateCsru2csrInfo, cusparseDestroyCsru2csrInfo) are used to initialize and to destroy the opaque structure.

cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csru2csr_bufferSizeExt returns the size of the buffer. The permutation vector P is also allcated inside csru2csrInfo. The lifetime of the permutation vector is the same as the lifetime of csru2csrInfo.

cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csru2csr performs forward transformation from unsorted CSR to sorted CSR. First call uses csrsort to generate the permutation vector P, and subsequent call uses P to do transformation.

cusparse[S|D|C|Z]csr2csru performs backward transformation from sorted CSR to unsorted CSR. P is used to get unsorted form back.

The routine cusparse<t>csru2csr() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage if pBuffer != NULL
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
The routine cusparse<t>csr2csru() has the following properties if pBuffer != NULL:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture

The following tables describe parameters of csr2csru_bufferSizeExt and csr2csru.

parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
nnz host number of nonzero elements of matrix A.
descrA host the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrVal device <type> array of nnz unsorted nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowsPtr device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColInd device integer array of nnz unsorted column indices of A.
info host opaque structure initialized using cusparseCreateCsru2csrInfo().
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by csru2csr_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
csrVal device <type> array of nnz sorted nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrColInd device integer array of nnz sorted column indices of A.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.21. cusparseXpruneDense2csr()

cusparseHpruneDense2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t          handle,
                                       int                      m,
                                       int                      n,
                                       const __half*            A,
                                       int                      lda,
                                       const __half*            threshold,
                                       const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                       const __half*            csrValC,
                                       const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                       const int*               csrColIndC,
                                       size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseSpruneDense2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t          handle,
                                       int                      m,
                                       int                      n,
                                       const float*             A,
                                       int                      lda,
                                       const float*             threshold,
                                       const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                       const float*             csrValC,
                                       const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                       const int*               csrColIndC,
                                       size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDpruneDense2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t          handle,
                                       int                      m,
                                       int                      n,
                                       const double*            A,
                                       int                      lda,
                                       const double*            threshold,
                                       const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                       const double*            csrValC,
                                       const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                       const int*               csrColIndC,
                                       size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseHpruneDense2csrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      n,
                           const __half*            A,
                           int                      lda,
                           const __half*            threshold,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                           int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                           int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneDense2csrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      n,
                           const float*             A,
                           int                      lda,
                           const float*             threshold,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                           int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                           int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                           void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneDense2csrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                           int                      m,
                           int                      n,
                           const double*            A,
                           int                      lda,
                           const double*            threshold,
                           const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                           int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                           int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                           void*                    pBuffer)
cusparseHpruneDense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                        int                      m,
                        int                      n,
                        const __half*            A,
                        int                      lda,
                        const __half*            threshold,
                        const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                        __half*                  csrValC,
                        const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                        int*                     csrColIndC,
                        void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneDense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                        int                      m,
                        int                      n,
                        const float*             A,
                        int                      lda,
                        const float*             threshold,
                        const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                        float*                   csrValC,
                        const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                        int*                     csrColIndC,
                        void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneDense2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                        int                      m,
                        int                      n,
                        const double*            A,
                        int                      lda,
                        const double*            threshold,
                        const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                        double*                  csrValC,
                        const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                        int*                     csrColIndC,
                        void*                    pBuffer)

This function prunes a dense matrix to a sparse matrix with CSR format.

Given a dense matrix A and a non-negative value threshold, the function returns a sparse matrix C, defined by

C(i,j) = A(i,j) if |A(i,j)| > threshold

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements and uses function pruneDense2csrNnz() to determine the number of nonzeros columns per row. Second, the user gathers nnzC (number of nonzeros of matrix C) from either (nnzC=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzC=csrRowPtrC[m]-csrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates csrValC of nnzC elements and csrColIndC of nnzC integers. Finally function pruneDense2csr() is called to complete the conversion.

The user must obtain the size of the buffer required by pruneDense2csr() by calling pruneDense2csr_bufferSizeExt(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to pruneDense2csr().

Appendix section provides a simple example of pruneDense2csr().

The routine cusparse<t>pruneDense2csrNnz() has the following properties:
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
The routine cusparse<t>DpruneDense2csr() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
A device array of dimension (lda, n).
lda device leading dimension of A. It must be at least max(1, m).
threshold host or device a value to drop the entries of A. threshold can point to a device memory or host memory.
descrC host the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by pruneDense2csr_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
nnzTotalDevHostPtr device or host total number of nonzero of matrix C. nnzTotalDevHostPtr can point to a device memory or host memory.
csrValC device <type> array of nnzC nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowsPtrC device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndC device integer array of nnzC column indices of C.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.22. cusparseXpruneCsr2csr()

cusparseHpruneCsr2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    int                      nnzA,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                    const __half*            csrValA,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                                    const __half*            threshold,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    const __half*            csrValC,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                    const int*               csrColIndC,
                                    size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseSpruneCsr2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    int                      nnzA,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                    const float*             csrValA,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                                    const float*             threshold,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    const float*             csrValC,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                    const int*               csrColIndC,
                                    size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDpruneCsr2csr_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    int                      nnzA,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                    const double*            csrValA,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                                    const double*            threshold,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    const double*            csrValC,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                    const int*               csrColIndC,
                                    size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseHpruneCsr2csrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzA,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const __half*            csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         const __half*            threshold,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                         int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                         int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneCsr2csrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzA,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const float*             csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         const float*             threshold,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                         int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                         int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                         void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneCsr2csrNnz(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                         int                      m,
                         int                      n,
                         int                      nnzA,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                         const double*            csrValA,
                         const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                         const int*               csrColIndA,
                         const double*            threshold,
                         const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                         int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                         int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                         void*                    pBuffer)
cusparseHpruneCsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzA,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const __half*            csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      const __half*            threshold,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                      __half*                  csrValC,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                      int*                     csrColIndC,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneCsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzA,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const float*             csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      const float*             threshold,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                      float*                   csrValC,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                      int*                     csrColIndC,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneCsr2csr(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      int                      n,
                      int                      nnzA,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                      const double*            csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      const int*               csrColIndA,
                      const double*            threshold,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                      double*                  csrValC,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                      int*                     csrColIndC,
                      void*                    pBuffer)

This function prunes a sparse matrix to a sparse matrix with CSR format.

Given a sparse matrix A and a non-negative value threshold, the function returns a sparse matrix C, defined by

C(i,j) = A(i,j) if |A(i,j)| > threshold

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements and uses function pruneCsr2csrNnz() to determine the number of nonzeros columns per row. Second, the user gathers nnzC (number of nonzeros of matrix C) from either (nnzC=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzC=csrRowPtrC[m]-csrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates csrValC of nnzC elements and csrColIndC of nnzC integers. Finally function pruneCsr2csr() is called to complete the conversion.

The user must obtain the size of the buffer required by pruneCsr2csr() by calling pruneCsr2csr_bufferSizeExt(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to pruneCsr2csr().

Appendix section provides a simple example of pruneCsr2csr().

The routine cusparse<t>pruneCsr2csrNnz() has the following properties:
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
The routine cusparse<t>pruneCsr2csr() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
nnzA host number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA host the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA device <type> array of nnzA nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowsPtrA device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA device integer array of nnzA column indices of A.
threshold host or device a value to drop the entries of A. threshold can point to a device memory or host memory.
descrC host the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by pruneCsr2csr_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
nnzTotalDevHostPtr device or host total number of nonzero of matrix C. nnzTotalDevHostPtr can point to a device memory or host memory.
csrValC device <type> array of nnzC nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowsPtrC device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndC device integer array of nnzC column indices of C.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.23. cusparseXpruneDense2csrPercentage()

cusparseHpruneDense2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                                  int                      m,
                                                  int                      n,
                                                  const __half*            A,
                                                  int                      lda,
                                                  float                    percentage,
                                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                                  const __half*            csrValC,
                                                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                                  const int*               csrColIndC,
                                                  pruneInfo_t              info,
                                                  size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseSpruneDense2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                                  int                      m,
                                                  int                      n,
                                                  const float*             A,
                                                  int                      lda,
                                                  float                    percentage,
                                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                                  const float*             csrValC,
                                                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                                  const int*               csrColIndC,
                                                  pruneInfo_t              info,
                                                  size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDpruneDense2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                                  int                      m,
                                                  int                      n,
                                                  const double*            A,
                                                  int                      lda,
                                                  float                    percentage,
                                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                                  const double*            csrValC,
                                                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                                  const int*               csrColIndC,
                                                  pruneInfo_t              info,
                                                  size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseHpruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                       int                      m,
                                       int                      n,
                                       const __half*            A,
                                       int                      lda,
                                       float                    percentage,
                                       const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                       int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                                       int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                                       pruneInfo_t              info,
                                       void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                       int                      m,
                                       int                      n,
                                       const float*             A,
                                       int                      lda,
                                       float                    percentage,
                                       const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                       int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                                       int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                                       pruneInfo_t              info,
                                       void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                       int                      m,
                                       int                      n,
                                       const double*            A,
                                       int                      lda,
                                       float                    percentage,
                                       const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                       int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                                       int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                                       pruneInfo_t              info,
                                       void*                    pBuffer)
cusparseHpruneDense2csrByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    const __half*            A,
                                    int                      lda,
                                    float                    percentage,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    __half*                  csrValC,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                    int*                     csrColIndC,
                                    pruneInfo_t              info,
                                    void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneDense2csrByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    const float*             A,
                                    int                      lda,
                                    float                    percentage,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    float*                   csrValC,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                    int*                     csrColIndC,
                                    pruneInfo_t              info,
                                    void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneDense2csrByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    const double*            A,
                                    int                      lda,
                                    float                    percentage,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    double*                  csrValC,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                    int*                     csrColIndC,
                                    pruneInfo_t              info,
                                    void*                    pBuffer)

This function prunes a dense matrix to a sparse matrix by percentage.

Given a dense matrix A and a non-negative value percentage, the function computes sparse matrix C by the following three steps:

Step 1: sort absolute value of A in ascending order.

key := sort( |A| )

Step 2: choose threshold by the parameter percentage

pos = ceil(m*n*(percentage/100)) - 1 pos = min(pos, m*n-1) pos = max(pos, 0) threshold = key[pos]

Step 3: call pruneDense2csr() by with the parameter threshold.

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements and uses function pruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage() to determine the number of nonzeros columns per row. Second, the user gathers nnzC (number of nonzeros of matrix C) from either (nnzC=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzC=csrRowPtrC[m]-csrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates csrValC of nnzC elements and csrColIndC of nnzC integers. Finally function pruneDense2csrByPercentage() is called to complete the conversion.

The user must obtain the size of the buffer required by pruneDense2csrByPercentage() by calling pruneDense2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to pruneDense2csrByPercentage().

Remark 1: the value of percentage must be not greater than 100. Otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Remark 2: the zeros of A are not ignored. All entries are sorted, including zeros. This is different from pruneCsr2csrByPercentage()

Appendix section provides a simple example of pruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage().

The routine cusparse<t>pruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage() has the following properties:
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
The routine cusparse<t>pruneDense2csrByPercentage() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
A device array of dimension (lda, n).
lda device leading dimension of A. It must be at least max(1, m).
percentage host percentage <=100 and percentage >= 0
descrC host the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by pruneDense2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
nnzTotalDevHostPtr device or host total number of nonzero of matrix C. nnzTotalDevHostPtr can point to a device memory or host memory.
csrValC device <type> array of nnzC nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowsPtrC device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndC device integer array of nnzC column indices of C.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.24. cusparseXpruneCsr2csrByPercentage()

cusparseHpruneCsr2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                                int                      m,
                                                int                      n,
                                                int                      nnzA,
                                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                                const __half*            csrValA,
                                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                                float                    percentage,
                                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                                const __half*            csrValC,
                                                const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                                const int*               csrColIndC,
                                                pruneInfo_t              info,
                                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseSpruneCsr2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                                int                      m,
                                                int                      n,
                                                int                      nnzA,
                                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                                const float*             csrValA,
                                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                                float                    percentage,
                                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                                const float*             csrValC,
                                                const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                                const int*               csrColIndC,
                                                pruneInfo_t              info,
                                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)

cusparseDpruneCsr2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                                int                      m,
                                                int                      n,
                                                int                      nnzA,
                                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                                const double*            csrValA,
                                                const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                                const int*               csrColIndA,
                                                float                    percentage,
                                                const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                                const double*            csrValC,
                                                const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                                const int*               csrColIndC,
                                                pruneInfo_t              info,
                                                size_t*                  pBufferSizeInBytes)
cusparseHpruneCsr2csrNnzByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    int                      nnzA,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                    const __half*            csrValA,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                                    float                    percentage,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                                    int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                                    pruneInfo_t              info,
                                    void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneCsr2csrNnzByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    int                      nnzA,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                    const float*             csrValA,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                                    float                    percentage,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                                    int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                                    pruneInfo_t              info,
                                    void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneCsr2csrNnzByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t        handle,
                                    int                      m,
                                    int                      n,
                                    int                      nnzA,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                    const double*            csrValA,
                                    const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                    const int*               csrColIndA,
                                    float                    percentage,
                                    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                    int*                     csrRowPtrC,
                                    int*                     nnzTotalDevHostPtr,
                                    pruneInfo_t              info,
                                    void*                    pBuffer)
cusparseHpruneCsr2csrByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                  int                      m,
                                  int                      n,
                                  int                      nnzA,
                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                  const __half*            csrValA,
                                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                                  float                    percentage,
                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                  __half*                  csrValC,
                                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                                  pruneInfo_t              info,
                                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseSpruneCsr2csrByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                  int                      m,
                                  int                      n,
                                  int                      nnzA,
                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                  const float*             csrValA,
                                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                                  float                    percentage,
                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                  float*                   csrValC,
                                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                                  pruneInfo_t              info,
                                  void*                    pBuffer)

cusparseDpruneCsr2csrByPercentage(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                                  int                      m,
                                  int                      n,
                                  int                      nnzA,
                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
                                  const double*            csrValA,
                                  const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                                  const int*               csrColIndA,
                                  float                    percentage,
                                  const cusparseMatDescr_t descrC,
                                  double*                  csrValC,
                                  const int*               csrRowPtrC,
                                  int*                     csrColIndC,
                                  pruneInfo_t              info,
                                  void*                    pBuffer)

This function prunes a sparse matrix to a sparse matrix by percentage.

Given a sparse matrix A and a non-negative value percentage, the function computes sparse matrix C by the following three steps:

Step 1: sort absolute value of A in ascending order.

key := sort( |csrValA| )

Step 2: choose threshold by the parameter percentage

pos = ceil(nnzA*(percentage/100)) - 1 pos = min(pos, nnzA-1) pos = max(pos, 0) threshold = key[pos]

Step 3: call pruneCsr2csr() by with the parameter threshold.

The implementation adopts a two-step approach to do the conversion. First, the user allocates csrRowPtrC of m+1 elements and uses function pruneCsr2csrNnzByPercentage() to determine the number of nonzeros columns per row. Second, the user gathers nnzC (number of nonzeros of matrix C) from either (nnzC=*nnzTotalDevHostPtr) or (nnzC=csrRowPtrC[m]-csrRowPtrC[0]) and allocates csrValC of nnzC elements and csrColIndC of nnzC integers. Finally function pruneCsr2csrByPercentage() is called to complete the conversion.

