NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 11.2.0.*
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
oNPP Core Basic functions for library management, in particular library version and device property query functions
oNPP Type Definitions and Constants Definitions of types, structures, enumerations and constants available in the library
|\Basic NPP Data Types Definitions of basic types available in the library
oNPP Image Processing The set of image processing functions available in the library
|oArithmetic and Logical Operations These functions can be found in the nppial library
|oColor and Sampling Conversion Routines manipulating an image's color model and sampling format
|oData Exchange and Initialization Functions for initializing, copying and converting image data
|oFiltering Functions Linear and non-linear image filtering functions
|oGeometry Transforms Routines manipulating an image geometry
|oLinear Transforms Linear image transformations
|oMorphological Operations Morphological image operations
|oStatistical Operations Primitives for computing the statistical properties of an image
|oMemory Management Routines for allocating and deallocating pitched image storage
|\Threshold and Compare Operations Methods for pixel-wise threshold and compare operations
\NPP Signal Processing The set of signal processing functions available in the library
 oArithmetic and Logical Operations Functions that provide common arithmetic and logical operations
 oConversion Functions Functions that provide conversion and threshold operations
 oFiltering Functions Functions that provide functionality of generating output signal based on the input signal like signal integral, etc
 oInitialization Functions that provide functionality of initialization signal like: set, zero or copy other signal
 oStatistical Functions Functions that provide global signal statistics like: sum, mean, standard deviation, min, max, etc
 \Memory Management Functions that provide memory management functionality like malloc and free