The user must obtain the size of the buffer required by pruneCsr2csrByPercentage() by calling pruneCsr2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(), allocate the buffer, and pass the buffer pointer to pruneCsr2csrByPercentage().

Remark 1: the value of percentage must be not greater than 100. Otherwise, CUSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Appendix section provides a simple example of pruneCsr2csrByPercentage().

The routine cusparse<t>pruneCsr2csrNnzByPercentage() has the following properties:
  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
The routine cusparse<t>pruneCsr2csrByPercentage() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
parameter device or host description
handle host handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m host number of rows of matrix A.
n host number of columns of matrix A.
nnzA host number of nonzeros of matrix A.
descrA host the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA device <type> array of nnzA nonzero elements of matrix A.
csrRowsPtrA device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndA device integer array of nnzA column indices of A.
percentage host percentage <=100 and percentage >= 0
descrC host the descriptor of matrix C. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL, Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
pBuffer device buffer allocated by the user; the size is returned by pruneCsr2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt().
parameter device or host description
nnzTotalDevHostPtr device or host total number of nonzero of matrix C. nnzTotalDevHostPtr can point to a device memory or host memory.
csrValC device <type> array of nnzC nonzero elements of matrix C.
csrRowsPtrC device integer array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndC device integer array of nnzC column indices of C.
pBufferSizeInBytes host number of bytes of the buffer.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

13.25. cusparse<t>nnz_compress()

cusparseSnnz_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                      const float*             csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      int*                     nnzPerRow,
                      int*                     nnzC,
                      float                    tol)

cusparseDnnz_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                      const double*            csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      int*                     nnzPerRow,
                      int*                     nnzC,
                      double                   tol)

cusparseCnnz_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                      const cuComplex*         csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      int*                     nnzPerRow,
                      int*                     nnzC,
                      cuComplex                tol)

cusparseZnnz_compress(cusparseHandle_t         handle,
                      int                      m,
                      const cusparseMatDescr_t descr,
                      const cuDoubleComplex*   csrValA,
                      const int*               csrRowPtrA,
                      int*                     nnzPerRow,
                      int*                     nnzC,
                      cuDoubleComplex          tol)

This function is the step one to convert from csr format to compressed csr format.

Given a sparse matrix A and a non-negative value threshold, the function returns nnzPerRow(the number of nonzeros columns per row) and nnzC(the total number of nonzeros) of a sparse matrix C, defined by

C(i,j) = A(i,j) if |A(i,j)| > threshold

A key assumption for the cuComplex and cuDoubleComplex case is that this tolerance is given as the real part. For example tol = 1e-8 + 0*i and we extract cureal, that is the x component of this struct.

  • This function requires temporary extra storage that is allocated internally
  • The routine does not support asynchronous execution
  • The routine does not support CUDA graph capture
handle handle to the cuSPARSE library context.
m number of rows of matrix A.
descrA the descriptor of matrix A. The supported matrix type is CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL. Also, the supported index bases are CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO and CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE.
csrValA csr noncompressed values array
csrRowPtrA the corresponding input noncompressed row pointer.
tol non-negative tolerance to determine if a number less than or equal to it.
nnzPerRow this array contains the number of elements whose absolute values are greater than tol per row.
nnzC host/device pointer of the total number of elements whose absolute values are greater than tol.

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14. cuSPARSE Generic API Reference

The cuSPARSE Generic APIs allow computing the most common sparse linear algebra operations, such as sparse matrix-vector (SpMV) and sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpMM), in a flexible way. The new APIs have the following capabilities and features:
  • Set matrix data layouts, number of batches, and storage formats (for example, CSR, COO, and so on)
  • Set input/output/compute data types. This also allows mixed data-type computation
  • Set types of sparse matrix indices
  • Choose the algorithm for the computation
  • Provide external device memory for internal operations
  • Provide extensive consistency checks across input matrices and vectors for a given routine. This includes the validation of matrix sizes, data types, layout, allowed operations, etc.

Generic Types Reference

The cuSPARSE generic type references are described in this section.

14.1.1. cudaDataType_t

The section describes the types shared by multiple CUDA Libraries and defined in the header file library_types.h. The cudaDataType type is an enumerator to specify the data precision. It is used when the data reference does not carry the type itself (e.g. void*). For example, it is used in the routine cusparseSpMM().

Value Meaning Data Type Header
CUDA_R_16F The data type is 16-bit IEEE-754 floating-point __half cuda_fp16.h
CUDA_C_16F The data type is 16-bit complex IEEE-754 floating-point __half2 cuda_fp16.h
CUDA_R_16BF The data type is 16-bit bfloat floating-point __nv_bfloat16 cuda_bf16.h
CUDA_C_16BF The data type is 16-bit complex bfloat floating-point __nv_bfloat162 cuda_bf16.h
CUDA_R_32F The data type is 32-bit IEEE-754 floating-point float  
CUDA_C_32F The data type is 32-bit complex IEEE-754 floating-point cuComplex cuComplex.h
CUDA_R_64F The data type is 64-bit IEEE-754 floating-point double  
CUDA_C_64F The data type is 64-bit complex IEEE-754 floating-point cuDoubleComplex cuComplex.h
CUDA_R_8I The data type is 8-bit integer int8_t stdint.h
CUDA_R_32I The data type is 32-bit integer int32_t stdint.h

IMPORTANT: The Generic API routines allow all data types reported in the respective section of the documentation only on GPU architectures with native support for them. If a specific GPU model does not provide native support for a given data type, the routine returns CUSPARSE_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH error.

Unsupported data types and Compute Capability (CC):
  • __half on GPUs with CC < 53 (e.g. Kepler)
  • __nv_bfloat16 on GPUs with CC < 80 (e.g. Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Volta, Turing)

14.1.2. cusparseFormat_t

This type indicates the format of the sparse matrix.

Value Meaning
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_COO The matrix is stored in Coordinate (COO) format organized in Structure of Arrays (SoA) layout
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_COO_AOS The matrix is stored in Coordinate (COO) format organized in Array of Structures (SoA) layout
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_CSR The matrix is stored in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format

14.1.3. cusparseOrder_t

This type indicates the memory layout of a dense matrix. Currently, only column-major layout is supported.

Value Meaning
CUSPARSE_ORDER_ROW The matrix is stored in row-major
CUSPARSE_ORDER_COL The matrix is stored in column-major

14.1.4. cusparseIndexType_t

This type indicates the index type for rappresenting the sparse matrix indices.

Value Meaning
CUSPARSE_INDEX_16U 16-bit unsigned integer [1, 65535]
CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I 32-bit signed integer [1, 2^31 - 1]
CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I 64-bit signed integer [1, 2^63 - 1]

14.2. Sparse Vector APIs

The cuSPARSE helper functions for sparse vector descriptor are described in this section.


cusparseCreateSpVec(cusparseSpVecDescr_t* spVecDescr,
                    int64_t               size,
                    int64_t               nnz,
                    void*                 indices,
                    void*                 values,
                    cusparseIndexType_t   idxType,
                    cusparseIndexBase_t   idxBase,
                    cudaDataType          valueType)

This function initializes the sparse matrix descriptor spVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spVecDescr HOST OUT Sparse vector descriptor
size HOST IN Size of the sparse vector
nnz HOST IN Number of non-zero entries of the sparse vector
indices DEVICE IN Indices of the sparse vector. Array of size nnz
values DEVICE IN Values of the sparse vector. Array of size nnz
idxType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the data type of indices
idxBase HOST IN Enumerator specifying the the base index of indices
valueType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype of values

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseDestroySpVec(cusparseSpVecDescr_t spVecDescr)

This function releases the host memory allocated for the sparse vector descriptor spVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spVecDescr HOST IN Sparse vector descriptor

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.2.3. cusparseSpVecGet()

cusparseSpVecGet(const cusparseSpVecDescr_t spVecDescr,
                 int64_t*                   size,
                 int64_t*                   nnz,
                 void**                     indices,
                 void**                     values,
                 cusparseIndexType_t*       idxType,
                 cusparseIndexBase_t*       idxBase,
                 cudaDataType*              valueType)

This function returns the fields of the sparse vector descriptor spVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spVecDescr HOST IN Sparse vector descriptor
size HOST OUT Size of the sparse vector
nnz HOST OUT Number of non-zero entries of the sparse vector
indices DEVICE OUT Indices of the sparse vector. Array of size nnz
values DEVICE OUT Values of the sparse vector. Array of size nnz
idxType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the data type of indices
idxBase HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the the base index of indices
valueType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the datatype of values

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.2.4. cusparseSpVecGetIndexBase()

cusparseSpVecGetIndexBase(const cusparseSpVecDescr_t spVecDescr,
                          cusparseIndexBase_t*       idxBase)

This function returns the idxBase field of the sparse vector descriptor spVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spVecDescr HOST IN Sparse vector descriptor
idxBase HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the the base index of indices

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.2.5. cusparseSpVecGetValues()

cusparseSpVecGetValues(const cusparseSpVecDescr_t spVecDescr,
                       void**                     values)

This function returns the values field of the sparse vector descriptor spVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spVecDescr HOST IN Sparse vector descriptor
values DEVICE OUT Values of the sparse vector. Array of size nnz

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.2.6. cusparseSpVecSetValues()

cusparseSpVecSetValues(cusparseSpVecDescr_t spVecDescr,
                       void*                values)

This function set the values field of the sparse vector descriptor spVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spVecDescr HOST IN Sparse vector descriptor
values DEVICE IN Values of the sparse vector. Array of size nnz

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3. Sparse Matrix APIs

The cuSPARSE helper functions for sparse matrix descriptor are described in this section.

14.3.1. cusparseCreateCoo()

cusparseCreateCoo(cusparseSpMatDescr_t* spMatDescr,
                  int64_t               rows,
                  int64_t               cols,
                  int64_t               nnz,
                  void*                 cooRowInd,
                  void*                 cooColInd,
                  void*                 cooValues,
                  cusparseIndexType_t   cooIdxType,
                  cusparseIndexBase_t   idxBase,
                  cudaDataType          valueType)

This function initializes the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr in the COO format (Structure of Arrays layout).

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST OUT Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST IN Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST IN Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST IN Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix
cooRowInd DEVICE IN Row indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
cooColInd DEVICE IN Column indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
cooValues DEVICE IN Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
cooIdxType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the data type of cooRowInd and cooColInd
idxBase HOST IN Enumerator specifying the base index of cooRowInd and cooColInd
valueType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype of cooValues

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseCreateCooAoS(cusparseSpMatDescr_t* spMatDescr,
                     int64_t               rows,
                     int64_t               cols,
                     int64_t               nnz,
                     void*                 cooInd,
                     void*                 cooValues,
                     cusparseIndexType_t   cooIdxType,
                     cusparseIndexBase_t   idxBase,
                     cudaDataType          valueType)

This function initializes the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr in the COO format (Array of Structures layout).

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST OUT Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST IN Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST IN Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST IN Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix
cooInd DEVICE IN <Row, Column> indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
cooValues DEVICE IN Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
cooIdxType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the data type of cooInd
idxBase HOST IN Enumerator specifying the base index of cooInd
valueType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype of cooValues

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.3. cusparseCreateCsr()

cusparseCreateCsr(cusparseSpMatDescr_t* spMatDescr,
                  int64_t               rows,
                  int64_t               cols,
                  int64_t               nnz,
                  void*                 csrRowOffsets,
                  void*                 csrColInd,
                  void*                 csrValues,
                  cusparseIndexType_t   csrRowOffsetsType,
                  cusparseIndexType_t   csrColIndType,
                  cusparseIndexBase_t   idxBase,
                  cudaDataType          valueType)

This function initializes the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr in the CSR format.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST OUT Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST IN Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST IN Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST IN Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix
csrRowOffsets DEVICE IN Row offsets of the sparse matrix. Array of size rows + 1
csrColInd DEVICE IN Column indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
csrValues DEVICE IN Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
csrRowOffsetsType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the data type of csrRowOffsets
csrColIndType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the data type of csrColInd
idxBase HOST IN Enumerator specifying the base index of csrRowOffsets and csrColInd
valueType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype of csrValues

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.4. cusparseDestroySpMat()

cusparseDestroySpMat(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr)

This function releases the host memory allocated for the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.5. cusparseCooGet()

cusparseCooGet(const cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
               int64_t*                   rows,
               int64_t*                   cols,
               int64_t*                   nnz,
               void**                     cooRowInd,
               void**                     cooColInd,
               void**                     cooValues,
               cusparseIndexType_t*       idxType,
               cusparseIndexBase_t*       idxBase,
               cudaDataType*              valueType)

This function returns the fields of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr stored in COO format (Array of Structures layout).

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST OUT Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST OUT Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST OUT Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix
cooRowInd DEVICE OUT Row indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
cooColInd DEVICE OUT Column indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
cooValues DEVICE OUT Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
cooIdxType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the data type of cooRowInd and cooColInd
idxBase HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the base index of cooRowInd and cooColInd
valueType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the datatype of cooValues

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.6. cusparseCooAosGet()

cusparseCooAoSGet(const cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                  int64_t*                   rows,
                  int64_t*                   cols,
                  int64_t*                   nnz,
                  void**                     cooInd,
                  void**                     cooValues,
                  cusparseIndexType_t*       idxType,
                  cusparseIndexBase_t*       idxBase,
                  cudaDataType*              valueType)

This function returns the fields of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr stored in COO format (Structure of Arrays layout).

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST OUT Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST OUT Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST OUT Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix
cooInd DEVICE OUT <Row, Column> indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
cooValues DEVICE OUT Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
cooIdxType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the data type of cooInd
idxBase HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the base index of cooInd
valueType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the datatype of cooValues

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.7. cusparseCsrGet()

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseCsrGet(const cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
               int64_t*                   rows,
               int64_t*                   cols,
               int64_t*                   nnz,
               void**                     csrRowOffsets,
               void**                     csrColInd,
               void**                     csrValues,
               cusparseIndexType_t*       csrRowOffsetsType,
               cusparseIndexType_t*       csrColIndType,
               cusparseIndexBase_t*       idxBase,
               cudaDataType*              valueType);

This function returns the fields of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr stored in CSR format.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST OUT Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST OUT Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST OUT Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix
csrRowOffsets DEVICE OUT Row offsets of the sparse matrix. Array of size rows + 1
csrColInd DEVICE OUT Column indices of the sparse matrix. Array of size nnz
csrValues DEVICE OUT Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
csrRowOffsetsType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the data type of csrRowOffsets
csrColIndType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the data type of csrColInd
idxBase HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the base index of csrRowOffsets and csrColInd
valueType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the datatype of csrValues

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseCsrSetPointers(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                       void*                csrRowOffsets,
                       void*                csrColInd,
                       void*                csrValues);

This function sets the pointers of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
csrRowOffsets DEVICE IN Row offsets of the sparse martix. Array of size rows + 1
csrColInd DEVICE IN Column indices of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz
csrValues DEVICE IN Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpMatGetSize(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                     int64_t*             rows,
                     int64_t*             cols,
                     int64_t*             nnz);

This function returns the sizes of the sparse matrix spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
rows HOST OUT Number of rows of the sparse matrix
cols HOST OUT Number of columns of the sparse matrix
nnz HOST OUT Number of non-zero entries of the sparse matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.10. cusparseSpMatGetFormat()

cusparseSpMatGetFormat(const cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                       cusparseFormat_t*          format)

This function returns the format field of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
format HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the storage format of the sparse matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.11. cusparseSpMatGetIndexBase()

cusparseSpMatGetIndexBase(const cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                          cusparseIndexBase_t*       idxBase)

This function returns the idxBase field of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
idxBase HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the base index of the sparse matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.12. cusparseSpMatGetValues()

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpMatGetValues(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                       void**               values)

This function returns the values field of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
values DEVICE OUT Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.13. cusparseSpMatSetValues()

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpMatSetValues(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                       void*                values)

This function sets the values field of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
values DEVICE IN Values of the sparse martix. Array of size nnz

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.14. cusparseSpMatGetStridedBatch()

cusparseSpMatGetStridedBatch(const cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                             int*                       batchCount)

This function returns the batchCount field of the sparse matrixdescriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
batchCount HOST OUT Number of batches of the sparse matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.15. cusparseSpMatSetStridedBatch() [DEPRECATED]

[[DEPRECATED]] use cusparseSpMatSetCsrStridedBatch() , cusparseSpMatSetCooStridedBatch() instead. The routine will be removed in the next major release

cusparseSpMatSetStridedBatch(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                             int                  batchCount)

This function sets the batchCount field of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
batchCount HOST IN Number of batches of the sparse matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.16. cusparseCooSetStridedBatch()

cusparseCooSetStridedBatch(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                           int                  batchCount,
                           int64_t              batchStride)

This function sets the batchCount and the batchStride fields of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
batchCount HOST IN Number of batches of the sparse matrix
batchStride HOST IN address offset between consecutive batches

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.3.17. cusparseCsrSetStridedBatch()

cusparseCsrSetStridedBatch(cusparseSpMatDescr_t spMatDescr,
                            int                 batchCount,
                            int64_t             offsetsBatchStride,
                            int64_t             columnsValuesBatchStride)

This function sets the batchCount and the batchStride fields of the sparse matrix descriptor spMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
spMatDescr HOST IN Sparse matrix descriptor
batchCount HOST IN Number of batches of the sparse matrix
offsetsBatchStride HOST IN Address offset between consecutive batches for the row offset array
offsetsBatchStride HOST IN Address offset between consecutive batches for the column and value arrays

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

Dense Vector APIs

The cuSPARSE helper functions for dense vector descriptor are described in this section.

14.4.1. cusparseCreateDnVec()

cusparseCreateDnVec(cusparseDnVecDescr_t* dnVecDescr,
                    int64_t               size,
                    void*                 values,
                    cudaDataType          valueType)

This function initializes the dense vector descriptor dnVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnVecDescr HOST OUT Dense vector descriptor
size HOST IN Size of the dense vector
values DEVICE IN Values of the dense vector. Array of size size
valueType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype of values

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.4.2. cusparseDestroyDnVec()

cusparseDestroyDnVec(cusparseDnVecDescr_t dnVecDescr)

This function releases the host memory allocated for the dense vector descriptor dnVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnVecDescr HOST IN Dense vector descriptor

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.4.3. cusparseDnVecGet()

cusparseDnVecGet(const cusparseDnVecDescr_t dnVecDescr,
                 int64_t*                   size,
                 void**                     values,
                 cudaDataType*              valueType)

This function returns the fields of the dense vector descriptor dnVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnVecDescr HOST IN Dense vector descriptor
size HOST OUT Size of the dense vector
values DEVICE OUT Values of the dense vector. Array of size nnz
valueType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the datatype of values

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.4.4. cusparseDnVecGetValues()

cusparseDnVecGetValues(const cusparseDnVecDescr_t dnVecDescr,
                       void**                     values)

This function returns the values field of the dense vector descriptor dnVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnVecDescr HOST IN Dense vector descriptor
values DEVICE OUT Values of the dense vector

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.4.5. cusparseDnVecSetValues()

cusparseDnVecSetValues(cusparseDnVecDescr_t dnVecDescr,
                       void*                values)

This function set the values field of the dense vector descriptor dnVecDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnVecDescr HOST IN Dense vector descriptor
values DEVICE IN Values of the dense vector. Array of size size

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below :

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.5. Dense Matrix APIs

The cuSPARSE helper functions for dense matrix descriptor are described in this section.

14.5.1. cusparseCreateDnMat()

cusparseCreateDnMat(cusparseDnMatDescr_t* dnMatDescr,
                    int64_t               rows,
                    int64_t               cols,
                    int64_t               ld,
                    void*                 values,
                    cudaDataType          valueType,
                    cusparseOrder_t       order)

The function initializes the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST OUT Dense matrix descriptor
rows HOST IN Number of rows of the dense matrix
cols HOST IN Number of columns of the dense matrix
ld HOST IN Leading dimension of the dense matrix
values DEVICE IN Values of the dense matrix. Array of size size
valueType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype of values
order HOST IN Enumerator specifying the memory layout of the dense matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.5.2. cusparseDestroyDnMat()

cusparseDestroyDnMat(cusparseDnMatDescr_t dnMatDescr)

This function releases the host memory allocated for the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST IN Dense matrix descriptor

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseDnMatGet(const cusparseDnMatDescr_t dnMatDescr,
                 int64_t*                   rows,
                 int64_t*                   cols,
                 int64_t*                   ld,
                 void**                     values,
                 cudaDataType*              type,
                 cusparseOrder_t*           order)

This function returns the fields of the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST IN Dense matrix descriptor
rows HOST OUT Number of rows of the dense matrix
cols HOST OUT Number of columns of the dense matrix
ld HOST OUT Leading dimension of the dense matrix
values DEVICE OUT Values of the dense matrix. Array of size ld * cols
valueType HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the datatype of values
order HOST OUT Enumerator specifying the memory layout of the dense matrix

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseDnMatGetValues(const cusparseDnMatDescr_t dnMatDescr,
                       void**                     values)

This function returns the values field of the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST IN Dense matrix descriptor
values DEVICE OUT Values of the dense matrix. Array of size ld * cols

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseDnMatSetValues(cusparseDnMatDescr_t dnMatDescr,
                       void*                values)

This function sets the values field of the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST IN Dense matrix descriptor
values DEVICE IN Values of the dense matrix. Array of size ld * cols

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.5.6. cusparseDnMatGetStridedBatch()

cusparseDnMatGetStridedBatch(const cusparseDnMatDescr_t dnMatDescr,
                             int*                       batchCount,
                             int64_t*                   batchStride)

The function returns the number of batches and the batch stride of the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST IN Dense matrix descriptor
batchCount HOST OUT Number of batches of the dense matrix
batchStride HOST OUT Address offset between a matrix and the next one in the batch

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.5.7. cusparseDnMatSetStridedBatch()

cusparseDnMatSetStridedBatch(cusparseDnMatDescr_t dnMatDescr,
                             int                  batchCount,
                             int64_t              batchStride)

The function sets the number of batches and the batch stride of the dense matrix descriptor dnMatDescr.

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
dnMatDescr HOST IN Dense matrix descriptor
batchCount HOST IN Number of batches of the dense matrix
batchStride HOST IN Address offset between a matrix and the next one in the batch. batchStride ≥ ld * cols if the matrix uses column-major layout, batchStride ≥ ld * rows otherwise

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status

14.6. Generic API Functions

14.6.1. cusparseAxpby()

cusparseAxpby(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
              const void*          alpha,
              cusparseSpVecDescr_t vecX,
              const void*          beta,
              cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY)

The function computes the sum of a sparse vector vecX and a dense vector vecY

Y = α X + β Y
In other words,
for i=0 to nnz-1
    Y[X_indices[i]] = alpha * X_values[i] + beta * Y[X_indices[i]]
Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
alpha HOST or DEVICE IN α scalar used for multiplication
vecX HOST IN Sparse vector X
beta HOST or DEVICE IN β scalar used for multiplication
vecY HOST IN/OUT Dense vector Y
cusparseAxpby supports the following index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)

cusparseAxpby supports the following datatypes:

cusparseAxpby() has the following constraints:
  • The arrays representing the sparse vector vecX must be aligned to 16 bytes
cusparseAxpby() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
  • Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run if the the sparse vector vecX indices are distinct

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.2. cusparseGather()

cusparseGather(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
               cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY,
               cusparseSpVecDescr_t vecX)

The function gathers the elements of the dense vector vecY into the sparse vector vecX

In other words,
for i=0 to nnz-1
    X_values[i] = Y[X_indices[i]]
Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
vecX HOST OUT Sparse vector X
vecY HOST IN Dense vector Y
cusparseGather supports the following index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)

cusparseGather supports the following datatypes:

cusparseGather() has the following constraints:
  • The arrays representing the sparse vector vecX must be aligned to 16 bytes
cusparseGather() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
  • Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run if the the sparse vector vecX indices are distinct

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.3. cusparseScatter()

cusparseScatter(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
                cusparseSpVecDescr_t vecX,
                cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY)

The function scatters the elements of the sparse vector vecX into the dense vector vecY

In other words,
for i=0 to nnz-1
    Y[X_indices[i]] = X_values[i]
Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
vecX HOST IN Sparse vector X
vecY HOST OUT Dense vector Y
cusparseScatter supports the following index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)

cusparseScatter supports the following datatypes:

cusparseScatter() has the following constraints:
  • The arrays representing the sparse vector vecX must be aligned to 16 bytes
cusparseScatter() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
  • Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run if the the sparse vector vecX indices are distinct

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.4. cusparseRot()

cusparseRot(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
            const void*          c_coeff,
            const void*          s_coeff,
            cusparseSpVecDescr_t vecX,
            cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY)
The function computes the Givens rotation matrix

G = [ c s s c ]

to a sparse vecX and a dense vector vecY
In other words,
for i=0 to nnz-1
    Y[X_indices[i]] = c * Y[X_indices[i]] - s * X_values[i]
    X_values[i]     = c * X_values[i]     + s * Y[X_indices[i]]
Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
c_coeff HOST or DEVICE IN cosine element of the rotation matrix
vecX HOST IN/OUT Sparse vector X
s_coeff HOST or DEVICE IN sine element of the rotation matrix
vecY HOST IN/OUT Dense vector Y
cusparseRot supports the following index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)

cusparseRot supports the following datatypes:

cusparseRot() has the following constraints:
  • The arrays representing the sparse vector vecX must be aligned to 16 bytes
cusparseRot() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
  • Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run if the the sparse vector vecX indices are distinct

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.5. cusparseSpVV()

cusparseSpVV_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
                        cusparseOperation_t  opX,
                        cusparseSpVecDescr_t vecX,
                        cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY,
                        void*                result,
                        cudaDataType         computeType,
                        size_t*              bufferSize)
cusparseSpVV(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
             cusparseOperation_t  opX,
             cusparseSpVecDescr_t vecX,
             cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY,
             void*                result,
             cudaDataType         computeType,
             void*                externalBuffer)

The function computes the inner dot product of a sparse vector vecX and a dense vector vecY

r e s u l t = X ' Y
In other words,
result = 0;
for i=0 to nnz-1
    result += X_values[i] * Y[X_indices[i]]


The function cusparseSpVV_bufferSize() returns the size of the workspace needed by cusparseSpVV()

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
opX HOST IN Operation op(X) that is non-transpose or conjugate transpose
vecX HOST IN Sparse vector X
vecY HOST IN Dense vector Y
result HOST or DEVICE OUT The resulting dot product
computeType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype in which the computation is executed
bufferSize HOST OUT Number of bytes of workspace needed by cusparseSpVV
externalBuffer DEVICE IN Pointer to workspace buffer
cusparseSpVV supports the follwing index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)

The datatypes combinations currrently supported for cusparseSpVV are listed below:

Uniform-precision computation:
Mixed-precison computation:
X/Y computeType/result
cusparseSpVV() has the following constraints:
  • The arrays representing the sparse vector vecX must be aligned to 16 bytes
cusparseSpVV() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
  • Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run if the the sparse vector vecX indices are distinct

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.6. cusparseSpMV()

cusparseSpMV_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t           handle,
                        cusparseOperation_t        opA,
                        const void*                alpha,
                        const cusparseSpMatDescr_t matA,
                        const cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecX,
                        const void*                beta,
                        const cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY,
                        cudaDataType               computeType,
                        cusparseSpMVAlg_t          alg,
                        size_t*                    bufferSize)
cusparseSpMV(cusparseHandle_t           handle,
             cusparseOperation_t        opA,
             const void*                alpha,
             const cusparseSpMatDescr_t matA,
             const cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecX,
             const void*                beta,
             const cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecY,
             cudaDataType               computeType,
             cusparseSpMVAlg_t          alg,
             void*                      externalBuffer)

This function performs the multiplication of a sparse matrix matA and a dense vector vecX

Y = α o p ( A ) X + β Y
  • op(A) is a sparse matrix of size m × k
  • X is a dense vector of size k
  • Y is a dense vector of size m
  • α and β are scalars
Also, for matrix A


When using the (conjugate) transpose of the sparse matrix A, this routine may produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters.

The function cusparseSpMV_bufferSize() returns the size of the workspace needed by cusparseSpMV()

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
opA HOST IN Operation op(A)
alpha HOST or DEVICE IN α scalar used for multiplication
matA HOST IN Sparse matrix A
vecX HOST IN Dense vector X
beta HOST or DEVICE IN β scalar used for multiplication
vecY HOST IN/OUT Dense vector Y
computeType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype in which the computation is executed
alg HOST IN Enumerator specifying the algorithm for the computation
bufferSize HOST OUT Number of bytes of workspace needed by cusparseSpMV
externalBuffer DEVICE IN Pointer to workspace buffer
cusparseSpMV supports the follwing index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)

cusparseSpMV supports the following datatypes:

Uniform-precision computation:
A/X/ Y/computeType
Mixed-precision computation:
A/X Y computeType

The sparse matrix formats currrently supported are listed below :

Format Notes
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_COO May produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_COO_AOS May produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_CSR Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run

cusparseSpMV supports the following algorithms:

Algorithm Notes
CUSPARSE_MV_ALG_DEFAULT Default algorithm for any sparse matrix format
CUSPARSE_COOMV_ALG Default algorithm for COO sparse matrix format
CUSPARSE_CSRMV_ALG1 Default algorithm for CSR sparse matrix format
CUSPARSE_CSRMV_ALG2 Algorithm 2 for CSR sparse matrix format. May provide better performance for irregular matrices
The function has the following limitations:
  • Half-precision is not supported with 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I)
cusparseSpMV() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.7. cusparseSpMM()

cusparseSpMM_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
                        cusparseOperation_t  opA,
                        cusparseOperation_t  opB,
                        const void*          alpha,
                        cusparseSpMatDescr_t matA,
                        cusparseDnMatDescr_t matB,
                        const void*          beta,
                        cusparseDnMatDescr_t matC,
                        cudaDataType         computeType,
                        cusparseSpMMAlg_t    alg,
                        size_t*              bufferSize)
cusparseSpMM(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
             cusparseOperation_t  opA,
             cusparseOperation_t  opB,
             const void*          alpha,
             cusparseSpMatDescr_t matA,
             cusparseDnMatDescr_t matB,
             const void*          beta,
             cusparseDnMatDescr_t matC,
             cudaDataType         computeType,
             cusparseSpMMAlg_t    alg,
             void*                externalBuffer)

The function performs the multiplication of a sparse matrix matA and a dense matrix matB

C = α o p ( A ) o p ( B ) + β C
  • op(A) is a sparse matrix of size m × k
  • op(B) is a dense matrix of size k × n
  • C is a dense matrix of size m × n
  • α and β are scalars

The routine can be also used to perform the multiplication of a dense matrix matB and a sparse matrix matA by switching the dense matrices layout:

C C = B C A + β C C C R = A T B R + β C R

where B C , C C indicate column-major layout, while B R , C R refer to row-major layout

Also, for matrix A and B



When using the (conjugate) transpose of the sparse matrix A, this routine may produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters.

The function cusparseSpMM_bufferSize() returns the size of the workspace needed by cusparseSpMM()

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
opA HOST IN Operation op(A)
alpha HOST or DEVICE IN α scalar used for multiplication
matA HOST IN Sparse matrix A
matB HOST IN Dense matrix B
beta HOST or DEVICE IN β scalar used for multiplication
matC HOST IN/OUT Dense matrix C
computeType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype in which the computation is executed
alg HOST IN Enumerator specifying the algorithm for the computation
bufferSize HOST OUT Number of bytes of workspace needed by cusparseSpMM
externalBuffer DEVICE IN Pointer to workspace buffer
cusparseSpMM supports the following sparse matrix formats:
cusparseSpMM supports the following index type for representing the sparse vector vecX:
  • 32-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I)
  • 64-bit indices (CUSPARSE_INDEX_64I) only with CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG4 and CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG2 algorithms

cusparseSpMM supports the following datatypes:

Uniform-precision computation:
A/B/ C/computeType
Mixed-precision computation:
A/B C computeType
NOTE: CUDA_R_16BF/CUDA_C_16BF data types are supported only with CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG4 and CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG2 algorithms


cusparseSpMM supports the following algorithms:

[D]: deprecated

Algorithm Notes
CUSPARSE_MM_ALG_DEFAULT [D] CUSPARSE_SPMM_ALG_DEFAULT   Default algorithm for any sparse matrix format
CUSPARSE_COOMM_ALG1 [D] CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG1 Algorithm 1 for COO sparse matrix format
  • May provide better performance for small number of nnz
  • It supports only column-major layout
  • It supports batched computation
  • May produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters
CUSPARSE_COOMM_ALG2 [D] CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG2 Algorithm 2 for COO sparse matrix format
  • In general, slower than Algorithm 1 and 2
  • It supports only column-major layout
  • It supports batched computation
  • It provides deterministc result
  • It requires additional memory
CUSPARSE_COOMM_ALG3 [D] CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG3 Algorithm 3 for COO sparse matrix format
  • May provide better performance for large number of nnz
  • It supports only column-major layout
  • May produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters
CUSPARSE_COOMM_ALG4 [D] CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG4 Algorithm 4 for COO sparse matrix format
  • Provide the best performance with row-major layout
  • It supports batched computation
  • May produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters
CUSPARSE_CSRMM_ALG1 [D] CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG1 Algorithm 1 for CSR sparse matrix format
  • It provides deterministc result
  • It supports only column-major layout
CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG2 Algorithm 2 for CSR sparse matrix format
  • Provide the best performance with row-major layout
  • It supports batched computation
  • May produce slightly different results during different runs with the same input parameters
Performance notes:
  • Row-major layout provides higher performance than column-major.
  • CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG4 should be used with row-major layout, while CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG1, CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG2, and CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG3 with column-major layout.
  • For beta != 1, the output matrix is scaled before the actual computation
cusparseSpMM() supports the following batch modes:
  • C i = A B i
  • C i = A i B
  • C i = A i B i
The number of batches and their strides can be set by using cusparseCooSetStridedBatch, cusparseCsrSetStridedBatch, and cusparseDnMatSetStridedBatch.
cusparseSpMM() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage except for CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG1, CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG3, CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG4, and CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG1
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture
  • Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run only for CUSPARSE_SPMM_COO_ALG2 and CUSPARSE_SPMM_CSR_ALG1 algorithms, and opA == CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.8. cusparseConstrainedGeMM()

cusparseConstrainedGeMM(cusparseHandle_t           handle,
                        cusparseOperation_t        opA,
                        cusparseOperation_t        opB,
                        const void*                alpha,
                        cusparseDnMatDescr_t matA,
                        cusparseDnMatDescr_t matB,
                        const void*                beta,
                        cusparseSpMatDescr_t       matC,
                        cudaDataType               computeType,
                        void*                      externalBuffer)

cusparseConstrainedGeMM_bufferSize(cusparseHandle_t     handle,
                                   cusparseOperation_t  opA,
                                   cusparseOperation_t  opB,
                                   const void*          alpha,
                                   cusparseDnMatDescr_t matA,
                                   cusparseDnMatDescr_t matB,
                                   const void*          beta,
                                   cusparseSpMatDescr_t matC,
                                   cudaDataType         computeType,
                                   size_t*              bufferSize)

This function performs the multiplication of matA and matB, followed by an element-wise multiplication with the sparsity pattern of matC. Formally, it performs the following operation:

𝐂 = α ( op ( 𝐀 ) op ( 𝐁 ) ) spy ( 𝐂 ) + β 𝐂

where op ( A ) is a dense matrix of size m × k , op ( B ) is a dense matrix of size k × n , C is a sparse matrix of size m × n , α and β are scalars, denotes the Hadamard (entry-wise) matrix product, and spy ( C ) is the sparsity pattern matrix of C defined as:

spy ( 𝐂 ) i j = { 0 if 𝐂 i j = 0 1 otherwise

Matrices op ( A ) and op ( B ) are defined as



Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
opA HOST IN Enumerator specifying the operation op ( A ) . Has to be CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE
opB HOST IN Enumerator specifying the operation op ( B ) . Has to be CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE
alpha HOST or DEVICE IN Scalar α that scales the matrix product
matA HOST IN Dense matrix A .
matB HOST IN Dense matrix B .
beta HOST or DEVICE IN Scalar β that scales the accumulation matrix
matC HOST IN/OUT Sparse matrix C .
computeType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype used to execute the computation
bufferSize HOST OUT Size of externalBuffer in bytes
externalBuffer DEVICE IN Pointer to a workspace buffer of at least bufferSize bytes

Currently, this function only supports opA == CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE and opB == CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE. Attempting to pass a different operator will cause a CUSPARSE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED error.

The function has the following limitations:
  • Only 32-bit indices CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I is supported

The datatypes combinations currrently supported for cusparseSpMM are listed below :

Uniform-precision computation:
A/X/ Y/computeType

Currently supported sparse matrix formats:

Format Notes
CUSPARSE_FORMAT_CSR The column indices in each row must be sorted
cusparseConstrainedGeMM() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports CUDA graph capture

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.6.9. cusparseSpGEMM()

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpGEMM_createDescr(cusparseSpGEMMDescr_t* descr);

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpGEMM_destroyDescr(cusparseSpGEMMDescr_t descr);

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation(cusparseHandle_t      handle,
                              cusparseOperation_t   opA,
                              cusparseOperation_t   opB,
                              const void*           alpha,
                              cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matA,
                              cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matB,
                              const void*           beta,
                              cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matC,
                              cudaDataType          computeType,
                              cusparseSpGEMMAlg_t   alg,
                              cusparseSpGEMMDescr_t spgemmDescr,
                              size_t*               bufferSize1,
                              void*                 externalBuffer1);

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpGEMM_compute(cusparseHandle_t      handle,
                       cusparseOperation_t   opA,
                       cusparseOperation_t   opB,
                       const void*           alpha,
                       cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matA,
                       cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matB,
                       const void*           beta,
                       cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matC,
                       cudaDataType          computeType,
                       cusparseSpGEMMAlg_t   alg,
                       cusparseSpGEMMDescr_t spgemmDescr,
                       void*                 externalBuffer1,
                       size_t*               bufferSize2,
                       void*                 externalBuffer2);

cusparseStatus_t CUSPARSEAPI
cusparseSpGEMM_copy(cusparseHandle_t      handle,
                    cusparseOperation_t   opA,
                    cusparseOperation_t   opB,
                    const void*           alpha,
                    cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matA,
                    cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matB,
                    const void*           beta,
                    cusparseSpMatDescr_t  matC,
                    cudaDataType          computeType,
                    cusparseSpGEMMAlg_t   alg,
                    cusparseSpGEMMDescr_t spgemmDescr,
                    void*                 externalBuffer2);

This function performs the multiplication of two sparse matrices matA and matB

C = α o p ( A ) o p ( B ) + β C

where α and β are scalars.

The example CSR SpGEMM() shows the computation workflow for all steps

The functions cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation() and cusparseSpGEMM_compute() are used for both determining the buffer size and performing the actual computation

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle HOST IN Handle to the cuSPARSE library context
opA HOST IN Operation op(A)
opB HOST IN Operation op(B)
alpha HOST or DEVICE IN α scalar used for multiplication
matA HOST IN Sparse matrix A
matB HOST IN Dense matrix B
beta HOST or DEVICE IN β scalar used for multiplication
matC HOST IN/OUT Dense matrix C
computeType HOST IN Enumerator specifying the datatype in which the computation is executed
alg HOST IN Enumerator specifying the algorithm for the computation
spgemmDescr HOST IN/OUT Opaque descriptor for storing internal data used across the three steps
bufferSize1, bufferSize2 HOST IN/OUT Number of bytes of workspace needed by cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation or cusparseSpGEMM_compute
externalBuffer1, externalBuffer2 DEVICE IN Pointer to workspace buffer

MEMORY REQUIREMENT: the first invocation of cusparseSpGEMM_compute provides an upper bound of the memory required for the computation that is generally several times larger of the actual memory used. The user can provide an arbitrary buffer size bufferSize2 in the second invocation. If it is not sufficient, the routine will returns CUSPARSE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES status.

Currently, the function has the following limitations:
  • Only 32-bit indices CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I is supported
  • Only CSR format CUSPARSE_FORMAT_CSR is supported
  • Only opA, opB equal to CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE are supported

The datatypes combinations currrently supported for cusparseSpGEMM are listed below :

Uniform-precision computation:
A/B/ C/computeType

cusparseSpGEMM routine runs for the following algorithm:

Algorithm Notes
CUSPARSE_SPGEMM_DEFAULT Default algorithm. Provides deterministic (bit-wise) results for each run
cusparseSpGEMM() has the following properties:
  • The routine requires no extra storage
  • The routine supports asynchronous execution
  • The routine supports does not support CUDA graph capture

See cusparseStatus_t for the description of the return status


14.7. Example of Generic APIs

14.7.1. CSR SpMV - Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of cusparseSpMV().

The example computes A X = Y where A is a sparse matrix in CSR format, X and Y dense vectors.

( 1 0 2 3 0 4 0 0 5 0 6 7 0 8 0 9 ) A ( 1 2 3 4 ) X = ( 19 8 51 52 ) Y
// *** spmv_example.c ***
// How to compile (assume CUDA is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
//   nvcc spmv_example.c -o spmv_example -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
// or, for C compiler
//   cc -I/usr/local/cuda/include -c spmv_example.c -o spmv_example.o -std=c99
//   nvcc -lcusparse -lcudart spmv_example.o -o spmv_example
#include <cuda_runtime.h>  // cudaMalloc, cudaMemcpy, etc.
#include <cusparse.h>      // cusparseSpMV
#include <stdio.h>         // printf
#include <stdlib.h>        // EXIT_FAILURE

#define CHECK_CUDA(func)                                                       \
{                                                                              \
    cudaError_t status = (func);                                               \
    if (status != cudaSuccess) {                                               \
        printf("CUDA API failed at line %d with error: %s (%d)\n",             \
               __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(status), status);                  \
        return EXIT_FAILURE;                                                   \
    }                                                                          \

#define CHECK_CUSPARSE(func)                                                   \
{                                                                              \
    cusparseStatus_t status = (func);                                          \
    if (status != CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {                                   \
        printf("CUSPARSE API failed at line %d with error: %s (%d)\n",         \
               __LINE__, cusparseGetErrorString(status), status);              \
        return EXIT_FAILURE;                                                   \
    }                                                                          \

int main() {
    // Host problem definition
    const int A_num_rows = 4;
    const int A_num_cols = 4;
    const int A_num_nnz  = 9;
    int   hA_csrOffsets[] = { 0, 3, 4, 7, 9 };
    int   hA_columns[]    = { 0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3 };
    float hA_values[]     = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f,
                              6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f };
    float hX[]            = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
    const float result[]  = { 19.0f, 8.0f, 51.0f, 52.0f };
    float alpha = 1.0f;
    float beta  = 0.0f;
    // Device memory management
    int   *dA_csrOffsets, *dA_columns;
    float *dA_values, *dX, *dY;
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dA_csrOffsets,
                           (A_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int)) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dA_columns, A_num_nnz * sizeof(int))    )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dA_values,  A_num_nnz * sizeof(float))  )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dX,         A_num_cols * sizeof(float)) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dY,         A_num_rows * sizeof(float)) )

    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dA_csrOffsets, hA_csrOffsets,
                           (A_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dA_columns, hA_columns, A_num_nnz * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dA_values, hA_values,
                           A_num_nnz * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dX, hX, A_num_rows * sizeof(float),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    cusparseHandle_t     handle = 0;
    cusparseSpMatDescr_t matA;
    cusparseDnVecDescr_t vecX, vecY;
    void*  dBuffer    = NULL;
    size_t bufferSize = 0;
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate(&handle) )
    // Create sparse matrix A in CSR format
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateCsr(&matA, A_num_rows, A_num_cols, A_num_nnz,
                                      dA_csrOffsets, dA_columns, dA_values,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I, CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO, CUDA_R_32F) )
    // Create dense vector X
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateDnVec(&vecX, A_num_cols, dX, CUDA_R_32F) )
    // Create dense vector y
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateDnVec(&vecY, A_num_rows, dY, CUDA_R_32F) )
    // allocate an external buffer if needed
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSpMV_bufferSize(
                                 handle, CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE,
                                 &alpha, matA, vecX, &beta, vecY, CUDA_R_32F,
                                 CUSPARSE_MV_ALG_DEFAULT, &bufferSize) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cudaMalloc(&dBuffer, bufferSize) )

    // execute SpMV
                                 &alpha, matA, vecX, &beta, vecY, CUDA_R_32F,
                                 CUSPARSE_MV_ALG_DEFAULT, dBuffer) )

    // destroy matrix/vector descriptors
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroySpMat(matA) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroyDnVec(vecX) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroyDnVec(vecY) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroy(handle) )
    // device result check
    float hY[A_num_rows];
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(hY, dY, A_num_rows * sizeof(float),
                           cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) )

    int correct = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < A_num_rows; i++) {
        if (hY[i] != result[i]) {
            correct = 0;
    if (correct)
        printf("spmv_example test PASSED\n");
        printf("spmv_example test FAILED: wrong result\n");
    // device memory deallocation
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dBuffer) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dA_csrOffsets) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dA_columns) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dA_values) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dX) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dY) )
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

14.7.2. CSR SpGEMM - Sparse Matrix-Sparse Matrix Multiplication

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of cusparseSpGEMM().

The example computes A B = C where A, B, and C are sparse matrices in CSR format

( 1 0 2 3 0 4 0 0 5 0 6 7 0 8 0 9 ) A ( 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 4 5 6 7 0 0 8 0 0 ) B = ( 11 36 14 2 0 12 0 16 35 92 42 10 0 96 0 32 ) C
// *** spgemm_example.c ***
// How to compile (assume CUDA is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
//   nvcc spgemm_example.c -o spgemm_example -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
// or, for C compiler
//   cc -I/usr/local/cuda/include -c spgemm_example.c -o spgemm_example.o -std=c99
//   nvcc -lcusparse -lcudart spgemm_example.o -o spgemm_example
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h> // cudaMalloc, cudaMemcpy, etc.
#include <cusparse.h>         // cusparseSpGEMM
#include <stdio.h>            // printf
#include <stdlib.h>           // EXIT_FAILURE

#define CHECK_CUDA(func)                                                       \
{                                                                              \
    cudaError_t status = (func);                                               \
    if (status != cudaSuccess) {                                               \
        printf("CUDA API failed at line %d with error: %s (%d)\n",             \
               __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(status), status);                  \
        return EXIT_FAILURE;                                                   \
    }                                                                          \

#define CHECK_CUSPARSE(func)                                                   \
{                                                                              \
    cusparseStatus_t status = (func);                                          \
    if (status != CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {                                   \
        printf("CUSPARSE API failed at line %d with error: %s (%d)\n",         \
               __LINE__, cusparseGetErrorString(status), status);              \
        return EXIT_FAILURE;                                                   \
    }                                                                          \

int main() {
    // Host problem definition
    const int A_num_rows = 4;
    const int A_num_cols = 4;
    const int A_num_nnz  = 9;
    const int B_num_rows = 4;
    const int B_num_cols = 4;
    const int B_num_nnz  = 9;
    int   hA_csrOffsets[] = { 0, 3, 4, 7, 9 };
    int   hA_columns[]    = { 0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3 };
    float hA_values[]     = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f,
                              6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f };
    int   hB_csrOffsets[] = { 0, 2, 4, 7, 8 };
    int   hB_columns[]    = { 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1 };
    float hB_values[]     = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f,
                              6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f };
    int   hC_csrOffsets[] = { 0, 4, 6, 10, 12 };
    int   hC_columns[]    = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3 };
    float hC_values[]     = { 11.0f, 36.0f, 14.0f, 2.0f,  12.0f,
                              16.0f, 35.0f, 92.0f, 42.0f, 10.0f,
                              96.0f, 32.0f };
    const int C_num_nnz   = 12;
    float               alpha       = 1.0f;
    float               beta        = 0.0f;
    cusparseOperation_t opA         = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
    cusparseOperation_t opB         = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
    cudaDataType        computeType = CUDA_R_32F;
    // Device memory management: Allocate and copy A, B
    int   *dA_csrOffsets, *dA_columns, *dB_csrOffsets, *dB_columns,
          *dC_csrOffsets, *dC_columns;
    float *dA_values, *dB_values, *dC_values;
    // allocate A
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dA_csrOffsets,
                           (A_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int)) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dA_columns, A_num_nnz * sizeof(int))   )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dA_values,  A_num_nnz * sizeof(float)) )
    // allocate B
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dB_csrOffsets,
                           (B_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int)) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dB_columns, B_num_nnz * sizeof(int))   )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dB_values,  B_num_nnz * sizeof(float)) )
    // allocate C offsets
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMalloc((void**) &dC_csrOffsets,
                           (A_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int)) )

    // copy A
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dA_csrOffsets, hA_csrOffsets,
                           (A_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dA_columns, hA_columns, A_num_nnz * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dA_values, hA_values,
                           A_num_nnz * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    // copy B
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dB_csrOffsets, hB_csrOffsets,
                           (B_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dB_columns, hB_columns, B_num_nnz * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(dB_values, hB_values,
                           B_num_nnz * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )
    cusparseHandle_t     handle = NULL;
    cusparseSpMatDescr_t matA, matB, matC;
    void*  dBuffer1    = NULL, *dBuffer2   = NULL;
    size_t bufferSize1 = 0,    bufferSize2 = 0;
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate(&handle) )
    // Create sparse matrix A in CSR format
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateCsr(&matA, A_num_rows, A_num_cols, A_num_nnz,
                                      dA_csrOffsets, dA_columns, dA_values,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I, CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO, CUDA_R_32F) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateCsr(&matB, B_num_rows, B_num_cols, B_num_nnz,
                                      dB_csrOffsets, dB_columns, dB_values,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I, CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO, CUDA_R_32F) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateCsr(&matC, A_num_rows, B_num_cols, 0,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I, CUSPARSE_INDEX_32I,
                                      CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO, CUDA_R_32F) )
    // SpGEMM Computation
    cusparseSpGEMMDescr_t spgemmDesc;
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSpGEMM_createDescr(&spgemmDesc) )

    // ask bufferSize1 bytes for external memory
    cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation(handle, opA, opB,
                                  &alpha, matA, matB, &beta, matC,
                                  computeType, CUSPARSE_SPGEMM_DEFAULT,
                                  spgemmDesc, &bufferSize1, NULL);
    cudaMalloc((void**) &dBuffer1, bufferSize1);
    // inspect the matrices A and B to understand the memory requiremnent for
    // the next step
    cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation(handle, opA, opB,
                                  &alpha, matA, matB, &beta, matC,
                                  computeType, CUSPARSE_SPGEMM_DEFAULT,
                                  spgemmDesc, &bufferSize1, dBuffer1);

    // ask bufferSize2 bytes for external memory
    cusparseSpGEMM_compute(handle, opA, opB,
                           &alpha, matA, matB, &beta, matC,
                           computeType, CUSPARSE_SPGEMM_DEFAULT,
                           spgemmDesc, &bufferSize2, NULL);
    cudaMalloc((void**) &dBuffer2, bufferSize2);

    // compute the intermediate product of A * B
    cusparseSpGEMM_compute(handle, opA, opB,
                           &alpha, matA, matB, &beta, matC,
                           computeType, CUSPARSE_SPGEMM_DEFAULT,
                           spgemmDesc, &bufferSize2, dBuffer2);
    // get matrix C non-zero entries C_num_nnz1
    int64_t C_num_rows1, C_num_cols1, C_num_nnz1;
    cusparseSpMatGetSize(matC, &C_num_rows1, &C_num_cols1, &C_num_nnz1);
    // allocate matrix C
    cudaMalloc((void**) &dC_columns, C_num_nnz1 * sizeof(int));
    cudaMalloc((void**) &dC_values,  C_num_nnz1 * sizeof(float));
    // update matC with the new pointers
    cusparseCsrSetPointers(matC, dC_csrOffsets, dC_columns, dC_values);

    // copy the final products to the matrix C
    cusparseSpGEMM_copy(handle, opA, opB,
                        &alpha, matA, matB, &beta, matC,
                        computeType, CUSPARSE_SPGEMM_DEFAULT, spgemmDesc);

    // destroy matrix/vector descriptors
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSpGEMM_destroyDescr(spgemmDesc) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroySpMat(matA) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroySpMat(matB) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroySpMat(matC) )
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDestroy(handle) )
    // device result check
    int   hC_csrOffsets_tmp[A_num_rows + 1];
    int   hC_columns_tmp[C_num_nnz];
    float hC_values_tmp[C_num_nnz];
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(hC_csrOffsets_tmp, dC_csrOffsets,
                           (A_num_rows + 1) * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(hC_columns_tmp, dC_columns,
                           C_num_nnz * sizeof(int),
                           cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(hC_values_tmp, dC_values,
                           C_num_nnz * sizeof(float),
                           cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) )
    int correct = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < A_num_rows + 1; i++) {
        if (hC_csrOffsets_tmp[i] != hC_csrOffsets[i]) {
            correct = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < C_num_nnz; i++) {
        if (hC_columns_tmp[i] != hC_columns[i] ||
            hC_values_tmp[i]  != hC_values[i]) {
            correct = 0;
    if (correct)
        printf("spgemm_example test PASSED\n");
    else {
        printf("spgemm_example test FAILED: wrong result\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // device memory deallocation
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dBuffer1) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dBuffer2) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dA_csrOffsets) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dA_columns) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dA_values) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dB_csrOffsets) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dB_columns) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dB_values) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dC_csrOffsets) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dC_columns) )
    CHECK_CUDA( cudaFree(dC_values) )
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Appendix B: cuSPARSE Fortran Bindings

The cuSPARSE library is implemented using the C-based CUDA toolchain, and it thus provides a C-style API that makes interfacing to applications written in C or C++ trivial. There are also many applications implemented in Fortran that would benefit from using cuSPARSE, and therefore a cuSPARSE Fortran interface has been developed.

Unfortunately, Fortran-to-C calling conventions are not standardized and differ by platform and toolchain. In particular, differences may exist in the following areas:

Symbol names (capitalization, name decoration)

Argument passing (by value or reference)

Passing of pointer arguments (size of the pointer)

To provide maximum flexibility in addressing those differences, the cuSPARSE Fortran interface is provided in the form of wrapper functions, which are written in C and are located in the file cusparse_fortran.c. This file also contains a few additional wrapper functions (for cudaMalloc(), cudaMemset, and so on) that can be used to allocate memory on the GPU.

The cuSPARSE Fortran wrapper code is provided as an example only and needs to be compiled into an application for it to call the cuSPARSE API functions. Providing this source code allows users to make any changes necessary for a particular platform and toolchain.

The cuSPARSE Fortran wrapper code has been used to demonstrate interoperability with the compilers g95 0.91 (on 32-bit and 64-bit Linux) and g95 0.92 (on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS X). In order to use other compilers, users have to make any changes to the wrapper code that may be required.

The direct wrappers, intended for production code, substitute device pointers for vector and matrix arguments in all cuSPARSE functions. To use these interfaces, existing applications need to be modified slightly to allocate and deallocate data structures in GPU memory space (using CUDA_MALLOC() and CUDA_FREE()) and to copy data between GPU and CPU memory spaces (using the CUDA_MEMCPY() routines). The sample wrappers provided in cusparse_fortran.c map device pointers to the OS-dependent type size_t, which is 32 bits wide on 32-bit platforms and 64 bits wide on a 64-bit platforms.

One approach to dealing with index arithmetic on device pointers in Fortran code is to use C-style macros and to use the C preprocessor to expand them. On Linux and Mac OS X, preprocessing can be done by using the option '-cpp' with g95 or gfortran. The function GET_SHIFTED_ADDRESS(), provided with the cuSPARSE Fortran wrappers, can also be used, as shown in example B.

Example B shows the the C++ of example A implemented in Fortran 77 on the host. This example should be compiled with ARCH_64 defined as 1 on a 64-bit OS system and as undefined on a 32-bit OS system. For example, on g95 or gfortran, it can be done directly on the command line using the option -cpp -DARCH_64=1.

15.1. Fortran Application

c     #define ARCH_64 0
c     #define ARCH_64 1

      program cusparse_fortran_example
      implicit none
      integer cuda_malloc
      external cuda_free
      integer cuda_memcpy_c2fort_int
      integer cuda_memcpy_c2fort_real
      integer cuda_memcpy_fort2c_int
      integer cuda_memcpy_fort2c_real
      integer cuda_memset
      integer cusparse_create 
      external cusparse_destroy
      integer cusparse_get_version 
      integer cusparse_create_mat_descr
      external cusparse_destroy_mat_descr
      integer cusparse_set_mat_type 
      integer cusparse_get_mat_type
      integer cusparse_get_mat_fill_mode
      integer cusparse_get_mat_diag_type
      integer cusparse_set_mat_index_base
      integer cusparse_get_mat_index_base
      integer cusparse_xcoo2csr
      integer cusparse_dsctr
      integer cusparse_dcsrmv
      integer cusparse_dcsrmm
      external get_shifted_address
#if ARCH_64      
      integer*8 handle
      integer*8 descrA      
      integer*8 cooRowIndex
      integer*8 cooColIndex    
      integer*8 cooVal
      integer*8 xInd
      integer*8 xVal
      integer*8 y  
      integer*8 z 
      integer*8 csrRowPtr
      integer*8 ynp1  
      integer*4 handle
      integer*4 descrA
      integer*4 cooRowIndex
      integer*4 cooColIndex    
      integer*4 cooVal
      integer*4 xInd
      integer*4 xVal
      integer*4 y  
      integer*4 z 
      integer*4 csrRowPtr
      integer*4 ynp1  
      integer status
      integer cudaStat1,cudaStat2,cudaStat3
      integer cudaStat4,cudaStat5,cudaStat6
      integer n, nnz, nnz_vector
      parameter (n=4, nnz=9, nnz_vector=3)
      integer cooRowIndexHostPtr(nnz)
      integer cooColIndexHostPtr(nnz)    
      real*8  cooValHostPtr(nnz)
      integer xIndHostPtr(nnz_vector)
      real*8  xValHostPtr(nnz_vector)
      real*8  yHostPtr(2*n)
      real*8  zHostPtr(2*(n+1)) 
      integer i, j
      integer version, mtype, fmode, dtype, ibase
      real*8  dzero,dtwo,dthree,dfive
      real*8  epsilon

      write(*,*) "testing fortran example"

c     predefined constants (need to be careful with them)
      dzero = 0.0
      dtwo  = 2.0
      dthree= 3.0
      dfive = 5.0
c     create the following sparse test matrix in COO format 
c     (notice one-based indexing)
c     |1.0     2.0 3.0|
c     |    4.0        |
c     |5.0     6.0 7.0|
c     |    8.0     9.0| 
      cooValHostPtr(1)     =1.0  
      cooValHostPtr(2)     =2.0  
      cooValHostPtr(3)     =3.0  
      cooValHostPtr(4)     =4.0  
      cooValHostPtr(5)     =5.0  
      cooValHostPtr(6)     =6.0
      cooValHostPtr(7)     =7.0  
      cooValHostPtr(8)     =8.0  
      cooValHostPtr(9)     =9.0  
c     print the matrix
      write(*,*) "Input data:"
      do i=1,nnz        
         write(*,*) "cooRowIndexHostPtr[",i,"]=",cooRowIndexHostPtr(i)
         write(*,*) "cooColIndexHostPtr[",i,"]=",cooColIndexHostPtr(i)
         write(*,*) "cooValHostPtr[",     i,"]=",cooValHostPtr(i)
c     create a sparse and dense vector  
c     xVal= [100.0 200.0 400.0]   (sparse)
c     xInd= [0     1     3    ]
c     y   = [10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 | 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0] (dense) 
c     (notice one-based indexing)
      yHostPtr(1) = 10.0  
      yHostPtr(2) = 20.0  
      yHostPtr(3) = 30.0
      yHostPtr(4) = 40.0  
      yHostPtr(5) = 50.0
      yHostPtr(6) = 60.0
      yHostPtr(7) = 70.0
      yHostPtr(8) = 80.0
c     print the vectors
      do j=1,2
         do i=1,n        
            write(*,*) "yHostPtr[",i,",",j,"]=",yHostPtr(i+n*(j-1))
      do i=1,nnz_vector        
         write(*,*) "xIndHostPtr[",i,"]=",xIndHostPtr(i)
         write(*,*) "xValHostPtr[",i,"]=",xValHostPtr(i)

c     allocate GPU memory and copy the matrix and vectors into it 
c     cudaSuccess=0
c     cudaMemcpyHostToDevice=1
      cudaStat1 = cuda_malloc(cooRowIndex,nnz*4) 
      cudaStat2 = cuda_malloc(cooColIndex,nnz*4)
      cudaStat3 = cuda_malloc(cooVal,     nnz*8) 
      cudaStat4 = cuda_malloc(y,          2*n*8)   
      cudaStat5 = cuda_malloc(xInd,nnz_vector*4) 
      cudaStat6 = cuda_malloc(xVal,nnz_vector*8) 
      if ((cudaStat1 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat2 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat3 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat4 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat5 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat6 /= 0)) then 
         write(*,*) "Device malloc failed"
         write(*,*) "cudaStat1=",cudaStat1
         write(*,*) "cudaStat2=",cudaStat2
         write(*,*) "cudaStat3=",cudaStat3
         write(*,*) "cudaStat4=",cudaStat4
         write(*,*) "cudaStat5=",cudaStat5
         write(*,*) "cudaStat6=",cudaStat6
         stop 2 
      cudaStat1 = cuda_memcpy_fort2c_int(cooRowIndex,cooRowIndexHostPtr, 
     $                                   nnz*4,1)        
      cudaStat2 = cuda_memcpy_fort2c_int(cooColIndex,cooColIndexHostPtr, 
     $                                   nnz*4,1)       
      cudaStat3 = cuda_memcpy_fort2c_real(cooVal,    cooValHostPtr,      
     $                                    nnz*8,1)       
      cudaStat4 = cuda_memcpy_fort2c_real(y,      yHostPtr,           
     $                                    2*n*8,1)       
      cudaStat5 = cuda_memcpy_fort2c_int(xInd,       xIndHostPtr,        
     $                                   nnz_vector*4,1) 
      cudaStat6 = cuda_memcpy_fort2c_real(xVal,      xValHostPtr,        
     $                                    nnz_vector*8,1)
      if ((cudaStat1 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat2 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat3 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat4 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat5 /= 0) .OR. 
     $    (cudaStat6 /= 0)) then 
         write(*,*) "Memcpy from Host to Device failed"
         write(*,*) "cudaStat1=",cudaStat1
         write(*,*) "cudaStat2=",cudaStat2
         write(*,*) "cudaStat3=",cudaStat3
         write(*,*) "cudaStat4=",cudaStat4
         write(*,*) "cudaStat5=",cudaStat5
         write(*,*) "cudaStat6=",cudaStat6
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         stop 1
c     initialize cusparse library
      status = cusparse_create(handle)
      if (status /= 0) then 
         write(*,*) "CUSPARSE Library initialization failed"
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         stop 1
c     get version
      status = cusparse_get_version(handle,version)
      if (status /= 0) then 
         write(*,*) "CUSPARSE Library initialization failed"
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)   
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         stop 1
      write(*,*) "CUSPARSE Library version",version

c     create and setup the matrix descriptor
      status= cusparse_create_mat_descr(descrA) 
      if (status /= 0) then 
         write(*,*) "Creating matrix descriptor failed"
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         stop 1
      status = cusparse_set_mat_type(descrA,0)       
      status = cusparse_set_mat_index_base(descrA,1) 
c     print the matrix descriptor
      mtype = cusparse_get_mat_type(descrA)
      fmode = cusparse_get_mat_fill_mode(descrA) 
      dtype = cusparse_get_mat_diag_type(descrA) 
      ibase = cusparse_get_mat_index_base(descrA) 
      write (*,*) "matrix descriptor:"
      write (*,*) "t=",mtype,"m=",fmode,"d=",dtype,"b=",ibase

c     exercise conversion routines (convert matrix from COO 2 CSR format) 
c     cudaSuccess=0
      cudaStat1 = cuda_malloc(csrRowPtr,(n+1)*4)
      if (cudaStat1 /= 0) then  
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Device malloc failed (csrRowPtr)"
         stop 2
      status= cusparse_xcoo2csr(handle,cooRowIndex,nnz,n,
     $                          csrRowPtr,1)         
      if (status /= 0) then 
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Conversion from COO to CSR format failed"
         stop 1
c     csrRowPtr = [0 3 4 7 9] 

c     exercise Level 1 routines (scatter vector elements)
      call get_shifted_address(y,n*8,ynp1)
      status= cusparse_dsctr(handle, nnz_vector, xVal, xInd, 
     $                       ynp1, 1)
      if (status /= 0) then 
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Scatter from sparse to dense vector failed"
         stop 1
c     y = [10 20 30 40 | 100 200 70 400]

c     exercise Level 2 routines (csrmv) 
      status= cusparse_dcsrmv(handle, 0, n, n, nnz, dtwo,
     $                       descrA, cooVal, csrRowPtr, cooColIndex, 
     $                       y, dthree, ynp1)        
      if (status /= 0) then 
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Matrix-vector multiplication failed"
         stop 1
c     print intermediate results (y) 
c     y = [10 20 30 40 | 680 760 1230 2240]
c     cudaSuccess=0
c     cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost=2
      cudaStat1 = cuda_memcpy_c2fort_real(yHostPtr, y, 2*n*8, 2) 
      if (cudaStat1 /= 0) then  
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Memcpy from Device to Host failed"
         stop 1
      write(*,*) "Intermediate results:"
      do j=1,2
         do i=1,n        
             write(*,*) "yHostPtr[",i,",",j,"]=",yHostPtr(i+n*(j-1))

c     exercise Level 3 routines (csrmm)
c     cudaSuccess=0 
      cudaStat1 = cuda_malloc(z, 2*(n+1)*8)   
      if (cudaStat1 /= 0) then  
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Device malloc failed (z)"
         stop 2
      cudaStat1 = cuda_memset(z, 0, 2*(n+1)*8)    
      if (cudaStat1 /= 0) then  
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(z) 
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Memset on Device failed"
         stop 1
      status= cusparse_dcsrmm(handle, 0, n, 2, n, nnz, dfive, 
     $                        descrA, cooVal, csrRowPtr, cooColIndex, 
     $                        y, n, dzero, z, n+1) 
      if (status /= 0) then     
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(z) 
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Matrix-matrix multiplication failed"
         stop 1

c     print final results (z) 
c     cudaSuccess=0
c     cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost=2
      cudaStat1 = cuda_memcpy_c2fort_real(zHostPtr, z, 2*(n+1)*8, 2) 
      if (cudaStat1 /= 0) then 
         call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
         call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
         call cuda_free(cooVal)
         call cuda_free(xInd)
         call cuda_free(xVal)
         call cuda_free(y)  
         call cuda_free(z) 
         call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
         call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
         call cusparse_destroy(handle)
         write(*,*) "Memcpy from Device to Host failed"
         stop 1
c     z = [950 400 2550 2600 0 | 49300 15200 132300 131200 0]
      write(*,*) "Final results:"
      do j=1,2
         do i=1,n+1
            write(*,*) "z[",i,",",j,"]=",zHostPtr(i+(n+1)*(j-1))
c     check the results 
      epsilon = 0.00000000000001
      if ((DABS(zHostPtr(1) - 950.0)   .GT. epsilon)  .OR. 
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(2) - 400.0)   .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(3) - 2550.0)  .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(4) - 2600.0)  .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(5) - 0.0)     .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(6) - 49300.0) .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(7) - 15200.0) .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(8) - 132300.0).GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(9) - 131200.0).GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(zHostPtr(10) - 0.0)    .GT. epsilon)  .OR. 
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(1) - 10.0)    .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(2) - 20.0)    .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(3) - 30.0)    .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(4) - 40.0)    .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(5) - 680.0)   .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(6) - 760.0)   .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(7) - 1230.0)  .GT. epsilon)  .OR.  
     $    (DABS(yHostPtr(8) - 2240.0)  .GT. epsilon)) then 
          write(*,*) "fortran example test FAILED"
          write(*,*) "fortran example test PASSED"
c      deallocate GPU memory and exit      
       call cuda_free(cooRowIndex)
       call cuda_free(cooColIndex)    
       call cuda_free(cooVal)
       call cuda_free(xInd)
       call cuda_free(xVal)
       call cuda_free(y)  
       call cuda_free(z) 
       call cuda_free(csrRowPtr)
       call cusparse_destroy_mat_descr(descrA)
       call cusparse_destroy(handle)

       stop 0

16. Appendix B: Examples of sorting

16.1. COO Sort

This chapter provides a simple example in the C programming language of sorting of COO format.

A is a 3x3 sparse matrix,

A = 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include coosort.cpp 
 *   g++ -o coosort.cpp coosort.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t handle = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat2 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat3 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat4 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat5 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat6 = cudaSuccess;

 * A is a 3x3 sparse matrix 
 *     | 1 2 0 | 
 * A = | 0 5 0 | 
 *     | 0 8 0 | 
    const int m = 3;
    const int n = 3;
    const int nnz = 4;

#if 0
/* index starts at 0 */
    int h_cooRows[nnz] = {2, 1, 0, 0 };
    int h_cooCols[nnz] = {1, 1, 0, 1 }; 
/* index starts at -2 */
    int h_cooRows[nnz] = {0, -1, -2, -2 };
    int h_cooCols[nnz] = {-1, -1, -2, -1 };
    double h_cooVals[nnz] = {8.0, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
    int h_P[nnz];

    int *d_cooRows = NULL;
    int *d_cooCols = NULL;
    int *d_P       = NULL;
    double *d_cooVals = NULL;
    double *d_cooVals_sorted = NULL;
    size_t pBufferSizeInBytes = 0;
    void *pBuffer = NULL;

    printf("m = %d, n = %d, nnz=%d \n", m, n, nnz );

/* step 1: create cusparse handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&handle);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(handle, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: allocate buffer */ 
    status = cusparseXcoosort_bufferSizeExt(
    assert( CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("pBufferSizeInBytes = %lld bytes \n", (long long)pBufferSizeInBytes);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc( &d_cooRows, sizeof(int)*nnz);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc( &d_cooCols, sizeof(int)*nnz);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMalloc( &d_P      , sizeof(int)*nnz);
    cudaStat4 = cudaMalloc( &d_cooVals, sizeof(double)*nnz);
    cudaStat5 = cudaMalloc( &d_cooVals_sorted, sizeof(double)*nnz);
    cudaStat6 = cudaMalloc( &pBuffer, sizeof(char)* pBufferSizeInBytes);

    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat1 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat2 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat3 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat4 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat5 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat6 );

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_cooRows, h_cooRows, sizeof(int)*nnz   , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy(d_cooCols, h_cooCols, sizeof(int)*nnz   , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMemcpy(d_cooVals, h_cooVals, sizeof(double)*nnz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaStat4 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat1 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat2 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat3 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat4 );

/* step 3: setup permutation vector P to identity */
    status = cusparseCreateIdentityPermutation(
    assert( CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 4: sort COO format by Row */
    status = cusparseXcoosortByRow(
    assert( CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 5: gather sorted cooVals */
    status = cusparseDgthr(
    assert( CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); /* wait until the computation is done */
    cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy(h_cooRows, d_cooRows, sizeof(int)*nnz   , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMemcpy(h_cooCols, d_cooCols, sizeof(int)*nnz   , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat4 = cudaMemcpy(h_P,       d_P      , sizeof(int)*nnz   , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat5 = cudaMemcpy(h_cooVals, d_cooVals_sorted, sizeof(double)*nnz, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat6 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat1 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat2 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat3 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat4 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat5 );
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaStat6 );

    printf("sorted coo: \n");
    for(int j = 0 ; j < nnz; j++){
        printf("(%d, %d, %f) \n", h_cooRows[j], h_cooCols[j], h_cooVals[j] );

    for(int j = 0 ; j < nnz; j++){
        printf("P[%d] = %d \n", j, h_P[j] );

/* free resources */
    if (d_cooRows     ) cudaFree(d_cooRows);
    if (d_cooCols     ) cudaFree(d_cooCols);
    if (d_P           ) cudaFree(d_P);
    if (d_cooVals     ) cudaFree(d_cooVals);
    if (d_cooVals_sorted ) cudaFree(d_cooVals_sorted);
    if (pBuffer       ) cudaFree(pBuffer);
    if (handle        ) cusparseDestroy(handle);
    if (stream        ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    return 0;

17. Appendix C: Examples of prune

17.1. Prune Dense to Sparse

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of pruning a dense matrix to a sparse matrix of CSR format.

A is a 4x4 dense matrix,

A = 1.0 0.0 2.0 -3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 9.0

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include prunedense_example.cpp 
 *   g++ -o prunedense_example.cpp prunedense_example.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

void printMatrix(int m, int n, const float*A, int lda, const char* name)
    for(int row = 0 ; row < m ; row++){
        for(int col = 0 ; col < n ; col++){
            float Areg = A[row + col*lda];
            printf("%s(%d,%d) = %f\n", name, row+1, col+1, Areg);

void printCsr(
    int m,
    int n,
    int nnz,
    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
    const float *csrValA,
    const int *csrRowPtrA,
    const int *csrColIndA,
    const char* name)
    const int base = (cusparseGetMatIndexBase(descrA) != CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE)? 0:1 ;

    printf("matrix %s is %d-by-%d, nnz=%d, base=%d\n", name, m, n, nnz, base);
    for(int row = 0 ; row < m ; row++){
        const int start = csrRowPtrA[row  ] - base;
        const int end   = csrRowPtrA[row+1] - base;
        for(int colidx = start ; colidx < end ; colidx++){
            const int col = csrColIndA[colidx] - base;
            const float Areg = csrValA[colidx];
            printf("%s(%d,%d) = %f\n", name, row+1, col+1, Areg);

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t handle = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrC = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat2 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat3 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat4 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat5 = cudaSuccess;
    const int m = 4;
    const int n = 4;
    const int lda = m;
 *      |    1     0     2     -3  |
 *      |    0     4     0     0   |
 *  A = |    5     0     6     7   |
 *      |    0     8     0     9   |
    const float A[lda*n] = {1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 4, 0, 8, 2, 0, 6, 0, -3, 0, 7, 9};
    int* csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int* csrColIndC = NULL;
    float* csrValC  = NULL;

    float *d_A = NULL;
    int *d_csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndC = NULL;
    float *d_csrValC = NULL;

    size_t lworkInBytes = 0;
    char *d_work = NULL;

    int nnzC = 0;

    float threshold = 4.1; /* remove Aij <= 4.1 */
//    float threshold = 0; /* remove zeros */

    printf("example of pruneDense2csr \n");

    printf("prune |A(i,j)| <= threshold \n");
    printf("threshold = %E \n", threshold);

    printMatrix(m, n, A, lda, "A");

/* step 1: create cusparse handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&handle);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(handle, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of matrix C */
    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrC);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cusparseSetMatType(descrC, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_A         , sizeof(float)*lda*n );
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);

/* step 3: query workspace */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, sizeof(float)*lda*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseSpruneDense2csr_bufferSizeExt(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("lworkInBytes (prune) = %lld \n", (long long)lworkInBytes);

    if (NULL != d_work) { cudaFree(d_work); }
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work, lworkInBytes);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 4: compute csrRowPtrC and nnzC */
    status = cusparseSpruneDense2csrNnz(
        &nnzC, /* host */
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printf("nnzC = %d\n", nnzC);
    if (0 == nnzC ){
        printf("C is empty \n");
        return 0;

/* step 5: compute csrColIndC and csrValC */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  ) * nnzC );
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValC   , sizeof(float) * nnzC );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);

    status = cusparseSpruneDense2csr(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 6: output C */
    csrRowPtrC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*(m+1));
    csrColIndC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*nnzC);
    csrValC    = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*nnzC);
    assert( NULL != csrRowPtrC);
    assert( NULL != csrColIndC);
    assert( NULL != csrValC);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrRowPtrC, d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int  )*(m+1), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy(csrColIndC, d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  )*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMemcpy(csrValC   , d_csrValC   , sizeof(float)*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat3);

    printCsr(m, n, nnzC, descrC, csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC, "C");

/* free resources */
    if (d_A           ) cudaFree(d_A);
    if (d_csrRowPtrC  ) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrC);
    if (d_csrColIndC  ) cudaFree(d_csrColIndC);
    if (d_csrValC     ) cudaFree(d_csrValC);

    if (csrRowPtrC  ) free(csrRowPtrC);
    if (csrColIndC  ) free(csrColIndC);
    if (csrValC     ) free(csrValC);

    if (handle        ) cusparseDestroy(handle);
    if (stream        ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (descrC        ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrC);

    return 0;

17.2. Prune Sparse to Sparse

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of pruning a sparse matrix to a sparse matrix of CSR format.

A is a 4x4 sparse matrix,

A = 1.0 0.0 2.0 -3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 9.0

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include prunecsr_example.cpp 
 *   g++ -o prunecsr_example.cpp prunecsr_example.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

void printCsr(
    int m,
    int n,
    int nnz,
    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
    const float *csrValA,
    const int *csrRowPtrA,
    const int *csrColIndA,
    const char* name)
    const int base = (cusparseGetMatIndexBase(descrA) != CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE)? 0:1 ;

    printf("matrix %s is %d-by-%d, nnz=%d, base=%d, output base-1\n", name, m, n, nnz, base);
    for(int row = 0 ; row < m ; row++){
        const int start = csrRowPtrA[row  ] - base;
        const int end   = csrRowPtrA[row+1] - base;
        for(int colidx = start ; colidx < end ; colidx++){
            const int col = csrColIndA[colidx] - base;
            const float Areg = csrValA[colidx];
            printf("%s(%d,%d) = %f\n", name, row+1, col+1, Areg);

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t handle = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrC = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    const int m = 4;
    const int n = 4;
    const int nnzA = 9;
 *      |    1     0     2     -3  |
 *      |    0     4     0     0   |
 *  A = |    5     0     6     7   |
 *      |    0     8     0     9   |

    const int csrRowPtrA[m+1] = { 1, 4, 5, 8, 10};
    const int csrColIndA[nnzA] = { 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4};
    const float csrValA[nnzA] = {1, 2, -3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

    int* csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int* csrColIndC = NULL;
    float* csrValC  = NULL;

    int *d_csrRowPtrA = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndA = NULL;
    float *d_csrValA = NULL;

    int *d_csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndC = NULL;
    float *d_csrValC = NULL;

    size_t lworkInBytes = 0;
    char *d_work = NULL;

    int nnzC = 0;

    float threshold = 4.1; /* remove Aij <= 4.1 */
//    float threshold = 0; /* remove zeros */

    printf("example of pruneCsr2csr \n");

    printf("prune |A(i,j)| <= threshold \n");
    printf("threshold = %E \n", threshold);

/* step 1: create cusparse handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&handle);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(handle, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of matrix A and C */
    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
/* A is base-1*/
    cusparseSetMatType(descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );

    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrC);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
/* C is base-0 */
    cusparseSetMatType(descrC, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );

    printCsr(m, n, nnzA, descrA, csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA, "A");

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrA, sizeof(int)*(m+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndA, sizeof(int)*nnzA );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValA   , sizeof(float)*nnzA );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrRowPtrA, csrRowPtrA, sizeof(int)*(m+1), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrColIndA, csrColIndA, sizeof(int)*nnzA, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrValA   , csrValA   , sizeof(float)*nnzA, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 3: query workspace */
    status = cusparseSpruneCsr2csr_bufferSizeExt(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("lworkInBytes (prune) = %lld \n", (long long)lworkInBytes);

    if (NULL != d_work) { cudaFree(d_work); }
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work, lworkInBytes);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 4: compute csrRowPtrC and nnzC */
    status = cusparseSpruneCsr2csrNnz(
        &nnzC, /* host */
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printf("nnzC = %d\n", nnzC);
    if (0 == nnzC ){
        printf("C is empty \n");
        return 0;
/* step 5: compute csrColIndC and csrValC */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  ) * nnzC );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValC   , sizeof(float) * nnzC );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseSpruneCsr2csr(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 6: output C */
    csrRowPtrC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*(m+1));
    csrColIndC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*nnzC);
    csrValC    = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*nnzC);
    assert( NULL != csrRowPtrC);
    assert( NULL != csrColIndC);
    assert( NULL != csrValC);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrRowPtrC, d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int  )*(m+1), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrColIndC, d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  )*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrValC   , d_csrValC   , sizeof(float)*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    printCsr(m, n, nnzC, descrC, csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC, "C");
/* free resources */
    if (d_csrRowPtrA  ) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrA);
    if (d_csrColIndA  ) cudaFree(d_csrColIndA);
    if (d_csrValA     ) cudaFree(d_csrValA);
    if (d_csrRowPtrC  ) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrC);
    if (d_csrColIndC  ) cudaFree(d_csrColIndC);
    if (d_csrValC     ) cudaFree(d_csrValC);
    if (csrRowPtrC  ) free(csrRowPtrC);
    if (csrColIndC  ) free(csrColIndC);
    if (csrValC     ) free(csrValC);
    if (handle        ) cusparseDestroy(handle);
    if (stream        ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (descrA        ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrA);
    if (descrC        ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrC);
    return 0;

17.3. Prune Dense to Sparse by Percentage

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of pruning a dense matrix to a sparse matrix by percentage.

A is a 4x4 dense matrix,

A = 1.0 0.0 2.0 -3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 9.0

The percentage is 50, which means to prune 50 percent of the dense matrix. The matrix has 16 elements, so 8 out of 16 must be pruned out. Therefore 7 zeros are pruned out, and value 1.0 is also out because it is the smallest among 9 nonzero elements.

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include prunedense2csrbyP.cpp
 *   g++ -o prunedense2csrbyP.cpp prunedense2csrbyP.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

void printMatrix(int m, int n, const float*A, int lda, const char* name)
    for(int row = 0 ; row < m ; row++){
        for(int col = 0 ; col < n ; col++){
            float Areg = A[row + col*lda];
            printf("%s(%d,%d) = %f\n", name, row+1, col+1, Areg);

void printCsr(
    int m,
    int n,
    int nnz,
    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
    const float *csrValA,
    const int *csrRowPtrA,
    const int *csrColIndA,
    const char* name)
    const int base = (cusparseGetMatIndexBase(descrA) != CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE)? 0:1 ;

    printf("matrix %s is %d-by-%d, nnz=%d, base=%d, output base-1\n", name, m, n, nnz, base);
    for(int row = 0 ; row < m ; row++){
        const int start = csrRowPtrA[row  ] - base;
        const int end   = csrRowPtrA[row+1] - base;
        for(int colidx = start ; colidx < end ; colidx++){
            const int col = csrColIndA[colidx] - base;
            const float Areg = csrValA[colidx];
            printf("%s(%d,%d) = %f\n", name, row+1, col+1, Areg);

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t handle = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrC = NULL;
    pruneInfo_t info = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat2 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat3 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat4 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat5 = cudaSuccess;
    const int m = 4;
    const int n = 4;
    const int lda = m;

 *      |    1     0     2     -3  |
 *      |    0     4     0     0   |
 *  A = |    5     0     6     7   |
 *      |    0     8     0     9   |
    const float A[lda*n] = {1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 4, 0, 8, 2, 0, 6, 0, -3, 0, 7, 9};
    int* csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int* csrColIndC = NULL;
    float* csrValC  = NULL;

    float *d_A = NULL;
    int *d_csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndC = NULL;
    float *d_csrValC = NULL;

    size_t lworkInBytes = 0;
    char *d_work = NULL;

    int nnzC = 0;

    float percentage = 50; /* 50% of nnz */

    printf("example of pruneDense2csrByPercentage \n");

    printf("prune out %.1f percentage of A \n", percentage);

    printMatrix(m, n, A, lda, "A");

/* step 1: create cusparse handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&handle);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(handle, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseCreatePruneInfo(&info);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of matrix C */
    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrC);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cusparseSetMatType(descrC, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_A         , sizeof(float)*lda*n );
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, sizeof(float)*lda*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 3: query workspace */
    status = cusparseSpruneDense2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("lworkInBytes = %lld \n", (long long)lworkInBytes);

    if (NULL != d_work) { cudaFree(d_work); }
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work, lworkInBytes);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 4: compute csrRowPtrC and nnzC */
    status = cusparseSpruneDense2csrNnzByPercentage(
        &nnzC, /* host */
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printf("nnzC = %d\n", nnzC);
    if (0 == nnzC ){
        printf("C is empty \n");
        return 0;

/* step 5: compute csrColIndC and csrValC */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  ) * nnzC );
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValC   , sizeof(float) * nnzC );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);

    status = cusparseSpruneDense2csrByPercentage(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 7: output C */
    csrRowPtrC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*(m+1));
    csrColIndC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*nnzC);
    csrValC    = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*nnzC);
    assert( NULL != csrRowPtrC);
    assert( NULL != csrColIndC);
    assert( NULL != csrValC);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrRowPtrC, d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int  )*(m+1), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy(csrColIndC, d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  )*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMemcpy(csrValC   , d_csrValC   , sizeof(float)*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat3);

    printCsr(m, n, nnzC, descrC, csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC, "C");

/* free resources */
    if (d_A         ) cudaFree(d_A);
    if (d_csrRowPtrC) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrC);
    if (d_csrColIndC) cudaFree(d_csrColIndC);
    if (d_csrValC   ) cudaFree(d_csrValC);

    if (csrRowPtrC  ) free(csrRowPtrC);
    if (csrColIndC  ) free(csrColIndC);
    if (csrValC     ) free(csrValC);

    if (handle      ) cusparseDestroy(handle);
    if (stream      ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (descrC      ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrC);
    if (info        ) cusparseDestroyPruneInfo(info);


    return 0;

17.4. Prune Sparse to Sparse by Percentage

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of pruning a sparse matrix to a sparse matrix by percentage.

A is a 4x4 sparse matrix,

A = 1.0 0.0 2.0 -3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 9.0

The percentage is 20, which means to prune 20 percent of the nonzeros. The sparse matrix has 9 nonzero elements, so 1.4 elements must be pruned out. The function removes 1.0 and 2.0 which are first two smallest numbers of nonzeros.

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include prunecsr2csrByP.cpp 
 *   g++ -o prunecsr2csrByP.cpp prunecsr2csrByP.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

void printCsr(
    int m,
    int n,
    int nnz,
    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
    const float *csrValA,
    const int *csrRowPtrA,
    const int *csrColIndA,
    const char* name)
    const int base = (cusparseGetMatIndexBase(descrA) != CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE)? 0:1 ;

    printf("matrix %s is %d-by-%d, nnz=%d, base=%d, output base-1\n", name, m, n, nnz, base);
    for(int row = 0 ; row < m ; row++){
        const int start = csrRowPtrA[row  ] - base;
        const int end   = csrRowPtrA[row+1] - base;
        for(int colidx = start ; colidx < end ; colidx++){
            const int col = csrColIndA[colidx] - base;
            const float Areg = csrValA[colidx];
            printf("%s(%d,%d) = %f\n", name, row+1, col+1, Areg);

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t handle = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrC = NULL;
    pruneInfo_t info = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    const int m = 4;
    const int n = 4;
    const int nnzA = 9;
 *      |    1     0     2     -3  |
 *      |    0     4     0     0   |
 *  A = |    5     0     6     7   |
 *      |    0     8     0     9   |

    const int csrRowPtrA[m+1] = { 1, 4, 5, 8, 10};
    const int csrColIndA[nnzA] = { 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4};
    const float csrValA[nnzA] = {1, 2, -3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

    int* csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int* csrColIndC = NULL;
    float* csrValC  = NULL;

    int *d_csrRowPtrA = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndA = NULL;
    float *d_csrValA = NULL;

    int *d_csrRowPtrC = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndC = NULL;
    float *d_csrValC = NULL;

    size_t lworkInBytes = 0;
    char *d_work = NULL;

    int nnzC = 0;

    float percentage = 20; /* remove 20% of nonzeros */

    printf("example of pruneCsr2csrByPercentage \n");

    printf("prune %.1f percent of nonzeros \n", percentage);

/* step 1: create cusparse handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&handle);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(handle, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseCreatePruneInfo(&info);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of matrix C */
    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
/* A is base-1*/
    cusparseSetMatType(descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );

    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrC);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
/* C is base-0 */
    cusparseSetMatType(descrC, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL );

    printCsr(m, n, nnzA, descrA, csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA, "A");

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrA, sizeof(int)*(m+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndA, sizeof(int)*nnzA );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValA   , sizeof(float)*nnzA );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int)*(m+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrRowPtrA, csrRowPtrA, sizeof(int)*(m+1), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrColIndA, csrColIndA, sizeof(int)*nnzA, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrValA   , csrValA   , sizeof(float)*nnzA, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 3: query workspace */
    status = cusparseSpruneCsr2csrByPercentage_bufferSizeExt(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("lworkInBytes = %lld \n", (long long)lworkInBytes);

    if (NULL != d_work) { cudaFree(d_work); }
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work, lworkInBytes);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 4: compute csrRowPtrC and nnzC */
    status = cusparseSpruneCsr2csrNnzByPercentage(
        &nnzC, /* host */

    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printf("nnzC = %d\n", nnzC);
    if (0 == nnzC ){
        printf("C is empty \n");
        return 0;

/* step 5: compute csrColIndC and csrValC */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  ) * nnzC );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValC   , sizeof(float) * nnzC );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseSpruneCsr2csrByPercentage(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 6: output C */
    csrRowPtrC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*(m+1));
    csrColIndC = (int*  )malloc(sizeof(int  )*nnzC);
    csrValC    = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*nnzC);
    assert( NULL != csrRowPtrC);
    assert( NULL != csrColIndC);
    assert( NULL != csrValC);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrRowPtrC, d_csrRowPtrC, sizeof(int  )*(m+1), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrColIndC, d_csrColIndC, sizeof(int  )*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(csrValC   , d_csrValC   , sizeof(float)*nnzC , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printCsr(m, n, nnzC, descrC, csrValC, csrRowPtrC, csrColIndC, "C");

/* free resources */
    if (d_csrRowPtrA) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrA);
    if (d_csrColIndA) cudaFree(d_csrColIndA);
    if (d_csrValA   ) cudaFree(d_csrValA);
    if (d_csrRowPtrC) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrC);
    if (d_csrColIndC) cudaFree(d_csrColIndC);
    if (d_csrValC   ) cudaFree(d_csrValC);

    if (csrRowPtrC  ) free(csrRowPtrC);
    if (csrColIndC  ) free(csrColIndC);
    if (csrValC     ) free(csrValC);

    if (handle      ) cusparseDestroy(handle);
    if (stream      ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (descrA      ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrA);
    if (descrC      ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrC);
    if (info        ) cusparseDestroyPruneInfo(info);


    return 0;

18. Appendix D: Examples of gpsv

18.1. Batched Penta-diagonal Solver

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of gpsvInterleavedBatch .

The example solves two penta-diagonal systems and assumes data layout is NOT interleaved format. Before calling gpsvInterleavedBatch, cublasXgeam is used to transform the data layout, from aggregate format to interleaved format. If the user can prepare interleaved format, no need to transpose the data.

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include gpsv.cpp 
 *   g++ -o gpsv gpsv.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcublas -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>

 * compute | b - A*x|_inf
void residaul_eval(
    int n,
    const float *ds,
    const float *dl,
    const float *d,
    const float *du,
    const float *dw,
    const float *b,
    const float *x,
    float *r_nrminf_ptr)
    float r_nrminf = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
        float dot = 0;
        if (i > 1 ){
            dot += ds[i]*x[i-2];
        if (i > 0 ){
            dot += dl[i]*x[i-1];
        dot += d[i]*x[i];
        if (i < (n-1) ){
            dot += du[i]*x[i+1];
        if (i < (n-2) ){
            dot += dw[i]*x[i+2];
        float ri = b[i] - dot;
        r_nrminf = (r_nrminf > fabs(ri))? r_nrminf : fabs(ri);

    *r_nrminf_ptr = r_nrminf;

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t cusparseH = NULL;
    cublasHandle_t cublasH = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cublasStatus_t cublasStat = CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;

    const int n = 4;
    const int batchSize = 2;

 *      |  1    8   13   0  |       | 1 |       | -0.0592 |
 *  A1 =|  5    2    9  14  |, b1 = | 2 |, x1 = |  0.3428 |
 *      | 11    6    3  10  |       | 3 |       | -0.1295 |
 *      |  0   12    7   4  |       | 4 |       |  0.1982 |
 *      | 15   22   27   0  |       | 5 |       | -0.0012 |
 *  A2 =| 19   16   23  28  |, b2 = | 6 |, x2 = |  0.2792 |
 *      | 25   20   17  24  |       | 7 |       | -0.0416 |
 *      |  0   26   21  18  |       | 8 |       |  0.0898 |

 * A = (ds, dl, d, du, dw), B and X are in aggregate format
    const float ds[n * batchSize] = { 0, 0, 11, 12,  0,  0, 25, 26};
    const float dl[n * batchSize] = { 0, 5,  6,  7,  0, 19, 20, 21};
    const float  d[n * batchSize] = { 1, 2,  3,  4, 15, 16, 17, 18};
    const float du[n * batchSize] = { 8, 9, 10,  0, 22, 23, 24,  0};
    const float dw[n * batchSize] = {13,14,  0,  0, 27, 28,  0,  0};
    const float  B[n * batchSize] = { 1, 2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8};
    float X[n * batchSize]; /* Xj = Aj \ Bj */

/* device memory 
 * (d_ds0, d_dl0, d_d0, d_du0, d_dw0) is aggregate format
 * (d_ds, d_dl, d_d, d_du, d_dw) is interleaved format
    float *d_ds0 = NULL;
    float *d_dl0 = NULL;
    float *d_d0  = NULL;
    float *d_du0 = NULL;
    float *d_dw0 = NULL;
    float *d_ds  = NULL;
    float *d_dl  = NULL;
    float *d_d   = NULL;
    float *d_du  = NULL;
    float *d_dw  = NULL;
    float *d_B   = NULL;
    float *d_X   = NULL;

    size_t lworkInBytes = 0;
    char *d_work = NULL;

    const float h_one = 1;
    const float h_zero = 0;

    int algo = 0 ; /* QR factorization */

    printf("example of gpsv (interleaved format) \n");
    printf("n = %d, batchSize = %d\n", n, batchSize);

/* step 1: create cusparse/cublas handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&cusparseH);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(cusparseH, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cublasStat = cublasCreate(&cublasH);
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);
    cublasStat = cublasSetStream(cublasH, stream);
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);
/* step 2: allocate device memory */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_ds0 , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_dl0 , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_d0  , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_du0 , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_dw0 , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_ds  , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_dl  , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_d   , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_du  , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_dw  , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_B   , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_X   , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
/* step 3: prepare data in device, interleaved format */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_ds0, ds, sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_dl0, dl, sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_d0 , d , sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_du0, du, sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_dw0, dw, sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_B  ,  B, sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
   /* convert ds to interleaved format
    *  ds = transpose(ds0) */
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        batchSize, /* number of rows of ds */
        n,         /* number of columns of ds */
        d_ds0,  /* ds0 is n-by-batchSize */
        n, /* leading dimension of ds0 */
        n,         /* don't cae */
        d_ds,      /* ds is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize);  /* leading dimension of ds */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

   /* convert dl to interleaved format 
    *  dl = transpose(dl0)
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        batchSize, /* number of rows of dl */
        n,         /* number of columns of dl */
        d_dl0,  /* dl0 is n-by-batchSize */
        n, /* leading dimension of dl0 */
        n,         /* don't cae */
        d_dl,      /* dl is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize  /* leading dimension of dl */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

    /* convert d to interleaved format
     *  d = transpose(d0)
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        batchSize, /* number of rows of d */
        n,         /* number of columns of d */
        d_d0, /* d0 is n-by-batchSize */
        n, /* leading dimension of d0 */
        n,         /* don't cae */
        d_d,       /* d is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize  /* leading dimension of d */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

   /* convert du to interleaved format
     *  du = transpose(du0)
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        batchSize, /* number of rows of du */
        n,         /* number of columns of du */
        d_du0, /* du0 is n-by-batchSize */
        n, /* leading dimension of du0 */
        n,         /* don't cae */
        d_du,      /* du is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize  /* leading dimension of du */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

   /* convert dw to interleaved format
     *  dw = transpose(dw0)
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        batchSize, /* number of rows of dw */
        n,         /* number of columns of dw */
        d_dw0, /* dw0 is n-by-batchSize */
        n, /* leading dimension of dw0 */
        n,         /* don't cae */
        d_dw,      /* dw is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize  /* leading dimension of dw */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

    /* convert B to interleaved format
     *  X = transpose(B)
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        batchSize, /* number of rows of X */
        n,         /* number of columns of X */
        d_B, /* B is n-by-batchSize */
        n, /* leading dimension of B */
        n,         /* don't cae */
        d_X,       /* X is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize  /* leading dimension of X */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

/* step 4: prepare workspace */
    status = cusparseSgpsvInterleavedBatch_bufferSizeExt(
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("lworkInBytes = %lld \n", (long long)lworkInBytes);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work, lworkInBytes);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 5: solve Aj*xj = bj */
    status = cusparseSgpsvInterleavedBatch(
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 6: convert X back to aggregate format  */
    /* B = transpose(X) */
    cublasStat = cublasSgeam(
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transa */
        CUBLAS_OP_T, /* transb, don't care */
        n,         /* number of rows of B */
        batchSize, /* number of columns of B */
        d_X,       /* X is batchSize-by-n */
        batchSize, /* leading dimension of X */
        n, /* don't cae */
        d_B, /* B is n-by-batchSize */
        n  /* leading dimension of B */
    assert(CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS == cublasStat);

/* step 7: residual evaluation */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(X,  d_B, sizeof(float)*n*batchSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printf("==== x1 = inv(A1)*b1 \n");
    for(int j = 0 ; j < n; j++){
        printf("x1[%d] = %f\n", j, X[j]);

    float r1_nrminf;
    printf("|b1 - A1*x1| = %E\n", r1_nrminf);

    printf("\n==== x2 = inv(A2)*b2 \n");
    for(int j = 0 ; j < n; j++){
        printf("x2[%d] = %f\n", j, X[n+j]);

    float r2_nrminf;
        ds + n,
        dl + n,
        d + n,
        du + n,
        dw + n,
        B + n,
        X + n,
    printf("|b2 - A2*x2| = %E\n", r2_nrminf);

/* free resources */
    if (d_ds0       ) cudaFree(d_ds0);
    if (d_dl0       ) cudaFree(d_dl0);
    if (d_d0        ) cudaFree(d_d0);
    if (d_du0       ) cudaFree(d_du0);
    if (d_dw0       ) cudaFree(d_dw0);
    if (d_ds        ) cudaFree(d_ds);
    if (d_dl        ) cudaFree(d_dl);
    if (d_d         ) cudaFree(d_d);
    if (d_du        ) cudaFree(d_du);
    if (d_dw        ) cudaFree(d_dw);
    if (d_B         ) cudaFree(d_B);
    if (d_X         ) cudaFree(d_X);

    if (cusparseH   ) cusparseDestroy(cusparseH);
    if (cublasH     ) cublasDestroy(cublasH);
    if (stream      ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);


    return 0;

19. Appendix E: Examples of csrsm2

19.1. Forward Triangular Solver

This section provides a simple example in the C programming language of csrsm2.

The example solves a lower triangular system with 2 right hand side vectors.

 * How to compile (assume cuda is installed at /usr/local/cuda/)
 *   nvcc -c -I/usr/local/cuda/include csrms2.cpp 
 *   g++ -o csrm2 csrsm2.o -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcusparse -lcudart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cusparse.h>

/* compute | b - A*x|_inf */
void residaul_eval(
    int n,
    const cusparseMatDescr_t descrA,
    const float *csrVal,
    const int *csrRowPtr,
    const int *csrColInd,
    const float *b,
    const float *x,
    float *r_nrminf_ptr)
    const int base = (cusparseGetMatIndexBase(descrA) != CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE)? 0:1 ;
    const int lower = (CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER == cusparseGetMatFillMode(descrA))? 1:0;
    const int unit  = (CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT == cusparseGetMatDiagType(descrA))? 1:0;

    float r_nrminf = 0;
    for(int row = 0 ; row < n ; row++){
        const int start = csrRowPtr[row]   - base;
        const int end   = csrRowPtr[row+1] - base;
        float dot = 0;
        for(int colidx = start ; colidx < end; colidx++){
            const int col = csrColInd[colidx] - base;
            float Aij = csrVal[colidx];
            float xj  = x[col];
            if ( (row == col) && unit ){
                Aij = 1.0;
            int valid = (row >= col) && lower ||
                        (row <= col) && !lower ;
            if ( valid ){
                dot += Aij*xj;
        float ri = b[row] - dot;
        r_nrminf = (r_nrminf > fabs(ri))? r_nrminf : fabs(ri);
    *r_nrminf_ptr = r_nrminf;

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    cusparseHandle_t handle = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA = NULL;
    csrsm2Info_t info = NULL;

    cusparseStatus_t status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    const int nrhs = 2;
    const int n = 4;
    const int nnzA = 9;
    const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
    const float h_one = 1.0;
 *      |    1     0     2     -3  |
 *      |    0     4     0     0   |
 *  A = |    5     0     6     7   |
 *      |    0     8     0     9   |
 *  Regard A as a lower triangle matrix L with non-unit diagonal.
 *             | 1  5 |              | 1          5      |
 *  Given  B = | 2  6 |, X = L \ B = | 0.5       1.5     |
 *             | 3  7 |              | -0.3333   -3      |
 *             | 4  8 |              |  0        -0.4444 |
    const int csrRowPtrA[n+1] = { 1, 4, 5, 8, 10};
    const int csrColIndA[nnzA] = { 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4};
    const float csrValA[nnzA] = {1, 2, -3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
    const float B[n*nrhs] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
    float X[n*nrhs];

    int *d_csrRowPtrA = NULL;
    int *d_csrColIndA = NULL;
    float *d_csrValA = NULL;
    float *d_B = NULL;

    size_t lworkInBytes = 0;
    char *d_work = NULL;

    const int algo = 0; /* non-block version */

    printf("example of csrsm2 \n");

/* step 1: create cusparse handle, bind a stream */
    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusparseCreate(&handle);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseSetStream(handle, stream);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusparseCreateCsrsm2Info(&info);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of matrix A */
    status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
/* A is base-1*/

    cusparseSetMatType(descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
/* A is lower triangle */
    cusparseSetMatFillMode(descrA, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER);
/* A has non unit diagonal */
    cusparseSetMatDiagType(descrA, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrRowPtrA, sizeof(int)*(n+1) );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrColIndA, sizeof(int)*nnzA );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_csrValA   , sizeof(float)*nnzA );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_B         , sizeof(float)*n*nrhs );
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrRowPtrA, csrRowPtrA, sizeof(int)*(n+1), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrColIndA, csrColIndA, sizeof(int)*nnzA, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_csrValA   , csrValA   , sizeof(float)*nnzA, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_B         , B         , sizeof(float)*n*nrhs, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 3: query workspace */
    status = cusparseScsrsm2_bufferSizeExt(
        n,   /* ldb */
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("lworkInBytes  = %lld \n", (long long)lworkInBytes);
    if (NULL != d_work) { cudaFree(d_work); }
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work, lworkInBytes);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 4: analysis */
    status = cusparseScsrsm2_analysis(
        n,   /* ldb */
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 5: solve L * X = B */
    status = cusparseScsrsm2_solve(
        n,   /* ldb */
    assert(CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 6:measure residual B - A*X */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(X, d_B, sizeof(float)*n*nrhs, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    printf("==== x1 = inv(A)*b1 \n");
    for(int j = 0 ; j < n; j++){
        printf("x1[%d] = %f\n", j, X[j]);
    float r1_nrminf;
    printf("|b1 - A*x1| = %E\n", r1_nrminf);

    printf("==== x2 = inv(A)*b2 \n");
    for(int j = 0 ; j < n; j++){
        printf("x2[%d] = %f\n", j, X[n+j]);
    float r2_nrminf;
    printf("|b2 - A*x2| = %E\n", r2_nrminf);

/* free resources */
    if (d_csrRowPtrA  ) cudaFree(d_csrRowPtrA);
    if (d_csrColIndA  ) cudaFree(d_csrColIndA);
    if (d_csrValA     ) cudaFree(d_csrValA);
    if (d_B           ) cudaFree(d_B);

    if (handle        ) cusparseDestroy(handle);
    if (stream        ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (descrA        ) cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrA);
    if (info          ) cusparseDestroyCsrsm2Info(info);


    return 0;

Appendix F: Acknowledgements

NVIDIA would like to thank the following individuals and institutions for their contributions:

  • The cusparse<t>gtsv implementation is derived from a version developed by Li-Wen Chang from the University of Illinois.
  • the cusparse<t>gtsvInterleavedBatch adopts cuThomasBatch developed by Pedro Valero-Lara and Ivan Martínez-Pérez from Barcelona Supercomputing Center and BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence.

21. Bibliography

[1] N. Bell and M. Garland, “Implementing Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Throughput-Oriented Processors”, Supercomputing, 2009.

[2] R. Grimes, D. Kincaid, and D. Young, “ITPACK 2.0 User’s Guide”, Technical Report CNA-150, Center for Numerical Analysis, University of Texas, 1979.

[3] M. Naumov, “Incomplete-LU and Cholesky Preconditioned Iterative Methods Using cuSPARSE and cuBLAS”, Technical Report and White Paper, 2011.

[4] Pedro Valero-Lara, Ivan Martínez-Pérez, Raül Sirvent, Xavier Martorell, and Antonio J. Peña. NVIDIA GPUs Scalability to Solve Multiple (Batch) Tridiagonal Systems. Implementation of cuThomasBatch. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics - 12th International Conference (PPAM), 2017.




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